Thank you for this grim report of the death and destruction so many still do not realize. How to get this information to those who simply turn away and refuse to acknowledge how things really are is my question.

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I would say, do not underestimate the power of a book-- a portable, physical object that is at the same time a package of information. Dowd's book. McCullough and Leake's book. RFK Jr's book. A book is something they can look at later, in private, in doses they can handle.

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Your optimism is lovely. My family is so shut down, they would not even let me give them a book, they would decline to even entertain anything but their views. And since I would have to mail it, so expensive, it is just not an option. Thanks, though.

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Took me 2 years to find someone willing to read the truth about Fauxchi by Kennedy. I bought 2 copies.

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Good for you! And good for the person you found!

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Without the desire to seek and know the Truth, we embrace death.

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Hmmm, it does appear that this culture is embracing death big time.

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Have you said that to them? Asked them if they are embracing death?

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Oh, yeah. I’m not a shy, reticent kind of person. In fact, I got into quite a heated debate with a Psychologist where I told her seeing she supported Abortion as a means of solving human problems, it made perfect sense in her welcoming and pushing others to take the jab. I told her I disagreed with her death loving solutions.

Of course, that was mid 2021. I keep hoping I’ll run into her at Trader Joe’s where I used to see her. I’d love to ask how she’s doing, along with her early 20s son she surely needled into taking the vaxx as well.

A lot of things have surfaced since then, to put it mildly. Plus, her being a Neuropsychologist means she’s been dealing with an untold number of injured vaxx recipients. That is, unless she’s tried to convince them it’s all in their head.

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That's disheartening to hear but I thank you for sharing it with me. I still don't know how best to approach 'the new normal' and those who shunned me for over a year.

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I understand. Alas. I really do.

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My oldest son and his family wouldn’t let me discuss the shots with them at all because they all got them, including his in laws. Then my son and his wife had health problems. I still can’t discuss it with his wife, but I’m now in charge if they both become hospitalized due to their stupidity. Sigh

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Bless you.

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My wife will not read or hear anything ,that has to do with the recent and still ongoing terror and extermination program ,operated by the government and big pharma .She thinks the politicians are our salvation in all matters .Often there is a long silence between me and her ,because I feel it's useless to say anything .Besides that problem she is a wonderful person and she does more for me than I do for her .For many slavery is self imposed .

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May your heart find peace. This is all so heartbreaking. To see the situation for what it is when so many others do not is both a blessing and a terrible burden.

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I wonder if there may be another way to see the situation, rather than slavery. Can I see what choices I have made, and do I have choices right now?

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Personally I think of what's happening, broadly, as a push towards corpo-serfdom. Not having bodily autonomy is a kind of slavery, but there are many kinds of slavery.

As for choices, what I find notable is how so much messaging over the past 3 years has been about how "there is no choice" [to do what we say you should do]. Well, bollocks to that. Now when I hear "there is no choice," I think hmmm, what ridiculous shale are they trying to get me to do for their benefit, not mine?

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Agree, Transcriber B, there is power in a book. We are in a period of revisionist history and that makes books even more dear for the archiving of truths and historical information. One cannot even rely on public libraries for these reference tomes, as the woke crowd is censoring everything. Beware, and acquire what books you are able. Many available second hand are soon to become extinct. Always appreciated books, and have been accumulating for years. There is a false economy in reading books ‘online’, as access can be revoked, or content can be edited/censored (as I understand it). Suggest one make room for physical books if possible.

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I very much agree with you about this.

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I agree too yet cant shake the analogy of trying to read a book while dead bodies pile up around you, with air sirens and ambulances wailing all around.

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When they see sudden deaths and injuries multiply in their circle of contacts, they’ll understand. Until then, these poor, deluded souls are willfully blind.

It’s like fruitlessly trying to go back to sleep after waking from a dream you’re not ready to give up just yet.

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Many are waking up, and many are beginning to suspect, but they don't want to talk about it, it's too upsetting and too confusing, on too many levels. For me personally it's been a bizarre experience, going from this constant all-sides bombardment in 2021- much of 2022 of "are you vaccinated? are you vaccinated? are you boosted? when did you get boosted? how many times did you get boosted?" etc etc to 2023 and this eerie.... silence....

I agree with you, Bridget, that it will likely take more deaths and injuries in their own circles, and, I would add, sadly, their own injuries (if they survive them). While many people don't connect their problems with the jabs, and/or accept without question their doctor's insistence that their symptoms are not connected to the jabs, it seems to me, at least from reading www.realnotrare.com reports, that many people do figure it out. And then they get hopping mad.

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On this note, I recently transcribed this brief testimony by the father of a vaccine-injured woman. What's especially notable is that he delivered his talk to a packed ballroom.

Pandemic Harms Listening Session - Wenatchee, WA - 28Jan23

Informed Choice WA, Posted February 12, 2023




DENNIS SMITH: Hello, my name's Dennis Smith and my message is hopefully encouragement and hope. My daughter lives over on the coast. She, very fit 24 year-old at the time, decided to get the vaccine and unbeknownst to me, after she had gotten it in January 2021, and shortly after that she started having symptoms of kind of extreme covid but then brain fog and then what I would call MS symptoms. Her body shut down. She, towards the end, couldn't even walk. She was put in a wheelchair. Went to several doctors and they basically said, all your symptoms are MS related, you know. They did did MRIs, couldn't find any lesions, but you know, they were dead-set on it.

So I said, you know, we don't, we don't have that. You know. Are you sure you haven't taken the vaccine? She said, yeah, I did. And I said, OK, well, you need to get another opinion. So she decided to go to the University of Washington neurology. And they ran their tests and they came back and said, it's all in your head. And there's nothing we can do for you.

She called me. She was heart-broken. I said, you need to go outside of the normal medical community. Gave her the name of a place in Bothell and she agreed to go meet, and the gal said, I can, I feel like I can help you. If you will give me three weeks, three times a week, and do this IV treatment, I believe I can turn you around.

And so at the end of the three weeks, she was literally 80% back.


All her symptoms were gone.


She's back to full form now. And so there's hope.There's cutting-edge treatments out there, I mean, every day I read something new. So if you have been vaccinated, there's treatments out there. And so I encourage you to do that. Thank you.



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Wow. What was that IV treatment?

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No idea. I'll bet there were vitamins and Ivermectin in there somewhere.

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If you judge by what they savagely attack, it might've in part been IV vitamin C. The FBI raided an IV C clinic in Detroit Metro that was giving the treatment to first responders, those most at risk from the virus or the infectious clone virus that hit Detroit metro. While Whitmer was discharging covid patients into nursing homes, state representative Karen Whitsett was cured by hydroxy in April 2020, and the Detroit democrats censured her for meeting with Trump to thank him about hydroxy. So the WEF camp followers and greedy hospital CEOs and the evil Democrats destroyed hydroxy and C as treatments, and are thus responsible for all the deaths in this hot zone. We really do need a new circle of hell to put these people, where they get boosted every 5 minutes and their feet are frozen in a vat of mrna. Following Dante, they could have wraiths chowing down on their basal ganglia for eternity also. The Inferno 2.0

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If you need treatment for the shots ,you also need treatment for your mental health .Why the hell do you run and get injected ,unless you where held down and forcefully injected ,you have no excuse for the outcome ,that you now regret and suffer from .At 87 I never took any shots and live a healthy life .What else would I want ?If you play with fire you get burned .You are like little kids that need the matches taken away .

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Yep...high dose C and glutathione. Would put money on that bet...

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Theres one specifically for the metals called EDTA. I am unvaccinated but the nano particles from those who have been vaxxed are shedding to the unvaxxed. Sounds strange but true - I've seen blood testing specialists prove it - from their own experience and testing others. And you don't have to live with a vaxxed person but that's of course one main source for many.... please research shedding in addition to EDTA Chelation therapy. Vitamin-C is another effective one but for covid, EDTA is primary.

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I’m using EZ Dtox cream myself.

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Apr 1, 2023·edited Apr 1, 2023

Wow. *Everyone who sees this post needs to read your transcripts of it and/or go watch this video. Your substack is full of absolutely priceless dialogue. (The footage of this father speaking starts around 2:02 but there are a TON of other valuable speeches/video clips in there as well).

Link again:

Pandemic Harms Listening Session - Wenatchee, WA Jan 2023:


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Thanks for your kind words, Linda. I've got a few more transcripts from this event coming out shortly. It looks to me that the organizers have done a brilliant job getting people together in this way, to tell their stories before a respectful and supportive audience. I hope this event can serve as a model for other communities to do the same. Above all, I think it is healing for people to see that they are not alone, and that, yes, their rights were egregiously violated, and this needs to stop.

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PS I am not involved with the organizers of this event, I just transcribe censored and shadow-banned videos that I feel moved to transcribe, and where it is clear to me that this would be welcome by the originators (who want to get the word out) and /or within legal fair use. This is my way of resisting the tyranny. I've been at it since summer of 2021, so the archive has grown rather large and includes testimonies by doctors, nurses, scientists, lawyers, and citizens from all over the English-speaking world (plus a few in English from elsewhere). I am still transcribing things from March 2023, but also, going back and digging around for things from 2021. The big conclusion I am coming to is that there was more resistance to VaxxFest than many of us realized, but of course the resistance was so often by way of censored and shadow-banned video and social media posts, so many of us assumed it wasn't there at all.

Here's one from 2021 that I just finished transcribing today:

Public Comment by Dr. Kevin Stillwagon

Orange County, Florida Board of County Commissioners Meeting 9/14/21

"Dr Kevin Stillwagon Demands attention at - Board of County Commissioners Meeting"

Posted at Korrie-Jade October 11, 2021



DR. KEVIN STILLWAGON: My name is Dr. Kevin Stillwagon. I am a property owner and a taxpayer in Orange County. You are making some really bad decisions based on fear of a virus that has about a 99% survival rate for most of us. That is unsubstantiated fear. So let me give you a couple of things to truly be fearful about.

That mask that you keep insisting that people wear decreases the amount of oxygen in your lung tissue. We now know that this virus uses furin cleavage site to merge with your lung tissue to infect you, and it works better with decreased oxygen. And peer-reviewed research clearly shows that wearing a mask increases your chances of developing an upper respiratory infection 13 times more than a person not wearing a mask. So I would stop wearing a mask immediately if I were you.

Secondly, this shot that you insist on people getting gives you absolutely no protection against infection. It is the innate immune system that protects you from infection by using dendritic cells, T-cells, and natural killer cells without antibodies ever becoming involved.

This shot has one goal and that goal is to make antibodies. These antibodies circulate inside of you and cannot prevent an infection. They can only react to something that has already gotten inside of you. They cannot keep something out. The shot decreases the ability of your innate immune system to keep viruses out by 60 percent. And a booster shot will reduce it even more. Even worse, the antibodies that are created by this shot can no longer neutralize variants and actually enhance the virus' ability to infect you.

It should be painfully obvious to you by now that fully vaccinated people are getting sick. And this will continue to get worse if you keep trying to jab people while a virus is trying to spread. The variants are emerging from the vaccinated population.

This so-called vaccine is still being administered on what's called an emergency use authorization.* It is not FDA approved. The FDA approved a biological licensing application for a product called Comirnaty. The application was approved, not the product. Comirnaty is not available in the United States. Therefore, by law, you cannot force people to take this drug without informed consent and without animal trials to prove that it is safe.

Mayor Demings,** please look at me. You, sir, are in violation of the United States Constitution and the Nuremberg Code. You will be held accountable. Good day.

MALE VOICE: Alright, ah, thank you for your comment.



# # #


* For more on Emergency Use Authorization.



See also the US government webpage explaining Emergency Use Authorization:


(If you read it carefully you will find that by taking a covid "vaccine" you are in fact participating in a phase 3 trial, that is, an experiment.)

And see the US government webpage about the clinical trials (in other words, experiments), which are anticipated to conclude in March of 2023:


** Jerry L. Demings, Orange County Mayor


Dr. Kevin Stillwagon's blog is https://drkevinstillwagon.substack.com/

and Twitter is https://twitter.com/DrKStillwagon

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Keep passing the link along . . . . www.realnotrare.com

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Mar 29, 2023·edited Mar 29, 2023

waking up from arrogance and narcissism (always having to "be right" {in your own mind} will lead you to destruction, never having an open mind) is a huge step forward in awakening. It is why jesus had to speak in parables or else he'd just hit a wall and nothing would get thru their thick skulls. This awakening is a lifetime event, called sanctification process if you are a believer in Gods' working in your life.

Satan is the ultimate narcissist and example of arrogance. Humility is the only way to God (the narrow way).

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Vanity is a really an issue in our society and unfortunately, many are suffering from it. Praying for all!

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Confusing and upsetting, yeah.. It would be. And it will be moreso the longer it takes them to be an adult and accept responsibility.

Ask them how many of their own circles need to be maimed or killed before they become human again, feel angry or shocked or committed or curious once more.

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Never before was it more important to be informed ,as to what is happening and what is going on ,than now .It literally means the difference between life or death .Still even now sadly most people are not informed and did and do as directed by our exterminators .Critical independent thinking is a must in these times if one wants to survive to old age Reading alternative news that bring us the warnings and inform is a life saver .For me it was easy from day one and for many years before that ,to identify and avoid all or most forced actions on us by governments and a variety of authoritarian figures it ,is not to our benefit ,it benefits only the likes of Gates or the Faussies .Gates speaks with his money and all governments do as he orders .Countless injuries and death are the result .

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Dont let them enjoy dreams of comfort. Shock them, even if you only shock them half as much as you were shocked.

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How about shocking them in an electric chair ??

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electroconvulsive therapy has achieved results against major depressive disorders!

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Many will only wake up when it happens to them or their loved ones or close friends. Even then others like my brother-in-law will not acknowledge that the death of his wife and my sister was caused by the hospital following Fraudulent Fauci.

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Yes, my sister, a long time marathon runner just about to turn 69, had a clot and a stroke, but not one word was said that it was because of her jabs. Denial of the truth is one big reason I am not close to my family--I just cannot stomach their 'world of denial".

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Yup! My 71yo bro in law just died with 4 blocked arteries to his heart and failed kidneys. He was a type 1 diabetic most of his life, but otherwise pretty healthy and no one is making any connection to all his Covid shots. Maybe they didn’t CAUSE his death. But they certainly contributed.

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yes, the shots are opportunistic and take out the weaker and exacerbate the underlyiing conditions! It's just flat out killing the young and healthy causing heart deaths. My 69 neighbor got raging prostate cancer after his 2 shots and died a year ago, also know 2) 35 year old healthy men dead after 3rd shot(1st booster), both heart deaths.

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To be a 69 year old long time marathon runner is in itself very impressive. That’s a Woman who knows and cares about her body.

There are a lot of things we know about ourselves but just can’t say.

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I feel the same. Sorry for your loss. Can not speak of this subject and the conversation feels shallow.

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At least my coach didn't die. After the first jab (required for his job), he refused to take any "boosters". Took a while to recover.

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Even my strength trainer had mild heart symptoms and he is 30.

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In most comments the hospital killing protocols are over looked .The injections are far less deadly than a hospital visit with flu like symtoms . The treatment protocol in hospitals for flu is ,testing ,followed by isolation ,heavy sedation ,remdesivir and ventilators .It kills about 90 % of the patients ,sorry make that victims .My brother was murdered that way .t

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My sister got the Pfizer jab, went to hospital shortly thereafter because she couldn't breathe and they immediately put her on a vent where she stayed two months until she died of collapsed lungs. Yes, murder, is what I call it too.

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I am so sorry to hear that, and send you my condolences. We are experiencing genocide, fulfilling plans that have been in the works for, some say, a very, very long time.

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To murder my brother took only six days .And thank you for understanding how it feels ,having some of our loved ones taken out execution style in hospitals .

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I had to keep my mouth shut completely while my osteopathic doctor stepsister slowly killed my stepmother with years of chemo, all the medications taken because of that, then CV1984 came along. I live too far away to be there with them, so did not witness it first hand. That would have been impossible. The way my stepmother suffered was so unnecessary, but I could say nothing. It was a kind of hell. They would have just ended up hating me. It felt awful. at least my stepmother is now with my father in the spirit world, maybe, and she was crushed when he was gone, so who is to say what the right thing to do is. Each of us must understand that for ourselves, it seems to me. I want to keep my relationships with my living relatives. My stepsister believed she was doing her very best. The whole thing just feels impossible sometimes.

Yes, having loved ones taken in these cruel, cruel ways is a hell on earth. Sending you hugs, Joe.

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Very sorry about your brother.

I know about the protocols, I have transcribed several testimonies of people who were murdered that way.

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Sadly, this happened to my 40 year old brother-in-law in 2021. Walked into the hospital on Friday, on a vent Friday night, and dead by Sunday.

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On my computer I watched DR.Cory warn anyone to avoid going to a hospital with the flu .Coming out again would be as unlikely as coming out again from Auschwitz .

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That is so sad. My condolences for your family's loss.

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Oh my gosh. Very sorry to hear this.

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Going in there starts with forced masking at the door , anyone with respiration issues is at the mercy ,of medieval treatments .No not any mercy ,but brutal miss treatment that lead to death 90% of the time .

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This is so common it should be shouted from the roof tops .

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My condolences for the loss of your brother. Yes, the hospital is the last place you want to go if you are "sick". When I broke my wrist two years ago, I was very glad to be able to go there. And amazingly to my surprise, I received really good care for that.

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If you go in there with a broken leg ,you may come out again .But I warn you ,don't try that ,if you have flu like symtoms and go in .

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Absolutely no way.

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In his day even Jesus was murdered by the state ,.How much more evil can politicians be ?They are partners with the devil ,killing all of us is a sport entertainment for them .

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Unfortunately, some who were vaxxed will never admit that they were wrong.

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Too painful.

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Yes, it is like dropping a glass on a concrete floor. It may survive the first bounce, but the 2nd one shatters the glass as if it were an illusion.

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I can understand this, though. It’s not easy for anyone to face their own mortality, especially if we push ourself closer to it.

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For a person who is really deep in the mass formation, like my brother, nothing will change their mind. See Professor Matias Desmet's work on the mass formation or hypnosis. No amount of reasoning, facts, graphs, logic. I tried it all. Ed Dowd's book is excellent and I have heard others have had success with it - my brother refused to look at the free copy I offered him. Peace. :-)

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My brother-in-law was like that when my sister was in the hospital. I tried gently to provide him with information from Dr. McCullough and the FLCCC but he was so sure that she just had Covid - even though she had the jab just before going in - and that the hospital was doing everything to save her he wouldn't even look at anything. It was like talking to a wall.

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A convenient theory for humans to succumb to military grade psyops and cogwarfare.

Humans are meant to lift each other up and watch out for the weakest amongst them. So i see the core problem as an abhuman condition seeping into all of us.

Its still a very difficult thing to identify or diagnose and the core of these societal and communication issues continuously change. Important to debate and keep searching for solutions though!!

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There are so many of us who have had to witness such deep delusion, and not fall apart.

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What does Falling apart look like these days? Logging onto a computer daily and witnessing the daily erosion of free will, spirit and action could be interpreted as a kind of self-administered falling apart

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This is an excellent point. I think falling apart is actually what is happening all the time, and then pulling back together follows, and the cycle continues, repeating endlessly. There is no way to avoid the falling apart, and keeping myself together appears to be my number one task. Now that I am thinking about it, it feels kind of futile. Especially at 3 in the morning after not being able to fall asleep.

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Bhavana, I agree completely with you! Your words match what I was thinking. I’ve been blabbing about this for a LONG time, and my covidiot friends/family don’t agree with me. This whole shit show is a travesty!

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Me too. Since about May of 2020. No one would listen - all running scared. I have lost long time doctors because of lack of integrity and critical thinking. But so many have lost so much more.

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It certainly is and we need to make a fuss.

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Yup. Step on some toes.

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What they're doing is much worse than a little bit of insult.

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The more I learn about the history of everything that has brought us to this, the more I feel I can handle it. I feel so grateful that I have some confidence in understanding why this is happening, otherwise I know I would still have fear. Not that I do not have fear sometimes, but knowing why things are this way helps.

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Yes indeed. Knowledge is strengthening. It helps us see clarity. That's why we must never succumb to censorship. Free speech is the foundation which we must build the new world.

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I agree with you completely! Have lost many “friends” over this.

Love the word covidiots! Will use it along with maskhole, which I often use! Stay well.

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We need to be posting information everywhere to let them know because the media sure isn't. If they don't want to know then they seal their fate.

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This is why I transcribe censored and shadow-banned video and podcasts.

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That is a most important task you've taken on. I am stunned and impressed. Do you post your transcriptions anywhere together?

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Thanks for asking. There is a link at the bottom of every post on my Substack.

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Thank you for your labor of love, your transcriptions. As a visual learner (and a book-a-holic, haha) so appreciate the clarity and depth of information of the written word.

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Thanks for your kind words.

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Mar 29, 2023·edited Mar 29, 2023

That’s exactly it; so many were gung ho to fight against the dreaded virus (or whatever it is), they jumped on the chance to beat it off with the vaxx.

Now, when they should be waging their own world war to try to save their lives, their fighting spirit is awol.


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Mar 30, 2023·edited Mar 30, 2023

There’s always a way in. Everyone is different.

Some need to hear it from a doctor.

Some need to hear it from a male doctor.

Some need to hear it from a male, 60’s+ doctor with their same religious, ethnic, geographic background.

Some need to hear it from 20+ doctors.

Some need to see the references, while some have never and will never read a journal paper in their life.

Some need it from a pastor. Some a talking head on TV.

Some need a book, some need a movie, some need both x 100.

Sadly, on the extreme end, some need to hear it from a friend whose child has died.

Some need to hear it from their own body.

And some will only hear it on the other side.

Can’t do much for the last group, but...the way I see it, the more forms we can deliver it in, the more will be reached. Poke it from every different angle (biology, music, culture, statistics, ethics, the science/psychology of the PR machines behind this all, the history of all the health agencies’ lying over the last 5+ decades, the data on the current disabling of the worldwide workforce, plus the measured evidence of vial contamination, lack of batch consistency/quality control...and on and on).

The more angles the better.

Like multi-directional lasers dissolving a kidney stone. It doesn’t get done w/one laser alone. But all of them together will dissolve that stubborn stone ;)

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Sounds like you have contact with lots of people. Good to hear someone who has really been doing this work. That is great.

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I don’t believe you can. They don’t want to read or hear about anything. But I concede to great minds, like Dowd, McCullough, Corey, Ardis, Wolf, Malone, Breggin, Hotze Dowd, Martin and many more! They may have ways to make a dent in these hard heads!

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It doesn't matter what they want to hear. We need to be telling them every day very minute. Make their day. Why doesn't anyone want to tell them properly, urgently? Why?

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I said they won’t listen and don’t want to read, not that I didn’t tell them. Lost many “friends”over this.

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Yes and that's part and parcel of telling the truth. I have too, lost everyone, but I don't care. I want to be with people who want to speak the truth. Aren't you tired of all the lies? What do you think we should do, just suck it up?

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I agree with you yet again! Can’t stand to be around libtards, maskholes or covidiots.

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Yeah me too (if you'll pardon the libtardy usurped phrase) but they are all around us. I am amazed that they don't know that covid is a farce and that the vaccine is a bioweapon. I think we need to drop some leaflets or something from helicopters and inform the public.

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These are horses who will not even be led to water, much less drink!

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Simply turn them back towards it. In real-terms, it is their turning away which is causing prolonged harm, injury, death, despair.

it's not ok for this to become a status quo of turning away constantly. Time to slap them (with love):

"Doublethink pushed the injected away from confronting internal thoughts or thoughts from which to express doubt over. Such as;

what they did to themselves medically,

why they undid themselves morally and ethically,

and who they intended to become by doing so?"


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The fact that the CDC still recommends this shit to everyone 6 months and up is an indication that the massacre is, perhaps, intentional.

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I know for sure Bill Gates would have the answer for you ,so you would not have to be basselt

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What is basselt?

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Its a condition of slight goofiness . I invented the word basselt ,because I was afraid that we may run out of words describing all the many whyrusses attacks . The word whyrusses is also my invention .I'm trying hard to become as famous as the Fauxxi guy

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You're a bit like Humpty-Dumpty in 𝘈𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘦 𝘛𝘩𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘓𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘎𝘭𝘢𝘴𝘴...😘 Still, you're probably right: We probably will run out of words to describe what's being done.🤔

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Probably have to invent a whole new language.

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...and that they push the jabs on children.

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Ignorance is some sort of bliss. Whose ignorance though?

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Those pushing the jab are not ignorant. They are selfish and some are malicious.

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There is no "perhaps" about it, and this isn't a massacre: it is a democide.

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deletedMar 29, 2023·edited Mar 29, 2023
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🔥💪🏻. Understand. You (one) practically have to be an academic scholar (old school) these days to keep up. I’ve been guilty of this too btw-trying harder. -Always enjoy your comments Captain-it didn’t seem like something you’d agree with. 🌹

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Trouble is -- Did a music performance degree in University, last time I was in anything like a biology lab was Grade X -- all of these people sound plausible... Even (at the beginning) Dr. Fraudci... and I said something I shouldn't have on Steve Kirsch's website -- haven't a clue what -- and got permanently banned. 😳💩

Don't want that happening twice.

Oh -- and thanks so much for enjoying my comments! I hope some of them are even useful!😘

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Kirsch permanently banned you? If so sorry to hear this. That said, we’re all grappling in the dark, trying to recover from the massive insanity and psyops our governments and corporations have inflicted upon us-truly mind boggling.

Your comments have always added to whatever conversation I’ve seen you in-don’t stop.

That said in my not so humble opinion, what in the world could possibly be better than a music degree?! Music is just about the only thing keeping me sane these days. That and staring into space mindlessly.

Can you say more about your musical performance degree? Is that conducting?

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Ed Dowd had recently given a bit of advance notice the report would be released toward the end of this month. I had not yet seen it however so thank you John (and Dr. McCullough) for linking to it here. The word "iatrogenic" is usually defined as inadvertent harm to patients caused by medical intervention, however I consider what we've been seeing to be "Intentional Iatrogenesis".

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Cause unknown...reason unbelievable. What an absolutely insane deception on humanity.

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As absolutely insane as the fact of how many just accept it. Bainwashed, programmed, dumbed down sheeple...it is as bad, or worse, here in Chinada.

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Thanks for this report. And where is the Fourth Estate Speaking Truth to Power (TM) in all this? Crickets and bafflement. Trump's arrest is much more important, you know! The scariest thing about all this, aside from this ongoing Holocaust, is that the people who foisted this mess on us in the first place want to do even MORE harm, for our own good, of course! Global ID Vax Passports and Digital Currency controlled by the Global Elites are coming soon. As well as mRNA mRNA mRNA in all sorts or great new shots/drugs to stop that next pandemic they're cooking up...oops! I meant to say "is coming soon."

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The 4th estate has always been an illusion, a myth. It has always been controlled by monied powers, since the industrial age at least.

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With many medical people proclaiming that is "long covid" is the cause of heart and respiratory injuries, how do we counter that claim? Of course the people on this thread are aware of the truth, but this "long covid" argument is being made all the time, even by a doc in my family.

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Check out Dr McCullough's substack article posted here March 28. No spike protein found in heart tissue of people dead from heart attack if they were unvaxxxed. Covid by itself doesn't seem to be to blame.

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Thanks, I missed that.

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Can ask them to look at countries which basically had zero cases prior to the genetic injections, such as New Zealand/Australia. Could also ask why countries which did not employ this bioweapon seem to have no 'long-covid' or excess deaths.

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Mar 29, 2023·edited Mar 29, 2023

Ask them if there's a chance that they think they might have been bamboozled. If they show curiousity, calmly give them a resource or a gentle fact or two.

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When will we reach the tipping point and hold the FDA and CDC to account? Only Lapado is calling these charlatans out in the states.

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Four people I know, dead after vaccine, not registered with TGA DAENS, a few others I suspect are dead after their vax, but all written off by doctors, cognitive dissonance or fearful of reprisals by AHPRA? The four I know all died within a week to three weeks of vaccination . One from circulating blood clots in organs and brain, two weeks after Pfizer, another dead within two weeks of stroke, next person couldn't breathe after vaccine, hospitalized that night - then released - dead by end of the week, autopsy lots of unusual blood clots in him, was put off to atrial fibrillation (despite no signs prior), fourth guy, felt off after his vaccination, found dead in his backyard within the week.... Remember how these things were going to be "closely monitored for safety"?... I know a few heart injuries too (Doctor diagnosed, yet again, why don't they speak out?!!) one myocarditis, one pericarditis and one heart attack... One guy I also know, got blood clot, doctor said it might be the vax to him (caught blood clot in time) then went and got a booster, back in hospital with more blood clots (yet again, lucky and they were dealt with)... Asked WTF did he get a booster? He said, "because they said to on TV"... Even though doctor had said vac likely caused his first clot, he went and got a second?!! That's how strong the propaganda has been

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If your mind works properly and you can think critically ,no propaganda can make you do harmful acts to yourself . Too many go through life being mentally disabled ,as we can now see every where with the still hard core snot pouch wearers .Inside most medical establishments its a mess of it seems permanent voo doo magic .

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Another slight of hand brought to you by the manipulators and media; young folks dying - now normal. All those injured by vaccines - normal. 'Whose really keeping track of those dying and injured and if were they vaxxed or not?' This is what people have said to me...creating doubt so they can live with it, rationalize it. What a time.

Thank you for bringing a light of truth along with so many other substackers to a world filled with lies. Not sure what we'd do without substack.

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I just left a friend of mine dying of leukemia at hospice. He is vaxxed, vaxxed, and boosted, and came down with leukemia about a year after starting his jabs. His doctor told him (and my friend believes it!) that his leukemia was triggered because he was taking an over the counter zinc supplement. The vaxx? That had nothing to do with it as far as he knows...

No matter how self deluded you think people are, they can still surprise you!

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There seem to be few autopsies done of people who died suddenly for no known reason. Another problem is differences in the opinions of experts as to what it takes to determine if a vaccine caused a death when an autopsy is done.

I'm still trying to get information on the Big Ten Cardiac Registry, which as you say seems to have stopped gathering data after only 1 year. I'd like to know why they stopped gathering data. So far none of the involved doctors will answer any questions.

It's also interesting that the National Football League for the first time in history stopped a game due to a player injury. A player collapsed due to cardiac arrest and almost died. But despite all the extensive testing done later on that player, why he suffered a cardiac arrest is unknown. The player and his doctor are keeping the results of those tests secret.

I'd like to know from Ed Dowd if group life insurance and disability rates have gone up for the large companies that had all their employees vaxed for COVID.

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Mar 29, 2023·edited Mar 29, 2023

It is astounding to see the complete denial or refusal to say or admit vaccine deaths and destruction. Is it fear of being cancelled, fear of loosing their jobs, fear of being January 6th’d perhaps?

This behavior is what got us here. We are well trained to go along. Most of us knew of the rot and the lies. As far back as my grandparents and parents talking about living through war in England (WII), they had nothing but scathing mistrust for the establishment. Nonetheless they, as did most others, tolerated the status quo. When will we rage against the machine or just simply disregard it altogether.

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I think its just fear. If you can get large groups of people into a constant frightened state of mind, they will never have a chance to think.

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My baby sister died in her sleep. She did have a rash (er doctor and walk-in clinic couldn’t identify) she was an RN and had no idea what it was. The rash appeared on a wed, which was the day she was seen in the ER. On Thursday she woke up with a fever of 103 and was seen at the walk-in. She went home, went to bed and died. Her daughter is 14 and her son 17.


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I am so sorry that you and your family lost her.

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Apr 1, 2023·edited Apr 1, 2023

Good lord. I hope stories like this can make it into a documentary of some kind. So they can warn others and not be in vain. We need some kind of media megaphone.

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I won’t hold my breath. My older sister and myself are all that’s left of a family of 5. Yesterday we talked about how this happened and why. Why does our government hate us? What have we done other than work and pay our taxes. So they can murder us? Both of us are married to retired Air Force. Why did they serve? What was the purpose of serving this country that hates us? I hope not another member of our extended family serves their children up for elites that hate them. They have nothing but contempt and distain for those of us that still hold American values. Our grandchildren are under constant attack, childhood robbed, by a government that can’t take care of their own house. I guess that’s what he meant when he said, “fundamentally change.”

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Ed’s book, among many well done regarding this chapter of our lives, captures the human toll of this tragedy.

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In the end, all corruption will come about through the sciences.

- Soren Kierkegaard

(He wasn't dissing science here, but rather corrupt scien-TISTS. He died around 1850. How prescient

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