
For mRNA to remain at all viable or effective after immersion in hydrochloric acid in the stomach has not yet been demonstrated, from what I've seen. Ingested vaccines are unlikely to work for mainly that reason. They'd have to be dosed with plenty of NaHCO3, (unlikely for anyone to bother doing). And even then, people's vulnerability to mRNA injury would likely be way less likely by GI route than injected, because the GI tract is so much better able to neutralize assault than is the bloodstream.

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Very good point Colleen. I was thinking along the same terms. Not an expert in mRNA technology... I am a medical doctor, though. It seems to me very unlikely that mRNA would remain stable if incorporated in food, and once it enters the GI tract. On the other hand, it is still a serious ethical issue, and I am scandalized that there would be someone with the "lofty idea" of immunizing people by manipulating food sources.

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I’m no expert, but have you considered that administration of certain drugs is already being accomplished by absorption through the oral mucosa? The GI tract is thus effectively bypassed, and the bloodstream is quickly accessed. Instead of “over the lips and through the gums, look out stomach, here it comes,” it’s more “safe and effective” (for the drug) to “get in the spit, avoid the pit, and flood the blood.”

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If you're asking if people ever heard of sublingual administration of medications, that would be a yes, and the main purpose is to bypass the GI tract for direct access to circulation via blood vessels under the tongue

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Vaccines and vitamins are two things that can be avoided by good nutrition and proper handling of effluent. How can ANYONE trust these pharma concoctions after covid?

If your cook tried to poison your lunch, are you going to trust them to make your dinner?

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In the name of G-d can we please find a way to keep the state out of our food! I’m a busy wife and mother —a conservative homeschool parent and home cook in Los Angeles, trying to keep my family healthy through all this madness. We’ve pretty much gone pescatarian, but apparently now we need to start hoarding seeds and growing our own crops!

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It's amazing how these megalomaniacs and fortune-hunters never rest. Here in Australia we have iodised salt, which is claimed to have reduced the incidence of goitre in those areas where it occurred frequently. Of course we have chlorinated water - a disinfectant not a medicine - but now also fluoride in the water which is there as a treatment for teeth. This is all pretty primitive 'science'. But invariably there is a strong profit motive. And the psychology is interesting: people like to think of themselves as the intelligentsia who are improving the world. They should heed the warning of the composer John Cage: "You will only make matters worse".

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Only one state of 50 is addressing this with legislation. 🤡

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I appreciate the insights of the experts who have weighed in on issues of absorption, transport, storage, etc. If it can in fact be absorbed in the human body after ingestion, then what does that mean we’d be doing? Essentially taking vaccines daily or weekly, every time we eat such food? What does this do to the body and our immune system?

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Edible vaccine should be outlawed, and any patent labelled with a warning "poison do not use"

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If we had a legitimate federal government, HB1169 would not just be potential legislation in Missouri, but would be a federal mandate.

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Imagine a harmful covid spike protein being delivered in lettuce. The body may develop a immune response to the whole leaf, just as it does to a whole peanut on behalf of a protein or two. This is insane.

Dosage is a major issue. Different parts of a leaf could produce different levels of protein/mRNA at different points in the growing season, and depending on the season itself.

Cross contamination between plants can be diabolical.

The inventers have been working on it for decades and GMWatch.org has been watching it.

I shared GMWatch's work in this substack. https://madeleinelove.substack.com/p/vaccines-and-other-pharmaceuticals

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Might we expect some testing or will warp speed place us all at risk in an experiment? For now the makers seem to be incapable of decent manufacturing quality for a fairly simple delivery means. Getting stuff in plants seems far fetched.

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