Thanks John. It did not escape from the lab, it was strategically released - with intent to harm. We are in the middle of a great culling, organized and run by the technocrats. Death is part of their business model. See Katherine Watt, Sasha Latypova, Dr. David Martin ( original Fullmich testimony is spot-on ) JJ Couey on gain-of-purity. Hanna Arent is directing a new documentary - releasing Jan 30th. Most of the perpetrators of the holocaust went free; a small number were prosecuted for their crimes. The folks running the kill-shot show today are the same folks - same mindset, passed through the generations. Illana Rachel Daniel had a great post about this very fact. We are in a battle of good vs. evil; the biggest crime in history.


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Rat lines: 1 hanged for every 1000 sent to South America or the halls of US military intelligence. The US is still funding Nazis in Ukraine. $120 billion and counting that we know of plus 24 bioweapons labs. But at least back then they had a Nuremberg. We'll be lucky to not have a "next one" they keep promising us.

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I agree. The communist in the WH is sending tanks. We definitely need another tribunal.

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They are NOT communists - they are pro-war, pro-crony capitalist, pro-bankster, pro-drug war, pro-vaccine. It is rightfully called fascism.

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I agree with your conclusion. I see Biden as a communist dupe but your categorization is correct. Thanks. Peace.

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" What is a country? A country is what it stands for, when standing for something is most difficult; this is what we stand for: truth, justice, and the value of a single human being." (from "Judgment at Nuremberg")

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Euphemism. It (they?) was developed in a lab. I tend to suspect biotrailing as I and acquaintances had no clear exposure when we got Wuhan and Omicron, though fomites vaguely plausible.

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The patents go back 20 years. Dr. David Martin's testimony is excellent: https://odysee.com/@bonniesmit:0/Dr.-David-E.-Martin-_-Sitzung-60-Die-Zeit-ist-kein-flacher-Kreis:a

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Could you add a link to Illana Rachel Daniel post?

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Why would they release it in Wuhan, where the WIV is located? The WIV becomes the smoking gun. A release there doesn't make sense. If they were going to intentionally release it, they could have done so in a city where a "bat virus" makes more sense than in Wuhan (which has no bats in its wet market). Or release it in the Hong Kong International Airport, where it would be been instantly carried around the world, the "traveler" who brought in to the airport could have come from anywhere in China, and the evidence wouldn't point directly at the WIV. The point is, there are just better ways to conduct the release. I have no doubt the virus was engineered, but an intentional release doesn't make sense. The Chinese aren't stupid, even if they are careless.

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They are careless. I suspect mostly biotrailing. Small amounts of covid spread much earlier, but absent biotrailing, didn't go far. See "early spread" at https://billricejr.substack.com/

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In my opinion, the USA released it, not China. I think JJ Couey's explanation of gain-of-purity is correct - that a real coronavirus release in the viral swarm would mutate so fast that it would not harm many people. Gain-of-purity allows one to make millions of perfect copies of the same pathogen. It is my opinion, based on everything I have read in the last three years, that it was intentionally released in several countries - how? I do not know. Peace.

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As an example of a "release area", see Elmhurst Hospital in NYC. I read "Undercover Epicenter Nurse" right when it was published. Here is a great reference. It was ALL pre-planned: https://markcrispinmiller.substack.com/p/covid-turned-hospitals-all-over-into

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Exactly -very well stated!

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As of today, I've concluded that we are under a tyranny the likes of which we have never experienced before. As a student during the Vietnam War years, Civil Rights movement, etc. I do not recall my family or their friends (most of whom were immigrants who attained citizenship and fought in WWII for America) speak of this country with anything but respect. Never with fear or anxiety. Now, as a grandmother and an elder I am terrified by what I see is rapidly advancing upon us. I've never been incarcerated or in a concentration camp and yet, I am, at the core of my being, envisioning a time when the truth of my being may be challenged and I will need to choose the least comfortable option for my continued existence. I already have witnessed the encroachment upon my family, friends, and former students who have complied out of fear of loss of jobs etc. What to do I ask myself? In the past few days I have witnessed the disrespect my husband received from the agencies that are obligated to serve the citizens of this country. Young people acting in disrespectful ways, none of which was justified. None. I can understand now how easy it was to mistreat the elders in nursing homes and allowing them to die in horror of themselves. We must think about that act and ensure events like that, which are but a symptom of the much larger context, never happen again. Most of what we haver experienced must not continue.

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Beautifully & accurately stated. So many feel the same way. Thank you!

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Thank you. You are very welcome.

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Have you been following Katherine Watt's work? She is uncovering the legal framework that has been put into place behind the scenes which allows all of this to happen. https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/about

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Proof that the purveyors of death are still in the ascendant and that the facts and truth are mere inconveniences to be ignored along with the enormous damage and cost to human life; we continue to be controlled by Satanic forces , evildoers whose only pursuit is self-deification. " I am now giving you the choice between life and death, between God's blessing and God's curse, and I call heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Choose life." (Deuteronomy 30:19). The Lord's warning and admonition will not be ignored and there will be an accounting due for all those who have chosen death over the gift of life.

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Thank you for the encouragement ✝️

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Jerry Nadler Represents NY-12, EcoHealth’s district

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Makes sense since Nadler is one of the healthiest people in congress.

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Yes thank you for informing us with the truth.

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This blows my mind. It’s way past intent now. Talk about having our faces rubbed in 💩 by these subhumans

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Fauci is still pulling the strings. I'm sure only difference now, you cannot point a finger at the worst actor for his performance when he's become the string and curtain puller behind the scene. We're probably worse off today.

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Quite right!

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You are so tight - we are way past a point where governments can reverse this without incriminating themselves in the biggest genocide in history.. everyone involved would either be incarcerated or subject to death penalty so they are mow fighting for their lives - which makes them even more dangerous. But we the people will not let them get away with this. There are more good people out there than we sometimes may realise..

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Mr. Leake, thank you for exposing a travesty, and the spending of money to do great harm.

What should we do? I say, we cannot be silent. What say you?

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The snakes should be exterminated, and their labs incinerated.

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Among many other things, this is the poisonous fruit of having a Press that has been thoroughly corrupted. Even if they were merely non-functioning, the effect would be catastrophic. But they add insult to injury (and more injury as well) by actively working to advance government propaganda and disguise it as news coverage for the ignorant and gullible (a terrible combination, which is all too common).

That a government would abuse its power and lie to its people, while reprehensible, is neither unexpected nor persistently damaging in its own right. The true damage comes because the institutional firebreak against such malfeasance has been co-opted to aid the very thing that it is their mission to expose.

A Republic cannot exist as such with a misinformed and malinformed electorate. And so long as the cause of the public being misinformed is the betrayal of the very institution whose mission it is to uncover the same, the harm is likely to be permanent and ultimately fatal.

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Operation Mockinbird, in it's full demented glory.

"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media" ~ William Colby, CIA Director

" We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false" ~ William Casey, CIA Director (from first staff meeting w/ Ronald Reagan 1981)

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Well said!

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...and even more frightening to consider that Wuhan is JUST ONE OF MANY such facilities around the world. Just ask Russia, who saw the writing on the wall, and took action to seize numerous such dubious facilities (and veterinary clinics stashing illicit materials away from auditors eyes) confiscate evidence (including atomizer-equipped UAV drones), and call UNSC emergency meeting to present said evidence (only to be rebuffed- big surprise).

Under-Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, infamous co-conspirator of the 2014 Maidan coup d'tat in Kiev, admitted in Senate testimony as to the existence of U.S. funded labs... "we cannot let these labs fall into Russian hands" followed by the standard psychological reverse-projection ploy.



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Thanks but this acknowledgement is depressing, but understand it is a step in the right direction. It took decades or centuries to get in this dismal place and I guess it will take the same amount of time to dig out of this hole, one shovel full at at at time.

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I feel like ( with this state of things ) that before we, as a society, can heal from this horrible experience, these wicked people will release another plague upon us, so that they will always have the upper hand.

It’s menacing and cruel.


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Time to quietly start removing them from their positions of power.

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You can almost hear the private conversation in the halls of Congress.

EcoHealth Lobbyist: "Senator, someone's unleashing bio-engineered bat viruses onto humanity at the fastest rate in history. That's why need another $3 million for gain of function research on bat viruses."

Senator (nodding): "Makes sense."

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