The love of her patients was stronger than her ego. Not many are brave enough to take that step. The long process of helping her patients and herself can begin.

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And perhaps her love of self - while she mostly wants to do right by her patients, there also is an element of "holy shit, when the shit hits the fan, and it will, I want to be ahead of this with my patients and followers, because if I'm not, they will drop me like a hot potato". But, at the end of the day, good on her, she seems truly remorseful. And that is still a rarity.

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That crossed my mind, I am trying to see the good in people after seeing nothing but bad for 4 years.

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After awakening to the harm that many have been perpetrating (including my own!), I have come to the conclusion that being ever mindful of our own failings keeps us 1) appropriately humble and 2) appropriately understanding that others are also good, deep down, but have their blinders on too. In that context (and only in that context) it’s also appropriate to discern the harm that others are doing, and keep hope/faith that they, too, can learn to undo their blinders.

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There is still plenty of ego in “I’ve been had” and in not being prepared to explain her starred points adequately, let alone clearly. I agree that not many are brave enough to take the step of admitting they were wrong, but apparently many of them have stubbornly/egotistically stayed in the dark all the way until now. IWith a popular podcast, she owed it to her viewers to investigate the truth - for example, the data from the Pfizer trials released long ago. Furthermore, as far as I watched, she doesn’t say “I’m sorry!” which is the obvious thing to say and the only real indicator of regret for the harm that she perpetrated, including by not paying attention to the warnings about adverse events she received “in every chat” prior to now.

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Agreed. Perhaps she thought 100 million people were just “deplorable” smelly Walmart people who did not know how smart the Pharma power brokers are. I agree, on one hand professional practicioners in medicine have had to keep their heads down seeing 30 patients a day in Socialized medicine before the money fairy dies and the rationing begins, not having much time to follow current medical warnings from esteemed colleagues and having to focus on DEI so they have been captured since the 2008 Trojan horse from nowhere initiated Socialist Medicaid (eventually for all) with his dopey sidekick to prepare for the 2016 global open boarders deluge of 50 million (counting anchor babies) replacement illegals swamping corporate and “practitioners” (good doctors have dearly departed) offices but Trump flattened their front tires in 2016 so they had to install the dopey lifetime plagiarizer and sociopathic liar in 2020 because it was all set up a decade in advance. Then the mysterious Covid “forced” them to write $6trillion more in bad debt to settle the new illegal Democratic voters in giving them $10K gift cards and stuff and hospitals and practitioners a little extra for percentages of patients jabbed and useless ventilators. This is why they have denied the vote of 100 million Americans and are scared to death of Trump. The Leftists hate America cabals with regime friendamy collaboration control the Dems and can not let him in to MAGA. The globalists wannabe future stake holders must expunge freedom, independence, and sovereignty for their unelected plan going forward.

Or am I just being obtuse?

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I think the legal liability drives most everyone. If you admit a mistake, that’s a slam dunk in the judicial system. Which is why I believe President Trump will never admit he was on the wrong side of the experimental gene altering bio weapon. Admitting a mistake can be career ending and financially devastating. Not that I am endorsing that people that own up to their mistakes should not be held accountable. Of course they should. But the mistake admitters should not be held to the same standards as those that cover up their blatant mistakes. Two different buckets.

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Whenever I see comments such as yours about Trump, I would like to ask where you got the idea that he had any medical knowledge about any vaccine? He was in an election year and had Anthony Fauci, a well established consultant to several previous presidents was feeding him B.S. during a contrived pandemic. There was no way he could amass the knowledge needed to understand it was an bioweapon and then go after Tony Fauci, an established Medical leader. If he had stopped the vaccine, he would have paid dearly. America loved Fauci. The even called him “America’s Doctor.” There were Fauci Fan pages on Facebook. A few weeks ago, he finally admitted he did not know where the 6 foot distancing came from and that there was “no science” behind it. He did not apologize, yet he is an Infectious Disease Consultant and could have nipped that nonsense in the bud immediately. Governor Cuomo was on t.v. Every day with his running list of deaths next to his face. He then wrote a book telling us how wonderful he was while he killed 15,000 nursing home patients. Anyone hear him admit to a mistake?

How soon you forgot that Trump sent 2 hospital ships, one to NYC and one to LA. He sent PPE, he sent ventilators, and medical help. He even did this for foreign countries. Even Governor Newsom admitted on The View that every single time he called the WH, no matter what Trump was doing, he answered the phone and helped him out. Needless to say, the ladies on The View were not happy with those accolades. Newsom eventually sent ventilators and the ship back. The ventilators were then sent to foreign countries in need.

So, I am holding you to “the same standards as those that cover up their blatant mistakes.” You might want to look in the mirror and “admit a mistake” in not being discriminating about criticizing someone for not knowing about gene therapy, safety studies needed, and being in a position where he could not do anything but support it anyway while you conveniently ignored all he did to help people in need.

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Don’t kid yourself. President Trump is a well educated man on all fronts. I have no grievance with his actions in the initial stages of Covid. Agreed, he is not a clinician. But I guarantee he knew more about Covid than the average clinician. It’s now, it’s now, when all the damage is around the people and country he loves dearly that is confusing to me. How can he look at what has happened and say that Operation Warpspeed with an experimental gene altering bio weapon was the best thing since sliced bread? Wiped out how many middle class businesses not to mention the health issues inflicted on so many people and CHILDREN.. how many families destroyed by the division this created? anyone that buries their head as to what has transpired is just plain scary to me. It must be acknowledged. Not to do so is disrespectful to all that have been harmed.

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I guess you did not read my response. I know a lot of “well educated” people. Mostly doctors as I am one myself. And they still don’t agree with me even on this date years later. And the other “well educated” ones don’t know medicine. Just like I don’t know how to fix a car. He was not solely responsible for all the repercussions on society. To blame it all on him is incredulous. As to children, there are several high ranking doctors on the CDC who have left because they don’t agree with children getting the vaccine and the CDC still pushed this. Trump did not endorse that, he was long gone. So once again, you are not well versed and are unwilling to admit your mistake and will just keep writing. Have a good day and I wish you well, but I don’t engage in conversations that lack factual data or attack anyone including yourself for things they cannot be critiqued for

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Trump had a gun held to both sides of his head in deciding on the jab. Either way the media would be rabid. So he errs on the side of faith in medicine like nearly every other person in America believing the corruption could not possibly run so deep and certainly not at the top, like most all used to think. He had called in others like Dr. Scott Atlas and virologist Judy Mikovits who the Left slandered terribly and Dr. Atlas said perhaps he should have been more forceful in his opinion. All the rest is on the “build back better” Dems and their globalist sovereignty killing friendamy regimes and cabals the Dems let in to be “inclusive” for everyone but the 100 million replaceable deplorables. One can not “build back better” without first tearing it all down.

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Very astute comment; but in the case of Trump there is the additional factor that admitting his mistake about Warp Speed, etc. would open a Pandora's Box that the Deep State actors prefer to keep shut; Trump already has more enemies than he is even aware of and such as are involved in bioweapons research(DOD) and so many complicit others can and will eliminate him in the blink of an eye and at a time of their choosing; as it is Trump will remain on short puppet strings and be haunted by past mistakes at the same time; his and our only hope is that we will all learn and somehow do better if and when we get another chance.

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Congratulations Dr. McCullough on helping dr boz realize the issues with the shots. Your efforts are appreciated!

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I must be seeing something different than other commenters. To me she is disgusting. For two years she has been getting comments warning her about the death shots and tee hee tee hee, she has put off looking into how deadly they are. But now, after her 21 day meeting, she painfully looks into how bad they are and with one paper ( a great one at that), she changes her mind tee hee tee hee. How many died because of her, particularly given she had the media platform to save them? She should be begging for forgiveness and saying how she will spend the rest of her life working to cure the harm she’s caused. To have missed the greatest catastrophe in modern medicine and maybe in the history of the human genome is not something that you put off if you truly deserve the title of Doctor.

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Vic Why are you cutting your nose off to spite your face?...Every single doctor who comes forward and does what they can is precious....every one of them.

For every "Dr. Boz"...there are millions of cowardly rats who have abandoned humanity. I congratulate and support every single doctor who has stepped forward and done whatever they could to stop the global predators that are trying to kill all our children.

Dr. McCullough is a knight in shining armor and I am sure Dr. Boz will get back on her horse and keep fighting this war.

What have you done lately Mr. Victor Hughes except twisting a sword into the sides of those fighting the monster

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Kathleen - The only part of your comment that makes any sense at all is Dr. McC is great and he paid the price for it while doctors like Dr. Bozo did less than nothing. The Dr. Bozos not only didn't stand up for their patients, they didn't stand up for their colleagues like Dr. McC. The abysmal Death Shot vaccine rates shows that the American people were years ahead of clowns like Dr. Bozo.

If a person claiming the title and respect of Doctor is so far behind the average citizen's knowledge, what's their excuse. "I am not corrupt, just stupid". In either case, neither deserve respect. I am required to forgive people, but that doesn't mean forget what they did and for god's sakes laud them for it.

In everybody's life there is a critical test. Doctors like Dr. McC. passed with flying colors, and has the scars to prove it. Dr. Bozo failed completely and now when it doesn't mater, says she was wrong and you want to not only give her a pass, laud her for it.

I don't need to prove myself worthy to criticize clowns like Dr. Bozo. The only measure of a worthy criticism is whether the criticism is right. I have been virtually right about everything and she has been totally wrong. End of story.

She pushed the death shots on millions? I told everyone I could from the beginning of the Covid scam you can't trust A. FauxI (I have followed him since he killed people with AZT during the AIDs Scam). I also said there has never been an effective vaccine against an animal-hosted respiratory virus. Ever. That is Virology 100 and Dr. Bozo didn't know that.

I also said you don't vaccinate (using FauxI's lie) during a pandemic and it makes absolutely no sense to vaccinate a person after they have had the illness. That isn't even Virology 100, that is grade school level knowledge (remember chicken pox parties?). If she is that incompetent, which she is now admitting, why listen to her at all?

Because the real storm is coming. What will she do next time? Forgive but never forget. A Scarlet M (for murderer) would be just but a M for Malpractiser would be fine.

As you like to use old phrase (although neither my nose or my face were "spited" by telling the truth about Dr. Bozo), how about this one "closing the barn door after the horse is dead"?

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Well I know several well educated folk who did and do trust the medical authorities, and MSM. They never looked an alternate news site, wouldn't know where to start even. They would end up in some soup of moon landings and energy weapons and thats going nowhere good.......

Brainwashed is as brainwashed does. Say 60% of folk have no clue there is even anything to debate. This includes doctors.

Your average GP has what 500 patients? With a deathrate of say 1 in 500 they might see one death. And say 10 serious adverse reactions, but presenting as fully 8 different syndromes with odd timings well out from vaccination in some cases. That can be missed easily.

So what did they miss exactly? Their crime appears to be that they dont know about and dont look at alternate news, that they DO trust the authorities and MSM.

An oncologist or heart specialist? They see direct effects and by now should be noticing something. But many GPs and non specialist docs may genuinely have heard nothing except safe and effective by authorities, and news they trust, and have seen nothing directly to contradict.

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Dr. Bozo said, even joked, about the number of people that warned her. And she did nothing. Actually less than nothing, she ignored many, many warnings. The "I didn't know" excuse doesn't apply to her. Particularly when you consider she had a half million followers and who knows how many others getting her message. Apply your numbers to them and tell me what the body count is. Even a comic book character knows "With great power comes great responsibility". If you're going to profess your Medical opinion to that many people, you have an obligation to at least investigate your own commenters.

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So in your mind she is to be blamed? Shunned? Punished?

She 'should have known'. So should the followers of Jim Jones, "they should have known". So its their fault they drank the Koolaid?

Not sure where we can go from here, with this (your) viewpoint.

How do we defeat the cabal? By shunning those painfully struggling to the light, and blaming them for failing to shake off a lifetimes programming? Where would YOU draw the line between shunning or welcoming, for a newly redpilled hobbit struggling awake? YOU should have known, begone, however this other person, well 'better late than never' and 'welcome aboard?'

I plan on assuming folk coming around to the truth, or any partial version of the truth are generally good folk who deserve a handup.

The cabal might prefer your approach however.

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To "defeat the cabal" we must join together, educate and support each other as best we can. To "support the cabal" we will attack, attempt to discredit and disown every one who is not exactly "on our side"....Splinter the people into small warring tribes and individuals and then destroy them.

That is the plan of the "cabal"...whoever that is...I don't think we fully know yet. In the meantime let's get Reiner Fuellmich out of jail...

Got any ideas on that?

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Vic...I agree with most of this...I don't know Bozo personally...I do know a doctor or two who pushed these shots into people's arms and now know the truth. They are deeply upset and confused about what to do now.....You don't have to be genius to be a doctor....you just have to be someone who is good a taking tests. Most doctors are chin deep in debt and can't afford to be unemployed. Dr. McCullough got his license stripped away....as did others....but he is old and probably has some money stashed in various places....don't know and don't really care. A young doctor with a family is up a creek without a paddle. I personally would scream and yell about the whole mess at the top of my voice and all day long....but then....I could never be a doctor and that is one of the reasons right there...

No wonder BOZE is confused. I also turned these shots down and now.....well...you know how it is. We wake up each morning wondering how many friends and family will be sick and in the hospital and will life be worth living when you are the only one left.

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Dr. McCullough did not have his license stripped away. They have gone after his Board Certification. He is 61; hardly old and is still seeing patients regularly as are most doctors his age. I knew of a CV surgeon at Loma Linda who was in his early 80’s and still doing open heart surgery. And trust me, if you knew what good lawyers charge per hour for defense you would know why he has written a book and has a supplement company. Recently I contacted a lawyer for advice about changing laws that were confusing and impacted my practice, not because I was in any trouble. He spent less than one hour answering my questions and then had the response typed up. That cost $700.00. I can only imagine what Peter’s bills were when the hospital tried to sue him for $1 million because someone else on social media had said he was working there. Or the money trying to keep his Board Certification.

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sorry I misspoke....but he is "old" compared to those who are just started out. Thanks for clarifying....I know that some doctors did lose their ability to practice medicine over this debacle. What ever why you choose to look at it....medical doctors who did "speak out" faced risks and consequences. I thought that Dr. McCullough was deprived of his post as a professor at Baylor....Is that true?

On another topic great new video out on the trials and travails of the

"vaxxed".....I stood out on street corners with signs after the "roll out" stating that the shots were deadly. I referred to Zelenko and others including Dr. sucharit Bhakdi who spoke our early and much.

What is terrible is one of the most prolific and effective truth tellers is now rotting in a miserable cell in Germany. We must all try and find a way to help Dr. Reiner Fuelmich. HE MUST BE FREED NOW

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"The only one left" chilling words and Godsend that is not prescient.

So here is my personal line, IF you understand, now, what is going on, and you fail to act, well you are culpable, accountable. And the more you are a respected voice (eg Doctor) the more accountable you are. I have guilt and culpability in my circle, I have tried various times, and sometimes very aggressively, to point out these jabs, and this genocide. BUT I also float past opportunities to engage, to get along. I tell myself I have seeded doubt which may bear fruit, but I do not push every chance I get.

However my circle is small, my gravitas in my circle is only moderate, I'm a small fish (my rationalization). But doctors and other health care folk are different. They have reach, they have gravitas. If they fail to speak at the point they have realized some variant of the truth, well, God will judge them. And I feel free to judge them too, and find them wanting in the article of humankind and fellowship, of doing good. I judge them part of the evil.

But how you tell one doc, indoctrinated, asleep, content, from another who knows and is now colluding? There is no test. Only their own mirror, their moral compass.

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Do act. Do educate. Do have calm and reasoned discussions....Don't rant. Don't judge. Don't pontificate.

Remember the old saw: "Judge not lest ye be judged"....and "Those with no sin may throw the first stone"....We are all weak and flawed.....some a lot weaker than others. I have to admit to heartily despising any "doctor" who is still shoving this vile poison into peoples' arms... another point is that some of these "vaccines" are much more toxic than others creating a weird kind of "cognitive dissonance" that did not manifest in other issues to the extent of that surrounding the recent "vaccine" debacle. Take a look at what Craig Paardekooper has to say about this....

I believe that our most effective strategy to raise awareness is a patient and persistent "seeding" with the truth....especially with the book CAUSE UNKNOWN. Bring this book to your recalcitrant "doctor" and start a discussion....

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Yes to all. I find you have to find a provable thing, only MILDLY shocking, drop it out there, and leave it percolate. Be clear you can prove it. An example is early treatment seems to work. Another example is the average death age and comorbidity status of the average 'covid' death. Another is (for moderately or deeply science based or trained folk) that the trials were unblinded after an average time in placebo of 2 months. Such easily provable things have hope of penetrating the programming.

NEVER say there are no viruses at all. NEVER say this is genocide. Dont talk about bigfoot, or chemtrails. Stick to what a hobbit might believe on first pass. Go too far? Thats a lost soul. Been there done that.

Note I make no assertion about whether viruses exist, or chemtrails. What is important is what a soft hobbit might believe, waking from a decades long trance.

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We need to be compassionate toward those who have been programmed to buy into the narrative. Many physicians and other well-educated individuals bought it simply because they trusted the CDC. Admitting one's mistakes, especially the egregious ones, take courage.

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Dr. Bozo admitted she had two years of written warnings about the death shots and not only didn't investigate her own audience's comments (what contempt she must have for them), she kept pushing the shots. That isn't buying the CDC's bullshit, that is willful ignorance. More importantly, pure cowardice. Forgive, never forget.

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That doesn't sound very forgiving, more like judgmental and unforgiving. Yes, it was willful ignorance, but don't forget how much misinformation everyone was having to deal with from federal agencies. Also most doctors don't have any training in epidemiology or biostatistics. If we don't approach these individuals with compassion and get beyond our own egoistic projections of judgmental superiority, we'll never get them to relinquish their own egoistic attachments to being right. I prefer to celebrate that this doctor now sees the light.

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The problem, Vic, is the warnings came from sources that were not in the medical community. If the doctors you associate with don’t agree and the CDC was feeding us all a line, you can see why there were an only a few of us making noise.

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Actually, that is untrue. There were plenty of warnings within the medical community, as well as published documentation questioning mRNA, relative vs absolute risk, etc. While I can understand where it takes someone a year or two (like Dr. John Campbell, who initially took the vax) to understand the situation, or Dr. Malhotra who pushed the vax until his father actually died from it) we are now FOUR years into this situation.

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I agree with you in part and I am a practicing physician. She kept repeating over and over how “hard” it was for her to discuss this which kind of made me wonder. But I am very glad she did go over the paper and did admit she was wrong.

I still remember the day right after the injection was out and military were being forced to take it. A sailor came into my office 3 days after his shot with shingles on the right side of his face. To the navy’s credit, they had him immediately seen by an ophthalmologist to make sure the shingles had not gotten in to his eye due to proximity via nerve pathways. The sailor wanted a “second opinion” as to whether the injection had caused this or not. At that early time in administration of this injection no one really knew anything about side effects, but I strongly suspected the shingles was due to this. He was a young man and although young people generally don’t get shingles, they can. But it certainly wasn’t common and he had just received the injection. To allay his concerns, I called an Infectious Disease Consultant whom I know and who was in charge of the Covid response team at a teaching hospital in CA. I was told it was “simply a coincidence’ and there was no connection whatsoever. I relayed his comments to the patient, but also told him: “This just came out and no one really knows all the side effects. I can’t give you an honest answer because it is so new.” That was the honest truth. I never took the vaccine and never made my staff do so.

Now all you have to do is look up neurological side effects and shingles is right up at the top. Over the years, I have found that saying “I don’t know, but I will try to find out for you” is a good approach in situations like this. I could never figure out these doctors who were taking such a strong fisted approach.

What struck me at the outset and should have struck this doctor was that there was such a low incidence of mortality and there was no need for all this hysteria. Besides, I did not understand why we were demanding any “vaccine” at the height of a pandemic. Especially to people like myself who were exposed every day. Months went by and I saw patient after patient with either a + test or active symptoms with a + test. I did not get Covid until after my husband was diagnosed. I took Ivermectin and supplements and it was over.

I also did not understand the hysteria over spraying counter tops. Viruses need a living host to survive, either a human or animal. Counter tops are not living hosts. We did not change any habits at home, but of course, in front of patients we were spraying everything so I did not get turned into the State Board.

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While perhaps not quite as volatile as your response, I tend to agree. For goodness sake, we are now FOUR years into this drama, and information has been seeping out about the dangers, since day one. Is it not a bit late now (or safer to reputation) to finally accept what has been, if not obvious, then at least questionable, since day one??? My continued question is how was I able to read, question, wait, refuse, etc., while the majority of doctors were not?? How do you trust a doctor (or your doctor) who was so blinded by big pharma indoctrination that they were unable to do anything other than ‘follow orders’? Yes, I am quite happy that more and more doctors are now seeing the light. But that doesn’t change my opinion of their medical prowess.

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I have one name we all know...

Tennessee Nurse TIFFANY DOVER....she died for us.

BUT she did get reincarnated....it was in another form, though....much fatter and with a different eye color.

Her death stopped me cold and the cover up was so bizarre and unbelievable I was in shock

. How could anyone trust that "vaccine" after seeing this video? But we did trust it....

especially after we were threatened with losing our jobs and social rejection.

I was too old to have a job....but I did experience the "rejection" bit when I stood out on a corner with a large sign telling people they were KILL SHOTS. I was kicked out of church and hated on.....I didn't care. I am no genius....but the truth was plain to see. I stood for the truth because it was the only choice an ethical person could make.

Many people bet their lives on this "vaccine" and now they are losing them....

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Well you asked the question: how come I saw it?

Everyone here will have a different path to being skeptical about the various authorities.

My personal redpill process was a 2 or 3 year leisurely pursuit of factual matters concerning 911. I had lots of time, there was no pressure and no drumbeat of fear and death counts. It took a long time and a number of blind holes before I realized the simple beauty of observed free fall acceleration, and its implications, meant I DID NOT have to solve the truth of 'energy weapons', or 'what hit the pentagon', nor F16s and what happened to the Pennsylvania crash of what?..... but man, it took a long time. And I was already a cynic, lifelong actually. Then I looked JFK in detail and after that, well I was primed to look very carefully at the pandemic, and the jab.

So bully for me, what a hero? That is my story of where I came to be where I am, and not triple or quadruple jabbed with a bad heart or cancer. What I notice about my own 'journey' is there is an element of luck. I am NOT a superior critical thinker, and only a moderate scientist. If I hadn't been challenged aggressively concerning 911 and followed up, well as I say I might be puzzled and pondering concerning personal or loved ones medical issues.......

Luck counts. Assumption of superiority in discernment has some validity, however luck also plays a role. There but for the grace of God go I. Pity the asleep, for they know not what they do.

I do agree that the average docs brainwashed state makes them poorer doctors. I note our very own P McCullough started as pretty much entirely allopathic and only a year in or more did he start saying things like 'naturopathic allies' and so on. For him too, it has been a journey. Or look J Campbell, he used to excitedly jot his pen on the latest jab numbers out of the UK, with real enthusiasm. Now look.

Those who are at least somewhat awake come to it by accident, their nature, by direct experience. Some will never come to it, they will die with the latest jab in the arm and hugging a Pfizer rep. Do they deserve to die because they couldn't overcome the programming? Not saying you wish the asleep death, but some do, and say so openly. Seems a bad approach to an intractable problem of corrupt genocidal elites with a plan.

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yeah--911 kinda pried my eyes open earlier....especially the bit with ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS FOR 911 TRUTH website. The "official story" was absurd beyond any possible doubt...when you got the real facts.

People just wanted to believe the "Arabs did it" bit. It is hard to go against the grain....but I like to call a spade a spade....to use an old saw.

Because of my earlier experience of noting the "media lies" during the 911 caper-- I was quick to see a phony bunch of lying sh*t when the toxic "vaccines" were rolled out under "emergency jurisdiction" heh. I feel so bad for the folks who have been poisoned....so grateful for Dr. McCullough and his work. It gives me hope....

Dr. McCullough was the Richard Gage of the "covid" scam....

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No No...10-4...you are 10-8 and clear. You may have a convoy.


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Vic, What part of 10-4 is confusing for you?

Before day "ONE" been on the team NON Vaccines.

And the horrors that followed as the NEW mandated Medical Standard Preventions.

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Suggestion....possible to stop calling these MRNA shots as vaccines? Believe if we call them for what they are more could become aware.

It is my understanding the virus was never isolated and never used. not a vax.

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“It’s not a vaccine. It’s an IQ test”... - Paul Vonharnish - (January 18, 2022)

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How do we have the genetic code and electron micrographs of a virus that “has never been isolated?”

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It was made up. There was an experiment to break the material from sick people up into fragments, and then a computer program pieced together a sequence that the programmer (and essentially all trained virologists) feels is the “correct” genetic code for the claimed virus.

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And what was the material from sick people that was broken up into fragments? And, if not a virus, what is it? It is definitely communicable between humans and cats. I don’t think cats are suffering from “mass formation psychosis.”

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to put it crudely ....what they looked at under the microscope was snot. And to make another point....there is a lot of contention about whether the organisms called "viruses" actually exist. Many doctors and scientists...including those of world renown such as Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi and Dr. Mike Yeadon hold that Viruses do not exist.

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Sounds like we are at the stage of understanding analogous to atoms vs sub-atomic particles. There was a time when sub-atomic particles were not believed to exist.

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I do not think you can compare these two postulates of atomic and subatomic particles and virus and "disease" . Also "disease" and the consequences of "disease" are actually very fluid concepts. One person's "disease" is another's "healing"....Disease and health are social paradigms and every culture and society perceive them in a different way...atoms, electrons and sub atomic particles are

are not socially structured in any way. Or am I mistaken in this?

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Hopefully the good doctor will have ANOTHER cog/dis unraveling as she realizes that the retraction was coerced and is yet one more example of the cabal's reach and nefarious motives. Because the lightbulb HAS to go off in her head that censorship doesn't take place in a benign environment.

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Wow! What a hugely admirable success story for the impact you are having. Once eyes are opened to the impact of the Covid injections, it doesn’t take long to see that we’ve been lied to about a whole lot of important issues. Once curiosity is awakened, it starts functioning very well.

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Our great hope and the cabal's greatest fear, - its a oneway ratchet. Once even partially awake you never go back.

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I've been following another YouTube medical personality - Dr Berg, also a promoter of keto diet, with 11.5 M subscribers. As he never mentions his attitude towards clot shots on his YouTube channel, I was wondering about his stance and I was very happy to learn that he's totally against them. He says it openly on his website, where he feels it's safe to share his views.

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Like many other video and tele-practitioners, Dr Berg completely destroys the concept of a doctor/patient RELATIONSHIP. Where is the process of a patient examination? Where is the interchange of ideas? How many persons are genetically equipped for massive changes to diet?

Oh well... Throw all that out the window, and enjoy your 11.5 million view notoriety... These kinds of "advisors" need a good smack in the face - with a book...

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Admitting you are wrong can be difficult at times, and it often doesn't help. This is one of those times it doesn't help.

I've never watched a Dr. Roz episode on You Tube and probably never will. This rather stunningly, stumbling "My Bad" rambling excuse for not recognizing the critical failures of the Pandemic response falls flat in the face on so many levels. Is she saying "my fault?" for so many deaths, long term adverse health impacts, and censorship we saw from day one? I can't tell what she is saying because she is talking to much and saying little.

If you are a Medical Doctor, why did you not speak up when you began to see the damaging effects of the vax and why did you not tell your patients and other doctors what you and your followers are ALL seeing? There should have been 1000's, no 100's of thousands of Dr. Mcculloughs all across the Globe not only signing the Great Barrington Declaration, but REFUSING to jab patients with an unknown, untried, untested "medicine" that was so "safe and effective" The Powers That Be had to MANDATE its use.

She is a failure as a doctor and human being just as many other doctors around the globe are. Dr. Roz and her ilk have harmed millions of people permanently because they didn't do the right thing when they had the opportunity. Its not a mistake its a devastating collective fuck up on a scale we have never seen before.

The problem with Doctors is they think they are Gods. And they are not. Its the highly educated that lose their gut reactions and lack common sense. All the doctors, scientists, researchers, statiticians with PhD's turn out to be the most dangerous quacks on the planet and then when they have a platform to quack from they really screw up. I am not sorry I feel this way. When it comes to retribution for this quackery and genocide there will be no prisoners.

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Hello Thomas Wedge: I largely agree with your perspective. By the time doctors become licensed practitioners, they should have acquired the decency to perceive that patients are coming to them for 'advice' or opinion. Perhaps just a check up.... To *assume* every patient is experiencing a medical emergency seems incongruous. As in: What are the patients actual concerns?

My advice (worth about 7 cents): Doctors need to shed the white lab coats and condescending attitudes they so widely share. The educational systems they attend, pump up their egos and eventually cast them into roles of heroes (or heroines). They've been suckered for a fist full of pennies. Their fall from such *perceived* heights, should only be considered as corrections to inflated grace...

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Yes. Enough pridefulness.

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Bingo. I smelled the old smoke very quickly. There was solid info for 3 yrs!

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Its like Peter is giving her a PASS. None of these people deserve a PASS. They should be required to spend half of the rest of their days talking and consoling people who lost infants, kids, brothers, sisters, friends, mothers and fathers to the VAX. These people are criminals.

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I suspect that was the plan all along by the fed govt. To make doctors into criminals. Then, doctors will not want to admit the error. Such evil

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You have to keep in mind...."western medicine" is based on poison and has been for centuries. We are told to poison diseases to death and to weaken our bodies so we can be well.

We need a paradigm shift regarding the human body and disease. Most "diseases" are the bodies attempt to rid itself of pathogens etc.

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Yes. I agree. I worry that the paradigm shift can only happen with economic collapse and the revolution that follows. Many people will suffer, but our current systems were built to create unhealthy people as you explain. All the members of my family are college educated and NO ONE gets it.

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Yes Thomas Wedge...hopefully we will no longer be able to afford or tolerate our overpriced and ineffective medical mafia after the vaunted "collapse"......Here's hoping! And here is my prayer--- may this "collapse" help us to avoid expensive poisonous food, mind killing entertainment, alcohol and other unnecessary expenditures. A wonderful "collapse" may be just what is needed....My family is highly educated and includes a lawyer and several "medical professionals". They all "get it"....No one will take these "vaccines".

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You are lucky to have a highly educated family that still operates from common sense. From day one of Covid it appeared" Planned and Executed"to me just like it was "Safe and Effective" all bullshit from TPTB. I have never figured out if TPTB...ALSO took the vax how none of them have "died suddenly"...I remember Governor Newsom of CA was sick for a long time (I think) after vaxxing, but why hasn't it killed more 1%'s? They took a placebo? Our children never vaxxed AT ALL since birth with midwives at home. They have never seen a doctor or been in a health clinic, we use homeopathic remedies for all ailments so when the Covid Vax came out it seemed like science fiction to us. Again common sense, gut response.

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One thing is MOST CERTAIN!

She was "DEAD WRONG" as understanding what the term practicing medicine truly is.

PSSST Hey Lady....it's not about Dr. prestige and Dollars.

Get off your high horse. DO NO HARM COMES FIRST!

What the heck does the 1986 law description of UNAVOIBABLY UNSAFE mean? DUH !!

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They teach COMPLIANCE in schools.....including Medical Schools...They do not teach students to question the narrative or to rock the boat or to make their own discoveries. This is built into our culture. We are taught from a young age to "go along to get alone".

The whole system starting in kindergarten needs to be revamped.

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"Its not a mistake its a devastating collective fuck up on a scale we have never seen before."

I second that opinion....Sucharit Bhakdi and Dr. Arne Buckhardt said these "vaccines" would kill people very early on in this drama. Trump is just as culpable as Biden in the deaths and illness and miscarriages and birth defects and endless other horrors that follow in the wake of this bioweapon.

Yes--- I said BIOWEAPON. The "spike protein" was always a bioweapon.....we all know that now.

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Yes. Sadly you are spot on. An experimental bio weapon with experimental propaganda to practice worldwide. The individual suffering of families with adverse responses and the millions who do not come forward but simply live out their days with suffering. There has never been anything like this. I think it is worse than the Holocaust because todays technology lets them trample the evidence and feed the propaganda long after its over. I mean the Covid Vax advertisements at Walgreens is like saying, "It never happened. Everything is as it was" and people walk around getting sicker and sicker. The number of people I know fighting cancer today is unreal. Be safe.

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The idea of the spike being a bio weapon…..I have always felt that initially , prior to many of the facts coming out, it was thought (by Trump and others) that covid itself was a bioweapon, unleashed either purposefully or by accident, on the world. You may recall Trump’s speech about ‘hydroxychloroquine’ where almost immediately afterward we heard of the woman killing her husband with chloroquine?? In any event, aside from the ‘trust’ that was put in Fauci, Birx, etc., it was Mike Penske who was in charge of the covid response.

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After watching most of her video walk-through of your paper, I totally admire her honesty and desire to educate her patients, but I was also taken aback by 1) her refusal to pay attention to the adverse events she had witnessed (“in every chat”) previously, and 2) her lack of preparedness for leading the viewer through each point that she had starred before the podcast. There were many explanations of key points in the paper that she completely botched, and she doesn’t seem at all concerned about communicating clearly to her audience. It made me wonder about the variation in quality of medical school training. I would hope that an MD would be far more careful and thorough in understanding and remembering medical research results than she demonstrated in this walkthrough. No way would I trust her medical advice.

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Poor Me.....is that her explanation?

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She should rename herself Dr. Bozo, just another grifting Medical Clown.

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A very clever observation, as this was all theater raining down upon us.

Barnum and Bailey did the 3 ring Big Top "Greatest show on Earth".

The Covid 19 Circus proved to go far beyond, are now Crowned Champions.

Doctors got Trophies and Dollars.

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Quite a few folk here are not welcoming of Boz and her awakening. Do they blame her for trusting authority and being slow to react to anecdotes as she may have seen them?

You might as well blame everyone currently asleep for same.

Yet our only winning play is to wake up sufficient folk to at least a partially redpilled state. It is literally undoing brainwashing, of decades in the making. A cult member can be tied down and folk can spend months trying to undo programming, yet the instant you untie them they dart off instantly back into the arms of their cult.

How are we going to wake up sufficient folk to defeat the cabal if we blame folk for being brainwashed? Boz took all the shots and did she say her whole family? I dont perceive that she deliberately or malignantly covered up anything. She just awakened slowly and painfully from deep long term brainwashing. Most have yet to do so, does this mean we will scorn them, and BLAME them, as they grope painfully for the light? That seems like a losing strategy, and will have the vampire squid cabal leaders squirming with delight as they watch us eat our own.

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This is how we "wake" them up CAUSE UNKNOWN by Edward Dowd....this book will

will knock your socks off...no matter how "red-pilled" you are. There are quite a few charts in this book from quite a few countries that "mandated" the "vaccine"....All of them show absolutely shocking increases of excess deaths. And cancer. And heart disease. Fight this war with "real" i.e. highly documented information....not name calling. Also there are the embalmers coming forward with weird and disgusting photos of "vaxxed" views and arteries...

Hard to dispute these heros....

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This is hard to watch. She misspeaks repeatedly. I’m sure Dr. Bosworth is nervous because of the gravity of what she’s finally coming to grips with….but using the word ‘naughty’? I’m glad she is honest enough to address the paper but she’s so unschooled on the subject matter, she embarrasses herself. A lay person who has followed this debacle understands SAE’s ( not SEA’s) means severe adverse events as well as many other examples that demonstrate how ignorant she is on the subject. As a doctor she has no business recommending an injection that she clearly has absolutely no understanding of its ingredients, development, mechanism of action, and effects etc.

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I have frequently recommended Dr. Boz's book "Any Way You Can" and Cancer and the Keto Diet playlist (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tw7urkyZMw&list=PL2Pw0R3qlUSD4aG4ywTYVi9ZlXJd0I0kd) to those with newly diagnosed cancer, so I am greatly relieved to hear she has woken up to the deception and is humble and brave enough to admit her error—and on YouTube no less, thus risking her channel in the process.

Bravo, Dr. Boz, and may many more follow in your footsteps!

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From the reactions here, I surmise we are dealing with the "half-full cup" vs "half-empty cup". All who have seen the presentation have seen the same presentation, but some see it as "half-full" and others as "half-empty". It is what it is. I like to see it as "half full". And hopefully would like to see more doctors come out of the woodwork and admit that they were wrong. We need that to happen, to break the narrative.

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Fortunately she reaches a lot of people and her eyes have been opened. I give her credit for admitting her mistakes and informing her following. Thank you, Dr. McCollough and Nathanial Mead et al for doing the deep dive to point out the truth.

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Great to see this. I appreciate Dr. Boz's authenticity, flexibility and willingness to reconsider her deeply held beliefs. This physician is deeper and larger than her thinking -- clearly not imprisoned within the confines of her own thoughts.

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