Best half hour of the compilations of latest facts in peer reviewed topics and prevention reminder.

Always amazing how Peter fires off rapidly the names/titles/subjects/ of such global health makers

These results are the reason I subscribed. Where else can you have this excellent delivery of facts?

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The immune system only works properly with 50 ng/mL (125 nmol/L) circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D or more, which is 2 to 10 times what most people have without proper vitamin D3 supplementation (such as 0.125 mg 5000 IU / day for 70 kg body weight, without obesity - far more than governments recommend) or recent extensive UV-B exposure of (ideally white) skin. Please read the research articles cited and discussed at: https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/ .

There is very little vitamin D3 in food, fortified or not. People with brown or black skin are especially likely to have very low 25-hydroxyvitamin D, especially far from the equator, in winter and/or if they tend to avoid direct high elevation sunlight.

Fortunately, vitamin D3 supplementation is easy and inexpensive. It need not be taken every day - every week or so to perhaps 10 days is fine. "5000 IU" a day sounds like a lot, but it is a gram every 22 years - and pharma grade vitamin D3 costs about USD$2.50 a gram ex-factory.

Immune cells need 25-hydroxyvitamin D, made in the liver from vitamin D3, to run their intracrine (inside each cell) and paracrine (to nearby cells) signaling systems, which are crucial to each cell's ability to change its behavior according to its changing circumstances. This is unrelated to hormonal signaling. Most doctors and immunologists do not understand it, which is why the second section of https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/ explains these systems clearly.

The first section now has recommendations from New Jersey based Emeritus Professor of Medicine Sunil Wimalawansa on how much vitamin D3 a day, on average, to supplement, as ratios of body weight, with higher ratios for those suffering from obesity.

Other nutrients, such as magnesium, zinc, vitamin K2, boron and omega 3 fatty acids are important and generally should be supplemented as well.

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Plus if it is factual that our food supply overall is losing the nutrient density over time,

then in theory a properly derived supplement must be added into everyone's daily diet.

We have been witness the growing problems of human inactivity across all age groups.

Planet living for majority has become push button and wireless to amplify the laziness.

How much atrophy can you afford to welcome into your body? It was designed to move.

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Thanks for that link on dosing, very informative!

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Intellectually, analytically, and spiritually delivered overview of our current medical mess .

Thank You Dr. McC. for your collaborative gift. ladyinthebarn

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Fantastic resource with links to references. Thanks so much.

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ASSA Convention


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'Below is a paragraph I commonly send to colleagues when they inquire'

Excellent summary except for one thing: these days, I don't generally consider "consensus driven" as a credible argument for anything.

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Dr. M - it is believed that the c19 vaccinations are not part of the influenza vaccinations.... can you speak on this? What information can you share? Do you have data? Have the flu vaccines converted to mRNA based?

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Typo alert!:

"US Senate, and on September 13, 2023, in the European Parliament, has called for with assent of an expert panels, removal of all COVID-19 vaccines . . . "

"AN expert panels" ? Is it: "of an expert panel", or "of expert panels"?

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Our host needs to make it part of his presentations to explain why your 'average doc' is spellbound.

Just point out that jab damage manifests as a large array of syndromes, separated in time from the jab event, and that your typical MD sees like 20 examples a year in a practice of say 500. That can be missed, particularly given the lack of actual technical training on vaccines and even moreso the drumbeat of propaganda on these mRNA jabs.\

Its my number one question from the normie hobbits, how come its JUST McCullough? And they feel they 'have you' with an insurmountable logical defense.... he is a wingnut. Explain what it looks like from the perspective of your average MD. Very important.

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Great summary of current concerns in American public health. We've lost our way.

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Dr McCullugh, on your podcast on Monday (not sure where to go to chat about that.. that’s why I’m posting here).. you asked about universities that are still mandating the C-vax. AdventHealth University in Orlando, FL is currently mandating it.

I got my BSN there and it was a wonderful school. I am so disappointed to hear that! I had a friend reach out to me that they wouldn’t let her daughter in law in the school without it. In nursing school we were taught to always ask questions and think for ourselves... sad to see they aren’t doing that currently.

Also on this same podcast from 10/16/23 you talked a little bit about shedding... I’d be interested to know if a non-vaxxed person that thinks they may have the effects of shedding get tested?? How would you go about that? On one of your podcasts I believe someone spoke about it being in peoples stem cells and it leaves behind a signature marker... so could we test non vaxxed people to see if the signature marker was there? That would definitely take shedding from a strong theory to at least worthy of more testing!

Just curious!

Thanks for all you’re doing to get the truth out there!

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Sorry that the ketogenic and carnivore diets weren't on the list! Just listen to Dr. Anthony Chaffee once!

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We can document all the data which ascribes our diminishing health even as more money is spent on things that ARE KNOWN to be hurtful and lethal which the Govt still pushes!!!...to further harm us. Turbo cancers....HPV....the same people who push these agents seem to not mention the current info about their real impacts. These are not your routine vaccines...some even show an association with Autism...but look how that is like the JFK assassination truth only slowly leaking even now....the entire vaccination shade pulled over our eyes shows the health system wants unhealthy folks....die rapidly and early is their economic approach. How many millions have been lost due to the COVID vac??...and who profits....not us!!!

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I can not thank you enough for your truth and courage Dr. McCullough. The audience hopefully is sharing this Video with whomever they care about and doing great service to friends, family, and the public. Most of the propagandized face diaper believers that were promulgated into keeping fear visually omnipresent have gone back into their cocoons now that the truth has risen to the best antiseptic, light. The Pharma medical complex and the WEF/WHO collaboration to experimentally manipulate and make global Socialized medicine compulsory is still battling the masses with censorship and lies by doing what it does best, invert disinformation. Truth as always is becoming naturally more pervasive than the lie and faith will prevail if the truth is told one tenth as many time as the lie that always gets a head start on conservative dissent. It is not surprising to me that this has happened to my Boomer generation that has had a target on its back by nefarious entities since the first birth post WWII. As an unprecedentedly large group of basically free and secure Boomers who were about to become mass purchasers, voters, and eventually patients throughout their lives in America and abroad, the hijacking of their institutions for nefarious and greedy intent was not obvious for a generation destined to be a progressive era, leaving conservative dissent of what, why, and how in it’s tracks. But from the perspective of anyone paying attention to critical detail and broad outcome, it was not so acceptable. As a designated point man in a rifle platoon in the mountainous jungles of Vietnam where the often ghostly enemy had us coming and going, dug in for eight years waiting for us to show up, paying attention to potential critical natural and unnatural possibilities became my first nature. The denigration by many of my generation of their own country and slander of their own generational veterans upon their weary return home was cantankerously obvious to many Nam veterans that something unprecedented in America was happening. A naturally rebellious youth at university had joined and followed their popular Marxist professors of the time who were strategically situated in top university’s. They had been filtering down through tiered colleges, high schools and onto kitchen tables hate America sloganeering. In the matrix of Boomer groupthink, the propaganda to hijack the original movement against Congress for lack of oversight before boots on the ground in Vietnam became an anti war movement and hate America fest of riots, looting, burning buildings, bombing, and burning the flag in the streets in the name of “fightin da man”. The same playbook Marxist/Communist agitators of the past and today use with the added collaboration of liberal Boomer followers of Alinski’s rules for radicles like Hillary and her ilk. It worked, but in the vacuum of chaos and division in the America and political Party incontinence shortly after the assassination of three key political figures (the three K’s) the war was blamed on the military industrial complex and the lowly veterans. A disgrace that American Boomer natural groupthink would eventually address with omnipresent “thank you for your service”, albeit decades later. The division caused the war to go sideways as government began micro managing the war, replacement recruits were demoralized before ever leaving home, traditional G.I. pin-up Hollywood starlets doing photo opps on enemy artillery that blew limbs off American soldiers to demoralize American pilot POW’s, you name it, pure hate America. Most of the Boomers fought back not necessarily for the war but their veterans, but the fix was in, even though Communist China and Russian were the real elephants in that war, unbeknown to the public, American and NATO State Departments who are professional liars decided Communist China had to become a favored nation to divide it from Russia. That official opportunity happened with the Reagan Presidency as the USSR (Russia) collapsed, (almost). But it gave the next in line Clinton (D) administration the opportunity to officially in ‘93, make Communist China a favored nation. I recall the sloganeering at the time was something like “can’t we all be friends”, and Hillary’s “ it takes a (communist) village”. Simultaneously, the Neo uniparty was established with a handful of weak Republicans living on Reagan’s laurels of quick success. They

gutted middle American manufacturing, sending it abroad to slave regimes including China who used the trillions in wealth transfer to build its economy and massive military to be friendlier enemy’s. The dystopian transfer financially and psychologically depressed the now middle aged Boomer middle class into mis and malfeasance and drugs to scramble to survive without jobs. Their compensation would be cheap junk from slave labor abroad for the next thirty years. At this point in the timeline, big Pharma and Wall Street and their new/old global friends at the WEF (circa 1971) had already had visions of raining money as Boomers aged, and began the collaboration with big technology Google in China, and its subsidiaries You Tube, and Facebook’s super star Gates with WEF/ Pharma partnerships, exponentially taking control of the programing of the groupthink Boomer generation. Who would have thought the innocent 12” black and white TV of primary visual human senses watching TV, staring at a tube could be used nefariously to program? But they warned us at the beginning of each program who was sponsoring it. Today the division is real as is the chaos, political targeting, and many of the Alinsky and wannabe Marxist Boomer offspring are still at it selling off an America they were told was not worth saving as they use that excuse of plausible deniability to collaborate with WEF future Stake holders to expunge the Constitutional Republic facet by facet, especially culturally, as politics in a society is down stream of culture, but is dead in the water impossible within a civically responsible citizenry.

The youth of the 1960’s in top university academia were taught to hate American government and its institutions by Marxist professors that had come out of the woodwork to create division beyond their projected dystopian dreams. So the kids in rebel fashion followed the radicals thinking themselves the new Bunker Hill in America, proceeding to adhere to Gramsci’s “march through the institutions” and are now seniors with their offspring at the helm of the very institutions they chose to destroy to “build back better”, the continuing ruse of faux “democracy” and unelected global hierarchal oligarchy. The 2008 Democrat Trojan horse of Medicaid that burst on the American political scene to fundamentally change America came from nowhere but was/is the projected future of sister Socialized compulsory medical procedure and body autonomy demise. Take the jab, get sick, text global health alliance, Amazon delivers, you die. Overpopulation solved. No more pesky doctors, local pharmacy’s, lawyers, or insurance, all under the dome of hierarchal WHO authority.

For the sake of time I must apologize in advance for the many blanks and spaces of the timeline that obviously does not support logic thus subjecting itself to contrary previous propagandized group think (mass formation) and can be charged as conspiracy theories since I only lived through these experiences. Any government spook, CIA or former KGB will tell you once propagandized, it is near impossible to change the mind, and the Pravda media will always parrot the orders of the regime. Most think propaganda is a bear, they will see it coming. They will not because it targets one’s better graces and inclinations to their needs so as to capture and hold for ransom. I have no problem with progressivism so long as it accompanies conservatism’s what, why, and how. I prefer connecting dots like Stars, science, rather than AI algorithmic ideology that programs one click nuclear extinction and its lack of human understanding and incontinence of morality and conscience. That only plays well with petulant dystopian ideology on the way to utopia. America’s dilemma seems eerily familiar of the Peloponnesian Wars between the Athenian progressives and the conservative Spartans, except for that dusty ole Constitution of the Republic that intended to safely bind them together as the antithesis of corrupted consortiums. The question is which ideology disrespects law and advantages itself as the One Democrat Party does claiming that democracy defines America, which it does not, but merely provides the right to vote while the Constitutional Republic tethers and protects democracy’s fickle tendencies and progressive naïveté or nefarious inclinations from cannibalizing itself with unending victimhood and meaningless equity as a ruse that America’s Founders warned about.

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