Having done an internship with the dept of Labor, OSHA, in 1996, I can testify those working for OSHA were some of the laziest, and least bright people I have come into contact with during my working life.

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Hi Doctor McCoulough. Thank you for everything you are doing for patients and humanity.

Are you aware of the laws in place that allow the covid fraud to continue? Please review Katherine Watt's Bailiwick News Substack: https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/

Pfizer was not required, by law, to run a competent, meaningful clinical trial:


The DOD is running the show at the show. It can only be stopped, reference the immoral laws, by the HHS Secretary.

Thank you.

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yes sir it the DOD show, it has been for over a decade... Phizzzer and Big Pharma just doing their bidding...

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The US government offices of mis / dis-infomation:

DHS = Department of Homeland Stupidity.

Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) = Cyber-stupity and Inferior Security Agency

Time to rename these alphabet agencies for what they are.

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Dr. McC... Thanks for posting this. We have allowed our government to be taken over by malevolent and anti-Human forces. The rot is so broad and so deep, that I despair that this can be changed in the near future. This cancer on our nation has been growing, metastasizing, increasing in malignancy for decades - really kicked into high gear thanks to W and his handler, Cheney (and, relentlessly expanded under Obama, Trump, and Biden).

It was no accident that the main consultant for OUR DHS was Marcus Wolf (former head of the DDR's STASI)!

Just take a look at the DHS website (https://www.dhs.gov/) today and you will see the propaganda in full force... Ukrainian flags and virtue signalling in spades... Praising the Surveillance State.. Disgusting.

If you really want to see how the future will be, just go through a TSA checkpoint and experience being symbolically sodomized by our security state... Does anyone really think that they are "safer" with these monsters in control?

Why do we permit this?

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Your articles are so very important! Thank you!

P.S. Could you please break the text into paragraphs to enhance white space. As our eyes and brains age, short paragraphs help greatly. These articles on white space were helpful to me:



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Well said. 100% Agree.

We are in incredibly dangerous territory.

And no greater affront to freedom than the insistence that we accept only one version of health.

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Thank you for an extremely important article. Yes sir! BB is all in and all out now because they understand Nuremberg is in the offing.. if they don't win The better we understand Big Brothers Propaganda Machine and all its nuances the more effectively we can fight it.. a fight we are going to win...

Thank you for the work you do! I have admired your example for 3 yrs.. You are a True American hero...

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This Karen Toolkit is pathetic. It would be funny if there weren't so many Karens who are probably printing it as I type.

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I would say unbelievable but it isn't

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Sadly I worry that authorities have become corrupted and are now owned by drug makers. I fully expect Sen Johnson to get confessions out of these people. Private companies should never become agents for the government to bypass our right to speak.

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Failing up is real.

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