Economic law and moral truth cannot be repealed; and they will not remain on the sidelines indefinitely. The world is waking up the lies we're being told. Thank you Dr McCullough for speaking truth to power. Well done sir.

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Thank you Dr. McCullough. I watched the interview yesterday. I was surprised to hear that your practice uses Paxlovid. None of the treatments the FDA or CDC puts their stamp on are helpful to people. Big pharma's days are over. Pfizer and Moderna must be driven out of business forever. Thanks for everything you do for humanity. Peace.

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Watched your interview with Jan... it's so completely clear that the government staffers are in league with the big pharma and WEF influencers behind the scenes. Who exactly is pulling the puppet strings? We have enough evidence from the actions taking place to make the case that this is what is happening - and unfortunately has been happening for quite a long time. It's just being exposed through the Covid saga. Thank you so much Dr. McCullough for devoting yourself to this service for all of mankind. Your influence is immeasurable.

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Thank you Dr Peter McCullough for sharing the Truth. It will find it’s way to the masses. The evil that has censored us and lies and continues to lying will not accept defeat. Please continue sharing the Truth of COVID vaccinations.

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This is insane!

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Big Pharma, IMHO, is a disgrace.

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Please don’t refer to covid as very dangerous or very serious. It’s a fraudulent disease, there’s no virus & only the everyday illnesses we’ve always endured.

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I respect you greatly Dr. Yeadon. Please give us the science behind your opinion. Please don't say merely, "The virus hasn't been properly isolated." Generally those who say this insist that even measles hasn't been properly isolated.

They cling to unattainable criteria for identification of the covid-19 virus.

eg: One might insist that we know nothing about the Sun because we have not properly observed it-- i.e., we have not gone there & collected pure samples. It's easily seen that a too-narrow interpretation of "observation" is the error.

It's similarly possible to erroneously insist upon a too-narrow meaning of isolation or identification. Please Sir, give us your answer at length or supply a link. Thanks so much.

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Thanks. I was unsure. I remember when Lancet put up the phony studies on hydroxychloroquine as did NEJM. I remember when all the big journals denounced the Pradhan Group's findings in Feb 2020.

Nothing has changed. All the medical societies and their publications ridicule and degrade medications like HCQ , zinc, ivermectin.

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Very interesting paper (great!) but will anyone publish it- like NEJM or Lancet? The powers to be will not deviate from their narrative. Also, I bought and read Dr. McCullough's book and some twenty other books. I learned a lot but also by February 2020 I thought something was very wrong when I read the Pradhan Group's paper showing that the SARS CoV2 virus was lab engineered. It was Pradhan's paper that got Fauci and Collins to keep spitting out those notorious emails.

Vladimir Zelenko's book is an excellent, fun read. Dr. Zelenko was very down to earth.

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I believe that it was Lancet that accepted the article for pre-print, then mysteriously pulled it based upon some nonsense (raised by a Big Pharma shill.)

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