As I was looking at a very serious harmful wrong I took action and was ambushed by police ,spending the next 8 month in and out of court losing most of my savings .I did win ,but at 87 I can't do no more ,hoping I will have a peaceful end . Police are the body guards and hit man for the evil doers .
"Nobody can take your integrity. You have to give it away." -- anonymous?
At least you've maintained your integrity; thank you for doing what you could. Yes, we need special outreach and conversion of military and police, because tyrants are toothless without their enforcers.
For the life of me, I can't understand what has happened to Canada. When I see the government attack citizens, I wonder. How can Trudeau stay? OTOH, we yanks elected a corrupt senior who clearly is a puppet of unknown string-pullers.
Evil doers get in through trickery ,and can be in for a very long time .as history has shone us .They use stupid uncritical thinkers ,by promising heaven ,so they win like Trudeau .
Dear Swan, I hear you. I’m so sorry for your losses. I’m not sure what any of us are supposed to do now. I am grateful my mother and dad passed before this nightmare began. I pray for my jabbed family members and struggle with anxiety that’s induced by the 24/7 fear porn.
Thank you, Patrick. That was actually a huge factor in what happened, as my sisters are in the jab cult and blamed my brother and me for "putting her at risk" because we were "anti-vaxxers" and now they think we lost her because of her not getting it. My sisters also jabbed all of her grandchildren, which broke her heart. Such a total catastrophe, it's really unbelievable.
Thank you for your reply Swan. It’s all so unbelievable and heartbreaking. The jabs have no safety data or efficacy but the Covid-cult remain deaf and blind to any criticism. Is it to much ego, or brain washing? I’m speechless most of the time. People I’ve worked with for over 2 decades have lost their minds. No ability to think critically about the medical tyranny and disregard for human rights. These are the same folks who eat organic and want to save the planet with wind farms but roll up their sleeves for a untested, unproven, unapproved jab. Stay strong dear Swan. Sending you love and prayers. May God bless you and keep you safe.
You as well, Patrick. God bless you. My Mom was my only real ally, since my brother lives far away, and now I'm all alone and literally have no idea how I will go on. The world has gone completely insane and most people don't even realize it. They think we're the crazy ones. It's truly mind-boggling. I am censored by my own sisters and not allowed to discuss anything meaningful with them. Until they hear it from CNN they won't believe it. Perhaps RFK Jr will break through somehow. All the best to you and thank you again for all your kind words, I very much appreciate it.
What I’m experiencing is not discussing it at all, or speaking with friends who are conservatives but still believe in doctors and my brother who, if I say the least thing that goes against any of the various narratives, says well you watch too much Fox News. well I guess he won’t be saying that too much anymore.
I heard it explained like this. A horrific, stressful situation happened and people get afraid. When there are many unanswered questions, people are (unconsciously even), looking to find answers to appease that fear.
When someone of authority, like Fauci, comes along, or FDA & CDC, or trusted media, those people are more than willing to ease the fears with knowledge from another.
And those people have a hard time changing their minds because they’d have to face that fear again. It doesn’t matter the data, facts, or life experiences they see, they stick with the first “ lie” they were told & hold it tight.
This isn’t everyone , but it’s majority. I noticed my smartest friends, EXTRA smart, are not questioning the vaccines or hospital protocols. ( yet) My more spiritual, Christian friends were much more hesitant and questioning potential harm to God’s perfect creation. And there’s people like me that started to question after receiving 2 injections of Moderna. 🙈 But at least I’m here & will fight this to the bitter end. It takes time to research & many just want to read headlines & follow the narrative.
You will meet people that agree with you, but you have to get out there & talk about it. It’s uncomfortable at first but when you meet others that know the truth, it’s so reassuring & hopeful. They’re out there and the number is growing.
"These are the same folks who eat organic and want to save the planet with wind farms but roll up their sleeves for a untested, unproven, unapproved jab. "
I agree, and it amazes me beyond words. It must be that the fluoride in the water and previous jabs along with other sources of pollution such as teevee have crippled many of us.
So sorry for your loss, Joe. How recent was this? Are they really still using these protocols? Basically means any hospitalization is a possible death sentence.
Dear Swan ,my brother was murdered on the 3.November 2021 .what they did to my brother is still done in all hospitals .Not all visits to a hospital is a death sentence ,if you go in there with a broken bone they may let you go ,after repair ,but if you go in with any issues that involves breathing ,you are put on death row .Isolation ,sedation ,remdesivir and ventilators ,kill over 90% of victims .The pay out ,reward for murder in that fashion is between 39 and 500 000$ to the hospital .The treatment protocol that kills is the only one allowed . Patients that live and recover ,are an expense .Murdered patients bring huge profits ,so of course hospitals take the profit route .Also always keep in mind that our extermination over the next 10 to 15 years is top priority for the god like elites .
Swan, I’m not going to tell you how to live or that things will get better. Death is impossibly hard, when it’s your mom, it’s excruciating. I’m so sorry. But what if you eventually turn that pain into a mission to honor your mom through speaking out & sharing your loss? Motivation is often fueled by the worst tragedies in life. Bottom line: these are the people that get shit done!
There are millions struggling & trying to make sense of the last 3 years. We need warriors that can take that struggle & use it to make sure this never gets forgotten. Take care of yourself. By sharing your story here, you’ve already touched & motivated & inspired more readers than you know. Hang in there & keep sharing your truth! 🙏🏽
Thank you for your kind words, AlmostLast. I am really in a horrible situation, if I told the whole story it would be evident how difficult it will be for me to move forward. I am currently in the process of emptying the house where I grew up and which my family owned since 1968. On top of all the other insanity in the world I now have to regularly deal with my "liberal" sisters, who believe everything they hear on CNN.
They blame me for "destroying the family" when it was their devotion to Fauxi and the Fake News that divided us. They even went so far as to blame me for people not getting their $600 around Christmas 2020 and also for January 6th even though I never left my recliner. One of my sisters is so insane she was literally plotting on FB to sabotage President T's birthday in 2020. I have no idea what she could have been thinking, but the propaganda has made them so crazy it's terrifying. I don't see how this catastrophe ever gets resolved.
I would love to have a positive role at some point, but I have a huge fiasco to get through first, like walking through a minefield. And of course they still believe the "safe & effective" narrative and blame me for our Mother's refusal to take the jab, which they believe would have protected her. So basically everything is my fault and I'm the Executrix of the estate. I am living in a nightmare of epic proportions. If I get through this somehow I will do whatever I can to help, since I lost my only purpose in life. Every single one of the demons who did this to the world must be held accountable.
Swan I had to empty a 4 generation family home in March/April of 2020...when no one would even enter, couldn't even have a yard sale. I have lost my home of all my life. I know what you are going through a little. We are here. You can get through this nightmare....I suspect you, like me, are living in a blue state...and there is no one to talk to. All my family is jabbed...I kept my Mom from being jabbed but they starved her and finally morphined her to death. It is a nightmare. Just concentrate on putting one foot in front of the other, and Know you are NOT alone. Even if it feels like it you are not. Hang on to others here and to God.
God bless you, Duchess. I'm so very sorry for the loss of your Mom.
You're exactly right...I'm in a blue state, I have no one to talk to, family all jabbed up except my brother, who is injured and 2000 miles away. He was supposed to be an executor as well and we were to work together, but he can't make it back here. I have no idea how I'm going to do this alone and my sisters are more adversaries than anything, and one of them is responsible for my brother's injury. So it's literally a hellish nightmare. Thank you so much for sharing your story.
Well Swan, as they say, come over here and sit by me.!!
I'm here....I am willing to be an ear, a sounding board, and whatever else I can do I will .
Let's not lose touch. And be assured, you did the right thing, and will do the right thing.
Word of advice...take what you want first, then let your brother choose, then your sisters. Keep track of everything you sell and be as transparent with your sisters as you can AFTER the FACT. Show what was done, where the money went (into a checking acocunt or something) and just tell your sisters they have to wait because you have some legal responsibilities...use that to keep them at bay as long as you can. I know you will be fair, but do NOT get into anything with them until you are good damn and ready.
I went (and am still going through) the exact same thing, including being the executor of my mother's estate (she died in 2020) and my brother supposedly being co-executor but doing nothing to help. My three brothers disowned me for my "wrong think" about Covid and the 2020 election, that was the term my oldest brother used for my "condition", and I live in a blue state. My friends also disowned me, one of them pulled a Covid Karen on me right after my mother died. I inherited her cats and went to the grocery store to buy cat food and kitty litter at 7 am on a Sunday morning two days after she died. And my friend happened to walk in and see me and instead of giving me a sympathetic hug, she attacked me, backing away from me as she did, while telling me that I was killing everyone in the store because I'd been down state with my mother. (My mother died of heart failure, not Covid.) Anyhow, this is the good part of the story. I have an old rusty vehicle that spends time at the local garage and it was here, while waiting for the latest fix, that this conversation started between the guys who hang out at the garage on a daily basis and myself. And pretty soon, I realized I wasn't alone. When we all started talking, and they realized I felt the same way they did, it was like the best therapy in the whole wide world. I wasn't alone any more. There are a lot of us out there but we've been so villainized by the current administration that we keep our heads down and our mouths shut. You need to find like minded people. You'll find them in church, or at a garage while your car's getting fixed. I live among farmers and woodsmen and they are practical and sensible people with loads of common sense, which is priceless. Take heart. You are not alone. And one day at a time, you'll persevere. The truth is on our side, and the truth will prevail.
Dear Penny, Thank you so much for telling your story. I am so sorry for your loss. I am wondering where you are, it sounds like the type of area where I want to relocate...
On top of everything else, I was living with my Mom and now I have to clean out the house where I grew up and take care of all her things and also figure out where to move while trying to settle the Estate. My sisters blame me for everything and may well be planning to sue me even though one of them injured my brother who was going to be doing most of the physical labor (he is not deliberately not helping...) and they are liars as most "Liberals" seem to be these days. They are impossible to deal with and now I need to work with them to get the house on the market. I wish I could afford to buy it because after our family's being here over 50 years, cleaning it out is a monumental task.
I am in CT and definitely don't want to stay here, but I need to finish the estate and actually rented an apartment nearby in Oct because I thought my sisters were going to help me get this done and they did not start helping until Feb. So now I've had an apartment for 10 months as just a storage area and my lease is ending next month and we're basically no closer to getting the house on the market. I will either be moving out before I ever moved in, but then when I need to move I won't have anywhere to go, or paying for who knows how many more months before I actually move in, and then moving out again as soon as possible when the Estate is settled. This is a nightmare of epic proportions and I'm not sure I will survive it.
My only friend who hasn't abandoned me is in AZ and caring for his 95 yo father, who survived Omicron possibly only because I warned my friend to find a doctor before needing one and helped him (my friend also had "it") get through it. Everyone else dumped me over politics and Covid, if they hadn't already over conspiracy theories, etc.
Of course, it looks like all hell is just about to break loose (not that it hasn't already) and I really don't know how I'll get through this. My Mom knew I would be in this situation at some point but she had no idea the whole world would be literally falling apart...and my brother unable to help and my sisters insane. It's really unbelievable.
Try to stay away from the people that drain you. Hopefully you can get the house stuff settled with your sisters and move on. Don’t let them steal your energy or power that comes from the knowledge of truth. You need to protect yourself from all the negative.
I know, easier said than done. But you can! Family is hard because there’s love no matter what. Eventually, they will see the truth. I truly believe that. Love them but don’t let them fill you with guilt, or regret. Work through attorneys if you have to- so you don’t have to communicate daily with them. Not forever, just through the house stuff. You can do this! Listen to inspiring music & watch your self- talk. YOU are not alone , God is always with you and will provide the strength you need. Fauci will be tried and prosecuted someday. That should change their minds a little. 😉 Hang in there!
You take a long hard look at what was done to you and your family. You know It wasn’t an accident, and you know now it was all orchestrated. You have local , regional , state and federal levels of politics you can get active in.You now have something to focus your attention on and fight back.The elites and their minions that destroyed your life need calling out .So channel your grief into fighting these people and all the captured institutions and regulatory systems their filthy money has bought.Help turn the tide and bring the truth back into our government and our institutions.
Hang in there Swan, we have all lost loved ones to these very wicked Tyrants in Big Pharma & our so-called “Leaders” in America & other governments worldwide.
We must fight back for those we lost & to save the next generation.
You may must live to tell your story and that of your mother.
The people most responsible are those people of trust in our society that failed in their duties. I know that there was at least one treatment option available as early as March 2020 that was suppressed, denied and ridiculed by those in positions of power and influence, including elected government officials, appointees and bureaucrats, physicians and nurses, hospital administrators, public health authorities, Big Pharma and Big Tech, the media and assorted celebrities. These people basically denied the sick and suffering a treatment(s) that would have prevented more serious illness and unnecessary deaths. These treatments alone would have made a poorly tested vaccine unnecessary.
All these people need to be held to account for causing the unnecessary death of your mother and countless others. All those adversely affected by these “policies” should see justice done on behalf of loved ones lost to their malfeasance and callousness. They misled and caused harm and death to millions of innocents human beings.
I hope you manage to start anew. Take all the time you need to work through what you need to work through. Don't let anyone directly or indirectly, intentionally or unintentionally gaslight you into thinking that you are exaggerating, or that everything is fine now, etc. It took me two years to kinda accept that we are mostly surrounded by this extremly toxic gaslighting (mostly unintentionally) that can really make you dount yourself, even if reason tells you you are right.
It is possible to pierce through this blanket of delusion and insanity we have been put in. It can get better.
David Martin argues for release in the US. But, why not both? It’s impossible to consider an accident. The virus itself is a lousy bioweapon. Not very lethal. But the gargantuan payday engineered by the emergence of the virus with poison shots sold to the public as the only remedy gratified international financial and political interests so desperate that the 2020 election was rigged to make sure events were under control. No expense was spared. A second Trump administration with Fauci removed from HHS would have seen the roll out of HCQ and ivermectin without resistance from the FDA, lethal hospital protocols halted, lockdowns ended and the use of the shots on a voluntary basis only. With an end of the vaccine program when fatalities exceeded about 50. Both jobs and Freedoms were held hostage by the Biden administration to force lethal shots on the public with no informed consent and with stonewalling, propaganda and censorship in lieu of safety data.
The brazen violation of Federal Law has persisted only by means of the passive aggressive DOJ. Any crime can be carried out on a whatcha-gonna-do-about-it basis if the DOJ, intelligence community and military are in on the crime. In fact, the shots aren’t even made by Pfizer (etc.) they are sourced from DOD contractors with no QA. Who knew? The EUA says only “Pfizer approved facilities.” Give me a break! The crime is fundamentally the collapse of Constitutional governance. In its place are mass murder, economic devastation and moral decay ushered in with the 2020 election.
The virus is very catching by design, to be sure. Old folks who survived the 2019 flu season were likely to get pneumonia from the SARS-2 flu. But when they were deprived of proper treatment in 2020, the killer reputation of the virus got a boost in the media, no mention of antibiotics withheld by gov’t pronouncement. Andrew Kaufman was the first one I heard who attributed the mortality spike on 2020 to hospital and nursing home policies. What? Death by policy? They can’t do THAT! Umm…they were just getting started.
So, even for the elderly the IFR, corrected for incompetent care, may not be known. The “bioweapon” in overview had an indispensable iatrogenic component: humans supplied the “bullet to the head” needed to crank out the dead bodies our Agencies promised. What’s the point of unrequited panic? Hospital fatalities facilitated by remdesivir, ventilation, starvation, dehydration, isolation, and multi-organ failure were reported as “COVID” ... the ostensible end point of SARS-2 infection.
It took a LONG time to catch on that it WASN’T the virus. But not before mass casualties had been used as a powerful propaganda tool to sell the fake antidote to the public, the COVID shots ... and milk our taxpayers dry by userous payouts to the hospitals to meet production goals, i.e., dead Americans out the loading dock doors.
For the most part the corpses had, in life, paid for their own euthanasia. The payout of $0.5M per corpse would have been much appreciated by the patients, in lieu of ending their lives. Or leaving them disabled post ventilation. And the money would at least have circulated in the economy instead of creating numerous billionaires in the Pharma and hospital industries.
Just imagine: one reports to the ER and instead of remdesivir you get a check for $0.5M to find a way to get better. In fact, going home and hiring an NP to get a prescription for ivermectin would have been widely successful. Or, admission to a hospital with private management of your case.
A lot of doctors already knew what to do, the information rapidly disseminated over the internet. But no, Fauci and the industry got in the way. CDC and FDA “recommendations” create a liability trap that is a conundrum for doctors, businesses and institutions afraid of losing insurance coverage if they are blamed for harm because they did not follow the gov’t rules. Insurance companies are complicit. No guts in our society.
Gilead got filthy rich as did Pfizer, Moderna, etc. All totaled, there were more than 1M American dead by hospital protocols and useless shots that offer only death, disability, dreadful injuries and chronic immune suppression. About $20T stolen from the US economy.
The real crime is the collapse of Constitutional governance in the absence of which criminality thrives, as we have learned first hand. The international character of organized crime is a trend hard to miss.
Re: "No expense was spared" -- That's where their $Trillion$ bills in Congress come into play. They're using the wealth of this country (and then some) to enrich themselves, grab more power and enslave us more and more. EVERY SINGLE LEVEL OF THIS OPERATION WAS LUBRICATED WITH MONEY, from the military, CDC, FDA, insurance companies, health care conglomerates, hospitals, states, big box stores, clinics, doctors, traveling nurses, schools, employers, even down to individuals getting "covid" checks from their states. All paid for.
In the beginning, few doctors really knew what to do. The initial nursing home spread in Washington was caused by a worker(s) who managed to spread in multiple homes. That's partly because nursing home workers are rarely professionals, often working more than one job because of low pay. Homes must make a profit, right? Then tourists entered NYC bringing the EU version of the virus, perhaps some had a pesky cold. Hi-rise elevators perfect for close contact and the virus made it to nursing homes aided by policies forcing homes to accept obviously ill seniors.
Seniors in conjugate facilities rarely get outside and vitamins are only by scripts. Scripts only if there are symptoms. Uniformly low vitamin D levels are common as seniors await their turn to die.
'The Greatest Crime Against Humanity In History': 11 Revelations From Pfizer's Vaccine Documents
#1: Pfizer knew their gene-based injections had negative efficacy as early as November 2020
#2: Shortly after the release of the COVID injections, Pfizer moved to hire 2,400 full-time employees to process the paperwork of the injured
#3: Pfizer and the FDA withheld information that the shots cause heart damage in youth for four months while an aggressive propaganda campaign drove many thousands to get injected
#4: Rather than staying in the injection site, Pfizer knew the shot’s dangerous lipid nanoparticles quickly distribute throughout the body to the brain, liver, and adrenals, and accumulate in the ovaries
#5: Pfizer documents acknowledge more than 42,000 adverse events, including 1,200 deaths, in just the first three months, including strokes, hemorrhages, blood clots, lung clots, leg clots, neurological disorders, dementia, guillain-barré, bell’s palsy, myalgia, and more
#6: Prior to it being legal, more than 1,000 children were injected, and Pfizer’s documents indicate a high rate of serious injury
#7:Available records of study participants who conceived children show 80% lost their babies
#8: Pfizer knew there was a danger to fertility. Lipid Nanoparticles damage the placenta during pregnancy, causing early deliveries
#9: Pfizer docs show that lipid nanoparticles also enter breast milk, stunting, injuring, and sometimes killing babies
#10: Pfizer docs show 3 to 1 of AEs sustained by women, 16% ‘reproductive disorders.’ ‘What kind of monsters look at 16% reproductive disorders and keep going?’ Results: ‘13% to 20% drop in live births'
#11 Pfizer documents reveal that LNPs “degrade baby boys in utero” by traversing “the testes of fetal baby boys” and damaging “the Sertoli cells and the Leydig cells, which are basically the factories of masculinity”
Live for your mother. Live because God gave you life and wants you to be alive. God gave you a pure heart to fight this evil. Live for that. Many blessings for your future and I’m sorry for your mother’s loss, don’t let it be in vein.
Thank you, Rachel. It might help if I could at least understand what happened, there is so much confusion and misinformation. Was it really a "virus" or was it graphene, snake venom, 5G or something else? It even felt like there were evil spirits involved. I also had "it" at the same time and felt like I'd been poisoned, which I didn't realize was "it" until days later. Now I feel like it was my fault because I couldn't save her. I am living in a worse nightmare than I could have ever imagined.
It’s a virus, like the flu. The protocols in the hospitals are usually the reason people die.
The doctors are forced by their bosses ( basically), to use these procedures. For instance, fining patients morphine to relax them before they are put on a ventilator. Morphine slows your breathing and it’s not a great idea to give patients with breathing issues. It’s been like this from the beginning.
Doctors have never treated patients exactly the same for respiratory viruses. Ever.
No early treatment, no antibiotics, and medical decisions are not made uniquely for the patient. ( in case of other problems like obesity, Diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.)
You won’t get the correct info. from researching the internet, except for Substack and a few others. The media was paid millions to lie and keep the fake news going.
Also, they pay people to reply to websites & disagree/argue with anyone that doesn’t stick to the lies. If you question all the sudden deaths internationally, or if you say the vaccine is poison, etc.
I like to call them out & ask them if they’re getting paid. If they say you’re a conspiracy theorist, you’ll know they are. That’s all they have for defense to use.
I read a book called “ Spiritual Warfare” that might help you. If you’re not a believer in Jesus Christ, maybe start with “Mere Christianity” by C.S. Lewis. It’s the best.
Spiritual Warfare book is by Dean Sherman.
It takes awhile to learn about the pandemic.
Just don’t get anymore boosters.
Remember that God has never lost a battle and he’s not flinching now. Either am I.
What honestly surprises me is how many people are not questioning the World Health Organization. Yet, I do see that governments a less then honest when it comes to policies and legislation. For example, in Canada, they like to keep the public in the dark.
Same in U.S. we have to search for the truth. It’s not easily found. Data is horrible too. I think it’s like that in most countries now. Sad. I know it is in Scotland. So many babies are dying and young soccer players lately.
> deliberately released from a lab at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Please also consider the Wuhan War Games which are like the Olympics for militaries. It took place about Nov 2019. Ron Unz makes an extremely convincing case that the US military released SarsCov2 at that time.
All this researching, writing and reporting is great the past 3 years…but aren’t we long past due in this dangerous, horrifying genocidal theatre to see real war planning and actionable solutions?
Can we all agree we are in a very serious war for humanity being gutted as we write? Is time of the essence with all the continuing damage
If so, bring on the real heroes…’BANDS OF BROTHERS’! Are they in hiding waiting for Americans to awaken from their drunken stupor?
I DARE YOU today if you still have critical thinking brain cells left to heavily ponder this piece…
This is nothing less than a full scale military attack by heavily infiltrated hostile foreign power military occupation government agents working solely for Israel and its draconian communist criminal terrorist NWO aim.
Israel is behind all of this as part of their planned NWO one world military dictatorship under already US and UN-approved Noahide laws that will make mandatory executions of all Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs et al, of some 6 billion practicing members of all other faiths to occur. That is just one of several Noahide Laws in action, each of which give capital punishment as the sole mandatory punishment for all Gentiles alone, but not for Jews.
Rabbi Yisrael Ariel has stated on video that armies of NATO nations controlled by Israel will go from city to city around the world and do the killing, the elephant in the room.
Every treacherous enemy agent POTUS today officially reaffirms the acceptance of those genocidal Jewish Noahide Laws being eventually fully physically implemented militarily, signing an official document each and every single year stating and accepting that this is approved and will be ordered to occur when Jewish NWO one world dictatorship to be controlled from Jerusalem is officially implemented.
They have been steadily engaging in implementing this program already as the invasion of Iraq and the now officially undeclared but actual over 200% lifetime cancer rate in all Iraqis since DU, forced Jewish Monsanto GM crops and dioxin-producing burn pits is now steadily making viability of future generations in Iraq physically impossible, as DU is known to eventually make any area of land on which it is deployed totally sterile, devoid of all species of life, as it is known to destroy the contiguity of DNA of all species of life.
I have video footage of rabbis saying Corona is just for the Gentiles, not for the Jews, video footage showing Israeli Jews faking their alleged COVID epidemic, and their epidemic of supposed COVID 'vaccine' 'side-effects', video footage of rabbis ecstatically celebrating the successfully military deployment of their Israeli government bioweapon, while dancing and clapping their hands above their heads, and repeatedly chanting "Corona!", Corona!".
I would like to see this issue of the ultimate source addressed much more widely, or people will not revolt and remove the Jews from power, otherwise the Jews will succeed in their rabbinically and scripturally stated intention to physically exterminate every last single Gentile on this entire planet.
We can all see the overwhelming dual nationality Israeli so-called leadership of the USA in action if we care to really look, same story in many other controlled nations, whose Jew agent leaders still push lethal and sterilizing Jewish-created poison Jew juice COVID jabs and grab their slave Gentile peoples by the throat and intend to force them into mutually destructive, suicidal nuclear war against Russia and China, over which Chabad Lubavitcher Jew, Putin or Zelensky, will end up ruling the land area of the intended Greater Israel.that the late chief Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Menachem Schneerson said must be brought into being by first clearing the land by tricking Russian and Ukrainian Slavic peoples to 'end the lines of the Slavs' by making them annihilate each other so that millions of Jews can then move in and occupy the then depopulated land as their Greater Israel.
It’s not Israel that is behind the NWO, it’s Germany’s Klaus Schwab!
Klaus Schwab created the Globalist WEF in the 1970’s & has recruited the richest people in the world to join him in his plan for the NWO-OWO.
He has been installing his evil globalist “trainees” in very high positions in America & governments around the world for decades!
They want massive depopulation & they have infiltrated our military, pentagon, White House, our globalist Uniparty in America, judges, DA’s, etc...
Yes there are alot of rich Jewish people, God promised to bless them, but Jesus is returning very soon & then the Tribulation & NWO will grow for the first 3 1/2 years, then the last 3 1/2 years will be catastrophic for everyone, including Israel, until they acknowledge Jesus is their Messiah.
Most of the very rich Jewish people don’t believe in any god and many live in America.
So respectfully I ask you to please research the WEF, Klaus Schwab & all who support him.
The only thing that will fix this criminality is public execution. Waive the trial and save Humankind having to listen to these psychopaths any longer.
They killed my Mother and destroyed my family and my life. What am I supposed to do now? I don't even want to live anymore.
Turn your sorrow and anger into action. Hold the culprits accountable, and see that these monstrous actions are not repeated.
As I was looking at a very serious harmful wrong I took action and was ambushed by police ,spending the next 8 month in and out of court losing most of my savings .I did win ,but at 87 I can't do no more ,hoping I will have a peaceful end . Police are the body guards and hit man for the evil doers .
"Nobody can take your integrity. You have to give it away." -- anonymous?
At least you've maintained your integrity; thank you for doing what you could. Yes, we need special outreach and conversion of military and police, because tyrants are toothless without their enforcers.
Thank you Don Joe. By the way I live in communist Canada
For the life of me, I can't understand what has happened to Canada. When I see the government attack citizens, I wonder. How can Trudeau stay? OTOH, we yanks elected a corrupt senior who clearly is a puppet of unknown string-pullers.
Evil doers get in through trickery ,and can be in for a very long time .as history has shone us .They use stupid uncritical thinkers ,by promising heaven ,so they win like Trudeau .
My condolences. You are not alone.
That’s so sad. So very sorry. I will be praying for you.
Dear Swan, I hear you. I’m so sorry for your losses. I’m not sure what any of us are supposed to do now. I am grateful my mother and dad passed before this nightmare began. I pray for my jabbed family members and struggle with anxiety that’s induced by the 24/7 fear porn.
Thank you, Patrick. That was actually a huge factor in what happened, as my sisters are in the jab cult and blamed my brother and me for "putting her at risk" because we were "anti-vaxxers" and now they think we lost her because of her not getting it. My sisters also jabbed all of her grandchildren, which broke her heart. Such a total catastrophe, it's really unbelievable.
Thank you for your reply Swan. It’s all so unbelievable and heartbreaking. The jabs have no safety data or efficacy but the Covid-cult remain deaf and blind to any criticism. Is it to much ego, or brain washing? I’m speechless most of the time. People I’ve worked with for over 2 decades have lost their minds. No ability to think critically about the medical tyranny and disregard for human rights. These are the same folks who eat organic and want to save the planet with wind farms but roll up their sleeves for a untested, unproven, unapproved jab. Stay strong dear Swan. Sending you love and prayers. May God bless you and keep you safe.
You as well, Patrick. God bless you. My Mom was my only real ally, since my brother lives far away, and now I'm all alone and literally have no idea how I will go on. The world has gone completely insane and most people don't even realize it. They think we're the crazy ones. It's truly mind-boggling. I am censored by my own sisters and not allowed to discuss anything meaningful with them. Until they hear it from CNN they won't believe it. Perhaps RFK Jr will break through somehow. All the best to you and thank you again for all your kind words, I very much appreciate it.
You will hold on to us here...we know. I am alone too. You can do this. Just hang in with us.
What I’m experiencing is not discussing it at all, or speaking with friends who are conservatives but still believe in doctors and my brother who, if I say the least thing that goes against any of the various narratives, says well you watch too much Fox News. well I guess he won’t be saying that too much anymore.
I heard it explained like this. A horrific, stressful situation happened and people get afraid. When there are many unanswered questions, people are (unconsciously even), looking to find answers to appease that fear.
When someone of authority, like Fauci, comes along, or FDA & CDC, or trusted media, those people are more than willing to ease the fears with knowledge from another.
And those people have a hard time changing their minds because they’d have to face that fear again. It doesn’t matter the data, facts, or life experiences they see, they stick with the first “ lie” they were told & hold it tight.
This isn’t everyone , but it’s majority. I noticed my smartest friends, EXTRA smart, are not questioning the vaccines or hospital protocols. ( yet) My more spiritual, Christian friends were much more hesitant and questioning potential harm to God’s perfect creation. And there’s people like me that started to question after receiving 2 injections of Moderna. 🙈 But at least I’m here & will fight this to the bitter end. It takes time to research & many just want to read headlines & follow the narrative.
You will meet people that agree with you, but you have to get out there & talk about it. It’s uncomfortable at first but when you meet others that know the truth, it’s so reassuring & hopeful. They’re out there and the number is growing.
"These are the same folks who eat organic and want to save the planet with wind farms but roll up their sleeves for a untested, unproven, unapproved jab. "
I agree, and it amazes me beyond words. It must be that the fluoride in the water and previous jabs along with other sources of pollution such as teevee have crippled many of us.
It is not unbelievable. It is the reality we all lived. Start believing it and fighting back. Join with others.
Recently they murdered my brother in a hospital with remdesivir ventilators and heavy sedation ,to make him docile for slaughter .
So sorry for your loss, Joe. How recent was this? Are they really still using these protocols? Basically means any hospitalization is a possible death sentence.
Dear Swan ,my brother was murdered on the 3.November 2021 .what they did to my brother is still done in all hospitals .Not all visits to a hospital is a death sentence ,if you go in there with a broken bone they may let you go ,after repair ,but if you go in with any issues that involves breathing ,you are put on death row .Isolation ,sedation ,remdesivir and ventilators ,kill over 90% of victims .The pay out ,reward for murder in that fashion is between 39 and 500 000$ to the hospital .The treatment protocol that kills is the only one allowed . Patients that live and recover ,are an expense .Murdered patients bring huge profits ,so of course hospitals take the profit route .Also always keep in mind that our extermination over the next 10 to 15 years is top priority for the god like elites .
Swan, I’m not going to tell you how to live or that things will get better. Death is impossibly hard, when it’s your mom, it’s excruciating. I’m so sorry. But what if you eventually turn that pain into a mission to honor your mom through speaking out & sharing your loss? Motivation is often fueled by the worst tragedies in life. Bottom line: these are the people that get shit done!
There are millions struggling & trying to make sense of the last 3 years. We need warriors that can take that struggle & use it to make sure this never gets forgotten. Take care of yourself. By sharing your story here, you’ve already touched & motivated & inspired more readers than you know. Hang in there & keep sharing your truth! 🙏🏽
Thank you for your kind words, AlmostLast. I am really in a horrible situation, if I told the whole story it would be evident how difficult it will be for me to move forward. I am currently in the process of emptying the house where I grew up and which my family owned since 1968. On top of all the other insanity in the world I now have to regularly deal with my "liberal" sisters, who believe everything they hear on CNN.
They blame me for "destroying the family" when it was their devotion to Fauxi and the Fake News that divided us. They even went so far as to blame me for people not getting their $600 around Christmas 2020 and also for January 6th even though I never left my recliner. One of my sisters is so insane she was literally plotting on FB to sabotage President T's birthday in 2020. I have no idea what she could have been thinking, but the propaganda has made them so crazy it's terrifying. I don't see how this catastrophe ever gets resolved.
I would love to have a positive role at some point, but I have a huge fiasco to get through first, like walking through a minefield. And of course they still believe the "safe & effective" narrative and blame me for our Mother's refusal to take the jab, which they believe would have protected her. So basically everything is my fault and I'm the Executrix of the estate. I am living in a nightmare of epic proportions. If I get through this somehow I will do whatever I can to help, since I lost my only purpose in life. Every single one of the demons who did this to the world must be held accountable.
Swan I had to empty a 4 generation family home in March/April of 2020...when no one would even enter, couldn't even have a yard sale. I have lost my home of all my life. I know what you are going through a little. We are here. You can get through this nightmare....I suspect you, like me, are living in a blue state...and there is no one to talk to. All my family is jabbed...I kept my Mom from being jabbed but they starved her and finally morphined her to death. It is a nightmare. Just concentrate on putting one foot in front of the other, and Know you are NOT alone. Even if it feels like it you are not. Hang on to others here and to God.
God bless you, Duchess. I'm so very sorry for the loss of your Mom.
You're exactly right...I'm in a blue state, I have no one to talk to, family all jabbed up except my brother, who is injured and 2000 miles away. He was supposed to be an executor as well and we were to work together, but he can't make it back here. I have no idea how I'm going to do this alone and my sisters are more adversaries than anything, and one of them is responsible for my brother's injury. So it's literally a hellish nightmare. Thank you so much for sharing your story.
Well Swan, as they say, come over here and sit by me.!!
I'm here....I am willing to be an ear, a sounding board, and whatever else I can do I will .
Let's not lose touch. And be assured, you did the right thing, and will do the right thing.
Word of advice...take what you want first, then let your brother choose, then your sisters. Keep track of everything you sell and be as transparent with your sisters as you can AFTER the FACT. Show what was done, where the money went (into a checking acocunt or something) and just tell your sisters they have to wait because you have some legal responsibilities...use that to keep them at bay as long as you can. I know you will be fair, but do NOT get into anything with them until you are good damn and ready.
I went (and am still going through) the exact same thing, including being the executor of my mother's estate (she died in 2020) and my brother supposedly being co-executor but doing nothing to help. My three brothers disowned me for my "wrong think" about Covid and the 2020 election, that was the term my oldest brother used for my "condition", and I live in a blue state. My friends also disowned me, one of them pulled a Covid Karen on me right after my mother died. I inherited her cats and went to the grocery store to buy cat food and kitty litter at 7 am on a Sunday morning two days after she died. And my friend happened to walk in and see me and instead of giving me a sympathetic hug, she attacked me, backing away from me as she did, while telling me that I was killing everyone in the store because I'd been down state with my mother. (My mother died of heart failure, not Covid.) Anyhow, this is the good part of the story. I have an old rusty vehicle that spends time at the local garage and it was here, while waiting for the latest fix, that this conversation started between the guys who hang out at the garage on a daily basis and myself. And pretty soon, I realized I wasn't alone. When we all started talking, and they realized I felt the same way they did, it was like the best therapy in the whole wide world. I wasn't alone any more. There are a lot of us out there but we've been so villainized by the current administration that we keep our heads down and our mouths shut. You need to find like minded people. You'll find them in church, or at a garage while your car's getting fixed. I live among farmers and woodsmen and they are practical and sensible people with loads of common sense, which is priceless. Take heart. You are not alone. And one day at a time, you'll persevere. The truth is on our side, and the truth will prevail.
Dear Penny, Thank you so much for telling your story. I am so sorry for your loss. I am wondering where you are, it sounds like the type of area where I want to relocate...
On top of everything else, I was living with my Mom and now I have to clean out the house where I grew up and take care of all her things and also figure out where to move while trying to settle the Estate. My sisters blame me for everything and may well be planning to sue me even though one of them injured my brother who was going to be doing most of the physical labor (he is not deliberately not helping...) and they are liars as most "Liberals" seem to be these days. They are impossible to deal with and now I need to work with them to get the house on the market. I wish I could afford to buy it because after our family's being here over 50 years, cleaning it out is a monumental task.
I am in CT and definitely don't want to stay here, but I need to finish the estate and actually rented an apartment nearby in Oct because I thought my sisters were going to help me get this done and they did not start helping until Feb. So now I've had an apartment for 10 months as just a storage area and my lease is ending next month and we're basically no closer to getting the house on the market. I will either be moving out before I ever moved in, but then when I need to move I won't have anywhere to go, or paying for who knows how many more months before I actually move in, and then moving out again as soon as possible when the Estate is settled. This is a nightmare of epic proportions and I'm not sure I will survive it.
My only friend who hasn't abandoned me is in AZ and caring for his 95 yo father, who survived Omicron possibly only because I warned my friend to find a doctor before needing one and helped him (my friend also had "it") get through it. Everyone else dumped me over politics and Covid, if they hadn't already over conspiracy theories, etc.
Of course, it looks like all hell is just about to break loose (not that it hasn't already) and I really don't know how I'll get through this. My Mom knew I would be in this situation at some point but she had no idea the whole world would be literally falling apart...and my brother unable to help and my sisters insane. It's really unbelievable.
Try to stay away from the people that drain you. Hopefully you can get the house stuff settled with your sisters and move on. Don’t let them steal your energy or power that comes from the knowledge of truth. You need to protect yourself from all the negative.
I know, easier said than done. But you can! Family is hard because there’s love no matter what. Eventually, they will see the truth. I truly believe that. Love them but don’t let them fill you with guilt, or regret. Work through attorneys if you have to- so you don’t have to communicate daily with them. Not forever, just through the house stuff. You can do this! Listen to inspiring music & watch your self- talk. YOU are not alone , God is always with you and will provide the strength you need. Fauci will be tried and prosecuted someday. That should change their minds a little. 😉 Hang in there!
To Swan:
I cannot imagine what you have been through and the burden. I grieve with thee.
You take a long hard look at what was done to you and your family. You know It wasn’t an accident, and you know now it was all orchestrated. You have local , regional , state and federal levels of politics you can get active in.You now have something to focus your attention on and fight back.The elites and their minions that destroyed your life need calling out .So channel your grief into fighting these people and all the captured institutions and regulatory systems their filthy money has bought.Help turn the tide and bring the truth back into our government and our institutions.
They destroyed millions of lives - not saying that to minimize your pain. Just that there are so many like you. I can think of many.
I’m sorry Swan 🦢....
Then you let them win. Don’t let them win!
Hang in there Swan, we have all lost loved ones to these very wicked Tyrants in Big Pharma & our so-called “Leaders” in America & other governments worldwide.
We must fight back for those we lost & to save the next generation.
We will see our loved ones again in Heaven❣️
Dedicate your life to bringing those bastards to justice.
You may must live to tell your story and that of your mother.
The people most responsible are those people of trust in our society that failed in their duties. I know that there was at least one treatment option available as early as March 2020 that was suppressed, denied and ridiculed by those in positions of power and influence, including elected government officials, appointees and bureaucrats, physicians and nurses, hospital administrators, public health authorities, Big Pharma and Big Tech, the media and assorted celebrities. These people basically denied the sick and suffering a treatment(s) that would have prevented more serious illness and unnecessary deaths. These treatments alone would have made a poorly tested vaccine unnecessary.
All these people need to be held to account for causing the unnecessary death of your mother and countless others. All those adversely affected by these “policies” should see justice done on behalf of loved ones lost to their malfeasance and callousness. They misled and caused harm and death to millions of innocents human beings.
Please don’t let them take another soul.
Mine too Swan. Hold on...we are here.
I hope you manage to start anew. Take all the time you need to work through what you need to work through. Don't let anyone directly or indirectly, intentionally or unintentionally gaslight you into thinking that you are exaggerating, or that everything is fine now, etc. It took me two years to kinda accept that we are mostly surrounded by this extremly toxic gaslighting (mostly unintentionally) that can really make you dount yourself, even if reason tells you you are right.
It is possible to pierce through this blanket of delusion and insanity we have been put in. It can get better.
They made billions doing that.
Those irresponsible bastards.
Its beyond irresponsible, what a bunch of worth less sacks of shit.
Thanks, you’re right. I was thinking I substitute the word evil but I like your description better.
The grass roots supporters of the nightmare are the irresponsible ones. The doctors are criminally negligent. Or worse.
This Wuhan monster isn’t spelling his name correctly. It’s spelled D-E-M-O-N
David Martin argues for release in the US. But, why not both? It’s impossible to consider an accident. The virus itself is a lousy bioweapon. Not very lethal. But the gargantuan payday engineered by the emergence of the virus with poison shots sold to the public as the only remedy gratified international financial and political interests so desperate that the 2020 election was rigged to make sure events were under control. No expense was spared. A second Trump administration with Fauci removed from HHS would have seen the roll out of HCQ and ivermectin without resistance from the FDA, lethal hospital protocols halted, lockdowns ended and the use of the shots on a voluntary basis only. With an end of the vaccine program when fatalities exceeded about 50. Both jobs and Freedoms were held hostage by the Biden administration to force lethal shots on the public with no informed consent and with stonewalling, propaganda and censorship in lieu of safety data.
The brazen violation of Federal Law has persisted only by means of the passive aggressive DOJ. Any crime can be carried out on a whatcha-gonna-do-about-it basis if the DOJ, intelligence community and military are in on the crime. In fact, the shots aren’t even made by Pfizer (etc.) they are sourced from DOD contractors with no QA. Who knew? The EUA says only “Pfizer approved facilities.” Give me a break! The crime is fundamentally the collapse of Constitutional governance. In its place are mass murder, economic devastation and moral decay ushered in with the 2020 election.
The virus is very catching by design, to be sure. Old folks who survived the 2019 flu season were likely to get pneumonia from the SARS-2 flu. But when they were deprived of proper treatment in 2020, the killer reputation of the virus got a boost in the media, no mention of antibiotics withheld by gov’t pronouncement. Andrew Kaufman was the first one I heard who attributed the mortality spike on 2020 to hospital and nursing home policies. What? Death by policy? They can’t do THAT! Umm…they were just getting started.
So, even for the elderly the IFR, corrected for incompetent care, may not be known. The “bioweapon” in overview had an indispensable iatrogenic component: humans supplied the “bullet to the head” needed to crank out the dead bodies our Agencies promised. What’s the point of unrequited panic? Hospital fatalities facilitated by remdesivir, ventilation, starvation, dehydration, isolation, and multi-organ failure were reported as “COVID” ... the ostensible end point of SARS-2 infection.
It took a LONG time to catch on that it WASN’T the virus. But not before mass casualties had been used as a powerful propaganda tool to sell the fake antidote to the public, the COVID shots ... and milk our taxpayers dry by userous payouts to the hospitals to meet production goals, i.e., dead Americans out the loading dock doors.
For the most part the corpses had, in life, paid for their own euthanasia. The payout of $0.5M per corpse would have been much appreciated by the patients, in lieu of ending their lives. Or leaving them disabled post ventilation. And the money would at least have circulated in the economy instead of creating numerous billionaires in the Pharma and hospital industries.
Just imagine: one reports to the ER and instead of remdesivir you get a check for $0.5M to find a way to get better. In fact, going home and hiring an NP to get a prescription for ivermectin would have been widely successful. Or, admission to a hospital with private management of your case.
A lot of doctors already knew what to do, the information rapidly disseminated over the internet. But no, Fauci and the industry got in the way. CDC and FDA “recommendations” create a liability trap that is a conundrum for doctors, businesses and institutions afraid of losing insurance coverage if they are blamed for harm because they did not follow the gov’t rules. Insurance companies are complicit. No guts in our society.
Gilead got filthy rich as did Pfizer, Moderna, etc. All totaled, there were more than 1M American dead by hospital protocols and useless shots that offer only death, disability, dreadful injuries and chronic immune suppression. About $20T stolen from the US economy.
The real crime is the collapse of Constitutional governance in the absence of which criminality thrives, as we have learned first hand. The international character of organized crime is a trend hard to miss.
Re: "No expense was spared" -- That's where their $Trillion$ bills in Congress come into play. They're using the wealth of this country (and then some) to enrich themselves, grab more power and enslave us more and more. EVERY SINGLE LEVEL OF THIS OPERATION WAS LUBRICATED WITH MONEY, from the military, CDC, FDA, insurance companies, health care conglomerates, hospitals, states, big box stores, clinics, doctors, traveling nurses, schools, employers, even down to individuals getting "covid" checks from their states. All paid for.
In the beginning, few doctors really knew what to do. The initial nursing home spread in Washington was caused by a worker(s) who managed to spread in multiple homes. That's partly because nursing home workers are rarely professionals, often working more than one job because of low pay. Homes must make a profit, right? Then tourists entered NYC bringing the EU version of the virus, perhaps some had a pesky cold. Hi-rise elevators perfect for close contact and the virus made it to nursing homes aided by policies forcing homes to accept obviously ill seniors.
Seniors in conjugate facilities rarely get outside and vitamins are only by scripts. Scripts only if there are symptoms. Uniformly low vitamin D levels are common as seniors await their turn to die.
You Are Never Going To Believe
My Car Got Covid.
I Think It Got Into The Air Filter.
Luckily, I Had Added
A Petroleum Based MRNA Product
To The Gas Tank,
Or It Might Have Died.
-That's What My Mechanic Said.
Levity appreciated
Ivermectin is just as good for cars as it is for horses!
That’s fucking priceless.
Greatest crime against humanity in history. I pray all those involved are identified an brought to justice.
Chilling and horrifying. And the world goes on. But playing God has consequences.
Must watch & share!
Naomi Wolf break down the Pfizer report.
'The Greatest Crime Against Humanity In History': 11 Revelations From Pfizer's Vaccine Documents
#1: Pfizer knew their gene-based injections had negative efficacy as early as November 2020
#2: Shortly after the release of the COVID injections, Pfizer moved to hire 2,400 full-time employees to process the paperwork of the injured
#3: Pfizer and the FDA withheld information that the shots cause heart damage in youth for four months while an aggressive propaganda campaign drove many thousands to get injected
#4: Rather than staying in the injection site, Pfizer knew the shot’s dangerous lipid nanoparticles quickly distribute throughout the body to the brain, liver, and adrenals, and accumulate in the ovaries
#5: Pfizer documents acknowledge more than 42,000 adverse events, including 1,200 deaths, in just the first three months, including strokes, hemorrhages, blood clots, lung clots, leg clots, neurological disorders, dementia, guillain-barré, bell’s palsy, myalgia, and more
#6: Prior to it being legal, more than 1,000 children were injected, and Pfizer’s documents indicate a high rate of serious injury
#7:Available records of study participants who conceived children show 80% lost their babies
#8: Pfizer knew there was a danger to fertility. Lipid Nanoparticles damage the placenta during pregnancy, causing early deliveries
#9: Pfizer docs show that lipid nanoparticles also enter breast milk, stunting, injuring, and sometimes killing babies
#10: Pfizer docs show 3 to 1 of AEs sustained by women, 16% ‘reproductive disorders.’ ‘What kind of monsters look at 16% reproductive disorders and keep going?’ Results: ‘13% to 20% drop in live births'
#11 Pfizer documents reveal that LNPs “degrade baby boys in utero” by traversing “the testes of fetal baby boys” and damaging “the Sertoli cells and the Leydig cells, which are basically the factories of masculinity”
Excellent summary.
Naomi is very good.
Thanks! Katherine Watts & Sasha Latypova have covered this for awhile. Pretty crazy!
To Agent Fulton Leon
They killed my Mother and destroyed my family and my life. What am I supposed to do now? I don't even want to live anymore.
Live for your mother. Live because God gave you life and wants you to be alive. God gave you a pure heart to fight this evil. Live for that. Many blessings for your future and I’m sorry for your mother’s loss, don’t let it be in vein.
Thank you, Rachel. It might help if I could at least understand what happened, there is so much confusion and misinformation. Was it really a "virus" or was it graphene, snake venom, 5G or something else? It even felt like there were evil spirits involved. I also had "it" at the same time and felt like I'd been poisoned, which I didn't realize was "it" until days later. Now I feel like it was my fault because I couldn't save her. I am living in a worse nightmare than I could have ever imagined.
Dear swan, it’s not your fault. Let that go.
It’s a virus, like the flu. The protocols in the hospitals are usually the reason people die.
The doctors are forced by their bosses ( basically), to use these procedures. For instance, fining patients morphine to relax them before they are put on a ventilator. Morphine slows your breathing and it’s not a great idea to give patients with breathing issues. It’s been like this from the beginning.
Doctors have never treated patients exactly the same for respiratory viruses. Ever.
No early treatment, no antibiotics, and medical decisions are not made uniquely for the patient. ( in case of other problems like obesity, Diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.)
You won’t get the correct info. from researching the internet, except for Substack and a few others. The media was paid millions to lie and keep the fake news going.
Also, they pay people to reply to websites & disagree/argue with anyone that doesn’t stick to the lies. If you question all the sudden deaths internationally, or if you say the vaccine is poison, etc.
I like to call them out & ask them if they’re getting paid. If they say you’re a conspiracy theorist, you’ll know they are. That’s all they have for defense to use.
I read a book called “ Spiritual Warfare” that might help you. If you’re not a believer in Jesus Christ, maybe start with “Mere Christianity” by C.S. Lewis. It’s the best.
Spiritual Warfare book is by Dean Sherman.
It takes awhile to learn about the pandemic.
Just don’t get anymore boosters.
Remember that God has never lost a battle and he’s not flinching now. Either am I.
The truth will win eventually.
Somehow you made it here! Excellent start.
As Elizabeth stated it’s not your fault. There is some very evil force trying to rule the world and God put us here to fight that evil.
May peace be with you. Karma is coming around.
We need you here. Stand strong. Do not despair.
Let your mom’s light shine through you Swan
It is absolutely terrifying to see how governments with the assistance of the World Health Organization have taken away rights from the people.
Not surprising,.. the WHO members are the foundation for the global elites that made up this deadly narrative to promote the goal of mass genocide.
What honestly surprises me is how many people are not questioning the World Health Organization. Yet, I do see that governments a less then honest when it comes to policies and legislation. For example, in Canada, they like to keep the public in the dark.
Same in U.S. we have to search for the truth. It’s not easily found. Data is horrible too. I think it’s like that in most countries now. Sad. I know it is in Scotland. So many babies are dying and young soccer players lately.
What are the legal routes that could be taken, if any, for ECOHealth Alliances role in this?
I'll to do on blog on this
Stay posted.
I, will. Looking forward to that. I would personally like to see the UN and W.H.O. and WEF also be held accountable, which I know is not likely.
> deliberately released from a lab at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Please also consider the Wuhan War Games which are like the Olympics for militaries. It took place about Nov 2019. Ron Unz makes an extremely convincing case that the US military released SarsCov2 at that time.
SARS-COV-2 as a virus doesn’t exist. It has not been proven to exist. Everything about it is a lie.
John and all,
All this researching, writing and reporting is great the past 3 years…but aren’t we long past due in this dangerous, horrifying genocidal theatre to see real war planning and actionable solutions?
Can we all agree we are in a very serious war for humanity being gutted as we write? Is time of the essence with all the continuing damage
If so, bring on the real heroes…’BANDS OF BROTHERS’! Are they in hiding waiting for Americans to awaken from their drunken stupor?
I DARE YOU today if you still have critical thinking brain cells left to heavily ponder this piece…
Mother/Grandmother of 7 and counting
NaomI Wolf, “What’s in the Pfizer Documents”
We should have known at its root is incompetence, arrogance and greed.
This is nothing less than a full scale military attack by heavily infiltrated hostile foreign power military occupation government agents working solely for Israel and its draconian communist criminal terrorist NWO aim.
Israel is behind all of this as part of their planned NWO one world military dictatorship under already US and UN-approved Noahide laws that will make mandatory executions of all Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs et al, of some 6 billion practicing members of all other faiths to occur. That is just one of several Noahide Laws in action, each of which give capital punishment as the sole mandatory punishment for all Gentiles alone, but not for Jews.
Rabbi Yisrael Ariel has stated on video that armies of NATO nations controlled by Israel will go from city to city around the world and do the killing, the elephant in the room.
Every treacherous enemy agent POTUS today officially reaffirms the acceptance of those genocidal Jewish Noahide Laws being eventually fully physically implemented militarily, signing an official document each and every single year stating and accepting that this is approved and will be ordered to occur when Jewish NWO one world dictatorship to be controlled from Jerusalem is officially implemented.
They have been steadily engaging in implementing this program already as the invasion of Iraq and the now officially undeclared but actual over 200% lifetime cancer rate in all Iraqis since DU, forced Jewish Monsanto GM crops and dioxin-producing burn pits is now steadily making viability of future generations in Iraq physically impossible, as DU is known to eventually make any area of land on which it is deployed totally sterile, devoid of all species of life, as it is known to destroy the contiguity of DNA of all species of life.
I have video footage of rabbis saying Corona is just for the Gentiles, not for the Jews, video footage showing Israeli Jews faking their alleged COVID epidemic, and their epidemic of supposed COVID 'vaccine' 'side-effects', video footage of rabbis ecstatically celebrating the successfully military deployment of their Israeli government bioweapon, while dancing and clapping their hands above their heads, and repeatedly chanting "Corona!", Corona!".
I would like to see this issue of the ultimate source addressed much more widely, or people will not revolt and remove the Jews from power, otherwise the Jews will succeed in their rabbinically and scripturally stated intention to physically exterminate every last single Gentile on this entire planet.
We can all see the overwhelming dual nationality Israeli so-called leadership of the USA in action if we care to really look, same story in many other controlled nations, whose Jew agent leaders still push lethal and sterilizing Jewish-created poison Jew juice COVID jabs and grab their slave Gentile peoples by the throat and intend to force them into mutually destructive, suicidal nuclear war against Russia and China, over which Chabad Lubavitcher Jew, Putin or Zelensky, will end up ruling the land area of the intended Greater Israel.that the late chief Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Menachem Schneerson said must be brought into being by first clearing the land by tricking Russian and Ukrainian Slavic peoples to 'end the lines of the Slavs' by making them annihilate each other so that millions of Jews can then move in and occupy the then depopulated land as their Greater Israel.
It’s not Israel that is behind the NWO, it’s Germany’s Klaus Schwab!
Klaus Schwab created the Globalist WEF in the 1970’s & has recruited the richest people in the world to join him in his plan for the NWO-OWO.
He has been installing his evil globalist “trainees” in very high positions in America & governments around the world for decades!
They want massive depopulation & they have infiltrated our military, pentagon, White House, our globalist Uniparty in America, judges, DA’s, etc...
Yes there are alot of rich Jewish people, God promised to bless them, but Jesus is returning very soon & then the Tribulation & NWO will grow for the first 3 1/2 years, then the last 3 1/2 years will be catastrophic for everyone, including Israel, until they acknowledge Jesus is their Messiah.
Most of the very rich Jewish people don’t believe in any god and many live in America.
So respectfully I ask you to please research the WEF, Klaus Schwab & all who support him.
The only thing that will fix this criminality is public execution. Waive the trial and save Humankind having to listen to these psychopaths any longer.
WOW, how many smoking guns do we really need?