One guy in control tower trying to do the job of two men. Why shortage of help? Pete Buttigieg wanted to hire people with seizure disorders, blind, deaf, mentally ill, quadriplegic to hold positions they were not qualified for to demonstrate “ equity”. He’s another one who should be on the short list if he hasn’t been fired yet. You might remember his HUSBAND had twins (adopted) and Pete had to go on an extended.“ paternity” leave. I remember seeing him wearing a maternity bra with a fake breast so he could pretend to breastfeed. Unless the photo was fake, that shows you a lot about the current crop of democRATS.

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I almost forgot to mention Jacqueline that, two years ago I believe the CDC approved a pill for men to induce “lactation.” How completely delusional can anyone be?

From what I understand, this pill works except for one critical issue, “it can cause severe damage to the infant”

I’m sure “Pete Buttigieg” would continue his “male parental rights of “breastfeeding” his adopted child.

Something is definitely wrong here! I know it you know it yet for some delusional and ignorant reason, Pete won’t even think about the effects of this child, who naturally bonds with their mom during breastfeeding, may grow up without such delusional God Willing and ask him or herself, “What the hell is wrong with my “dads!” I’m not implying child who grow up with same sec parents will be severely impacted as they grow. What I will say is, Pete and his

“hubby-bub” should seek some help regarding this matter. The “natural-order” of life in this situation is complete “disorder.”

Pill for breastfeeding Dads are available and quite frankly, I think it immoral.


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You’re exactly correct Jacqueline. Two years ago there were three peer reviewed studies showing 2.5% of people who align with the left have mental health disorders.

At one point before lockdowns, people would say things like, “what are they crazy” etc. The fact is, yes in many cases they are crazy / delusional / narcissistic.

What’s more startling today is, the Covid Bioweapon Injections have been linked to psychosis. Only half successfully were treated.

This newly released study, will no doubt, increase an already high level of mental health illness’s.

IMO 2.5% of people suffering from mental health disorders may explain why, we’re seeing such problems in society.

Those who have leadership positions on the left, only will exacerbate such societal problems. We’ve seen this time and again when the leftist don’t get their “nonsensical” cookies before dinner attitude.

I certainly don’t wish ill on anyone whatsoever. What I won’t stand for nor should anyone else is being “bullied” by such people.

There’s many reasons why people suffer from mental health disorders. This doesn’t give them a license to “spit” on anyone at all and or incite violence against those they oppose or disagree with,

yet they do time and time again!

Maxine Waters is a classic example of such incitement.

So the next time you hear or see someone acting bazaar, keep in mind they may actually be “crazy or nuts or have some kind of mental affliction.


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Many "oddball" Democrats will not sit still until they are controlling others.

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If you listen to 15 minutes of the tape it is evident that the controller is working really hard controlling arrivals and departures at two very busy runways . Departures from the "runup area " to the handoff to departure control and arrivals from approach until clear of the active runway . He's talking almost continuously. The professionalism after the incident is also awesome .

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Mental illness runs rampant in government.

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the collision was caused by the helicopter flying ABOVE its required maximum allowed altitude which is 200 feet as it's going south on this track. If they had stayed below 200 feet, the collision would not have happened. However, as they approached the AA flight, they ascended to 300 feet and above! Their route had the requirement of staying below 200 feet. So it's obvious that the helicopter pilot is at fault. One question I have is this: Does ATC have a secondary responsibility to notice that the helicopter was flying above its maximum allowable altitude and then immediately tell the pilot to DESCEND NOW?

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That makes sense what you said. But wouldn't the black hawk pilot know he is flying above the permitted 200 feet by looking at his instruments. He was warned by the control tower there was a plane right by them?

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Pilot has night vision goggles on. Do those read instruments?

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The goggles amplify the light emitted from the instruments, so yeah, it helps see the lighting on the instruments.

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There is 100% something odd about this collision. Will we ever be told the truth? I doubt it.

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"the collision was caused by the helicopter flying ABOVE its required minimum altitude which is 200 feet as it's going south on this track."

This sentence makes no sense.

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yes, I worded incorrectly. should have said "maximum altitude"

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When military helicopters fly this route near Reagan International, they are mandated to stay BELOW 200 ft in altitude. The helicopter was ABOVE 300 feet in altitude when they crashed into the airliner.

Does that help?

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Was the helo piloted? Or a drone? Who was on the jet landing in Washington? Was it someone about to testify. Or a coincidence, like the airliner that took out the Pentagon auditors room? 🤔

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Missile. Record small "airliner"!

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I used to think they weren't poisoning our food to make us sick..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything.... https://t.co/JDSIZEcj4C

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Firstly, it should be know that 'Our' government, is NOT actually Americas/Americans govt.

It was usurped, long ago (1913); the final nail in THAT coffin, was when 'they' Assassinated JFK.

This government IS the United States CORPORATION.

Second......if the GOVERNMENT no longer belongs to We, The People.....neither does it's military.

The US Corporation's military is OWNED and OPERATED by the Globalists; a FOREIGN government, if you will. We, The People.......JUST PAY FOR IT ALL!! This military is fighting FOR BANKSTERS, and NOT this country, or it's People!

Make NO MISTAKE about it, this FOREIGN military, ON AMERICAN SOIL, is, INDEED, the ENEMY OF AMERICA/AMERICANS! And people need to stop being delusional, about this FACT!

The video, within this article, shows the Army Base recalling the Helo back to base, and then changing to.....'land at the airport for a few minutes'. VERY odd, indeed!!......

The Urgent Call to “Return to Base” & The Chopper’s Strange Movements Make No Sense (VIDEO)


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And the problem with generating carbon dioxide is...?

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What an odd piece.

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John, I find your question naive in the extreme. The American Empire's military is the most deadly & destructive force on earth. It was ultimately responsible via DARPA for causing the greatest crime against humanity in history, i.e., Covid - including its Operation Warp Speed. Destruction of 7 Middle Eastern countries in 5 years. And of course there's its co-authorship of genocide in Gaza. You never write about the holocaust of the 21st century. Why is that? Oh yes - Israel.

In correction, there were not 64 Americans on the plane from Wichita, there were Russian figure skating champions also on that plane. Absolute media blackout on that. Imagine if American figure skaters were killed in Russia by the crash of a Russian military helicopter into a Russian civilian plane.

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What media are you getting your news from? I heard about the Russians and other nationals on that plane and, indeed, Trump mentioned them as well in his press conference.

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What countries were destroyed?

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Yeah really. So now, THIS puts it over the top!

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There is no question that the U.S. military does great harm in the world. Its immense expense and gargantuan size can only be justified if the objective is to dominate the world by force and violence. That is a mission that does require over 900 bases around the world and by far the world's largest navy.

However, if the mission is redefined as the defense of the United States people and the territory on which they live, it could be accomplished with a military establishment perhaps half the size and expense, or less. Certainly the defense of the territory of the U.S. does not require a dozen aircraft carrier groups, to project air power around the world. Most of those hugely expensive carrier groups could be scrapped. We could get by with just a few, like Russia and China do.

Nor does the national defense require military bases in all the sectors of the world. We could make do with mostly just those bases we have in the continental U.S., with a few outliers (Pearl Harbor, for example).

Of course, such a policy would require that we live as the nation's founders originally intended, with the main instruments of our national defense being trade and peaceful diplomacy. As John Quincy Adams remarked, "America goes not abroad seeking monsters to destroy." As a peaceful citizen of a multi-polar world, there would be far less need for the U.S. to have a huge, wasteful military establishment.

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"As a peaceful citizen of a multi-polar world, there would be far less need for the U.S. to have a huge, wasteful military establishment."

The Deep State has no interest in that at all. They are rapacious megalomaniacs and are in it for all the marbles.

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Yes, we know that. But it may be useful to imagine what could be if the psychopaths were not in charge.

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Of course.

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Maybe I missed it, but has there been a definitive answer explaining what the chopper was doing hovering around a civilian airport?? Some uneasy feelings are in my mind.

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I am with you John Leake...It is time for some justification proceedings to happen. Some arrogant bureaucrats and generals should say adios, and make America safe again. Another thought...was the altimeter sabotaged...meaning did the pilot actually make an error, or was his equipment "adjusted" without his knowledge...for "remedial action" in the air...it all stinks to me...the sky is a big place...hitting something with kinetics takes a good deal of competence...it is easy to miss, and very much harder to hit something in the sky. Timing is everything. Whoever set the flight rules for the "rookie" should be interrogated with focus on "plausible deniability".

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Good article on the "sprawling" US Military. Many point to consider, almost all valid. Perhaps they are all valid to you, but one point, a bit off from the collision tragedy, is the inference to carbon causing climate change.

The life on this planet is "carbon based". Plants thrive on carbon dioxide. To them it's like oxygen is to us and most other non-botanical life. Plants are an early part of the eco food chain.

Carbon dioxide is at a relatively low accumulation in our atmosphere now compared to Earth's long history (as can be found through ice core samples and other long period markers around the world). Also, historically, the Earth's temperature has not followed carbon rise as alluded to by many, but rather csrbon rise followed the rise in mean temperatures over the eons. Simply put, carbon dioxide does not cause trmps to rise. The natural records indicate that rising temps may cause the increase of carbon dioxide. It's a part of the natural long term cycles of this planet.

To promote (or insinuate) climate change as a life threatening fault of the activities of mankind leaves me questioning the meticulous investigatory abilites in your articles I have considering excellent, to this point.

I encourage you to put your research skills to deeper work in this area before furthering the climate change narrative that is also a valuable tool of those that have established countless other narratives geared toward subverting the soveriegnty of mankind over to the elite few that desire to rule.

You know about a great deal of one narrative through your investigations into the covid story and all that brings. It is an evil agenda that guides the countless narratives I mentioned earlier, including the covid nsrrative and the climste change narrative.

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John, that comment does not sound like what I expect from you. Sounds like a silly, climate-concerned Lefty. Clearly, so far, the crash seems related to incompeant people either in the ATC and/ot the helo. Mr. Trump has it right in the context of dangerous work like military flying and ATC: "Hire the best and get rid of the rest." We need our military, especially in these times.

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Does a bear shit in the woods?

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I used to think they weren't poisoning our food to make us sick..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything.... https://t.co/JDSIZEcj4C

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YES, "same as it ever was".

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