"The problem is, we don’t have any robust system of pro-vaccine advocacy to counter it."

I'm almost speechless. If he really believes that - after the all-hands-on-deck pro-vax propaganda push of the past few years - then there's no way he's ever going to change his mind. It's delusional.

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I have done a ~1950 pages, probably 10k links/footnotes paper on Covid. All from places like Johns Hopkins Medical School, Lancet, BMJ, NEJM, Stanford Medical School, etc etc. Absolutely NO ONE cares. I get it that people are overwhelmed... but to be honest, they have ALL KINDS of time to watch Dancing with the Half Naked Stars, Keeping up with the Kartrashians, and The Inflated Price is Right, along with the Dallas Cowboys vs. the Roman Gladiators in the Coliseum (one in LA or Rome, same diff).

Most people are stuck in normalcy bias, and to be honest, since they are rich and comfortable, don't care, not interested. Or as one woman told me when I warned about the shot "I know, but I just want to go to Cancun next month." Same logic you might hear from a 4th grader who wants to have candy for dinner.

Truth is, as Mark Twain said, "it is easier to fool a man than to convince him he's been fooled." E.g., I sent my little brother a lot of info, all citing BMJ, NEJM, Johns Hopkins, Robert Malone, Peter McCullough, Stanford Medical School, Harvard Medical School, etc. His response? "Quit emailing me." So I did. Last report his wife with all the Covid shots had... ummmm..... Covid.

People didn't listen to Christ Himself when He walked the earth. Too bad then, and too bad now, as while you can ignore reality, you can't ignore what happens when you ignore reality.

Truth is, as Tevye sang in Fiddler on the Roof, "For when you're rich, they think you *really* know"; same thing for the people themselves, for in their wealth, they flatter themselves it was all due to their brilliance. To be sure, there are a lot of smart people, a lot who work hard. BUT, a few wise men - who are much smarter, and a thousand times more moral, said:

The important thing is to never stop questioning.” ‒ Albert Einstein (this is, of course, until, there is BIG MONEY and the fasco-Marxist cancel culture involved. Then they would even shout down Einstein and cancel his Twitter and YouTube access).

“Science is a process for learning about nature in which competing ideas about how the world works are measured against observations.” – Nobel Prize winning physicist Richard Feynman (The Meaning of it All)

“All are sure in their days except the most wise ... He is the wisest philosopher who holds his theory with some doubt.” – Michael Faraday (1791-1867, famed English scientist in electromagnetism. James Clerk Maxwell summarized the work of Faraday in a set of

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Probably the best comment on any article / op ed I have read in months.

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Merci. I just put on my Substack now. Feel free to use this, without attribution; you can edit, abridge, add, whatever you wish... I just want to get the truth out, without fetters on its dissemination. Besides, I'm married to my lovely wife, not my writing... https://blaisevanne.substack.com/

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Love your comment! I’m with you. I’ve done the same as you recording links to reports contrary to the narrative. I put mine on a website for family and friends to easily have available. Maybe it helped a few. I’ve now moved it all over to my substack (you can find my complete compilation under the PDF section). Have you made your work available online? If so let us know, I know I’d love to see it and many others too. If not you might consider putting it on Substack. Nevermind I see you have a Substack. Thanks again for the excellent comment here.

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Thanks, Jim. Good idea... I'll throw it on my substack acct, Att Viska (taken from the Swedish "to be quiet," here, referring to a verse from Isaiah 30, "“In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would ..."

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Sounds good Blaise, looking forward to seeing it! I’ll throw a link up to it on mine. Love the reference to Isaiah 30!

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Just put it up at Att Viska now.

Best for the New Year.

Rgds, Jim ("Blaise" is my nom de guerre; just to throw the fasco-Marxist cancel crowd off a tad...)

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Love it! Thanks and Happy New Year!

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You just described most Americans and their passion for simple minded drivel. This by design and is spelled out in the book by Robert Ingraham, The Modern Anglo-Dutch Empire: Its Origins, Evolution, and Anti-Human Outlook. Nothing is as it appears in this dystopian world we now inhabit. We are Rome and we will end the same way.

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Very true, Jack, and well said. Nevertheless, I will fight for truth and justice every inch of the way.

"I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo to Gandalf. “So do I,” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”

I just put on my Substack now. Feel free to use this, without attribution; you can edit, abridge, add, whatever you wish... I just want to get the truth out, without fetters on its dissemination. Besides, I'm married to my lovely wife, not my writing... https://blaisevanne.substack.com/

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Standing for truth and justice is the only real choice for those who are not, like our current so called leaders - miserable cowards.

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Frighteningly, Revelation 21:8 says "But for the cowardly, and unbelieving, and abominable, and murderers, and sexually immoral persons, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, ..."

Cowardly is the first thing listed. Sobering...

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This appears to me to be the collapse of current world civilizations. There is a great deal of truth to be found in the study of civilizations and how they got that way. Maybe, just maybe, we can gather some good out of it?

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I wonder if this quack actually believes his is own bullshit. Just another charlatan.

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Excellent comment. We are on a slippery slope on greased skids to see exactly who can reach the lowest common denominator the fastest. Our culture has been in this race for centuries or more. This is the Grande Finale. Stay off the roads and out of the cafes my friends.

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Merci. I just put on my Substack now. Feel free to use this, without attribution; you can edit, abridge, add, whatever you wish... I just want to get the truth out, without fetters on its dissemination. Besides, I'm married to my lovely wife, not my writing... https://blaisevanne.substack.com/

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I love that comment by Mark Twain. It’s so true.

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Thank you. I am sure the person I directed this too does not know who Clemens was as most just know his pen name, Mark Twain, a reference to a riverboat function of marking the depth of the water. His forbidden writings are much more telling than Huck Finn. Read the Fly or watch the video about the war prayer with Edward Herman playing the messenger, verry powerful.

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Will you email it out?

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I just put on my Substack now. Feel free to use this, without attribution; you can edit, abridge, add, whatever you wish... I just want to get the truth out, without fetters on its dissemination. Besides, I'm married to my lovely wife, not my writing... https://blaisevanne.substack.com/

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Loved it

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This reminded me of “ you’re gone”

“I turned on a T.V. station

Lip-read with the sound turned down

It was Pro-Celeb mouth-to-mouth resuscitation

With Esther Rantzen

Playing the one who's drowned.

I turned on a T.V. station and

Lip-read with the sound turned down

It was the Church of Christ playing the Price Is Right

Where everybody starves

While Leslie Crowther counts”

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Dec 31, 2022
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I just put on my Substack now. Feel free to use this, without attribution; you can edit, abridge, add, whatever you wish... I just want to get the truth out, without fetters on its dissemination. Besides, I'm married to my lovely wife, not my writing... https://blaisevanne.substack.com/

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The shot DOES cross the blood-brain barrier. Maybe that's his problem. Nov. 2022 during an International Crimes Investigative Committee (ICIC) session, attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich interviewed Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi, Prof. Dr. Karina Reiss, Dr. Naomi Wolf, and Dr. Peter R. Breggin about the damaging effects of mRNA “vaccination” for Covid. One of the topics they discussed is how the shots damage the small capillaries in the brain, override the blood-brain barrier, and cause extensive brain damage that oftentimes results in extreme personality changes. Breggin highlighted the disturbing parallels between what the mRNA injections are doing to the brain and the effects of an actual lobotomy.

The UK’s Dr. Vernon Coleman explains what the shot does to the human brain here https://expose-news.com/2021/12/14/dr-vernon-coleman-what-the-covid-jabs-do-to-the-brain/, if you want further reading on the blood/brain barrier and brain damage issue, with his video on the topic here. Key point is whether the lipid nanoparticles can cross that barrier. But it gets worse. Famed Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi said, Oct. 2022, at https://usawatchdog.com/cv19-vax-destroys-hearts-brains-of-billions-of-people-dr-sucharit-bhakdi/ that the Covid shot is also going to destroy not only the hearts, but also the brains, of billions of people. Bhakdi – who calls the shot a “criminal hoax,” and “the worst man-made disaster in the history of the earth” has won many medical and scientific awards and has more than 300 peer reviewed research papers. 53 min interview here https://rumble.com/v1qhs6k-cv19-vax-destroys-hearts-and-brains-of-billions-of-people-dr-sucharit-bhakd.html

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Criminal hoax indeed, but the real motive is control of humanity. the WEF states plainly what the plan is for humanity with the great reset that is only great for them. Claus Schaubs science officer Noel Hariri talks about just exactly what they plan for us all and it is that Democracy will be no more, you will cease to be human but rather transhuman, tracked chipped controlled by electronic currency that can at will be cut off if you do not do or say the correct thing according to our masters. You will own nothing and be happy. Remember the drug used in A Brave New World? This book by Huxley was actually a wish list for him and his eugenics loving family. With everyone on the planet jabbed with genetic altering metal containing structures that can self-construct using electromagnetic pulses, think 5G radiation, this dream will come true and in fact is happening now. Conspiracy theory? Hardly because digital banking is now being implemented as it is now in China and the world controllers' look at China as the model for what they plan for us. A one world government. All the elements are nearly in place, but the sheep will not condemn the Sheppard.

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Excellent post, Jack! BTW, it is Yuval Harari, just FYI. Always important as the fasco-Marxist left will call you out on tiny things like that, ignoring the reality that your overall facts are 100% spot on.

Keep up the great work. Nice post.

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Absolute ass clown.

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It is such an outrageous lie that he has to know it is not true. Before COVID, Vaccine discussions in normal media was probably the most censored topic, just ask former CBS reporter Sheryl Atkinson. It would be hard fought to find any hard news being done on vaccines because they are "safe and effective."

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He does not believe that and he will not change his mind.

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Per a study in the journal Circulation, the shots dramatically increase biomarkers associated with thrombosis, cardiomyopathy and other vascular events after injection. Originally it said at https://web.archive.org/web/20211203002901/https:/www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/circ.144.suppl_1.10712 : “... the mRNA vacs dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination.”

But of course, that might put the Big Money at Big Pharma at risk, so it was changed here https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/circ.144.suppl_1.10712 (so much for “follow the science… more like Watergate’s “follow the money) to this: “... the mRNA vacs numerically increase (but not statistically tested) the markers IL-16, Fas, and HGF, all markers previously described by others for denoting inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle, in a consecutive series of a single clinic patient population receiving mRNA vaccines without a control group.”

Follow the science? Yeah. When do we start?

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As others have also said, Whenever I try to "follow the science", it leads to their money.

Their money trails say much more than their science does.

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This is like people saying that Rush Limbaugh needed to be balanced. That there needed to be a liberal voice or voices to counteract his.

The reality, both then and now, is that Peter Hotez and the rest of the conventional-thinking crowd are the mainstream. Rush Limbaugh and the vax opponents are the needed balance.

The mainstream always has the loudest voices and are incessantly pushing their point of view almost to the exclusion of all other voices. They would silence opposing voices if they could, you can bet the farm on that.

They're just mad because they can't convince people by argument and facts. They couldn't acquire and hold an audience so they seek to silence the opposition and have a captive audience.

We're on to you, Doc.

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Hotez is a Pharma Hoe.

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lol exactly.

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Yep, a shill. Little more than that.

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I love a sloppy chubby guy dictating health edicts. He’s bought and paid for. He’s just gross.

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How about he put down the donuts before asking others to put on a mask and get regular shots?

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I need the laugh emoji on the bar LOL #fosho

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The psyop is strong with this one. Dr. McCullough, a million thanks for your courage in facing these forces of darkness.

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Maybe he can come up with a vaccine to cure him of his cheeseburger addiction.

Notice Peter's sociopathy. He talks like a T-Rex threatening people with his political screeds (because he cares sooooo much) and acts like a kitten in front of people like Rogan he knows can rip him.

Bullies are cowards.

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Actually Dr Hortez smoking was pushed by doctors who received money from the industry, which is the same as what you are doing now, right?

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Yep, I thought of that. Many old adverts using doctors to recommend various brands of cigarettes, so using smoking as an example backfired there

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His argument was ridiculous. And to think his version of healthiness comes from vaccines and not a healthy lifestyle speaks volumes.

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I can only imagine Joe's performative patience interviewing a slimy sophist such as Hotez.

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All these supporters of this lethal vaccine must..MUST ...be exposed to not only their fraud mentality but for the numerous deaths and disability that never happened. Because of this COVID hysteria my wife passed away from cancer in isolation...not being there will always be remembered...total un-needed hysteria...I will never forgive the medical community in bowing to politics....totally bogus politics!!

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My deepest sympathies Mr. Marsh - my mom's cousin passed away alone as well - they tested him three times for covid in the hospital and placed him on the covid floor despite being negative - and wanted to put Covid as the cause of death. This is how unethical these creeps were - unspeakable evil. I pray your wife is in a wonderful blessed place. We need to prosecute these murderous scum. What they took from mankind can never be replaced.

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I thank you for your sympathies…sorry for your loss.

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I would bet this so-called doc is similar to the feverish preacher who condemns immorality in all forms yet is caught with a male prostitute. So, it would be interesting if he was vaxed and boosted with the real concoction of death. So many of these elite death merchants were given saline instead.

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he has a child with autism that he had vaxxed, and denies any correlation

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I'm actually tempted to laugh at that. You know, a whistleblower confirmed what Wakefield said, stating that the FDA or whoever knew the injections caused autism but made him delete the data.

He kept a copy.

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Dec 31, 2022
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most people's egos will not allow them to embrace the cognitive dissonance and admit they were wrong

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Whenever the subject of ‘amnesty’ comes up - regarding whether we should just forgive and forget the vax enforcers - I always think: “show me that you have gone and are going out of your way to return Dr McCullough to his rightful place and then, maybe, we can talk.

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This F’n guy... what a jag off. I lost my job over this idiocy, look at the data douche bag.

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A daughter with autism and no backward glance as to how that might have happened? My daughter was injured by the rabies series of vaccines - which led me to quite an education on their dangers and efficacy or lack thereof. This so called physician is a disgrace. Can't waste time on debating people like this - better to just spread the truth and show by example. Many in my family, unvaxed and used Ivermectin for early treatment and we are fine yet I know of a liver clot in a 15 year old, people with myocarditis and thrombocytopenia and turbo cancer returns. RUN from this guy. He's the one who should be fired.

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He sold his soul. Perhaps due to his grief over his daughters autism. My wife says anyone that is a “scientist” wears a bowtie is an obvious fraud.

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Cold-hearted orb that rules the night

Removes the colors from our sight

Red is grey and yellow-white

But we decide which is right

And which is an illusion

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to your list of pro-vaccine advocates i might add ‘the FBI by way of censoring Twitter users and topics’

i believe Google is also in the vaccine game and actively censors ‘vaccine hesitancy’.

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