We can’t afford to lose Jordan Peterson in Canada! This treatment of him is outrageous and he plans to fight it, thank goodness. All Canadians had better wake up fast before they experience the same communist treatment. Thx for covering this on your substack!
Re education? I live up here in Canadistan, this so called country has turned into a shit show. The authorities have sunk to new lows. Peterson has more grey matter than all of them combined.
This is a good reminder about the dangers of state licensing, in case we needed one.
The state should NOT have the power to determine who can practice as a psychologist, a doctor, or anything else! This whole state licensing regime has been responsible for the whole disaster called Covid and many other medical travesties over the last century.
Let the free market handle certifications and let the individual decide whom they want to patronize!
I'm sure I'm going to miss things they did because there were so many. So in advance I ask that you forgive me.
State regulatory processes were also used as a weapons against small businesses. Forcing them to impose quasi medical masking, jab or your job mandates, vaccine passports and shutting businesses down completely.
Absolutely. The licensing regime goes beyond the professions and is all pervasive.
We have corporations that have been licensed by the states who can be fined or otherwise threatened, put out of business, if they don't comply with draconian state edicts.
We have been sold on the notion that licensing was put in place to control quality and to prevent rogue behavior. And that might be true in certain cases. But if Covid has taught us anything, it is that licensing is primarily a weapon of the state to enforce various agendas, most of which are pernicious.
"We have been sold on the notion that licensing was put in place to control quality"
It's all about CONTROL.
After I read your response I thought of the regulatory controls that were used against doctors, threatening their licenses if they prescribed HCQ or Ivermectin and they also threatened pharmacists throughout pharmacy boards not to dispense HCQ or Ivermectin which drove up the death and destruction...
Provide courts of justice (not social). Provide policing. Defend the nation against foreign attack. Other institutions can do everything else better. There. Now 90 percent of our problems are solved....
Agreed but the people in licensed professions love licensing too since it limits the number of their competitors. They made a deal with the devil so to speak and are now paying the price.
Exactly right. It is much like the welfare state in general. It seems like such a good deal early on, but over time the true price comes to light. Like a Ponzi scheme.
I agree philosophically, but practically speaking I don't think we want morons declaring themselves brain surgeons or gynecologists. Such bad actors would hurt a lot of people before the free market dissipates their clientele.
That's the problem with trying to achieve liberty. People will always conjure up some kind of disastrous scenario in their head about how the new regime will cause problems and, as a result, they decide not to support it.
They won't stop to think that "Hey, maybe TODAY's regime is ALREADY producing catastrophic results which need to end." Instead, they just let their imagination get the better of them and end up supporting the maintenance of the status quo.
Did you know that the U.S. had a free market in medicine in the 19th century, and that it had the best, most affordable care in the developed world at that time?
That is to say, this is not some ivory tower fantasy! A free market in health care has already been demonstrated to be the best approach available.
Do you really think that hospitals are going to hire morons, with no skills or education, to do brain surgery? Do you really think that patients would patronize them? Do you really think that insurers would contract with them? Think Steve!!
Liberty doesn't mean the freedom to do everything you please. Under your scenario, I could put up a shingle tomorrow claiming to be a top psychologist. Why not? After all, I had two psych courses in college, and have read dozens of books on the subject. So, when someone who's screwing his chihuahua drops by and I suggest he switch to a sheep -- $200, please -- and he jumps off a cliff instead, is that okay with you? A silly example, I suppose, but there have always been swindlers throughout history, and there are plenty today. By the time they get caught and (perhaps) punished, the damage has been done. Lives are ruined.
I have some investment accounts, and know a thing or two about it. Should I be free to present myself as an investment advisor and pull a "Bernie Madoff"? Or do you consider his scam a fantasy?
BTW, I've had a flying lesson. Should I be free to advertise as an experienced pilot? "Half the price of other pilots!" Some people will fall for it, and maybe fall from the sky.... Should people be able to run restaurants with rats in the cellar? Should barbers with zero training be allowed to cut hair and shave men's faces? Should the mentally ill be allowed to buy guns? Should incompetents be building houses?... Not everything is black and white. Lots of gray areas in life, my friend....
I'm all for more liberty and free markets -- and far less government -- but some things need oversight. Practicality tops philosophy, IMHO (although I've always been interested in the latter).
Fraud is not permitted in a free market. If you claim to have certain degrees, experience, what have you that you do not, you would be subject to legal action.
There are plenty of viable ways to assure quality, and none of them have anything to do with state licensing. You have competing private firms doing certifications You have reputation, word of mouth.
There have been swindlers throughout history, including today. The problem (with respect to medicine, anyway) is that we have licensed doctors who are essentially REQUIRED to practice quackery now, due to the way that medical licensing has been weaponized. Quackery has become INSTITUTIONALIZED! And here you are, worrying about the random quack who MIGHT do some harm in a free market before people caught on.
If there were no licensing laws, people would certainly look at a service provider's credentials, certifications and insurances and maybe these service providers would also put up a bond. Organizations who certify professionals will most definitely police who they certify since their members' reputations and thus livelihoods are on the line. In this day and age of instant news and reviews, a bad apple will be discovered quickly.
Those first three things were expedient at the time and should not be judged by today's liberal, wishy-washy standards. Operation paper clip was an American operation that had nothing to do with Canada. The last two I would agree with. The only part of the Canadian Pacific Railway that was built with Chinese contract labor was the part from the coast to Kamloops, which is approximately 200 miles. They were hired by American contractor Andrew Onderdonk. The rest of the railway was built with European labor, but poorly educated people like you want to think that it was completely built by Chinese.
Really? This is your way of engaging me in debate?
I'll refrain from ad hominem and simply point out that the railway was built on a tight schedule, and when it reached the mountains your European labourers saw what they were facing and took the free land that was on offer. Chinese were imported to finish the most dangerous part of the job, and as they said, there's a dead Chinese for every mile of the CPR.
When you've built a tunnel or a trestle in mountain terrain, as opposed to just laying track on flat land, then tell us what you know about building railways. The fact is, the line would not have been finished on time if not for the Chinese, and BC would most likely have joined the USA as a result. So yeah, if you want to split hairs, they only build the most difficult part. Thanks for pointing that out.
As for operation Paperclip, if you use the narrow definition of the term then your point is taken, however, a significant number of Nazis also ended up in Canada, as well as several nations in South America. I met one of them myself in Ottawa in the late 70's. Father of a friend. His cover story was that he was a fire fighter in Berlin. Odd that he didn't pursue that occupation in Canada but instead became a dental technician. I know he was a Nazi because my friend showed me his library, consisting of all the revisionist material of the day, plus several LP records of the Fuhrer's speeches. I guess he didn't feel the need to protect his identity.
As for the South American contingent that trained the military in places like Chile and Argentina, I've had plenty of experience dealing with their victims, so I know the story quite well.
As for this:
"Those first three things were expedient at the time and should not be judged by today's liberal, wishy-washy standards."
Expedient? You mean like forcing people to get vaccinated or lose their livelihood because MUH PANDEMIC? That kind of expediency? I notice German and Italian Canadians weren't rounded up or had their property stolen. Explain that. The road to hell has always been paved with 'expediency' masquerading as good intentions. It's not just a recent thing.
It's a long way to the ground when you're perched on a high horse you don't know how to ride. Maybe next time approach me on foot?
Dr Peterson shines a very strong light on his enemies inadequacies/incompetence/malevolence (take your pick) of which there are plenty. The harder they push the more they reveal themselves. It is so disappointing that someone who has contributed so much to humankind is being treated so appallingly. Thank you Dr McCullough and Mr Leake for this article and for your persistence in the pursuit of the truth.
In Socrates’ constant criticism of the Athenian democracy in terms of its processes, positions, institutions and statesmen, he came to be seen as a symbol of civil defiance and the thusly politically threatened powerful determined he must be silenced.
Godspeed your beautiful journey pointing true North, Dr Peterson.
Whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high will vest, in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord,
You are not alone. We left over 25 years ago to escape being a grossly underpaid public servant in their decrepit health system.
Hardly any Americans understand Canada. Even after long conversations. Trudeau is like his father who was PM in the 70s. His father was close friends with Fidel Castro.
Trudeau’s mother was a prostitute who had many affairs including with Fidel Castro. Trudeau bears a striking physical resemblance to Castro and shares his ideology. That’s Canada.
When we dig a bit we understand the depravity of this man. Awake Canada has covered this subject a week ago or so. Our leaders are so corrupt, it's beyond our conception of humankind.
Put this way (I really like your summary of this piece of the presidential history), I admit I laughed, but then, with all my respect for Amercican patriots, I feel like crying !!!
I think the correct analogy would be socialism trending towards National Socialism.
It's hard not to notice the irony of a prime minister who accuses the opposition of "standing with people who wave swastikas" when his government is actively supporting neo-Nazis in Ukraine, while our deputy prime minister actually held a Nazi banner at a rally in their support.
The slogan 'Glory to Ukraine' was the motto of the OUN-B, the political organization headed by Stephan Bandera, Ukraine's national hero, which fought on the side of Nazi Germany, and was complicit in the murder of over 33,000 Jews at Babi Yar.
Not that surprising really, when you consider her family background:
I guess that's what happens when you study history, as Jordan suggested. No wonder they want to shut him up.
More irony: when the US truckers organized their own rally in support of ours, I actually saw a truck flying a Ukrainian flag. You just can't make this stuff up.
Lots of fascinating history there. I use the term communist because of Trudeau’s admiration of China and his being a protege of the WEF. “You will own nothing and you will like it” sounds more communist than socialist.
Oh and his Castro heritage is certainly communist.
My relatives were Mennonites in the Ukraine, many murdered by the anarchists during the Bolshevik revolution. The history is complex and distorted depending on the agenda of the author. We again are in a time of great confusion and propaganda.
China today more closely resembles Fascism than Communism, although corporate China is probably still the junior partner.
Ukrainians in 1939 were caught between the proverbial rock and a hard place. No good choices, but that doesn't mean we (or they) should rewrite history. What happened back then was truly beyond the pale, which incidentally is the origin of that expression (Pale of Settlement).
People point to the fact that Zelensky is Jewish, which in their minds negates the possibility of Nazism in Ukraine, conveniently leaving out the (little known) fact that Zionists did in fact collaborate with the Nazis (until they were stabbed in the back). Another chapter in history that many would like us to forget.
I have a Ukrainian friend who recently returned to Ukraine with his wife and two children because he thought it was more important to fight for Ukraine than to protect his family by staying in Canada. He's no Nazi, and I tried to warn him (I have very good sources), but to no avail. I doubt he'll survive. The casualty rate on the front is far worse than we're being told, and that's exactly where they'll send him, while the people who started this war remain comfortably ensconced in Lvov or Warsaw, not to mention Washington and London.
I'm just a naturally curious person who's always been fascinated by how the world works. If you're referring to the USSR, I became interested around the time of the Chernobyl disaster and have followed developments closely since then. People think of 9-11 as a watershed moment, but they forget the impact of Chernobyl, which IMO had far greater consequences as it signalled the end of the USSR and the Cold War. People who grew up in that era will know what I mean, in fact the similarity to our present situation is hard to ignore, the only difference being that we appear to have traded places. Russia is recovering from their collapse and their society is slowly becoming more open and democratic, while our collapse is just getting started, and authoritarianism is on the rise.
This is yet another example - out of hundreds the past few years - of how much globalists have corrupted governments, medical boards and agencies, medical schools, mainstream news and social media. This criminal suppression of truth has been happening over and over in Canada, Europe, the UK, US, Australia and New Zealand. All because these nations have been taken over by globalists. This same suppression of truth will be used against anyone who opposes climate, fake food and digital currency operations, as well as future falsely inflated pandemics and their inevitable deadly "vaccines."
Quite agree, the corruption runs deep. As for CBDCs, if they get away with that, which they must not, it will be the final nail in the quest to eliminate our freedom, privacy
and assets - even our children.
You may like this excellent short interview from just three days ago with the wonderful Catherine Austin Fitts:
"His message to young men—stop playing video games and watching porn and start strengthening your characters, bodies, and minds—can only be threatening to people who derive a sense of power by claiming to represent all those mired in victimhood, weakness, and misery."
That, emphasis on the last part, hits the nail on the head, and with the small hammer dead-center, too.
All those BS professorships and entire BS academic fields whose MO is basically finding new victim groups and makeing sure they know they are, and remain, (supposed) victims. And the kraken of lesser cognitively endowed minions reaching into the entire culture provides the academical and cultural terror and outrage, while the BS professors rub their hands and giggle.
Someone sawing at that comfy chair's legs is the enemy, and there's nothing too dirty to "fix" that "problem".
Dr. Jordan Peterson, PhD, could simply cancel his license as a psychologist in Ontario.
Why would he wish to be associated with such a tyrannical and degenerate institution, anyway?
In Canada, boards of psychology are tyrannical. Professional boards do the dirtyoppressive work of the provincial governments. They have even criminalized the ''act'' of psychotherapy if it is done by a non-member of the boards of psychology, as if such deeply human endeavour could be operationalized (except for psychiatrists who have mostly turned into pill-pushers , and physicians who are untrained but paid by the governement to do psychotherapy). Moreoevr, provincial boards encourage complaints by the public and then harass professionals about anything and everything, while the public complains more and more about non-issues or ''hot'' topics. For example, people believing that they are transgender frequently complain to boards of psychology if a professional does not simply and only affirm their transgenderism, however, after the irreversible physical transformation via surgery and hormones, these people are still unhappy with themselves and then complain to your board because you did affirm their transgenderism. (Boards of psychology require psychologists to affirm tansgenderism.) So, professionals are damned if they do and damned if they don't.
In 2020, I experienced something similar to the complaint received by Dr. Peterson. My response = cancelling my license. Enough is enough! Early retirement is OK by me (although I feel very sorry for the young professionals). The board of psychology can write any calumny about me - I do not care. I know that I am highly ethical and follow the basic ethical principles written decades ago - they don't. Governements and professional boards are out there to make you submit to tyranny. I will not submit.
BE VERY CAREFUL, because ''Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities'' (Voltaire).
Your profession has been weaponized for many a year. Thanks for your review of current conditions. I too feel very sorry for the young professionals, including doctors and nurses. Watching the degradation of civilization over the years was mystifying. It looked like millions of small steps down from pride, honor, reason, awareness, caring and common sense. If you haven't found Dr. Peter Breggin yet you may find something here.
Since first hearing Dr. Peterson I was amazed at how his brain is wired. It is remarkable. He sees things so clearly and so differently than most people. I greatly respect him and esteem his work. I pray to God that he will be able to stand steadfast and courageously in the face of the evil in today’s world.
What a mockery, Jordan Peterson being taught to speak appropriately! The threat to the State is that he is too effective, educated, with genuine wisdom that the masses may follow after being steeped in mediocrity for so long.
What an outstanding piece, Mr. Leake. Just beautiful and a huge tribute to Dr. Jordan Peterson. I see a reflection of the Russian brainwashing of the '50s and the Pavlovian methods being taught to me in the US teacher's college of that day. There is a little book available here: https://alex-sk.jimdofree.com/mehr-links/charles-stickley-the-brainwashing-manual/ which explains some things we should know about methods to "retrain" a person whether they submit or not. Hypnosis is one. And with the addition of pain and drugs hypnosis can be taken to new levels. Those who are after Dr. Peterson are really perfecting their technique of earlier Brain-Washing methods adapted to present day conditions. I’m sure they are thrilled with their own creativity. Nothing is stopping them from kidnapping people and Brain-Washing them and calling it "retraining."
"I see a reflection of the Russian brainwashing of the '50s"
The USSR was not Russia. Jordan encourages us to study history. I would look into who the Bolsheviks were, and who actually supported them. Russia was just as much a victim of communism as the other 14 republics, perhaps more so, since people tend to confuse the two.
Hello When Worlds Collide, Good point. Well, I was using the terminology I heard. I didn't want Russia blamed as the source of brain-washing either. I don't want to get walloped for being behind Putin, but I see him as against the globalists and so fighting for freedom.
The title of the book in that link is: Brain-Washing, A Synthesis of the Russian
Textbook on Psychopolitics. I would be appreciative if you could give me some direction on that.
The history of Russia and the USSR is a vast topic, and after ten years of study I've only just scratched the surface myself. There's no getting around the fact that Russia was at the center of the USSR, an empire it inherited from the Czars, but that is only half the story. To venture into a full discussion is to tread on dangerous ground however, which is how Alexander Solzhenitsyn went from the darling of western intelligentsia to overnight pariah when he published '200 Years Together' a book still only available in samizdat translation in the west.
The fact that psychiatry was abused in the USSR in much the same way as it's now being abused in the west is about the limit of my knowledge of the subject. For a good summary of the collapse and events leading up to the present, I would recommend The Last Empire : the final days of the Soviet Union
We can’t afford to lose Jordan Peterson in Canada! This treatment of him is outrageous and he plans to fight it, thank goodness. All Canadians had better wake up fast before they experience the same communist treatment. Thx for covering this on your substack!
Re education? I live up here in Canadistan, this so called country has turned into a shit show. The authorities have sunk to new lows. Peterson has more grey matter than all of them combined.
This is a good reminder about the dangers of state licensing, in case we needed one.
The state should NOT have the power to determine who can practice as a psychologist, a doctor, or anything else! This whole state licensing regime has been responsible for the whole disaster called Covid and many other medical travesties over the last century.
Let the free market handle certifications and let the individual decide whom they want to patronize!
I'm sure I'm going to miss things they did because there were so many. So in advance I ask that you forgive me.
State regulatory processes were also used as a weapons against small businesses. Forcing them to impose quasi medical masking, jab or your job mandates, vaccine passports and shutting businesses down completely.
Absolutely. The licensing regime goes beyond the professions and is all pervasive.
We have corporations that have been licensed by the states who can be fined or otherwise threatened, put out of business, if they don't comply with draconian state edicts.
We have been sold on the notion that licensing was put in place to control quality and to prevent rogue behavior. And that might be true in certain cases. But if Covid has taught us anything, it is that licensing is primarily a weapon of the state to enforce various agendas, most of which are pernicious.
"We have been sold on the notion that licensing was put in place to control quality"
It's all about CONTROL.
After I read your response I thought of the regulatory controls that were used against doctors, threatening their licenses if they prescribed HCQ or Ivermectin and they also threatened pharmacists throughout pharmacy boards not to dispense HCQ or Ivermectin which drove up the death and destruction...
I told you I'd miss stuff... I'm old😉
What should the state do?...
Provide courts of justice (not social). Provide policing. Defend the nation against foreign attack. Other institutions can do everything else better. There. Now 90 percent of our problems are solved....
Perfect. Now that we've figured that out I can get back to my ☕😎
Not that it has done a very good job with even these basics.
But the more its scope can be limited, the better.
Agreed but the people in licensed professions love licensing too since it limits the number of their competitors. They made a deal with the devil so to speak and are now paying the price.
Exactly right. It is much like the welfare state in general. It seems like such a good deal early on, but over time the true price comes to light. Like a Ponzi scheme.
And so are we.
I agree philosophically, but practically speaking I don't think we want morons declaring themselves brain surgeons or gynecologists. Such bad actors would hurt a lot of people before the free market dissipates their clientele.
That's the problem with trying to achieve liberty. People will always conjure up some kind of disastrous scenario in their head about how the new regime will cause problems and, as a result, they decide not to support it.
They won't stop to think that "Hey, maybe TODAY's regime is ALREADY producing catastrophic results which need to end." Instead, they just let their imagination get the better of them and end up supporting the maintenance of the status quo.
Did you know that the U.S. had a free market in medicine in the 19th century, and that it had the best, most affordable care in the developed world at that time?
That is to say, this is not some ivory tower fantasy! A free market in health care has already been demonstrated to be the best approach available.
Do you really think that hospitals are going to hire morons, with no skills or education, to do brain surgery? Do you really think that patients would patronize them? Do you really think that insurers would contract with them? Think Steve!!
Yes, I know all about 19th century medicine....
Liberty doesn't mean the freedom to do everything you please. Under your scenario, I could put up a shingle tomorrow claiming to be a top psychologist. Why not? After all, I had two psych courses in college, and have read dozens of books on the subject. So, when someone who's screwing his chihuahua drops by and I suggest he switch to a sheep -- $200, please -- and he jumps off a cliff instead, is that okay with you? A silly example, I suppose, but there have always been swindlers throughout history, and there are plenty today. By the time they get caught and (perhaps) punished, the damage has been done. Lives are ruined.
I have some investment accounts, and know a thing or two about it. Should I be free to present myself as an investment advisor and pull a "Bernie Madoff"? Or do you consider his scam a fantasy?
BTW, I've had a flying lesson. Should I be free to advertise as an experienced pilot? "Half the price of other pilots!" Some people will fall for it, and maybe fall from the sky.... Should people be able to run restaurants with rats in the cellar? Should barbers with zero training be allowed to cut hair and shave men's faces? Should the mentally ill be allowed to buy guns? Should incompetents be building houses?... Not everything is black and white. Lots of gray areas in life, my friend....
I'm all for more liberty and free markets -- and far less government -- but some things need oversight. Practicality tops philosophy, IMHO (although I've always been interested in the latter).
Fraud is not permitted in a free market. If you claim to have certain degrees, experience, what have you that you do not, you would be subject to legal action.
There are plenty of viable ways to assure quality, and none of them have anything to do with state licensing. You have competing private firms doing certifications You have reputation, word of mouth.
There have been swindlers throughout history, including today. The problem (with respect to medicine, anyway) is that we have licensed doctors who are essentially REQUIRED to practice quackery now, due to the way that medical licensing has been weaponized. Quackery has become INSTITUTIONALIZED! And here you are, worrying about the random quack who MIGHT do some harm in a free market before people caught on.
If there were no licensing laws, people would certainly look at a service provider's credentials, certifications and insurances and maybe these service providers would also put up a bond. Organizations who certify professionals will most definitely police who they certify since their members' reputations and thus livelihoods are on the line. In this day and age of instant news and reviews, a bad apple will be discovered quickly.
Amazing work trudeau - it takes amazing effort and will to so thoroughly screw up such a beautiful country.
Trudeau just finished the job. This country's been a disgrace for most of its history.
- Chinese Exclusion Act (after they built a railroad for us)
- Japanese Internment during WWII. Most of them were citizens.
- Residential Schools. Their apologies ring hollow.
- Sanitizing German and Ukrainian Nazis (Operation Paper Clip)
- Participation in several NATO operations resulting in thousands of civilian deaths.
- Support for Neo-Nazis in Ukraine.
That's just the short list.
Those first three things were expedient at the time and should not be judged by today's liberal, wishy-washy standards. Operation paper clip was an American operation that had nothing to do with Canada. The last two I would agree with. The only part of the Canadian Pacific Railway that was built with Chinese contract labor was the part from the coast to Kamloops, which is approximately 200 miles. They were hired by American contractor Andrew Onderdonk. The rest of the railway was built with European labor, but poorly educated people like you want to think that it was completely built by Chinese.
"but poorly educated people like you..."
Really? This is your way of engaging me in debate?
I'll refrain from ad hominem and simply point out that the railway was built on a tight schedule, and when it reached the mountains your European labourers saw what they were facing and took the free land that was on offer. Chinese were imported to finish the most dangerous part of the job, and as they said, there's a dead Chinese for every mile of the CPR.
When you've built a tunnel or a trestle in mountain terrain, as opposed to just laying track on flat land, then tell us what you know about building railways. The fact is, the line would not have been finished on time if not for the Chinese, and BC would most likely have joined the USA as a result. So yeah, if you want to split hairs, they only build the most difficult part. Thanks for pointing that out.
As for operation Paperclip, if you use the narrow definition of the term then your point is taken, however, a significant number of Nazis also ended up in Canada, as well as several nations in South America. I met one of them myself in Ottawa in the late 70's. Father of a friend. His cover story was that he was a fire fighter in Berlin. Odd that he didn't pursue that occupation in Canada but instead became a dental technician. I know he was a Nazi because my friend showed me his library, consisting of all the revisionist material of the day, plus several LP records of the Fuhrer's speeches. I guess he didn't feel the need to protect his identity.
As for the South American contingent that trained the military in places like Chile and Argentina, I've had plenty of experience dealing with their victims, so I know the story quite well.
As for this:
"Those first three things were expedient at the time and should not be judged by today's liberal, wishy-washy standards."
Expedient? You mean like forcing people to get vaccinated or lose their livelihood because MUH PANDEMIC? That kind of expediency? I notice German and Italian Canadians weren't rounded up or had their property stolen. Explain that. The road to hell has always been paved with 'expediency' masquerading as good intentions. It's not just a recent thing.
It's a long way to the ground when you're perched on a high horse you don't know how to ride. Maybe next time approach me on foot?
well responded, thanks!
Smart AND rude.
Reminds me of a cartoon I once saw. Guy's sitting in front of his computer and his wife is in the doorway calling him for supper. Caption:
"Just a minute honey. Someone is wrong on the internet."
The Turd is an infantile buffoon.
JP will never concede to those tyrants.
Dr Peterson shines a very strong light on his enemies inadequacies/incompetence/malevolence (take your pick) of which there are plenty. The harder they push the more they reveal themselves. It is so disappointing that someone who has contributed so much to humankind is being treated so appallingly. Thank you Dr McCullough and Mr Leake for this article and for your persistence in the pursuit of the truth.
In Socrates’ constant criticism of the Athenian democracy in terms of its processes, positions, institutions and statesmen, he came to be seen as a symbol of civil defiance and the thusly politically threatened powerful determined he must be silenced.
Godspeed your beautiful journey pointing true North, Dr Peterson.
Whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high will vest, in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord,
"He is my refuge and my fortress,
My God in him I trust."
~Psalm 91
Canada my former homeland is now being seen for what it is and has been for decades. A socialist quagmire now trending towards communism.
Oh dear. How could I have had it so wrong? But, same with the US. All these years, two countries on the road to destruction.
You are not alone. We left over 25 years ago to escape being a grossly underpaid public servant in their decrepit health system.
Hardly any Americans understand Canada. Even after long conversations. Trudeau is like his father who was PM in the 70s. His father was close friends with Fidel Castro.
Trudeau’s mother was a prostitute who had many affairs including with Fidel Castro. Trudeau bears a striking physical resemblance to Castro and shares his ideology. That’s Canada.
When we dig a bit we understand the depravity of this man. Awake Canada has covered this subject a week ago or so. Our leaders are so corrupt, it's beyond our conception of humankind.
Put this way (I really like your summary of this piece of the presidential history), I admit I laughed, but then, with all my respect for Amercican patriots, I feel like crying !!!
I think the correct analogy would be socialism trending towards National Socialism.
It's hard not to notice the irony of a prime minister who accuses the opposition of "standing with people who wave swastikas" when his government is actively supporting neo-Nazis in Ukraine, while our deputy prime minister actually held a Nazi banner at a rally in their support.
The slogan 'Glory to Ukraine' was the motto of the OUN-B, the political organization headed by Stephan Bandera, Ukraine's national hero, which fought on the side of Nazi Germany, and was complicit in the murder of over 33,000 Jews at Babi Yar.
Not that surprising really, when you consider her family background:
Just who are these people our government stands with anyway? Who are the 'Integral Nationalists?'
I guess that's what happens when you study history, as Jordan suggested. No wonder they want to shut him up.
More irony: when the US truckers organized their own rally in support of ours, I actually saw a truck flying a Ukrainian flag. You just can't make this stuff up.
Lots of fascinating history there. I use the term communist because of Trudeau’s admiration of China and his being a protege of the WEF. “You will own nothing and you will like it” sounds more communist than socialist.
Oh and his Castro heritage is certainly communist.
My relatives were Mennonites in the Ukraine, many murdered by the anarchists during the Bolshevik revolution. The history is complex and distorted depending on the agenda of the author. We again are in a time of great confusion and propaganda.
China today more closely resembles Fascism than Communism, although corporate China is probably still the junior partner.
Ukrainians in 1939 were caught between the proverbial rock and a hard place. No good choices, but that doesn't mean we (or they) should rewrite history. What happened back then was truly beyond the pale, which incidentally is the origin of that expression (Pale of Settlement).
People point to the fact that Zelensky is Jewish, which in their minds negates the possibility of Nazism in Ukraine, conveniently leaving out the (little known) fact that Zionists did in fact collaborate with the Nazis (until they were stabbed in the back). Another chapter in history that many would like us to forget.
I have a Ukrainian friend who recently returned to Ukraine with his wife and two children because he thought it was more important to fight for Ukraine than to protect his family by staying in Canada. He's no Nazi, and I tried to warn him (I have very good sources), but to no avail. I doubt he'll survive. The casualty rate on the front is far worse than we're being told, and that's exactly where they'll send him, while the people who started this war remain comfortably ensconced in Lvov or Warsaw, not to mention Washington and London.
That’s a sad story. You have quite a knowledge base. May I ask what has driven your interest?
I'm just a naturally curious person who's always been fascinated by how the world works. If you're referring to the USSR, I became interested around the time of the Chernobyl disaster and have followed developments closely since then. People think of 9-11 as a watershed moment, but they forget the impact of Chernobyl, which IMO had far greater consequences as it signalled the end of the USSR and the Cold War. People who grew up in that era will know what I mean, in fact the similarity to our present situation is hard to ignore, the only difference being that we appear to have traded places. Russia is recovering from their collapse and their society is slowly becoming more open and democratic, while our collapse is just getting started, and authoritarianism is on the rise.
Highly recommend the new book “the great reset and the struggle for liberty : unraveling the global agenda” by Michael Recktenwald.
Very sad to behold.
This is yet another example - out of hundreds the past few years - of how much globalists have corrupted governments, medical boards and agencies, medical schools, mainstream news and social media. This criminal suppression of truth has been happening over and over in Canada, Europe, the UK, US, Australia and New Zealand. All because these nations have been taken over by globalists. This same suppression of truth will be used against anyone who opposes climate, fake food and digital currency operations, as well as future falsely inflated pandemics and their inevitable deadly "vaccines."
Quite agree, the corruption runs deep. As for CBDCs, if they get away with that, which they must not, it will be the final nail in the quest to eliminate our freedom, privacy
and assets - even our children.
You may like this excellent short interview from just three days ago with the wonderful Catherine Austin Fitts:
💯 Thanks for posting this. Catherine has done a terrific job exposing the intentions and threats to freedom from CBDCs.
This will give a new meaning to the word "backfire".
Haha yes!
"His message to young men—stop playing video games and watching porn and start strengthening your characters, bodies, and minds—can only be threatening to people who derive a sense of power by claiming to represent all those mired in victimhood, weakness, and misery."
That, emphasis on the last part, hits the nail on the head, and with the small hammer dead-center, too.
All those BS professorships and entire BS academic fields whose MO is basically finding new victim groups and makeing sure they know they are, and remain, (supposed) victims. And the kraken of lesser cognitively endowed minions reaching into the entire culture provides the academical and cultural terror and outrage, while the BS professors rub their hands and giggle.
Someone sawing at that comfy chair's legs is the enemy, and there's nothing too dirty to "fix" that "problem".
Dr. Jordan Peterson, PhD, could simply cancel his license as a psychologist in Ontario.
Why would he wish to be associated with such a tyrannical and degenerate institution, anyway?
In Canada, boards of psychology are tyrannical. Professional boards do the dirtyoppressive work of the provincial governments. They have even criminalized the ''act'' of psychotherapy if it is done by a non-member of the boards of psychology, as if such deeply human endeavour could be operationalized (except for psychiatrists who have mostly turned into pill-pushers , and physicians who are untrained but paid by the governement to do psychotherapy). Moreoevr, provincial boards encourage complaints by the public and then harass professionals about anything and everything, while the public complains more and more about non-issues or ''hot'' topics. For example, people believing that they are transgender frequently complain to boards of psychology if a professional does not simply and only affirm their transgenderism, however, after the irreversible physical transformation via surgery and hormones, these people are still unhappy with themselves and then complain to your board because you did affirm their transgenderism. (Boards of psychology require psychologists to affirm tansgenderism.) So, professionals are damned if they do and damned if they don't.
In 2020, I experienced something similar to the complaint received by Dr. Peterson. My response = cancelling my license. Enough is enough! Early retirement is OK by me (although I feel very sorry for the young professionals). The board of psychology can write any calumny about me - I do not care. I know that I am highly ethical and follow the basic ethical principles written decades ago - they don't. Governements and professional boards are out there to make you submit to tyranny. I will not submit.
BE VERY CAREFUL, because ''Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities'' (Voltaire).
Your profession has been weaponized for many a year. Thanks for your review of current conditions. I too feel very sorry for the young professionals, including doctors and nurses. Watching the degradation of civilization over the years was mystifying. It looked like millions of small steps down from pride, honor, reason, awareness, caring and common sense. If you haven't found Dr. Peter Breggin yet you may find something here.
Thanks, Kathy! I listen to Dr. Breggin too, a highly moral psychiatrist.
New word for me. "calumny" Looked it up in a real dictionary (I'm on the older side). Thanks.
Since first hearing Dr. Peterson I was amazed at how his brain is wired. It is remarkable. He sees things so clearly and so differently than most people. I greatly respect him and esteem his work. I pray to God that he will be able to stand steadfast and courageously in the face of the evil in today’s world.
He is also humble enough to listen to others and incorporate their ideas. I have recently begun following his tremendous work on Daily Wire+.
He has a wonderful mind, common sense we can’t afford to lose in Canada, as Canadians we need to stand up for strong men like this!
"mandatory social-media communication retraining."
Boy are they in a hurry to CCCP: Canada Changing into Communist Peehole.
This is going to be GOLDEN!!!
What a mockery, Jordan Peterson being taught to speak appropriately! The threat to the State is that he is too effective, educated, with genuine wisdom that the masses may follow after being steeped in mediocrity for so long.
What an outstanding piece, Mr. Leake. Just beautiful and a huge tribute to Dr. Jordan Peterson. I see a reflection of the Russian brainwashing of the '50s and the Pavlovian methods being taught to me in the US teacher's college of that day. There is a little book available here: https://alex-sk.jimdofree.com/mehr-links/charles-stickley-the-brainwashing-manual/ which explains some things we should know about methods to "retrain" a person whether they submit or not. Hypnosis is one. And with the addition of pain and drugs hypnosis can be taken to new levels. Those who are after Dr. Peterson are really perfecting their technique of earlier Brain-Washing methods adapted to present day conditions. I’m sure they are thrilled with their own creativity. Nothing is stopping them from kidnapping people and Brain-Washing them and calling it "retraining."
"I see a reflection of the Russian brainwashing of the '50s"
The USSR was not Russia. Jordan encourages us to study history. I would look into who the Bolsheviks were, and who actually supported them. Russia was just as much a victim of communism as the other 14 republics, perhaps more so, since people tend to confuse the two.
Hello When Worlds Collide, Good point. Well, I was using the terminology I heard. I didn't want Russia blamed as the source of brain-washing either. I don't want to get walloped for being behind Putin, but I see him as against the globalists and so fighting for freedom.
The title of the book in that link is: Brain-Washing, A Synthesis of the Russian
Textbook on Psychopolitics. I would be appreciative if you could give me some direction on that.
The history of Russia and the USSR is a vast topic, and after ten years of study I've only just scratched the surface myself. There's no getting around the fact that Russia was at the center of the USSR, an empire it inherited from the Czars, but that is only half the story. To venture into a full discussion is to tread on dangerous ground however, which is how Alexander Solzhenitsyn went from the darling of western intelligentsia to overnight pariah when he published '200 Years Together' a book still only available in samizdat translation in the west.
The fact that psychiatry was abused in the USSR in much the same way as it's now being abused in the west is about the limit of my knowledge of the subject. For a good summary of the collapse and events leading up to the present, I would recommend The Last Empire : the final days of the Soviet Union
You have an amazing viewpoint! Thank you for your answer and the links.