If you add the indirect caused deaths - as a consequence of vaccine damaged organs, tissues, immune systems etc. - it might sadly even be longer than 1 year...

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Sadly, the pandemic response has already started to fade from public scrutiny. Even for me, and I was furious about the obvious criminal behavior by health authorities, it is taking effort to pay attention. While I am incredibly grateful to those who continue to work tirelessly on the most important leadership failure in human history (because of how clear the failure and corruption has been, and the stripping of foundational rights such as free speech), fatigue is setting in. This concerns and frightens me. But not as much as the continued lack of support from our government and the media. More and more I am starting to realize the lack of morality in our societies. Until a majority of the population feels a direct threat to their health and freedom they will simply follow whatever the current government policies and public statements tell them to. Very bleak and it takes courage and determination to continue working for better leadership. I am committing myself to stay vigilant and engaged.

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I really thought that if America was too morally bankrupt to take this data seriously surely other countries wouldn’t stand by silently while their populations perished. It’s a small world after all.

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Yes. So curious that all the governments on earth - who can’t agree on anything else - suddenly agree to lie and hide their data to support the Covid lie. Who’d a thunk that could happen?

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Right. It appears governments attaining complete and total power over citizens is the equalizer in the equation.

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I find it impossible to trust government statistics anymore.So, any study based on government statistics is hard to interpret.

I cannot upload images, but I did look at the CDC's website for flu deaths in the last several years.

There WAS NO FLU SEASON in 2021-2022. Nada. None.

The CDC would have us believe that the lack of ANY FLU that year was entirely due to masking and lockdowns.

Far more likely is that all flu deaths were counted as Covid deaths.

So, now you know what I think about government statistics.

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You’re on the right track. This will tell you everything you need to know about the flu. https://youtu.be/9dB9dV3N6gY

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deletedMar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023
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Couey is harder to track down. I think he fears for his life.

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Hospitals are the most dangerous places to be in, especially due to hospital bugs, incompetent doctors or doctors that just are ‘following orders’. We really need a better health care system and an abolishment of the current Pharma industry.

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My wife was having migraines and recently saw a neurologist at the Cleveland Clinic. “How’d it go?” I asked afterwards. “He was wearing two masks” she deadpanned. “I hope he knows more about neurology than virology” I replied. These stupid doctors don’t even realize their patients think less of them when they follow pretend science.

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deletedMar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023
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I’m surprised Fauci didn’t say we should layer on mask after mask until we can’t breathe. Then take one off. Perfect protection!

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A friend of mine died in the hospital of bacterial pneumonia last March. Weight lifter. Built like an ox.

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Do you really expect the western Govt to expose their totally soiled underwear in this fashion...all the Dems and RINOs and paid off GOPers aligned with China would never allow such for it would stir-up the masses against the power that suppress freedom and independence and free speech. This pandemic was possibly an accident from a bio-warfare lab but with the preplanning of suppression of free speech, the banning drugs that saved people and a mandated lethal/destructive vaccine it was more about raw power to command and suppress than any positive health venture.

So if any conclusion can be drawn from what little the GOP has done to really expose this mess...do not hold your breath...like watching tree rings grow...very slowly indeed and with the kids propagandized in public schools who turn into lemming adults...expected exposure from these mask bearing folks is a non-event.

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They're going to do exactly the opposite unfortunately

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Because there's no way in hell they can admit to what they did

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Ignoring the past to save their necks is bad but begrudgingly I understand the motivation. Doing nothing going forward is utterly and completely inexcusable.

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It's worse actually. See my post below about Ukraine

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I can't see how we can set a time limit on the AE's from mrna injections. They are not a limited or known dose of medicine. Their biodistribution is not limited. Their mechanisms of injury are not known. So we have instructions to produce a toxin, with no "off switch" and no limits on what organs or processes are impacted. How can we possibly say "if you haven't suffered an AE within a year you are likely fine"?

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I love Dr. McCullough and his courage. Truly. One of the sharpest and most forthright people out there. BUT i have to note that he also said back when, that "if you get covid once, you will be immune. You won't get it again." Even with my limited knowledge of coronaviruses, I found this inconsistent with humans and the common cold, when he was saying it 2-3 yrs ago. I think he is underestimating the potential timelines for injury from the vaccines now.

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If you look at the Covid-19 data for S. Africa on worldometers then you see a pattern where about every 6 months a new peak appears.

And what is the meaning behind a ‘peak’ anyway? It means that at first infections are going up and it reaches a peak when a large enough percentage of the population was infected and ‘herd immunity’ sets in. Thereafter, the count slowly drops to zero. Then either a new variant appears against which the previous infection does not prevent infection, or the acquired immunity has faded. I am not an epidemiologist but this is my conclusion.

I had Omicron around the 4th of July weekend with two days of mild symptoms (I am not vaccinated) and in January I felt I had caught something, I did a home test and it was barely visible. I had symptoms for half a day. The next day the test was negative. I apparently got a natural ‘booster’ or the test was a false positive. So that was 7 months after Omicron. Now I should be fine for another 6-7 months. And I take my supplements, too.

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Nov 2019...and yeah, that MetaBiota

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It’s biologically impossible for covid-19 to have been released from a single point in Nov 2019 and circle the globe in 4mos. RNA viruses are notoriously unstable.

The monster in the Petri dish is a lie. Coronaviruses are terrible at replication. PCR testing along with a massive psyops program kept this shit show going far beyond its shelf life.

The only way this virus could’ve wound up in the four corners of the world is if it was deliberately released in multiple strategic locations. How? Is anyone’s guess. Balloons? Water? Products?

The only way the virus could achieve high fidelity and consistency is if the release agent was an RNA cloned DNA virus.

Then it would infect the vulnerable with somewhat oddball symptoms. Still, it wouldn’t last long and would require a program to keep it going.

The so-called vaccines are as big a lie as the pandemic itself.

The global population is being controlled by nihilists who believe without their devine intervention humanity will cease to exist. Population reduction and complete control over the lives of whomever is left is the ultimate goal.

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Mar 27, 2023·edited Mar 27, 2023

Yes, I know of the Infectious Clones hypothesis (JJ COUEY) and I agree it's the best hypothesis as of right now.

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Mar 27, 2023·edited Mar 27, 2023

I’m retired, have a hospital background, so I’ve got time. I also understand the language and perhaps most importantly the egos. As a result I’ve been down most of the covid rabbit holes and have been gradually refining my opinions. I’ve listened to all the usual suspects. As of now Malone, Geert VB, Sirotkin, and more have lost credibility with me. Couey on the other hand is making a lot of sense.

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GLK, would you mind specifying why these ones have lost credibility with you?

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Mar 27, 2023·edited Mar 27, 2023

Succinctly, Malone lost credibility with me for walking the fence on mRNA as unsuitable for human consumption even though pre-pandemic he co-authored a paper saying as much.

In January 2020, Malone published on ResearchGate an elaborate scientific paper with MIT researcher Darrell O. Ricke as the first author in which the two concluded that all COVID-19 vaccines, including mRNA, were too deadly to be given even experimentally to humans.

He also sells the notion an amateur can create a bioweapon in their garage which is a gross exaggeration that justifies and continues the psyops of irrational fear mongering I call, “The monster in a Petri dish” we’ve all been unjustly subjected to.

Geert and Sirotkin keep selling the notion the big bad virus is going to reassemble itself to max virulence…eventually. Even though it’s been over 3 years (that we know of) and no such thing has happened. Or will.

And, finally, with regard to Malone. He created a poison. Tested it. Confirmed it’s a poison. Co-writes a paper to warn of the poison. Then, astonishingly claims he took the poison because he needed to travel and/or suddenly had faith in it. In my opinion there are only three possibilities here. Either he’s a man of low self-control, an idiot, or he’s lying.

All of these guys are part of the psyops that want us all to remain living in fear of the next outbreak.

Because if we believe we are doomed then we need a big global agency run by experts to put us in a box and tell us what to do.

Our silly notion of liberty, rights, freedom and personal sovereignty are impediments to keeping us safe.

They’ve made a stupid low fidelity coronavirus sound more sweeping and destructive than a nuclear bomb.

Either these guys are knowingly aiding the WEF and military industrial complex’s complete takeover of the world or they are incompetent. Take your pick.

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Yeah last week Catherine lot actually endorsed JJ's hypothesis about the Clones because it appears to ducktail well with the legal research she's done. This is pretty unusual she doesn't usually comment on the scientific end only the legal side but from her perspective it appears that the public health laws in the bio weapons laws that were put into place over the several decades seems to align with what he's describing

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Katherine Watt

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Governments around the world are well aware of the vast harms caused by the COVID-19 vaccine program (and to a lesser extent, the rest of the vaccine program). They have delivered their explanation for the cause of this global disaster: "coincidence."

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Peter and others,

Myself and others are trying to get The people uniting to end 3 years of devastating Treason, including ALL aspects of the mass genocide…with convictions, prosecution and punishments!

Even President Trump said at his Waco rally…

“Either the deep state destroys America or WE destroy the deep state.” Trump has said a few times so what are you waiting for?”

The next step has to be UNITY of ALL awake persons in a real Freedom Movement with strategic planners who know how to address ALL the Treason! NO other organization has had any wins the past 3 years like the the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER that I mention below.

UNITED, We can do anything we want!

Divided, there is nothing we can do!

Lex Greene, important writer with a serious resume writing unity…



P.S. My gloves came off 15 years ago, working with the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER group. I highly suggest if you want to unite with strategic, brilliant minds actually working real solutions…contact Lex Greene!

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FROM THE CDC .GOV WEBSITE (unchanged nor tampered)

For those that like some current and yet unmolested Data like Sushi (as in Fresh/Raw)

The following depicts the actual #s Data spread sheet in a much more expanded graph for all cold/flu seasonal deaths and Hospital accounts from 2010 thru 2022. What becomes the most alarming is that the the 2017-2018 season ( B.C. before covid) was by far the deadliest on record.

No other year even comes close as you can see within 60 seconds at a glance comparing.

My best guess is "THIS" was the sneaky sample release to test the GOF that the WVI had in vials.

It's called field verification for a reason. Determine if the new and improved LabSARS aspect has greater contagion in short span. The season of 2018 -2019 thus permitted to gain traction as the dis-ease symptoms engineered as a BIO -Bug grew global legs. Or was let go in strategic location.

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Plenary Summons

In the Constitutional High Court Jurisdiction

Record No. 2023/ 701 P


Patrick Clohessy



The Attorney General, Ireland, and Minister for Health


To the defendant Attorney General of Chief State Solicitors Office, Osmond House, Ship St. little, Dublin 8 in the County of Dublin

To the defendant Ireland of Chief State Solicitors Office, Osmond House, Ship St. little, Dublin 8 in the County of Dublin

To the defendant Minister for Health of Messian Plaza 50-58 Lower Baggot Street, Dublin 2 in the County of Dublin

This plenary summons requires you to enter an appearance in person or by solicitor in the Central Office, Four Courts, Dublin in the above action within eight days after the summons has been served on you thereof upon you (exclusive of the day of such service). And TAKE NOTICE that if you do not enter an appearance within that time, the plaintiff may proceed in this action, and judgment may be given in your absence.

BY ORDER-THE HONOURABLE Donal O’Donnell Chief Justice of Ireland the 17th day of February 2023

NB; This summons is to be served within twelve calendar months from the date hereof, unless the time for service has been extended by the court

The defendant may appear hereto by entering an appearance either personally or by solicitor at the Central office, Four Courts, Dublin


The Plaintiff claim is:

1. The Plaintiff is a 70 year old man in receipt of the Irish State contributory pension, who is retired from full time work as a small farmer, and woodworker, whose home address is at 1 old post office cottage ,Ballincurrig, Leamlara, Co. Cork.

2. The Plaintiff brings this Plenary Summons on foot of Issues related to a lacuna in the Coroners Acts 1962-2019, and breaches of duties and/or rights germane to the need for an Attorney General ordered Article 2 ECHR type Inquest into the cause of death of his mother Ann Clohessy, that relate to provisions of the following ; Articles 40, 41, 29, 15, 6 of the Irish Constitution, European Convention on Human Rights Act 2003, European Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms, International Criminal Court Act 2006, 1947 Nuremburg Code, Control of Clinical Trials Act, 1987 and its regulations, EU Directive 2001/83/EC, Regulation (EU) No 536/2014 Article 2 (5), Irish Medicines Board Act 1995, Medicinal Products (Prescription and Control of Supply) Regulations 2003, Irish Medicines Board (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2006 , European Union (Clinical Trials on Medicinal Products for Human Use) (Principal) Regulations 2022, Health (Preservation and Protection and other Emergency Measures in the Public Interest ) Act 2020, Criminal Justice (United Nations Convention Against Torture) Act, 2000, Environmental Protection Agency Act 1992, and Genetically Modified Organisms (Deliberate Release) Regulations 2003

8. The Plaintiff claims in view of the contents of paragraph 2 relative to the existence of a lacuna in Coroners Acts 1962-2019 ( no provisions for persons of unsound mind not so found, and/or Wards of Court), that the first named defendant, the Attorney General, its servants and agents, failed its duty of care and reached an erroneous conclusion on the 14th December 2022 by failing to order an Inquest pursuant to Section 24(1) of the Coroners Acts 1962-2019 into the death of Ann Clohessy on the 31st July 2021 at St. Finbarrs Hospital, Cork, that would necessitate an Article 2 ECHR type Inquest on foot of the evidence presented by Patrick Clohessy on the 19th May & 14th September 2022. The plaintiff further claims that the evidence was delivered in documentary, Audio, and video form showing the circumstances existing regarding the Status Quo ante of Ann Clohessy unlawful detention as a Ward of Court for nearly 5 years, where she was subjected to medical Torture, forced covid 19 Mrna vaccination against her will, denial of necessary medical treatment, denial of family consortium, and denial of right to life which engage one or more provisions of the following; Articles 40, 41, 29, 15, 6 of the Irish Constitution, European Convention on Human Rights Act 2003, European Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms, International Criminal Court Act 2006, 1947 Nuremburg Code, Control of Clinical Trials Act, 1987 and its regulations, EU Directive 2001/83/EC, Regulation (EU) No 536/2014 Article 2 (5), Irish Medicines Board Act 1995, Medicinal Products (Prescription and Control of Supply) Regulations 2003, Irish Medicines Board (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2006 , European Union (Clinical Trials on Medicinal Products for Human Use) (Principal) Regulations 2022, Health (Preservation and Protection and other Emergency Measures in the Public Interest ) Act 2020, Criminal Justice (United Nations Convention Against Torture) Act, 2000, Environmental Protection Agency Act 1992, and Genetically Modified Organisms (Deliberate Release) Regulations.


Patrick Clohessy, Plaintiff

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“Public health agencies should immediately merge the vaccine administration and all cause death data”


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Such a great idea. Steve Kirsch has already offered to pay for this for our lazy Australian and NZ governments.

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