Hydrochloriquine shoukd gave been given early on in treatment, not approved for hospital use only. They suppressed treatment in NY. The vaccine is a bioweapon plan, test.

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Dr McCullough you are not only brilliant but very brave. Thank you for your rationale well thought out explanations to this planned attack on humanity to cause abject fear into the population so as to line up happily to get injected with the bioweapon. I for one was fortunate enough to have been exposed to brilliant scientists and physicians who chose to speak and act as to do no harm!

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What happened to the flu during the pandemic?

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And just for good measure, on December 20, 2020, as the vaccines were being rolled out in US, there was a Hydroxychloroquine factory in Taiwan that caught fire after an explosion.. The factory was the 2nd largest manufacturer of Hydroxychloroquine in the world. hmmm.

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Ivermectin was used in India and chloroquine (similar to HCQ) was used in China so it wasn't worldwide - just the western developed nations.

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France suddenly pulling over the counter Hydroxychloriquine in January 2020 says it all.

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Drugs with an EUA do not conflict with other EUA applications. HCQ had already been given approval for other purposes, and so it could affect the EUA process for the experimental vaccine. For that reason I think Dr. McCullough's examples of other EUAs are not germane to the issue. That said, I agree that the attack on the use of HQC was for the much darker purpose of eliciting terror in the public, thus facilitating a mass vaccination mandate.

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the people were told over and over there was no treatment, and we had to wait on a vax. People were sent home from the hospital ER with no treatment, and told to return when they could no longer breathe unassisted.

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Yes. That alone makes them guilty of murder. Of course treatment was available! Worst of all, in the UK at least, elderly patients from Care Homes were refused hospital admission, the ambulances turned away. These poor people, deprived of visits from their family, died in the Care Home with under-qualified though caring Staff who had to see them injected with Midazolam. These Staff did not know that Midazolam is not good for people with breathing difficulties, that Midazolam causes breathing difficulties and the Patients should be watched by a qualified Nurse or Doctor with the right things ready to intervene if breathing is compromised. Instead, the poor elderly people were murdered by overdoses of midazolam which led them to choke to death and their Carers to think they were dying of Covid. The people who designed the whole Covid - 'vaccine' - no interventions - no Ivermectin or HCQ - and arranged the elderly to have midazolam while their family were kept away, all of this and more: the contents of the 'vaccines', the appalling persecution of good men like Dr McCullough, everything, the lies, fear-mongering, all of it was carefully planned and orchestrated by a clever group who had complete control of the MSM, who could control the Health Authorities, the Governments, and every department they needed to keep under their control. This is a monstrous war against humanity, set out to kill and maim ordinary good people and destroy countries. It has been in planning for years and its ring-leaders are the most evil people the world has ever known.

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I do understand your Thinking Dr. McCullough, but I do take the view that there was a more nefarious and restrictive purpose in the failure to recognize treatment options like HCQ and Ivermectin.

Thank you~

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I wrote the above comment around the 6 minute mark, then Dr. McCullough goes on to explain...the more nefarious motivation's which he believes is possible. Yes, I do agree and it is good to have you offer your Nuances on the whole sequence of events along with backing it up with provable facts about what was done. This allows others to understand and maybe connect some Dots and speculate on Motivations and more unacknowledged policy reasoning.

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I'd like to copy this on a thumb drive so I can get it to my doctor. Its clear they are suppressing information in large medical groups. Some good docs have no idea.

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Your comment, Silvestrini; " Its clear they are suppressing information in large medical groups. Some good docs have no idea. " is both very chilling and rings very true. I have friends who are Doctors, both in Hospital and General Practise. Although I have a principle of avoiding the discussion of medical issues with them outside of work, it comes up concerning all that has been happening. I am mainly aware of how much more informed I am than they are, as you have said. Maybe I get more time to research things. But it is widespread, for example, they close down any discussion on contrails/chemtrails and we get our fair (?) share of the latter.

But the won't even discuss it. Just give me a wary look and change the subject. This attitude I encounter, albeit polite, is worse than their apparent ignorance of the dangers of the covid vax for example. It clearly says they regard my information as coming from an unreliable source and that it is 'just' the views of a 'crazy fringe' who want to make up stories to frighten people. I am retired, but held a well-qualified research and teaching job in a university which included teaching Doctor about research. NowI get the Doctors' 'God-complex' and am treated somewhat patronisingly. They avoid the 'conspiracy theorist' label but it's hovering there in the background. In other words, I'd say they are brainwashed.

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So the military needed a faster platform for vaccines in case of biowar. pHarma needed a platform that could be based on a computer formulation that was faster and less trouble than past processes. So we think the issues of hiding the RNA in some lipid had been solved with newer lipids. All wanted the vaccine to work and be safe. Everybody invested in the "new" technology to save us. Vested interests could not allow any competition for this safe, effective vaccine - until data arrived that suggested not as safe nor as effective. Officials can never admit to error, can they?

The loss of trust may become a future risk.

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evidently a large number of tech parents in CA are now forswearing any childhood jab

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How can one watch the Planet Lockdown documentary?

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I''m unable to correct mistakes.

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well - you could create a reply to your own comment with the updated information to correct any perceived mistakes.

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I could except I was typing on my phone as I walked three of my dogs..I read on the run. I teach at three campuses, one college, two technical schools. I have four grandchildren under 9 living with me and I co-teach at my husband's church. And I just purchased two persian cats. I'm also studying for my doctorate. I tried to edit the spelling but I was unable that day to edit on my phone. Lesson in this: never assume.

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