What I find amazing is that a doctor of Dr. Malhotra’s obvious intelligence, expertise and background, as well as his knowledge of big pharma, prior to the ‘pandemic’, can blindly accept big pharma information, vaccines, etc., without any due diligence whatsoever. He seems to advise his ‘redpilling’ occurred around November 2021, yet there was quite a number of medical documents, prior to that date, questioning the efficacy of the vaccines, the mutations, hospitalizations, etc., etc. As a layperson, I was able to find quite a number of these documents and websites giving credible information that would encourage questioning masking, lockdowns, and vaccines., while discussing potential medication, natural immunity, etc.. Even Donald Trump mentioned hydroxychloroquine while still president. I am glad that Dr. Malhotra embarked on this journey to a proper resolution, but frankly, would have anticipated a doctor of his credentials to have come to this conclusion much earlier.

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This will no doubt be an exhilarating dialogue, Peter.

Now the question is, When will Dr. Aseem be joining us on Substack, the heart of the medical freedom movement?

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I would like to hear more MDs talk about the fact that they start with a pro Vax mind set from years of programming so they cannot even consider for one second that anything called a vaccine could be dangerous

Dr McCullough is the only one I have heard speak of this

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Did the evidence actually change? Absolute risk reduction of 0.8% from the initial data sets does not equate to the RRR data of 95%. We must be intellectually honest and say we simply messed up big time, acknowledge our wrong and start the hard work of bringing about restoration at so many levels of medicine.

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This interview was a Christmas present to my heart. Thank you so very much.

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Great interview, thank you. You describe Dr McCullough so well, "he's like the Bruce Lee character in a pool hall fight". He doesn't seem to tire of doing the right thing. ❤️💪🏽

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Excellent interview. Thank you.

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1988-9 I refused the MMR vaccine for my two daughters following reports of brain swelling in the local press. At the same time a close friend opted to have his son vaccinated; the same day he was taken to the Brighton Emergency Hospital with a high temperature. Thankfully his son recovered and I felt vindicated with my own decision. That was 35 years ago and a valuable lesson learned to suspect all vaccines, to be confirmed 10 years later when Dr. Andrew Wakefield established the connection between autism and the MMR vaccine. The corrupt British Medical Council struck Dr. Wakefield off the medical register. In all that time Government and Big Pharma have remained unchecked until today. Dr. Peter McCullough is a hero and Dr. Aseem Malhotra too, even though he was mighty late to the party.

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I have been listening to podcasts and interviews for almost 3 years now on this subject and I have to say, this one really rises to the top! Thank you ....all three of you!

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This interview is fantastic. I shall share it with others.

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This was the best conversation I have listened to on the Covid 19 vaccine. I am convinced now that my cardiac a fibrillation and possibly a kidney problem was caused by the Vaccination. Thank you for your courage, expertise and tenacity to keep on with your research to tell the Truth.

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Thank you

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In defense of Dr. Malhotra let me say this. You seldom begin looking for the mice in your home until you see evidence of tiny little mouse turds in your cabinets. People of high moral character seldom look for nefarious behavior until you see evidence and you begin looking into the nefarious deeds. I believe our good Dr. Malhotra has gone through an awakening process. We all may be on the same journey of awakening but at our own pace. Looking at his background, it’s understandable, to me, why he’d be suspecting the criminal aspect sooner than he did.

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The cost of doing business and the complexity (laws change, rules change, regulations change) of doing business. Electronic health record requirements. Billing insurances. The burden of a doctor owning and operating their own businesses increased exponentially over the years, so much so that most family practice doctors sold their small businesses to the larger healthcare companies. The sales pitch to the doctors was "you just be the doctor and we'll take care of the business aspect of things". And the specialist doctors too. Giving up the small family practice business meant giving up freedom. But the doctors were too burned out and overworked and needed a break so that's what they did many of them. Sign over their business to a larger business/organization so they could "just focus on being a doctor".

So then all the doctors and nurses are employees of the large healthcare companies. The large healthcare companies simply dictate everything to everyone. There are no democratic discussions of anything. There are no debates. There are rules handed down from the management. That's the business of healthcare how it looks from the inside for nurses and doctors and other staff of healthcare companies. It is an authoritarian structure of a small group of rule makers at the top directing the actions of everyone else. Everyone else is a employee that is there to clock in, clock out or get their salary and follow orders. That is the generic general company command and control culture of many health care organizations as seen from the inside.

This situation creates much, much less opportunity for nurses and doctors for employment. Because there are less options. So it's either follow the rules or don't work and become unemployable. That's the situation nurses and doctors faced the past years during covid. That's why so many have not spoken out.

Support your local independent doctor that owns their own business, if you can find one. That's a way you can contribute. Support legislation that would encourage small independent doctors offices to flourish. Find politicians that want to reform healthcare and offer more than lip service, if you can find them. Tremendous uphill battle.

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it is not that the evidence re the Vs has changed. It hasn't the Q is, doctors having the integrity to say, sorry, I've made a terrible mistake

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THANK YOU for posting an incredible, insightful podcast! Thank you Dr. Aseem for sharing your story about your brother. People with Down syndrome are incredible human beings.

Drs. McCullough and Aseem, where can I receive more info about COVID and its impact on people with Down syndrome? Like your podcast estimates that approximately 90% or more of physicians received the Covid jab, I believe similar % exists within the disability community, too. Since me & my adult child with Down syndrome did not receive the jab, our world has been quite isolating. She did get Covid in February 2022 and experienced long Covid symptoms and I have been navigating the waters treating her symptoms. Is there anyone in the world that has more expertise in treating/preventing Covid in people with Down syndrome? If I bring her to the cardiologist, what should I be asking? THANK YOU!

I know that what you are doing is difficult on all levels and I am glad you have one another to support your courageous efforts! I will be sharing this podcast.

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