Uncle Sam wants Appalachia GONE. “There’s $$$ in them thar hills.”

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In the form of lithium and quartz.

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Yep. It's not personal, that's a distraction. Where I live they are removing firearms left and right. You would think they want the people defenceless but that's just a bonus. Where they rely on 1080 poison and you can't shoot in Western Australia, like national parks a funny, completely predictable thing happens. The predators eat everything else first before consuming the baits. What's alive out there to get in the way of mining permits? Nothing.

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Where did "Alexa" get THIS IDEA? Alexa Calmly Tells Stunned Americans Hurricane Helene Was Artificially Created, By Cloud Seeding, Celia Farber

"It Was Also The First Manmade Hurricane In History." —ALEXA https://celiafarber.substack.com/p/alexa-calmly-tells-stunned-americans

Celia Farber, Catherine Austin Fitts On Helene: "It's Not A Natural Event." Says It Is A Giant Taking, Land Grab, WH Leveraging Disaster Recovery Against Election: "Assertion Of Top Down Control Of Counties"

"The goal of this operation and [Hurricane Helene] is an operation, it's not a natural event...[it] got steered in my opinion," Fitts says. "The goal of this operation is to take assets and...it's basically a giant taking...to grab land."

The investment banker says:

"We're having lots of reports of land grab tactics being applied" and adds that the operation "relates to the [U.S. presidential] election."

"I suspect we're seeing the White House basically—and, again, this is conjecture—negotiate terms. You know, you'll get disaster recovery if, you know, you do this, this, and this for the election," Fitts says.

"The president is saying he's gonna call back Congress, that there's not enough money at FEMA to go through the hurricane season, and so they're strong-arming Congress to come back and basically give the administration what they want on the continuing appropriations process."

Furthermore, Fitts says this is also an instance of central bankers attempting to wrangle more control for themselves. "This is all part of installing the digital ID and financial transaction infrastructure you need to assert absolute control," Fitts says. "And if you look at the patterns, whether it's the taking or the land grab or other other reports we're getting out of that area, it looks to me like a lot of assertion of top-down control of counties." https://celiafarber.substack.com/p/catherine-austin-fitts-on-helene

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Dane Wigington, in 90 second time lapse video with artificial color for ground-based radio-frequency transmissions, proportional to output-power, shows that these steering transmissions were everywhere that the Hurricane Helene was not, leaving an open channel of travel. It had been heavily seeded with charged nanoparticles while it was forming, which makes it more subject to radio-frequency steering. Hurricane Helene And Frequency Transmissions, 90 Second Alert https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/hurricane-helene-and-frequency-transmissions-90-second-alert/

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Where do you live? How are they getting firearms? Buy back programs?

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Why can't lithium and cobalt be recovered from defunct lithium batteries?

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Indeed...why can't it? Some ambitious young person who is "tech smart" should step in and fill this void. What an opportunity!

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I've wondered that myself.

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Far more in the form of electoral votes.

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“There’s $$$ in them thar hills.”

Even worse, there's MAGA Republicans in them thar hills!

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Hey I live here in "Appalachia" and let me tell you....folks here would love anyone BUT Kamalia and Creepy Joe. I was never a "republican" before now. I want the brain dead joe and the loony Kamalia gone. I don't care where or how it is done.

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Why would you say, even worse? Don’t you understand that MAGA republicans simply means we want normalcy back in our lives, that America comes first. It’s against human nature to behave otherwise. You take care of yourself and your family, then you can help others. Why would this cause so much hatred? Just don’t understand the hysteria.

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I believe Bobby was using sarcasm to get his point across.

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Oooh. Sorry. Didn’t mean to be rude. Just so tired of the craziness lately.

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The comment that I was responding to was implying that bad guys might be trying to get rid of the people there because they want to take over valuable lithium reserves. My point is that bad guys might want even more to get rid of the people there because many are Maga Republicans. I realize how you might have taken it the wrong way.

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I think he was being sarcastic...

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Right. I see that now. (See above apology)🙂

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this happens globally and it's terrifying. Some of that region is first nations land, people who've hung on there very long term . Its very very sad. I hope social media can help them all stay put.

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We are truly seeing the New World Order marching in, the UN 2030 Agenda and the decimation of the people of all countries. No coincidence with HAARP, DARPA and the secret weaponization of our weather. Why is it so obvious to the aware and completely ignored by the others? I don't understand.

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For the unaware, it hasn't hit close enough to home yet. Their brains cannot fathom anything so ugly.

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As Jack Nicholson's character in the movie "A Few Good Men" would say, "You can't handle the truth!" He wasn't referring to the same "truth" as we're discussing here, but I think what he says still applies to many Americans. To accept that so many of the leaders you entrusted with the welfare of your country, leaders who you mostly did not begrudge the comfy political life with great perks (because they were looking after you, right?) actually don't give a crap about you--except for how you can enrich their power and wealth--is something that many Americans CANNOT do. It takes more courage than some people have.

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maybe this is the pact they make with life. Conform and have a comfy life until the authorities deem you obsolete. That would be ok for many people and I guess they have the right to chose that path. We have to look after ourselves as we have chosen a different set of values.

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To realize the Government wants us dead or at least sick and poisoned is a tough pill to swallow. So yeah, I often think of “A Few Good Men” too. I also think of Tim Robbins in “Shawshank Redemption” when he asks of a guard “do you trust your wife?” and in my mind make it a meme saying “do you trust your government?”

I feel blessed being able to wake up when so many are unable to. 🙏🌍

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Truth is truth; it matters not which particular topic is under discussion. There is THE truth, and there are the myriad lies! Many outright reject the truth in favor of 1 of the lies, because facing the truth means having to relinquish their personal "sacred cows", and they are unwilling to do that!

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If I survive for a while after nuclear exchange, I intend to ask the O'Biden voters, isn't this what you wanted?

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Don't ask, they won't admit it; just tell them it is, and you hope they're pleased with the results.

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They will say, like the dutiful automatons they've been indoctrinated to be, "it's the little orange man's fault. And the Republicans. And Israel."

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I noticed the clouds while watching “ The Hill” interview with the civilian pilot. They are the big fat manufactured clouds with dark flat bottoms. Not natural at all. This is sickening.

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I guess no one looks at sky anymore. I have noticed unnatural combinations of different kinds of clouds every single day, any time if day. Not normal. Never was like that

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And these fake clouds are everywhere. Look at Geoengineeringwatch.com for the best information. Look for the RFK interview done August 2023. He no longer believes chemtrails are conspiracy theory. Recently Finished a road trip from WA state - Idaho- Montana & Jackson Hole WY. Aircraft spewing their chemtrails everywhere. I even contacted MT Governor while driving through MT to ask him why this is allowed. Did the same in Idaho. No response of course. So far only TN has outlawed the practice.

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At least it’s not just me!! Not many people take notice of this kind of change in sky/weather. The more someone says it isn’t true, the more I know it will turn out true!! Seen this ever since onset of Covid debacle drew back the curtain on the evil

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Good point. Since FEMA busted their budget on illegals, maybe the New World Order will offer By-dung and Cackles some UN troops to help "shape up" the South and ensure a fair election.

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lets not be fatalistic tho .. social media could maybe help those people to champion their cause. We cant let the whole world become mining and billionaires homes :(

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It already is; Biltmore and Seely's castle.

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yup. they havnt got everywhere yet tho .. :/

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I think would-be totalitarians want as few self-sufficient, stubborn, free-thinking people as possible

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When the demons take over the government one can expect suffering and slavery and despair. We take the idea of spiritual warfare—the idea that there is a demon class focused on destruction—too lightly. When we look around today at our pastors and priests, what should be our leadership corps in the spiritual battle, we can become quickly disheartened. At this time, it is not an inspired fighting force. They have ceded the political battlefield to evil agents with nefarious intentions. As politics is really policy, which concerns how we treat one another, the clergy would seem to have a key role to play but they are off seeking to be tolerant and woke and tithe generators.

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It is, as if, a foreign influence, hostile towards the U.S. citizenry, is running our nation!? Who is running the U.S. today?!

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Hahaha, beautiful.

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Obama and Blackrock

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From Daybreak Insider:

FEMA Broke in the Face of Hurricane: Spent $650 Million on Illegal Immigrants

Federalist: The Biden-Harris administration took more than a billion tax dollars that had been allocated to the agency responsible for American disaster relief and used it to offer services for illegal immigrants. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) allocated nearly $364 million in the fiscal year 2023 and $650 million for the 2024 fiscal year to the “Shelter and Services Program” “to provide humanitarian services to noncitizen migrants following their release from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS),” according to the government’s website (Federalist). Mollie Hemingway: In a sane country, this would end the party in power (X). Reporter Park MacDougald: FEMA spent SIX HUNDRED AND FORTY MILLION DOLLARS on illegal immigrants this year and now it has no money for disaster relief (X). America First Legal: MAYORKAS: “We are meeting the immediate needs with the money that we have. We are expecting another hurricane hitting. FEMA does not have the funds to make it through the season” (X).

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"We are expecting another hurricane hitting." Or does he mean "steering" another hurricane?

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It is criminal malfeasance, and Myorkas should be awaiting sentencing, but as all those who faithfully do the bidding of their real masters, he will instead get a pat on the head and a fat pension

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The answer to your question, John, is yes.

Votes not to be counted for the T/JD duo is a plus for Horizontal Harris and Tampon Tim.

Very dark clouds over the USSA.

From the beach....


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Horizontal Harris - right on the nose! I'm stealing...borrowing that!

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Our government wants us dead.

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Democide - death by government, Dear Lord, deliver us from evil & help us to help ourselves ...

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"Zwoo vill own nossing and vill be happy!"

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or else....

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'Ve vill beat zwoo black and blue viss our auld rubber shoe?'

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The Bible doesn’t say money is evil; it says the LOVE of money is the root of all evil. Our Gov’t has completely abandoned every facet of goodness and morality compatible with nature’s God and has become EVIL. Mammon, has become their god….

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I've read that the REASON Aid is turned back is that only Federally Approved Relief Foods are approved because the goods are from Democrat supporter Contractors... at Disaster Rates. Can't have free stuff floating around fer peasants.

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recall the ethiopian famine when govt used the food to socially engineer ? govt cant help govting I'm afraid . its its job. :(

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All this fuckery.

Reagan was right

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He wasn't right when he signed The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act.

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No, he was in the beginning stages of dementia and was duped into signing it.

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He realized that it was dangerous legislation before he signed it.

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Ronald Raygun actually had his own team, unlike Trumpenstein. They were in on it. (Perhaps not Paul Craig Roberts.)

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Absolutely. He was weak and the monster that is big Pharma got to him

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Don’t forget Able Archer. If it hadn’t been for a sane Soviet Colonel disobeying protocol, that would’ve been a nuclear war.

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At some point we can no longer ascribe the behavior to incompetence. It is clearly malfeasance.

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I passed that point long ago. I can’t stand it when people try to excuse evil behavior as ‘incompetence’, ‘ good intentions’, or whatever other bullshit excuse they can think of. Please wake up, people!

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There's a follow up piece from the Charlotte TV station that did the linked video that has video of an interview with a Lake Lure official (expert) being asked tough questions (Wow, a real journalist). Her response was sickening. Our governing class from county Registars of Deeds to POTUS are a bunch of wicked morons.

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My sister just sent me this information from Truth Social:


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Damned near impossible to read, at least without enabling those horrid cookies.

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I had no problem.

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oh dear :(

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It's a land takeover, like Lahena. a "conspiracy" theory goes like this: this region is rich in quartz and lithium; developpers would estimate the lithium exploitation could be the 3rd in the world. but citizens objected to the opening (or expansion) of mines (Haaaaaa!). Does it get a bit clearer now? another tin foil hat theory points to the residents not insured against floods, because, well, floods do not happen in this region either. Therefore rebuilding or getting compensated by insurance companies is: zilch. Who wants the land and properties now? Take a Gue$$

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