What I find amazing is that a doctor of Dr. Malhotra’s obvious intelligence, expertise and background, as well as his knowledge of big pharma, prior to the ‘pandemic’, can blindly accept big pharma information, vaccines, etc., without any due diligence whatsoever. He seems to advise his ‘redpilling’ occurred around November 2021, yet there was quite a number of medical documents, prior to that date, questioning the efficacy of the vaccines, the mutations, hospitalizations, etc., etc. As a layperson, I was able to find quite a number of these documents and websites giving credible information that would encourage questioning masking, lockdowns, and vaccines., while discussing potential medication, natural immunity, etc.. Even Donald Trump mentioned hydroxychloroquine while still president. I am glad that Dr. Malhotra embarked on this journey to a proper resolution, but frankly, would have anticipated a doctor of his credentials to have come to this conclusion much earlier.

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True. It is good that he's speaking out, and he/we need to keep that in mind; why didn't he tell people they're absolute risk of severe illness and death was less than 1%, and the absolute efficacy of this vaccine is less than 1%, and there were unknown long-term effects on a new genetic vaccine platform. Doctors do more of what they're told that we know. Even though Dr McCullough said at the end of the interview that medicine is an applied science, most doctors get their knowledge from what publications say about studies. The doctors aren't validating the studies themselves, they are following what publications say about them. So I think in Western medicine allopathic doctors follow the herd and do what publications/others say more than they even might realize.

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so few "doctors" did. many are of a "type" of person who learn what they are told to learn, do what they are told to do and be what they are told to be, to become doctors, very well.

with credentials and position in life a certain arrogance sets in that reacts to anything and anyone that forms any challenge to the system that they are a part of which has so, in their own minds, elevated them.

many "doctors" proved to be cowards. the university of minnesota medical school graduating class even rewrote the Hippocratic Oath to put themselves first , in such a way that it was now ok to protect their jobs by doing what the "system" told them to do, even to doing the very clear harm to the patient, by denying the patient early outpatient treatment which stops covid, ER treatment that stabilizes the covid patient in the emergency room and sends them home with prescriptions and proper in hospital treatment that addresses very severe covid asap with corticosteriods and anticoagulant drugs etc which greatly lowers in hospital and post discharge death. so called "doctors" go along, get along, get the pay check, to hell with the patient. all too, lower human consciousness cowardliness.

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A side effect of all of this is that many are now hesitant to visit their GP for their health issues. My GP is a mask and vaccine advocate. I live in a country with socialized medicine, and there are few (if any) doctors who are thinking or practicing beyond the scope of what the government advocates. The ‘trust’ issue has been decimated.

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Yes Inisfad, the trust is gone, James

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the group think is so powerful. notably, when Malhotra says what he was told in medical school: in approx 5 yrs half of what you learn in medical school will be proven incorrect and it is incumbent upon you as a trained/licensed MD to figure it out - no one will tell you what is right vs wrong!

furthermore the dialogue around medicine is not physics (meaning purely empirical) - there is a human element and thereby inferential thinking is NECESSARY and ALWAYS part of a diagnosis.

so many potential contributing factors to mass formation psychosis: which may be better identified in this instance as the most successful propaganda campaign ever.

asche effect (group conformity)

zimbardo prison experiment (obedience)

milgram shock experiment (obedience)

willful blindness

people's own self esteem defense mechanism to prevent them from examining the recently past events which may undermine their justifications for taking the shots

all contributing to the biggest & perhaps most effective propaganda campaign in history: "safe & effective"

RFK Jr just interviewed Robert Malone on RFK's podcast - worth a listen

I agree with your sentiments, the majority of us are cowards. but we need nuanced analysis of the herd if we hope for a better future. those who were dupped do not deserve anyone's scorn - they are victims of propaganda.

those who used deceit to try and turn us against each other, separate the unwilling/unvaccinated from society they are a different group and should be dealt with accordingly - loss of prestige, position, influence and criminal prosecution when appropriate.

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One thing that your comment overlooks is the financial. Doctors who went against the narrative lost grants, jobs, income, etc. Perhaps we can equate this to people who took the vax rather than lost jobs or income. But then you get to the Hippocratic Oath. The quandary then becomes: do I potentially do harm in order to save my livelihood? Thanks for the info about RFK/Malone. Will look for it and listen

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Very well said. I spent my career in healthcare and doctors do have an arrogance, but I also worked in a very wealthy part of California so there was a respect for patients rights and informed consent. I don't think that is necessarily the case in other parts of the country.

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Thank You Nova 123,  I give doctors the initial benefit of the doubt as so many do enter the profession with a true desire and goal to help people.  

I see the arrogance both as an individual   creation of the doctor and also in the light of a system generated entity that shows its "self" as evil when it  focuses through the "doctor" to attack the patient that dares to question........

I know  big tobacco pays and more "doctors" smoke camels but are cigarettes really good for me?   I know big hydrogenated seed fat pays and the american fart ass-ociation  recommends margarine but is it really better, FOR ME, than butter?

The tests show there is nothing wrong with you.  Would it not be better to acknowledge the patient's pain and tell the truth and say "the tests have not been able to identify the cause of your pain?  

Is type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure and fatty liver really not able to be helped and even reversed with the correct diet and lifestyle changes?

Is there really no safe, effective, and low cost early outpatient treatment for covid-19?  Are the "vaccines'' really "safe and effective" and saving countless numbers of lives?

Question at your own risk.

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I would be interested in how the part of California that you worked in, responded to vaccination….??? Did they actually provide informed consent to their patients about the potential harms in the vaccine??

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I have heard the rumor that there was one doctor who, in confidence, after swearing their patient to silence, did provide informed consent to their patient about the potential harms in the "vaccine" and recommended against taking the "vaccine".

I, as a very well informed lay person because, as an "old person", I had the time to do the necessary  research - did provide my sister with full informed consent.  She haunted her computer until she got her shot appointments.  Her intelligent male friend balked upon reading the "vaccine disclosures"  her response "sign it and take the shot" She had a severe reaction, right on time,  to her 2ed moderna at the height of "vaccine" induced antibody production 15 days post second shot. For a short time she realized it was the "vaccine"

She recovered, took her brain to cnn for a professional cleaning, then took 3 more shots and will not hear of any vaccine injury or loss of effectiveness for her. Brains have been washed, willful blindness is a Truth.

and the "mass shootings" with "spike shot" / "clot shot" continue even unto "our" babies.

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And notice at the end of the interview when he says he changed his perspective because the science/evidence has changed. He made that comment several times at the end. He still cannot admit that the science/evidence was always there, despite acknowledging that pfizer's original clinical studies SHOWED the adverse events from the very beginning and that the WHO referenced those AEs in their papers. So, he knew this from day 1 but he is now glossing over that. I forgive him, though, I don't think he was one of those "influencers" in power who forced the vax on his patients.

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I suspect that perhaps he HAS to feel that he changed his perspective ‘because the science/evidence changed’ as otherwise he might possibly feel somewhat responsible for advising his father to take the vaccine, and the result of that.

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Good point.

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Groupthink is considerably strong in healthcare. Isn't something new.

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These Drs were not being sent any of this information. It was being surpressed if it was being tweeted or posted somewhere. They were in the middle of a pandemic and crazy busy just keeping their heads above water at home and at work. We have to send this information out to our Drs or they will not see it. My own sister is a wonderful Dr, but she had the same similiar experience as Dr. Malhotra, despite my attempts to try to convince her otherwise. It was hard for her when the entire medical system was denouncing every piece of evidence by other Drs and refusing to publish their data. But sending her the good articles helped her to connect the dots when her patients starting having these vaccine induced symptoms. She is now very much opposed to them. We also have to keep in mind that initially it did look like the vaccines were helping since 90-95% of those being hospitalized with covid were "unvaccinated". England did a better job tracking the "unvaccinated" since so many of them had had the shot within the last two weeks and they separated those out.

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Much as I understand your sentiment because of your sister’s experience, there were quite a number of doctors, very early on, that were questioning the roll out of the vax, etc. Personally, I would prefer a doctor who does their due diligence from day one, particularly as Pfizer’s history indicated billions in law suits because of faulty medication, harm, cover ups, etc. It takes a special kind of bravery to go against the ‘corporate tide’. You may recall that during covid, prior to the roll out of the vax, few doctors were talking about any kind of intervention. Instead they told you to go home, and come back when you’re sick enough to be hospitalized. The science regarding masks has been around for a decade or more, yet doctors were advocating mask wearing. I am glad that you have finally convinced your sister to look beyond the corporate mandates, however.

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"the evil", salting the battlefield for this covid and a future high lethality virus, has worked and does work to denigrate and discredit the True Protection that, the 3M "quality grade" N95 and better, disposable (or reusable), easily sized and fitted, respirator grade mask does provide when properly used to reduce the "viral load" inhalation of cov2

Especially when combined with basic eye protection (glasses and home-mixed anti viral drops) and just before masking "pre-use" of homemade nose, mouth and throat sprays and subsequent use of homemade eye wash, nasal flush, mouthwash and gargle and continuing preemptive use of sprays and "flush" hygiene (and nebulization to catch and kill any viral escapees) used as needed post potential exposure. Not difficult to do, once a routine is established, BY CHOICE, in consideration of near and long term viral damage, viral spike damage and all manner of vaccine "spike" damage to be avoided if possible. Then, if needed, treat for covid, early, at the first sign of symptoms.

Pro covid vax and Anti real mask people are both suffering from mis, dis, and mal "mdm" information.

from Bird who writes *Information "Agreeing with you here. The whole 'masks don't work' discussion is rather silly, because it's based on masks-that-don't-work worn by people who don't know how to use them properly."..."The Spike protein gets into the ovaries, the brain, the heart, etc, and it destroys those cells. If you don't want that to happen, do what you can to protect your body and your family's future."

no such thing as "mild" covid

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N95 masks are meant to protect against 95% of microbes that are 300 nanometers or larger. N99 masks are meant to protect against 99% of those same sized microbes.

Viruses are smaller than that. COVID19 is 120 to 160 nanometers in size. Even if you put your mask on properly, it does not prevent these smaller particles from passing through. And then there’s the issue of breathing in your respiratory waste while wearing your mask. The masks do not work to protect you

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You are wrong. If you choose may you find and understand the TRUTH.

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You can’t say someone is wrong without saying what is wrong. Not at least in this day and age where it now makes you look like a cultist or religious vaxer/antivaxer. The details of what you say are now more important as it shows your thoughts and insights in a context of intelligent humanness. Gone are the days of simply believing a person. No matter what position they achieve.

I believe it’s because a sociopathic or psychotic person has no humanness awareness (don’t know how to say they can’t feel or reason on feeling levels).

So to try to both cover this and hope for remediation they are driven to positions of authority over people. But once there have zero actual human ability to feel their way and structure a better human existence and by default work the system to glorify their positions and achievements. Subsequently destroying natural human growth of intelligence and functional information.

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Perhaps you need to study what N95 masks do. Here, I’ve helped you: https://www.honeywell.com/us/en/news/2020/03/n95-masks-explained

Note that 3+ microns is the same as 300 nanometers. The masks do NOT filter covid.

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This will no doubt be an exhilarating dialogue, Peter.

Now the question is, When will Dr. Aseem be joining us on Substack, the heart of the medical freedom movement?

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I would like to hear more MDs talk about the fact that they start with a pro Vax mind set from years of programming so they cannot even consider for one second that anything called a vaccine could be dangerous

Dr McCullough is the only one I have heard speak of this

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Did the evidence actually change? Absolute risk reduction of 0.8% from the initial data sets does not equate to the RRR data of 95%. We must be intellectually honest and say we simply messed up big time, acknowledge our wrong and start the hard work of bringing about restoration at so many levels of medicine.

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This interview was a Christmas present to my heart. Thank you so very much.

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Great interview, thank you. You describe Dr McCullough so well, "he's like the Bruce Lee character in a pool hall fight". He doesn't seem to tire of doing the right thing. ❤️💪🏽

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Excellent interview. Thank you.

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1988-9 I refused the MMR vaccine for my two daughters following reports of brain swelling in the local press. At the same time a close friend opted to have his son vaccinated; the same day he was taken to the Brighton Emergency Hospital with a high temperature. Thankfully his son recovered and I felt vindicated with my own decision. That was 35 years ago and a valuable lesson learned to suspect all vaccines, to be confirmed 10 years later when Dr. Andrew Wakefield established the connection between autism and the MMR vaccine. The corrupt British Medical Council struck Dr. Wakefield off the medical register. In all that time Government and Big Pharma have remained unchecked until today. Dr. Peter McCullough is a hero and Dr. Aseem Malhotra too, even though he was mighty late to the party.

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I have been listening to podcasts and interviews for almost 3 years now on this subject and I have to say, this one really rises to the top! Thank you ....all three of you!

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This interview is fantastic. I shall share it with others.

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This was the best conversation I have listened to on the Covid 19 vaccine. I am convinced now that my cardiac a fibrillation and possibly a kidney problem was caused by the Vaccination. Thank you for your courage, expertise and tenacity to keep on with your research to tell the Truth.

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Thank you

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In defense of Dr. Malhotra let me say this. You seldom begin looking for the mice in your home until you see evidence of tiny little mouse turds in your cabinets. People of high moral character seldom look for nefarious behavior until you see evidence and you begin looking into the nefarious deeds. I believe our good Dr. Malhotra has gone through an awakening process. We all may be on the same journey of awakening but at our own pace. Looking at his background, it’s understandable, to me, why he’d be suspecting the criminal aspect sooner than he did.

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Or I should correct myself, why he didn’t suspect criminal behavior sooner than he did.

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The cost of doing business and the complexity (laws change, rules change, regulations change) of doing business. Electronic health record requirements. Billing insurances. The burden of a doctor owning and operating their own businesses increased exponentially over the years, so much so that most family practice doctors sold their small businesses to the larger healthcare companies. The sales pitch to the doctors was "you just be the doctor and we'll take care of the business aspect of things". And the specialist doctors too. Giving up the small family practice business meant giving up freedom. But the doctors were too burned out and overworked and needed a break so that's what they did many of them. Sign over their business to a larger business/organization so they could "just focus on being a doctor".

So then all the doctors and nurses are employees of the large healthcare companies. The large healthcare companies simply dictate everything to everyone. There are no democratic discussions of anything. There are no debates. There are rules handed down from the management. That's the business of healthcare how it looks from the inside for nurses and doctors and other staff of healthcare companies. It is an authoritarian structure of a small group of rule makers at the top directing the actions of everyone else. Everyone else is a employee that is there to clock in, clock out or get their salary and follow orders. That is the generic general company command and control culture of many health care organizations as seen from the inside.

This situation creates much, much less opportunity for nurses and doctors for employment. Because there are less options. So it's either follow the rules or don't work and become unemployable. That's the situation nurses and doctors faced the past years during covid. That's why so many have not spoken out.

Support your local independent doctor that owns their own business, if you can find one. That's a way you can contribute. Support legislation that would encourage small independent doctors offices to flourish. Find politicians that want to reform healthcare and offer more than lip service, if you can find them. Tremendous uphill battle.

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Legislators instinctively run TOWARD more regulation, and RUN AWAY from less , irrespective of the industry. Governments think its their job to "protect" the people, even if the people don't want protecting. And our Constitution was designed precisely to prevent our federal government from doing that. Unfortunately, our federal government has shredded the constitution, and state and local governments are just as bad if not worse - the notion that the people are closest to their local governments may be true, but in this day and age, with voter apathy, it only takes a minority of leftist views to take over a town and a state.

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it is not that the evidence re the Vs has changed. It hasn't the Q is, doctors having the integrity to say, sorry, I've made a terrible mistake

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THANK YOU for posting an incredible, insightful podcast! Thank you Dr. Aseem for sharing your story about your brother. People with Down syndrome are incredible human beings.

Drs. McCullough and Aseem, where can I receive more info about COVID and its impact on people with Down syndrome? Like your podcast estimates that approximately 90% or more of physicians received the Covid jab, I believe similar % exists within the disability community, too. Since me & my adult child with Down syndrome did not receive the jab, our world has been quite isolating. She did get Covid in February 2022 and experienced long Covid symptoms and I have been navigating the waters treating her symptoms. Is there anyone in the world that has more expertise in treating/preventing Covid in people with Down syndrome? If I bring her to the cardiologist, what should I be asking? THANK YOU!

I know that what you are doing is difficult on all levels and I am glad you have one another to support your courageous efforts! I will be sharing this podcast.

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