Dear Substack Readers, many have asked me why "someone just didn't bring a couple of gallons of gas?" Neither the OK Highway Patrol or any of the nearby stations would agree to deliver a couple of gallons of gas to my vehicle. The ONLY option offered to me was to call wrecker, which was NOT in the business of delivering gas. As one might imagine, I requested the gas delivery option, but alas, no one would fulfill my request, and I was 200 miles from my home in Dallas. Thanks for reading! John Leake

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Oddly enough, often times when you run todays car/truck totally out of gas the fuel pump that is housed within the fuel tank can be damaged from running it dry. This aspect about pouring one or two gals of gas in the tank often is not enough to inspire the fuel pressure system to reboot/reset and send gas to the fuel rail intake system. Do not run gas tanks dry.

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Great post! But I would also recommend purchasing AAA Roadside Service!

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The box stores have "Truefuel" and similar products with a gallon of gas alcohol free for such emergencies or for small engines. Also there's a product designed to last when cars run out of gas.

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I am a retired cop w/30 years and now serving as a Director of Security for a private business. Some of my staff are armed and some are not. The armed staff are chosen by me. In making the decision of who is armed I look at experience and maturity, therefore I will not put my reputation on the line for a young person with no experience with a firearm, but I will for a young person with firearm training and experience.

I have been asked why do I look at age. Well simple.....it is the totality of a person. Age AND experience together matters!

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I think about my likely response should I every be confronted by a perp with a weapon or possible weapon (ie concealed suspicious object). I think my older age now makes me more likely to wait for a sign of their intentions rather than just start firing. (See the Clint Eastwood movie Grand Torino).

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Imagine a young cop that has played video games for hours confronted with that scenario....

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I've read that there is a dilemma in selecting pilots. Younger pilots react more quickly, but are more often wrong. Older pilots are slower, but more often right.

Which one is best for the job depends largely on how much time there is to make a decision.

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And gut instinct.

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Good ole meritocracy, great idea!

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That idea that people can't be inspired by anyone who doesn't look like them is typical of the tribalist thinking produced by modern culture and education. I'm a 60 year-old white woman. My heroes when I was very young were animal characters in novels and later they were white guys, but my career choice (airline pilot) had nothing to do with any of them, much less what they looked like. I started flying in 1987, and if I'd sat around waiting to be inspired by a pilot with boobs I'd still be waiting, because women make up fewer than 10% of airline pilots now, and it was less back then. Virtues are what make people inspirational, not whether or not they have breasts. Integrity, honesty, rationality, bravery, hard work, consistency, and determination aren't specific to a sex or a race. What kind of concrete-bound idiot claims he's not adequately inspired to become an astronaut because none of the existing astronauts have the same hair texture that he does? And I hate to break it to the sneering, self-hating castrati, but from Greece to the American Founders, white guys built Western civilization. If humanity's progress had been up to women we wouldn't even be at the flint-knapping stage.

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I agree with you wholeheartedly! I was the 5th female hired in my PD in 1986. I had the desire and drive to wear the uniform not because I am female but because I wanted to make a difference in my community!

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Exactly. In my new hire class of 20 I was the only woman. I wanted to be a pilot because I wanted to make a lot of money and not work very hard. Turns out that for years you work your ass off for no money, but that's not the point. The most successful people self-generate goals without being inspired into it.

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Fellow female here (amazing, I'm not even a biologist yet I know this!): I love everything you wrote. But I would modify one line:

You wrote that this was "typical of the tribalist thinking produced by modern culture and education." I think it's important to identify more precisely: This is typical of the tribalist thinking produced by the Neo-Marxists. One needs to clearly identify the enemy in order to defeat them. "Tribalism" is a technique of the Dialectic. Oppressor vs Oppressed. Violent engagement whose purpose is to create chaos & nihilistic destruction. There is a method to their madness.

As for the CEO who ingested & regurgitated this Neo-Marxist garbage to the point that he allowed it to take his OWN life -- such as these are the intentionally deluded & groomed cannon fodder Lenin brilliantly but malevolently identified as "the Useful Idiots".

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Agreed. Tribalism pre-dates Marxism, though; it's been the norm throughout human history. Marxists today cash in and rely on the anti-conceptual mentality that embraces tribalism in all its forms.

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Yep. I'm parsing the details only because so many people today KNOW something is terribly wrong, but do not have the tools to identify what it is and cannot, thus, effectively fight it. Tribalism is endemic to human nature and, as you point out, all of human history. And it is not inherently evil; in fact is has been a culturally selected survival mechanism for people living at subsistence level for millennia. I think of that as a survival advantage in the same way that a cat (without reference to morality or ethics) instinctively defends its territory.

The end-game of tribalist rivalries across human history has not been chaos & nihilistic destruction. The revolutionary / Hegelian / Marxist (yada yada yada. . . ) brilliance has been to HARNESS tribalism -- to systemize & weaponize it -- to CREATE the chaos & nihilistic destruction which allows the Neo-Marxists (never the warring tribes) to attain totalitarian power.

That IS immoral & unethical & evil. But I've already called them Neo-Marxists, so I'm being redundant!

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Oh you get huge points for the apropos use of "castrati".

Thanks for providing the long searched for replacement term, for "soy boys".

Aside from that, great comment.

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Amen Sister Fage 132

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Your last sent has me chuckling!! Thanks!😊❤️🙏

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I now can't remember who said this, but, begging to differ for a moment: "the ability to urinate from a distance does not necessarily lead to the prerogative of founding civilization" lol. On the other hand, the IQ outliers (treading into taboo territory) are all men at the top, AND at the bottom. I'm a fan of men and masculinity, and of all the virtues you list, but one could also argue, speculatively, that if women hadn't been burnt by mostly male religious zealots for centuries, for ostensible witchcraft, or had male sexuality and emotion projected on them and then dismissed as lesser, etc etc., who knows where civilization might be right now instead of in this left brain fragmented essentialist technology-obsessed descent. But that's speculative, not bitter, and you are right, the magisterial backbone of the West is and has been constructed by brilliant men, and the embodied, skilled, common sense driven masculine men, like the Canadian Truckers, undergird what is left of our tattered West. So actuallly I agree completely with you lol.

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I just meant that in sweeping generalization terms, men were the ones who thought that lassoing cave bears and trying to ride them was a good idea, and women were the ones who said, "You're out of your mind" and went mate-shopping for replacements. Standing up to pee doesn't give guys the right to do anything, of course, but the nature of many of them (the ones people remember) is to be adventurous and innovative. I'm not saying that a woman *couldn't* have invented the steam engine, but that almost no women are so fascinated by what goes into the inventing of it that they'd have even tried. There's overlap and there's a spectrum, of course, but to me what makes men as a group interesting is that they're different to the point of seeming to be off-worlders. Sometimes it's charming. Sometimes it's repulsive. But it's usually interesting.

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Great comment in a fascinating comment thread, but I think it’s important not to assume that the atrocities committed by “mostly white men” over the millennia would not be committed by other groups, despite sex or ethnicity, were they the ones in charge. If you look around the world and examine history, that is pretty obvious. African tribes were never known for their kindness to one another, nor were Indian tribes. “Bloody Mary”, eg., got her nickname for a reason—one could go on. But that’s a quibble. You all are interesting and impressive “commenters.”

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I served as a nuclear-trained submarine officer in the US Navy for 6 years and have been working in Aviation for the last 17 years. Today's submarine are much more complicated [and dangerous] than most if not all aircraft. The risks and associated management of them are very different than in the Aviation sector. In fact, I'll state unequivocally that a nuclear powered submarine is as complicated if not more so than the former space shuttle or the space ships of today. Very high pressure air, oil, and steam systems systems packed into a steel tube along with a nuclear reactor takes a lot of vigilance, training, and discipline to operate. There are also high explosives, radars, electronic control, and sonar systems inside. Lots of high energy systems operating by and along side about 120 crew members for months at a time. Safety is only guaranteed when the crew is composed of competent and mentally stable people; there is little room for error.

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I don't know how you guys do it.

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So, 23 years ago, any recollection of the LEVEL of diversity on board? Anything like. . .

-- 12.3% black

-- 75% white

-- 12.5% hispanic

-- 3.6% asian

?? That is, in line with 2000 American demographics

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True dat...the risk is high. But an aircraft carrier with 5000 aboard has that dam flight deck.

Guys get blown down the runway and off their feet way too many times on missions and practice area training sessions. Often their sight is obscured or the winds blowing and the constant rising and falling of the entire ship on the ocean does dizzying stuff to crew.

The Nimitz class can hurl 4 jets almost at the exact same moment from it's steam powered Aircraft catapult systems. The blast from 4 planes in such a narrow surface on deck is enough to send just about anything right off the deck and hopefully the side rail catcher.

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Then, all that while also doing an UNREP - two ships steaming side by side, 90 feet apart at 12 to 16 knots knots, while transferring AVGas, high explosives and even nukes...and an AVGas hose saddle pops a leak!

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Funny you would mentions that. Two weeks ago at a gas station i watched as a middle aged man ran his credit card to fuel his brand new Chevy blazer. Then jump in the rig and drive away with nozzle still tight in it's hole. He Stretched the heavy duty hose till the emergency coupler broke near the top side above the pump. And in doing so it cracked like a whip to smash the back side of his blazer while still driving another20 ft before he realized just what the hell happened! Got out of blazer, removed the handle from the hole and dropped it down and slowly drove away. No fire is possible "because" of such a quick safety shut down.

Funny as hell to witness stupidity of the asleep at the pump and wheel motorist. Beware!

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Only a Navy JEDI, would have witnessed such a risky but fabulous operation underweigh!

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Not sure about Jedi status, but I did, around 1980 or so, while on the signal bridge of the ammunition/oiler that I was on. There was a significant pucker factor, at least on my part, not to mention an emergency break-away.

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Your paygrade determines how close you may be positioned to the absolute threat of harm

Take the compliment. You're Jedi. The oceans unknowns are closer to outer space as such

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Very true, It's difficult find a more dangerous place than on the deck of an aircraft carrier during flight ops. The flight deck is manned by young, resilient, and courageous individuals, mostly 19 or 20 yrs old. Flight ops happen most often in hot or tropical climates and heat-stroke is a big concern - think Arabian sea or the Persian gulf. The deck crew wear colored t-shirts to discriminate their duties - fuel, ordinance, maintenance, etc... . They are affectionately called "Skittles" by the rest of the crew. I've seen them take breaks (about every 20min) in the air-conditioned spaces during flight ops. They lie flat on the deck to get as much cooling to their body as possible. My hat goes off to all of those young and courageous people. I could never have done that job even when I was young. They are truly the motor that runs the flight deck.

Again, my point is that the pilot in the cockpit gets the glory and has little insight on what it really takes to allow him the privilege of launching his aircraft. The skittles that fuel, arm, and repair their aircraft, the ship-driver that keeps the ship pointing into the wind, the engineers below-deck that operate the nuclear reactor that provides not only the propulsion, but the steam to launch the aircraft.

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"pilot in the cockpit gets the glory and has little insight" - Nearly all the naval aviators I met hanging around a USAF O'Club stag bar were more than aware of the crews that allowed them to fly. If anything the Navy has a much harder time dealing with the enlisted-officer rules with aviators.

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Nicely painted picture of the life of a flight deck crewman. I had the wonderful op to walk upon the flight deck of CNV75 HS Truman two separate times when it was docked @Norfolk

as an invited family member tour. As the centuries old "MAN ON RAIL" lined the entire top side deck took place as it arrived in Chesapeake Bay, we watched as the tugs snugged her in place for the nuke power shut down details that are mandatory protocols to "LAND IT"!

The amounts of attention to detail and safety is greater than a Google search can handle.

Thanks for this mornings reminder. I have tears streaming down my cheeks. Happy ones.

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Diversity breeds incompetence. It would be highly improbable to get a fully diverse, competent and productive group together by chance or on purpose.

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Actually, I’m a bit disappointed that Mr. Rush-to-judgement didn’t hire Admiral Rachel Levine as the pilot of his Diversity Submersible. She clearly would‘ve been the best man for the job.

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Ha! Great one. You have to be on your toes for that one.

She . . . IS a man!

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No special expertise required. Any inspirational young person from age 6 on up who can blue check the boxes can steer and man the tube, as long as they can work a video game console which appears to be the main qualification : Note to Titan Crew: like it or not, this is the REAL WORLD, and there are real time consequences to what we do.

The Ocean at any depth doesnt respect or care for your DEI ideology, and longs to take down your hubris and destroy your temerity.

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Another Fine Example

Of Liberals

Fighting A War

Against Themselves

And Losing.


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"All of the above is a very strange statement that calls into question Mr. Rush’s judgement." - 100%. When you get rid of meritocracy, everything goes to hell. Peace.

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it's like a self fulfilling prophecy. hire the woke and end up at the bottom of the ocean

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What a great picture of what is plaguing and destroying this society.

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VIRTUE SIGNALING ain't working anymore. Similar to crying wolf....has run it's course. You use ppl as an example or single them out as 'victims' who need you as savior and you've just ruined their chance of hearing God for themselves. YOU have separated them from God rather than pointed them to their source of life and progress and peace. Obama ruined it for generations to come with his BS victimhood and anti authority rhetoric. I've left my 1/2 black 1/2 white bible study bc of the race baiting and the few who gleefully buy into the BS and incite it at every topic. Let them go get more jabs and buy into the "GOVT gonna take care of me with more laws and reparations". It's the attitude that repels me just like it repels God....entitlement is completely opposite from contentment---the only place you will find God in your life. Gratitude and contentment NEVER look for what is wrong or missing. Follow satan your father or God who will turn your life around. YOU CAN THANK OBAMA FOR GIVING US THE SATANIC PHRASE 'OLD WHITE MEN' AND FOR TURNING PPL AWAY FROM RESPECTING AUTHORITY. What a mess his satanic spirit brought us. And don't even get me started on obamacare...the ruination of insurance and hospitals as you've just witnessed in the mass murders with 'the one world protocols of death' remdesivir/ventilators/ witholding of simple medical treatments. Just so we're equal on white/black BS....you can thank BUSH (both) for bringing 'one world order' to fruition and 9/11 WAS created by Bush/Chaney for domination/self enrichment and control tactics foisted onto our great country and ppl. And most recently...Jan 6th is complete govt collusion to further their dishonest agenda's of self-enrichment and total lawlessness.

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Amen to that 🙏. I wished I paid more attention to my Dad back when Obama was in office & he was warning ⚠️ what was coming for the US... & sadly now we realize Obama is just a puppet for the Bush Dynasty

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Julie Spatzer, I agree with your concept but I believe it’s much higher than that. I don’t believe it’s the bushes or the Obamas or any particular political wing.

I think it is a case of globalists working against the people across all nations, particularly the United States because our middle class is a stalwart against their push for total dominance.

Populist uprisings against the oligarchs/globalist/Pharma/ multinational Corp/financial institutions are what is need.

They want it all, and need to pillage the useless eaters and bring them to their knees, begging for assistance/ handouts/servitude. (Who qualifies as a useless eater? If you have to ask you are one.)

I will not comply. There are many things worse then death.

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> sadly now we realize Obama

Just realised that is true. Since I always thought (since I started following President Trump) that Obama was a CIA hire. Odd that I never made that connection to the chimp. I can't believe I never thought of it it's sooo obvious.

I thank Americans for entertaining me since Bush II. I wish you all the best of British.

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AMEN!! Wow great post!!

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Great post! I just have one problem with it......the 'respecting authority', part.

As a FREE HUMAN......NO ONE has 'authority' over me. Unless I was a minor child, then my parents/family would have authority. There is only ONE OTHER instance that ANOTHER 'HUMAN' would have AUTHORITY over a HUMAN Being.....and that is if one was a SLAVE.

Govt has ZERO authority over a population; PERIOD! When HUMANS live by NATURAL LAW, there is NO NEED for govt. And when one REALLY THINKS about it.......99.99% of the problems on this planet can be traced back to ONE thing........IT'S THE PARENTS FAULT!

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the problem is, if you make ppl hate authority...they project that onto God. Just like you say "shitty parents" are the biggest hindrance to ppl finding God as love and our master to finding our best selves. No perfect parents...it was tainted since the beginning, so no parent shaming, but that doesn't mean we cannot talk truthfully and freely about their shitty example that pointed us the wrong way. The best gift a parent can give a child is APOLOGY! Say, 'forgive me' I had no idea how disconnected I was and how that harmed you" etc.. If you do not teach children how to apologize...they are blocked from coming before God in humility. It is actually a lesson in showing humility...I was wrong, I am sorry, forgive me. THE BEST GIFT YOU CAN GIVE YOUR CHILD. Then they're not stuck being narcissists the rest of their lives trying to look perfect (knowing full well they're at fault, messed up, not perfect etc). Narcissism...inability to say you are sorry, you were wrong, you are not perfect...and they are masters at shaming others b/c their whole identity is driven by their own shame.

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Societally we jumped the shark from wanting “diversity for the sake of understanding different perspectives” (such as those of a diverse customer base) to diversity in positions of both leadership and technical expertise regardless of qualification. I have zero skill at basketball and I’m short. I would not object to a beginner league welcoming me to come and learn, and assuring me that my mistakes on the court will not affect how they feel about me. But if the NBA recruited me (since they have a dearth of crappy, short white guys) then I think it would be a huge disservice to their paying fans and would destroy the value they bring to society.

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Spot on. We want competence at the helm, nothing more, nothing less. Competence. And rural Oklahoma manners is an awfully nice addition!

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Antiwhite Zealots Give Their Lives for Their Faith

Did they pray "Diversity is Our Strength" as They Died?

I've released an article https://heroesvsvillains.substack.com/p/antiwhite-zealots-give-their-lives about how this is the State Religion of our times, and some believe it so hard that they're willing to die for it. Mostly, though they sacrifice innocent White people to their god of antiwhitism...

Some say South Africa was the prototype for what they are doing to the West as a whole.

We need to Go Free of their madness if we are to pass on a world worth living in.

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I agree. ZA was the prototype for what they are doing now. Absolutely.

People of European descent around the world would do well to understand what has and continues to happen there. A clear and present warning.

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So simple...so eloquent...so needed...and yet so invisible to so many. Academic medicine and medical education needs a basic make over, not with individuals who check certain socio-political boxes but with those possessing the ability to apply critical thinking to their job. Sort of like the driver of the wrecker.

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Who pilots Air Force One?

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Whomever they are, you be reasonably sure that they are unvaccinated - especially since the FAA quietly changed the parameters for what is considered a normal ECG (the P-R interval).

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