I have a house on Long Beach Island and my husband's family has owned there for approximately 63 years. I started going down in the 1970's and I can tell you that perhaps we had ONE whale death that I was aware of in all of the 52 years I've been going down. I could care less about my view but I am VERY concerned with the deaths of the marine life and worried about the livelihoods of the fisherman who have sailed these waters for generations. This is a tragedy and a disgrace and nothing says, "elections have consequences" more than this. It is our obligation to save our oceans and God's creatures who live there. These green energy people have no compassion and in many respects are ignorant of what their attempts to save the Earth cause. Read Red Cobalt - about the slave labor used to mine cobalt for those electric cars and cell phones - their ignorance and lack of understanding of the consequence of their actions is staggering. We will fight because once done, there is no going back. My only concern about RFK is that I hear he is for the wind turbines.

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And gun control! I'm not voting a demon-rat in period! They'll cheat anyway. It's hard enough voting RINO's out I'm not putting my efforts in their piss ignorant party. Not to mention he's a Kennedy. Enough said! It'd be as dumb as voting in another Bush!

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Have to tell you that RFK is not anti-gun - he grew up hunting and does falconing - I understand your concerns - but I am for medical freedom - I have a vaccine injured daughter whose son also had a neurological reaction to the HIB shot - so I want my family to have the freedom to decide on that score and unfortunately Pres Trump had called RFK in for a vaccine safety commission and then for some reason changed his mind. So I think all of us will have to weigh a lot of things come the 2024 presidential and I'd like RFK to answer about these turbines - same for Trump and the vaccine issue. There are many who blame Trump for the vax and for mandates but I understand the vicious attacks and hate he was subjected to and let's not forget the idiot Cuomo who received an Emmy for his lies. Dr. McCullough and John say Trump ordered a huge supply of HCQ be sent to NYC - but one of his traitorous staff ordered it could not be used except in the hospital - by then it was too late as it had already entered the lungs. Lots to think about and lots to fight for.

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In all honesty, Trump was a non medical person caught between a rock and a hard place before an election. People who complain that he fast forwarded the injection completely forget this and the backlash he would have faced if he stood in Fauci's way. Fauci and others created the pandemic and were already working on the injection before it hit. They created enough fear in this country that if Trump said one skeptical word, he would have been in serious trouble. Those same people who complain about Trump also forget that he sent a naval ship to NYC and to LA. Not to mention PPE and ventilators. Gov. Newsom used to call him regularly about the crisis and told the "ladies" (I'm being polite) on The View that he had to admit Trump always took his calls and always helped him. The "ladies" were not happy with that response. The ships were barely used. Newsom returned ventilators and Trump sent them to foreign countries that needed them.

So, I want you to remember all of what happened at that point in time before you attack him on vaccines which he knew nothing about.

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Trump utterly failed on the COVID response. Vaccines AND lockdowns. The vaccine scam was simple to see through, their elimination of any treatments in order to clear the way for the jabs was murder, and any fool could see exactly what was going on. Same with lockdowns. Trump attacked Kemp, Noem, and DeSantis for opening too soon. To this day he cheers on the jabs. He was the best president in my lifetime until COVID, when he did everything wrong. There were tons of people who knew better. Heck, my wife and I saw through it ALL by March 2020, as did millions. He listened to and empowered the monsters, and sidelined all those who could have saved us. He surrounded himself with swamp creatures, never learned in four years, still hasn't. I'd vote for anyone except a RINO or typical democrat over Trump.

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Jun 28, 2023
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All dead on. "like Trump, the biggest self-promoter in history, aside from every other President before him" is akin to what I think about him. I'm pretty old, and he's the best president in my lifetime, including Reagan, until his COVID fail. Not because he was that good, the others were that bad.

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How did millions of us know in early 2020 the response was a scam, and before the jabs came out they were also a scam? Because we aren't fools, the whole thing was friggin' obvious. Why do we want a fool for a president? DeSantis and RFK Jr are way, way smarter than Trump, and are right on enough issues to suit me, a lifelong NRA member. Trump is the one who destroyed everything. He could have listened to virtually any unbiased expert and gotten good advice. He was so stupid he listened to swamp creatures and industry insiders. And believed them! How naive is that? Trump apologists disgust me.

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I completely understand vaxxed injured. However, all were warned day one before fascistbook started censoring. Many got it regardless and still are. Man I hate that so bad and it kills me, but ALOT of us tried before they ever came out. So unfortunately the vaccines are least of my worries. I wish I could fix vaccine family injuries for both of us because I would in a heart beat! Sadly between chemtrails, preservatives, etc in our foods...they'll get us anyway. We need to keep our guns and secure elections! That's the only way any of this will have a chance of being corrected. Along with putting God first. Just my opinion. Prayers for you and your family.

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My wife has a theory that Hillary Clinton was supposed to win in 2016 by tinkering with the voting machines but accidentally lost. The democrats did better at cheating in 2020

and got a brain dead president in. They will do it again in 2024 unless the country comes to it senses and just says no to electronic voting. Paper ballots are needed as back up in case a recount is needed.

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Of course she was going to cheat. It was her who funded the "Russian Collusion" diatribe. I remember the day after an election, as a child in Chicago seeing the pictures of ballot boxes thrown in alleys in certain neighborhoods on the front page of the paper. That was Daley's Chicago and it has not changed.

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I read same theory. They were trying to cheat, but didn't anticipate the AMOUNT of votes Trump would get and failed due to overload. Thus hence need for mules in 2020. If you two haven't watched 2000 Mules I HIGHLY recommend it! Anyone who sees that movie and STILL refutes 2020 election was stolen wouldn't believe the sky is blue either!

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Oh yeah. A war by end of 2024 .. war is good for the economy stupid... and then Cybergon (Internet shutdown) leading to CBDC... and total slavery beginning. Then the wealth tax which will impoverish any middle class less than 10mil ... yeps it is coming fast. Get out of UsA if you can, find a place to invest where you really own your land... hunker in and down and hope you are too small to be noticed for a long time... We may be seeing the return of the Lord by then...

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No one is going to take American's guns away. No one is that stupid. Imagine if they even tried!

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I sure hope you're correct, but watching people during this scamdemic ALL faith was lost in humanity! However, Bible says DO NOT PUT YOUR TRUST IN MAN!

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When we all are able to identify our real enemy, we will join together despite political affiliations or current misconceptions.

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VERY WELL SAID!!! Deep state, unfortunately conservative news also, does a fantastic job at keeping us all at each other's throats! Bouncing from one BOMBSHELL to the next without truly ever fixing anything! If we stayed on one topic long enough we'd fixed alot more! Starbucks would have been shut down a LONG time ago along with Target! Disney would definitely been old news! But nope...they pitch a little fit and cuss strangers out on social media...pat themselves on the back and head out for their overly expensive, not great coffee at the local Tarjay...as they call it! While doing 75 down the road in their $70,000 suv's texting with their kids in the back watching their iPads or cell phones. More worried about being able to pop their boobs out in public wherever they choose because a baby shouldn't have to nurse under a blanket in 90 degree heat! (Never considering that baby shouldn't really be out in 90 degree heat!!!) 🥴😒 The high school to early 30's is the group that screams about their beliefs, but will eat you alive on social media for yours screaming...YOU DO YOU! What they really mean is I got out argued so I'm picking up my ball and going home! Miss ZERO a out fascistbook! Left Nov '20! But yes if we don't get back to the Bible and back to being more worried about what God says everything else is a bust. When gays, lesbians, and trans get a whole month to prance around in the streets half nude chanting we are coming for your children and Christians do nothing I think it's pretty safe to say us all coming together is not going to happen.

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“These green energy people have no compassion and in many respects are ignorant...”

And profoundly arrogant!

These people (Pelosi, AOC, Kerry, Schumer, Brennan, Cortez, Fauci, Hotez, Obama, Dimon, Harari, Clinton, Winfrey, House of Windsor, et al...) simply do not care. Ideas are just so much more important than people or nature. Witness the honest truth of applied malignant “progressivism”. The same Calvinist-like disdain they have for those who would disagree is exhibited with smug dismissal if not outright hostility. Sociopathy.

We’ve seen this movie repeated throughout history on different planes and on different fields.

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Stella great words to describe this crew - I agree - and it's very sad - like a tsunami - let's hope things start to turn around and that bum Murphy - I hear he's got an estate in Italy - so the gov. of New Jersey doesn't even have a house on the Jersey Shore.

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I love that Dr. Peter M. is writing articles about the psycho Democrat Demons and how they are destroying America. He is a courageous and virtuous man to put himself in harm’s way by speaking the truth.

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Sorry to nitpick, but Dr. McC sticks primarily to medical topics, while his substack co-writer, John Leake, covers a wider range of topics. This stack was written by Leake, along with many other stacks on a range of topics. I think it's a great approach, and we, the audience, reap the benefits!

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Like the millions of tons of masks throw into the sea by so many people screaming about my plastic straw.

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I have been opposing green lunacy for nigh on 50 years now, earning my spurs dismantling the Peak Oil nonsense (remember that? Greens said in 1970 we had to move off hydrocarbons fast as possible because we had already passed the point where new discoveries of oil could possibly replace what we were using: WE WERE RUNNING OUT was the claim. FACT: every year since, we uncovered more than we could ever use). In all that time, I've never experienced rational, facts-based arguments from the Greens. They don't need real facts because they invent whatver they need to support their religion. I realized our case was hopeless when I saw ranged against us was the Inventor of the Internet himself... none other than his Holiness The Al Gore. Surely one of the greatest hypocrites ever to slouch across the stage, with his multiple houses, heated swimming pools, private jets and sickly grin. Exactly the guy to listen to as to why YOU are to blame and YOU need to be banned from using your water heater and be forced to eat your tofu burgers. Rational arguments do not work with these cultists. It doesn't matter to them that 'climate change' is not a thing. that it doesn't exist, there is no unusual warming trend. To them it's a useful tool to further their agenda of controlling the population and redirecting our hard-earned money and assets into their bank accounts.

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How can we let this happen? Is there no way for sanity to take over?

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The “Climate Change Cult” is destroying more natural environment then it will save. The Summit Carbon Solutions pipeline project is another example. It will turn North Dakota into a toxic wasteland. It needs to be stopped. They are trying to protect private investors. It is a private company that is a money and land grab.

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This makes me weep.

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The previously pristine prairies of ND are now littered with these turbines as far as the eye can see. I hate them. And it’s all about the subsidies that appeal to landowners, who are paid with tax dollars, to have the monstrous behemoths placed on their land.

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It's all a lie. God help us.

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It's is expanding dramatically. What they did have in mind for 2030 has been pushed up to 2025.

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I just wrote to technical at weather underground asking if the north prevailing winds were an anomaly because I checked the history on June 28th every year and we never have North prevailing winds except half a day. Around Toronto area. We usually have south winds this time of year. We are having constant North winds. Very thick with smoke from man made arson fires.

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I cannot bear it. We've known this and the vibrations/noise has NEVER BEEN STUDIES UNDERWATER>>>HOW DO WE STOP THIS?

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This is stated on the Department of Energy website.

"Nuclear Power is the Most Reliable Energy Source and It's Not Even Close"

very short one page synopsis why it is


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small pocket size reactors to power things... that's the way to go...

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This is another sickening outcome from Biden’s brazen assault on all that’s good.

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Thank you very much for promoting this issue! The Jersey shore area has always been my home.

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"inflicting grave harm on whales and dolphins, who desperately flee from the maddening noise. Some dive to perilous depths; others run to the shoreline and beach themselves, suffering cruel and painful deaths." These wind turbines effectively are the Abortion of the living on land and sea - invading the sanctum, murdering the helpless. It's revolting and horrific.

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