What a tremendous interview, many thanks. Facts no fiction is exactly what thoughtful people need to understand the basis of their decisions especially regarding cov-inject. From an outsiders viewpoint & opinion based upon much informed input the cov- industry is a diabolical & sinister scheme that is anything but pro humanity. I am sad for the misguided & now suffering recipients of that scheme.

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Wonderful Information!

Thank you Courageous Truth Warriors Dr. McCullough and Willem Engel!

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This Nam combat infantry veteran salutes both Dr McCullough and Mr. Engel. They have gone heroically far beyond the call of ethical and moral duty against the unimaginable power of DARPA, the big booted military complex under the direction of the current administration, three letter spook agencies, and the symbiosis of Big Pharma, Big tech collaboration and censure. Thanks also to those who hang tough for humanity and our children’s sake.

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This is good news! Yay!

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Thank you both for continuing to fight for us all. You are definitely courageous warriors.

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How ya likin sister Socialized medicine so far America? Wait, there’s more! Big brother Communism always follows her act. For those petulant enough who think Communism and sister socialized “free” medicine are attractive with guaranteed income and hating the Constitutional Republic and it’s free market capitalism for fun, have at it. The first victim will be body sovereignty, but there’s plenty more sacrifice to come. That’s when depression and “equity” become real, people do not work unless forced labor, assets become digitalized, representing human value, money dries up and rationing is inevitable. You will beg for jabs. This is not Capitalism gone amuck. It is a multi faceted attack hijacking capitalism. More than anything, it highlights the vacancy of civic responsibility of my Boomer generation and its offspring not maintaining careful civic political oversight of government representatives over decades, instead focusing on clicks the likes of TikTok culture. Play TikTok games, win TikTok prizes. But first capture academia at the highest level decades ago by hitching the CCP’s wagon to America’s Van, having Boomer hubris that the wagon could never pull the Van. Filter down through government sponsored public education cultural Marxist ideology with nefarious intentional dumbing down of the people with to have them forfeit all sovereignty to a one Party State.

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Does anyone know of any studies revealing the side effects of the Johnson & Johnson Covid vaccine? Someone told me that it was not actually an mRNA vaccine. Does anyone know if that is true?

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