I would say you're going too far with calling it lewd and vulger. It's just a childish skit and it's kind of funny. No harm done to anybody. Bravo Sharon S.

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I have zero respect for the sniveling apologists. It only weakens the person doing the apologizing, and strengthens the mob. it's precisely the wrong thing to do. The honest truth is, Dana Carvey did absolutely nothing wrong. Far better to give them a figurative middle finger. Otherwise, you're going to find yourself in a kind of apology Hell wherein the demands for further apologies never cease. The 'virtuous" mob will feast on your liver until there's nothing left. Apologize? I don't think so.

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Nice article and timely. The problem with the modern world is that it is not an authentic compassion for others they are bludgeoning others with, it is an excuse to attack. It all reminds me of a prayer by a persecuted nun in the sixteen hundreds, "Lord protect me from those that would hide their malace behind a mask of virtue"

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Comedy isn't an endorsement of anything. It is simply a means to point out absurdities, contradictions, the dark and light side of human nature, tragedy and farce.

Anyone who thinks comedy needs to be sensitive clearly believes that comedy IS an endorsement of something.

But that's not comedy. That's just an opinion or propaganda.

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Haha ..reminds me of the brilliant work of Robert Deniro and his opening skit featuring a 'terrorist watch list of names'... mostly sent in by college students...is SO FUNNY! Grabir Boobie, Ashet Mydroors, Hyda Salami, Uliq Mydick, Uwanna Mydick. I'm sure screw tube has banned that one years ago! 😂

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I don't know if any creative types will read this but let me offer something of further consideration in terms of Hollywood, shame and how I think it is even worse than the back-room depravity among adults (I'm excluding the exploitation of children because there is nothing worse than that).

If you've ever watched a film with someone who isn't particularly aware of the different layers astute and talented filmmakers such as Kubrick or even Vince Gilligan of Breaking Bad / Better Call Saul fame put into their work, and then you discuss it with them, if they have any appreciation of art at all they usually light up and immediately understand just why they were maybe more moved by the sounds, dialog an images than watching, say, some formulaic, low-effort, straight-to-DVD B movie. They start to understand the power of symbols to convey deeper meaning, the power of color palettes to impact mood and the power of certain turns of phrase or facial expressions to bring the viewer in line with the artist's message.

What Hollywood has not only allowed to happen but willfully participated in is a systematic capture of its entire cast of characters from the caterer to the electricians to the set designers to the writers to the actors and directors for the sole purpose of using the power and majesty of the art to create deranged propaganda against its own workers, viewers and citizens. It has allowed itself to be gang-raped and impregnated by absolute demons such that the offspring is now eating its parents, free-expression and beauty. Imagine what the following generation of these demon spawns will produce as they inbreed even more with the remaining mentally-ill degenerates.

That's their true shame. They've raped and murdered their own art.

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She nailed it John...nothing is normal anymore...NOTHING. Relationships from middle school to long-term marriages, comedy, the ability to laugh at each other even over stereotypes that do exist based on some hilarious truths.. It's now just a gross abnormal world and my heart aches for my kids growing up in it.

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I have never watched the communist night time shows. I was done after Johnny left the scene.

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Sharon was just employing her born good looks to make a living. (notice i did not say decent living)

SNL was designed for late night laughter and riding the waves of being fined by FTC or ??

SNL was very good at ripping the political theater skits to a new standards back then. Good on em

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SNL is the television program that has done more damage to comedy than any other in the history of the medium. Infantile, spiteful, talentless — all the qualities that define the Generation of ‘68.

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Shame maybe.

More likely the 'E' in DEI.

Equity plays a role here. Equity is the within the first volley of re distribution of wealth and ownership.

How am I going to get you to give up your control of your:

earnings(money you earned is actually leased)

Stake holder ownership of your geo political wealth, lets say "water" "minerals" "your ethics,Huh?)"

a few examples.

THEY know you will never give up wealth,,, unless I force society to excise if you don't, how.

You achieved your wealth unfairly, by the abuse of your 4th removed grandparents did you acquire this ill gotten gain. Time to give it us so we can distribute it fairly.

Mineral wealth doesn't belong to the members of the geo political demarced(?), it was unfairly stolen from those that were here before. You have profited from the ill gotten gains of your 4th removed. Give it to us we will distribute it fairly.

They will never get you give up your, human right to water.

Without first making you:

unsure of yourself, am I really a thief, were my forefathers abusers, did the world really live in Pandora(not sure about that reference) before we came along.

Has everything I worked for and the life I thought was honourable been built on stolen property and suffering.

If i give it to you great corporation of profit driven "Equity" can you make me right again.

I could go on and on, Equity = shame, the question is shame on who.

IVERMECTIN/Hydroxy work. Who knew,When did they know,Who suppressed it.

Accountability Now,Now,Now


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My fav Dana Carvey bit on SNL was Ching Chang, the asian man who sold chickens! Hilarious!

In the 80’s we knew who WE were, and we knew how to take a joke. GEEZ. I wish it was as easy as saying “everybody lighten up!” but the problem is deeper, unfortunately.

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Amen to that! Shame is a killer. The more we can let go of burdensome shame, the much better off (and more joyful!) we are. (See Dr. Breggin’s terrific book “Guilt, Shame, and Anxiety: Overcoming Negative Emotions”.)

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If I'm not mistaken, Dana Carvey has also been making fun of Biden and the bogus Covid narrative. One wonders how much THAT has to do with digging up a skit from 30 years ago.

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Different times, different social standards. I understand that. Just as different countries have different social standards. The key is respecting other people's needs and not trampling on them. 9 out of 10 people you meet on the street you wouldn't want as a friend but they too have friends so don't force your own morals to other people, just respect the differences and move along.

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I often wonder what Weinstein and Epstein did in order to get thrown out of the clique? Since they are serial psychopaths, it couldn't be worse behavior. These guys operated for decades, and everybody knew. More than likely they threatened to come clean and expose the cabal. A message needed to be sent that no one is safe. But the leaks keep coming, they cant stop it.

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