Als Amerikaner stimme ich dieser Analyse leider zu. Deutschland erholte sich vom Zweiten Weltkrieg und der Teilung Deutschlands und wurde zu einem leuchtenden Stern in Europa. Schon früh war Amerika ein starker Verbündeter Deutschlands. Wir müssen jedoch in der Gegenwart leben, nicht in der Vergangenheit, und ich würde argumentieren, dass die USA nicht länger wie ein Verbündeter agieren. Ich würde weiter argumentieren, dass Joe Biden zu einem Werkzeug der autoritären Globalisten geworden ist. Ich schäme mich, dass ich ihn gewählt habe: Er ist kein Zentrist, sondern ein radikaler Linkskommunist. Leider sind die USA kein wahrer Freund Deutschlands mehr, und Deutschland muss aufrecht stehen und sich nicht auf die Unterstützung der USA stützen, um Europa und der Welt willen.

Ich bin auch Berlinerin.

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Did you mean to send out this post in English, also?

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OK, I feel sorry for all you non-Deutsch speakers. . . Here you go:

"They make a desert and call it 'peace.'" —Calgacus on the Romans. My German is rusty, but I write and speak this message in the German language in the hope that it will reach as many Germans as possible. The U.S. government is ruining Germany. It was American policy in Syria that caused your refugee crisis in 2015. It was American scientists who created the SARS-CoV-2 virus. It was the American government's aggressive NATO expansion that ultimately led to Russia's violent response in Ukraine. It was a unit of the U.S. Navy that destroyed the Nordstrom pipeline and with it your cheap energy. I am a patriotic American. My grandfather fought against the German Wehrmacht in World War II. My great-uncle was killed in battle against the German army. I grew up with the understanding that American politics is good for Germany. No more. Your Chancellor Scholz should tell President Biden that it is no longer in Germany's interest to stick to American policy."

. . . well, somebody had to do it!

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Danke! Als Amerikanerin, die viele Jahre auch in Oesterreich gelebt habe, stimme ich zu. Oesterreich wurde von allen Besatzungstruppen in 1955 befreit und ist seitdem neutral (na ja, nicht immer ganz aber offiziell schon!) Die riesengrosse Friedensdemo am 25.2.23 in Berlin zeigt, dass das Volk Frieden in der Ukraine will und nicht noch mehr Waffen. Linksstehende deutsche Politiker Sahara Wagenknecht, Oskar Lafontaine und Sevim Dagdalen behaupten mit recht es wäre längst Zeit auch Deutschland von den US-Besatzungstruppen und Miliitaerbasen zu befreien.

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Ich stimme zu. Es gibt aber viele Amerikaner, die Deutschland immer noch liebt. Wie in Nazi-Deutschland so ist die Amerikanischeregierung von Verräter übernommen. Gott segne uns!

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Lieber Herr Leake, lieber Dr. McCullough,

alle Beziehungen in der Welt gehen in beiden Richtungen. Wir lieben die Amerikaner wie Sie mit Ehrlichkeit und Gerechtigkeit im Herz. Seien Sie bitte nicht so pessimistisch, da wir Deutschen haben den USA genau so "Tod" gemacht. Woher glauben Sie kommt die gesamte CRT Lehre, Harvard-Business-School-Typ Mechanischen/Effizienz Denkweise in Sozialwissenschaften? Woher kommt Kommunismus? Woher kommt so viele über-verängstigten / traumatisierten jüdischen Leuten?...

Ihr Deutsch ist so hervorragend, und wir können uns miteinander gut verstehen, vernetzen und vergeben. Alles wird gut. Danke für Ihren Worten.

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Du bist ein Berliner! Danke.

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Vielen Dank für Ihre klare Botschaft und Diagnose. Wie kann Amerika zum Guten zurückkehren?

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Thank you John Leake for this clear message. I have sent it to all my friends in Germany since I agree with it completely. It is shameful what our country has done to former allies and everyone else in the world economy.

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Apr 15, 2023·edited Apr 15, 2023

“It was American policy in Syria that caused your refugee crisis in 2015.” That is an astounding assertion not based upon fact or reason. Whose unnecessary bombs fell upon Syria causing well over 5 million human beings to flee those bombs as refugees? Russian planes dropped Russian bombs. Now the very same carpet bombing, civilian clearing techniques are being deployed in Ukraine.

Blaming Putin’s violent, genocidal invasion of Ukraine on NATO is absurd. If Putin has existential angst, he should look to his own misguided policies which have turned Russia into a corrupt, backward gulag in terminal demographic decline.

"Destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline took away cheap German energy." No, the Germans themselves have taken away their cheap German energy. They shut down their nuclear power plants, refused to develop their own natural gas fields, spent billions trying to develop solar power in one of the worst places in the world to do so and unwisely decided to depend upon one of the most brutal, ransom prone dictators on the planet (Putin) for their natural gas. This was a suicidal plan driven by believing the delusion that rising CO2 levels will change the global climate – CO2 levels are a lagging not a leading factor. Had the US not heroically directed LNG cargoes to Germany this winter, the country would have been in a very serious energy deficit indeed. Finally - the parties responsible for blowing up the Nord Stream pipelines have not yet been credibly identified. Shame on you for asserting otherwise!

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Gerade jetzt bin ich eine Subscriberin geworden….weil Sie auf Deutsch geschrieben haben. Habe für eine Weile nachgedacht, um ob ich abonnieren soll. Ich habe auch bemerkt, dass die Amerikanische Politik beeinflusst Deutsche Politik, auf negative Art. Es macht mich immer traurig, wenn ich das sehe.

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Spreckin Ze Duetz? Good to see our German friends in the fight

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Apr 15, 2023·edited Apr 15, 2023

About North Stream / It is very likely that the charges were already deployed during BALTOPS' annual multi-national exercise in the Baltic Sea, long before the explosions . On the night of the blast, Norwegian P3 Orion from Andöja A/B, passed into the southern Baltic Sea (extremely unusual behavior) the ability to release radio buoys for either sound or longwave triggering of the charges. In near real time, a US Forces Boeing 737 also flies over the sabotage area.

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Dr. McCullough raises some valid concerns, but as an American with German ancestry I think his conclusion represents over simplification. It seems to me that all nations in the free world are facing deep and entrenched threats to their freedoms, both from within and without.

This does not seem like a good time to discourage old alliances. The same US administration that seems to have been working against the interests of the German people seems also to be working against Americans. This was illustrated by the arrest of some who participated in a federally infiltrated and encouraged protest against certification of what many feared was a compromised election, followed by unprecedented years of imprisonment for some without trial while exculpatory evidence was withheld.

There has been censorship in the US of free speech in violation of the nation’s founding principles, promotion of divisive distractions regarding race, and promotion of what would only a few years ago been recognized as wicked behavior. In response to a pandemic caused by a virus likely coming from a lab that it seems was illegally funded through NIH in a Chinese lab, an experimental gene therapy that is proving t have risks of its own was mandated for many and encouraged for all, including those at very low risk. Attempts were made to silence those who tried to point out other effective treatment approaches.

There has been weakening of our military which is now understaffed, sudden abandonment of allies and munitions in Afghanistan and continued US disarmament through munitions being sent to Ukraine for a predictable conflict there that could have been avoided through negotiation and self-determination of the population. Energy independence for the US was abandoned, and the US strategic oil reserve has been depleted. Federal overspending has skyrocketed as if to deliberately create inflation and weaken our nation. Food plants mysteriously explode at an unusual rate.

Meanwhile China rapidly develops cheap and reliable energy, builds formidable offensive capability, forms alliances, and trains school children how to use weapons.

Americans on the other hand are being bombarded with climate alarmism, attempts to incite racial discord, gender and pronoun confusion, and obvious untruths. Distractions and distortions via most media has been successful in keeping many unaware.

In the face of open borders, rising crime and the greatest risk of invasion the US has seen since the revolutionary war, concerted efforts are being made by some to incite chaos by defunding police, promoting conflict, releasing criminals, and disarming law-abiding citizens.

The free world seems to be facing a move by globalist influencers to weaken the west, break down borders and destroy national identities, probably to make imposition of one world control easier.

There are still trustworthy people in the US, but they are not currently the ones in control. Germany, as well as other nations who wish to remain self-governing, would be well advised to contribute heavily and primarily to their own defense since the US currently has been acting as if it is too severely compromised at the top and with too many problems of its own to be able to enforce world peace.

In the face of potential looming global catastrophe, we would do well to get priorities straight, seek and support truth and turn to God to whom we owe life for help.

This does not look like a time to offend or put off allies - it increasingly seems we may soon all need all the help we can get.

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Ich habe es meinen deutschen Freunden geschickt. (ok, es sind nur zwei...)

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I used to be able to read German-- about 50 years ago im Hochschule. Ich verstehe nur eine bisschen von diesen. Meine vohterversichness(sp) ist sehr kleine diesen tagen. Herr Schreiber

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