And they have NEVER tested the CUMULATIVE effect of all the vaccines added to the CDC schedule since the 1986 Vaxx Act:

"And while I am well aware that correlation does not mean causation, it’s hard to ignore the concomitant rise in Autism, developmental disabilities, and childhood diseases over that same period. In 2000, the CDC’s Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network estimated the incidence of ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) among 8 year olds (birth year 1992) at 1 in 150. As of 2018 (most recent data reported) that incidence has risen to 1 in 44."


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My son has Aspergers Autism. He's about 22 now, and lives with me. But my (ex) wife and I were pretty radical when he was born; we avoided the hospital. So he didn't get the usual shots, and definitely not any vaccines that I can remember, at least not until he was taken from me for 1.5 years, when my wife left. She might have had him vaccinated then. But he would have been about 12 then.

He showed some quirks right from when he was very young: very late to talk, for example. At the age of 6 he was fascinated with some videos from "The Teaching Company" on Physics String Theory. He just watched them one after another.

It wasn't until after a few years of school that he was tested and found to have Aspergers. He's exceptionally gifted at computer coding, but his social skills don't work well, so he's on a disability income.

He also ended up with Becker's Muscular Dystrophy. We found that out when he was about 4 years old. That's a milder form of dystrophy. It comes from the mother's side (genetic defect in the egg cell). So if Autism is related to Vaccines, it makes me wonder if it could come, not directly via childhood vaccination, but through the genetics of the parents (like the dystrophy)?

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From my longer article, specific to Dustin:


"After years of research, reading, and really deep and complicated scientific discussions with Autism doctors and parents, she (my wife) came to the conclusion that the root of Dusty’s autism was a combination of a genetic pre-disposition plus egregious environmental assaults."

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Mike did he have the vit k and hiv shots at birth? They dontvusually ask you or tell you cause its routine?

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I don't know about the shots, and my wife is away for two days. This is our belief from our longer article:


"At some point in that first year, he had his third DPT vaccine dose. That was the shot that put him over the edge. He screamed for 24 hours, and the babbling stopped. The language that typically follows never came."

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That is what I think you should suspect. Autism and Asbergers don't seem to be heritable much.

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From my much smarter wife:

To answer ‘Duchess’ comment - Dusty did have Vitamin K and Hepatitis B on Day 1 (not HIV, she’s just confused, there is no ‘HIV’ shot yet and certainly not in 1997. She meant ‘Hep B'). They give all newborns these two shots on Day 1 regardless of gestational age.

The Vitamin K given at birth, note in synthetic form, is to prevent Vitamin K Deficiency Bleeding in Newborns (VKDB). "The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has recommended vitamin K injections at birth since 1961 because the vitamin does not cross the placenta well during pregnancy. The shot provides infants with enough vitamin K to last until they get sufficient amounts through diet...Classic vitamin K deficiency bleeding, although rarely fatal, occurs in the first week of life to 0.25 to 1.7 percent of babies who do not receive the compound.” https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/more-parents-nixing-anti-bleeding-shots-for-their-newborns/

The Hep B shot has been given at birth since states started mandating them in the 1990s. In the decade following Hep B vaccine’s 1981 approval, U.S. health officials issued evolving guidelines on who should receive the vaccine: first, gay men, injection drug users, and healthcare workers; later, hepatitis B-positive women’s children; and later still, all newborns. States laws that mandated the vaccine for all children were quietly accepted in the 1990s; in the 2000s, however, popular anti-vaccine sentiment targeted the shot as an emblem of immunization policy excesses. …The virus is a sexually-transmitted infection that poses little or no risk to babies. Indeed, this is how federal health officials themselves characterized the virus back in 1981 when they first approved the vaccine. However, by 2000, 47 states had mandated the vaccine for all schoolchildren with little or no resistance from parents. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3092064/

It is not known whether these shots had Thimerosal or other toxins in them in 1997 (and I certainly can’t find that info through a Google Search!) but very possibly, adding insult to injury.

One thing is for sure. There was NO informed consent, no discussion from any medical practitioner that Dusty received these shots either before, during, or after. It was just done. SOP. For all babies.

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Infants are born with less clotting factor so that they can get rid of mucous etc...easily..its teally mother natires way of helping them survive the birth...and yes sorry hep b is also not necessary unless you or uour wife have it..im sorry i dont know what was in the shot either...but i bet some of the people here on substack do. Its not just t he mercury..its the little amount of aluminum...go watch forrest marready on you bv tube..are you crooked?...explains a lot.

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Douglas, I found a good informative video I think you should watch..(I have it on 1.5 speed)...even the HebB vaccine is talked about


Comes from this substack:https://robertyoho.substack.com/p/ken-stoller-md-unwinds-vaccines-and

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“Learning without thought is labor lost; thought without learning is perilous.” -- Confucius

A ingenious quote from The Mike Sweeny link above.

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So what is driving the huge increase in autism? I have heard childhood vaccines blamed often, but are there any other environmental causes? Seems like chemical residues in food or the air we breathe could be involved.

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Fluoride might also be an unrecognized cause.

I believe no other Western country adds fluoride to its municipal drinking water. And all their teeth seem to be fine....

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We need RFK, Jr. to analyze this. Or, maybe he already has...

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A worthwhile researcher to follow is Dr Chris Exley aka Mr Aluminum. Watch Del Bigtree’s interview with him on the Highwire from November 2022. His research was well funded and followed while he was focused on Alzheimers, but once he expanded his scope and started looking at aluminum concentrations in the brain and Autism all that changed.


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One should wonder if all these vaccines are causing Autism and nero psychiatric disorders. Follow the money and the stupidity of people. Unfortunately, medicine has become a god and doctors, godlike to the general population. I am not against doctors or medicine but I am against the worship of either. I'm sick of veterinarians and physicians pushing vaccines. Thinking for oneself has left the building. If we want to be well, we need to ask questions and do our research. Unfortunately, the regular Joe cannot or will not do their own research. Thankful for Dr. MCCULLOUGH. We need more courageous physicians.

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I agree with Robin Whittle's comment that another huge -- if not primary -- factor driving the surge of kids, mostly girls, identifying as trans is social contagion, fueled by social media. Also, a sizable percentage of "trans" kids are actually gay or lesbian; some of these kids are (sadly) struggling to accept their same-sex attraction and think becoming the opposite sex will solve that "problem." And gobs of money from corporations and billionaire trans activists (e.g. Martine Rosenblatt who is promoting a deranged transgender/transhuman agenda) is fomenting the craze. I recommend the book, Time to Think, by Hannah Barnes, which chronicles the off-the-rails devolution (and finally closure) of UK's gender clinic, which in its latter days was issuing referrals for puberty blockers to youngsters on the basis of as little as two appointments, instead of providing the psychiatric evaluation and counseling these kids really needed. According to Jaime Reed, who recently blew the whistle on a St. Louis gender clinic, says that clinic (where she had worked) has the same troubled M.O. as Tavistock. An excellent interview of Reed by the UK Triggernometry podcasters can be found on YouTube. She says that homophobia among the gay kids wanting to transition and among the St. Louis staff (as at Tavistock) is a major factor driving this.

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Please see my comment on an earlier article on transgender individuals and mental health. https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/autism-spectrum-disorder-and-gender/comment/14191945

We are in the midst of a terrible social contagion in which adolescents, especially girls, are overly encouraged to think they are transgender. There are people who are genuinely transgender or at least partly so - their sense of self is significantly, or perhaps totally, at odds with the sex of their body. However, the number of people now who think this is their state is way out of line with innate reality. There is a huge celebration of transgenderism which leads many confused and/or mentally unwell (by official diagnostic standards) people to think that their problems are due in part or wholly due to them actually being trans.

This is not a criticism of the above research, especially to the extent that it was done with people who were unaffected by the last few years of trans fanatacism, a lot of it driven by non-trans "allies" or people who are not really, in my opinion at least, trans.

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This is a huge topic, but here goes: Woke, left-leaning, politics and membership of this team is to a significant degree a social contagion like most other us-vs-them assemblages of individuals into opposing tribes, but a few things distinguish it from prior tribes.

Firstly, the mainstream media supports it, with only a few alternative and conservative sources providing critical perspectives.

The whole woke world view is of an eternal battle between oppressors and those they oppress. From a detractor https://www.unz.com/isteve/what-is-woke/ here is a ladder with the most oppressed at the bottom: Female, Non-Christian, Non-Jewish, Non-heterosexual, Non-American, Non-Western, Brown, Muslim, Black, Trans . Here https://www.thedailybell.com/all-articles/news-analysis/what-is-the-ultimate-endgame-for-woke-ideology-actually/ is another definition: "Woke ideology asserts that the story of human history is best explained by an eternal struggle between the oppressor and the oppressed. Categories in this dichotomy are delineated along essentialist and immutable categories of identity, such as race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation. People, irrespective of their individual life experiences, are assigned to oppressor or oppressed categories depending on an amalgamation of these characteristics, forming a hierarchy of victimhood."

Like other liberation movements, they see themselves as the good guys. Nothing unusual here. However, the woke mindset spreads among the middle-class via a guilt contagion, which I can't think of a prior example of.

You are white white, perhaps male, perhaps not poor, perhaps not gay . . . (tick all boxes which apply) therefore you are an oppressor (perhaps of everyone, but if you are a woman then not of men - they are up the power==evil ladder from women). Therefore you are guilty, even if you don't know it yourself. Everyone else knows. Your denial confirms it and increases your culpability.

You can expiate your guilt to some extent by taking up self-criticism and criticism of other oppressors, and especially by making yourself an ALLY of one or more oppressed classes of people. Here is the video on how to be an ALLY: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJW3wjy9gSI (Complete with vile distorted cartoon bodies of people according to the Alegria Corporate Memphis style: https://nakedemperor.substack.com/p/globohomo-sinister-or-lazy).

Therefore, you will continue to spread wokism by doing to others what has just been done to you if you believe this stuff.

In choosing to ALLY yourself with an oppressed group, it pays to keep up with the Joneses and pick a really good one. Women are a victim group you might consider adding to your victim portfolio, but you can do better. Women are so 1970s. Its all been done. Muslims are a more recent apparition on our radar, so they need more help. By all means ALLY yourself with Muslims. Many do. Ignore the plight of Christians being harassed and killed in Israel https://www.unz.com/estriker/persecuted-christians-in-israel-are-being-ethnically-cleansed-is-anybody-listening . Christians do a lot more oppressing than other religions so you are better to add Muslims to your portfolio. Also, Christian oppression is so last millennia or two

You might consider adding homosexual men and/or lesbians. Again, this is so 1980s. Their lot has improved with wider social acceptance and "gay marriage". Not a good choice.

But lo and behold, there is a long-oppressed, newly-arrived-on-our-radar, group of people - transsexuals - who have long been oppressed, and are widely regarded as having very high rates of suicide if not treated much better than they have been. This is a very good, and now popular choice, as is, anyone with brown or black skin.

As an ALLY of these people, they can do no wrong, since they are so much lower on the power==oppression ladder than you are. They are sacred cows.

You can maximise the time and motion aspects of shedding your guilt by concentrating your efforts on these most worthy groups of people. It is no barrier that you don't know any of them personally. Maximize guilt shedding by making more other people guilty by frequent postings on social media.

Now we have employers forcing this stuff onto workers, and likewise university administrations, all with the media cheering on.

Another distinguishing thing about wokeism is that it has flourished in the new era of almost ubiquitous social media adoption. This goes far further than ordinary radio, TV, print media mass media skewing of millions of people's perspectives. Now, each member of a tribe, who naturally communicates via social media most often with members of their own tribe, is actively POLICED regarding their social media statements by their own "friends" in the tribe criticising any statements they make which varies from the accepted truth, often within minutes, to all the other members of the friendship group.

Many or most normal, healthy women naturally want to find a strong caring man to marry and have children with. This was widely accepted and celebrated up to the mid-1960s and by the 1970s there was a full assault on this, by a very small subset of women. This went far beyond the desire to protect women from oppression. These were man haters and they maligned men in general and all forms of interdependence on men.

So normal feminine desires for love, support, interdependence and family have been popularly derided for 50 years or more.

Now we have this trans activist shit fest and teenage girls, (as always struggling with the makings of womanliness developing so rapidly and making them the focus of a whole lot of male attention they can't handle) who are the most prone of all people to social contagion, since they are desperately trying to learn their place in the world. Yet they now have a culture which for 50 years or so has denied their instinctual desire for husband and family - and they try to fit in with this.

Then we have porn - not least WAP (put this into the YouTube search bar if you don't know what it means) - scaring the living daylights out of quite a few more gentle teenage girls about what it means to be a woman. Add the trans social contagion which showers attention and approval for anyone identifying as trans and . . . . this is what you get: a whole lot of girls who have no real, lasting, sense of self as being male, imagining they do and pursuing it both with their own vigour and with the help of ALLYs and professionals who fell for the woke agenda.

This is too long already, but it is at least part of what is going on now.

Now the Democrats in the lower house oppose a bill which would protect women from those few M->F trans people, who are bigger and stronger then them, who insist on competing against them in team sports and athletics. The Republicans support this bill. The Republicans support women and girls and the Democrats support M->F trans people inserting themselves into the spaces and lives of women and girls.

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Thanks for your post. It covered a lot that is relevant to understanding the trans phenomenon.

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I watched the two videos you recommended. Interesting. I found that I agreed with some of the points made about being a workplace ally, having worked in academia. I remember the struggles of some folks as they tried to navigate the hierarchy/pecking order. But I retired in 2017 and feel (and am learning from various commentators) that since then wokesters have carried what should be simply a humble application of the Golden Rule to something that is damagingly simplistic as a world view and divisive, boxing people in as forever victims or oppressors according to a ridiculous taxonomy. Anyway, that is my short version of my grasp at this point. But I don’t disagree with what you’ve said and would welcome more comment from you or others.

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Hello gardner, Thanks for your appreciative comments. As I tried to convey in comments to another Dr McCullough article https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/autism-spectrum-disorder-and-gender/comment/14191945 I think there are genuine trans people, who wholly or to a significant and life altering extent have a sense of self which is completely opposite to, or at least partially opposite to, the sex of their body.

In that comment I made a highly simplified 3 dimensional typology with 18 types of people, which is probably too complex for some people to think about. 2 physical sexes (ignoring real intersex people); 3 senses of self (M, Both M & F and F) and 3 types of people who they are attracted to (M, Both M & F and F).

I doubt that there are any genetic reasons for people turning out to be one of the 16 combinations which are not the normal, healthy, reproductively successful types: M-M-F and F-F-M. However, there are developmental problems, most likely due to hormonal imbalance in utero, but perhaps after birth too which cause the other 16 combinations. I don't rule out the possibility of social influences which actually change the development of the brain structures which set the sense of self and sexual attraction parts of each person, but I don't know of strong arguments for this being the case.

The M trans types who are attracted to women are partly trans M-B-F and fully M-F-F. The M bisexual types are M-M-B, M-B-B and M-F-B. The M gay/homosexual types are M-M-M, M-B-M and M-F-M. This last type simply want to be women and to love and have sex with men. I regard their brain structures for sense of self and sexual attraction to have developed fully along the feminine pattern, rather than the masculine pattern, presumably due to excessive activation of estrogen receptors while their brain was building itself.

There are real trans people. No-one chooses to be born M or F, or how their brain develops regarding sense of self and which sex(es) they are attracted to.

I believe there are now more reasons for males to be born with feminized sense of self and sexual attraction brain structures. There surely was always causes other than hormonally active foods, since there have always been homosexual M-X-M people, and always some M->F trans people M-B/F-X. I recall reading in a book called "Brain Sex" that more "gay" males were born to German women who were pregnant during WW2 bombing raids on their cities. Since then I have regarded maternal stress in the early months of pregnancy, when the fetus' brain is building itself, as a likely cause of both "trans" and "gay" males.

The increased used of soy and flaxseed products by pregnant women surely reduces, at least in some cases, the strength of the otherwise normal, strongly M self identity and F attraction in their male children. As I wrote in the other comment, the increased used of puraria mirificia (an extremely strong phytoestrogen, used by ordinary women and now M-trans people to feminize and increase breast growth) is surely a cause of many males turning out to have partly or completely femininsed senses of self and sexual attraction: M-B/F-X and M-X-B/M.

While all such hormonal disruptions in utero should be avoided to the greatest extent possible, the result is people who genuinely, of no choice of their own, turn out to have different senses of self and sexual attraction to the normal M-M-F and F-F-M patterns. These include the real trans people and the real gay/lesbian people - all the other 16 combinations, including those who are have strong senses of self as both M and F and/or who are attracted to both men and women. It is best to support these people - and not to claim that they are mistaken about who they feel themselves to be, or who they are sexually and romantically attracted to. This does not mean indulging their every whim or celebrating them as a new victim class we must all "support" by pushing their existence into everyone's face, which is now the case with all things trans on many woke media sites such as The Guardian, https://abc.net.au and the BBC.

I don't know what masculinizing hormonal factors give rise to female fetuses developing partly or wholly masculine sense of self, or partly or wholly female sexual attraction brain structures, but I assume they exist.

Layered on top of this is the trans activist shit fest, a woke-driven, social media turbocharged phenomenon of the last decade. I am no longer in touch with the genuine M trans people I knew in the early and mid-1990s. (I have never known any women who were male self-identified - butch lesbians - or closely known any lesbians.)

I like to think that they are as horrified as I am about the shit fest, but I guess some of them are swept along in it. Even then, some were arguing for changing birth certificates, which I think is the wrong approach.

At least then, in the absence of any social contagion celebrating trans and shoving all things trans in everyone's faces all the time, people with male bodies who really strove to be feminine must have done so for profound internal reasons. Those who transitioned into female roles, including one friend who destroyed his marriage (to a perfectly good, attractive, loving, woman, I recall), were not doing this lightly. Those who had surgery were making an extraordinary change to their lives.

Now, in addition to the likely increase in estrogenic hormonal influence on pregnant women, we have a great celebration of all things trans and male children and teenagers find it easier to identify as trans. This is good, in a way, to the extent that it enables those with genuine, significant, feminine senses of self to live more in accord with their own brain structures.

However, I am concerned with how this - especially the early hormonal and overly celebratory interventions - can skew those who have only a partly feminine sense of self into vastly overdoing it rather than struggling to accommodate their significant femininity in whatever is the most balanced way.

Now normal, but pathological, social pressures make this more likely too. Since the 1960s we have all been told that M bad F good. Who wants to be an oppressor and an asshole? (A few do.) I sense that some M->F people are desperate to get out of the M rat race and be firstly more gentle and not such monsters and secondly, perhaps, get fussed over more as girls are, because you know, F == good. (This was until the trans activist shit fest when it became OK for supposedly trans people to bash middle-aged women who turn up to hear Kellie-Jay Keen speak in New Zealand: https://quillette.com/2023/03/28/an-auckland-mob-shut-down-a-womens-rights-activist-and-proved-her-point/ .)

The trans activist shit fest is surely causing both an up-tick in genuine M->F trans people to self identify, and those who are really not at all and who are highly disturbed (disturbance is unavoidable for many in adolescence), to identify as M-B/F-F.

However, my greatest concern is the effect on teenage girls. The social contagion is driving many to fear womanhood and to avoid it like the plague by thinking of themselves as the now celebrated *trans*. Then they can get masculinizing drugs and some are even having their breasts removed before they are 18 years of age. Many find this to be a life altering mistake. (Search for "de-transition".)

As an antidote to immersion in woke-compatible mainstream media and social settings, you could try reading the numerous articles written by, or republished by, https://zerohedge.com.

To go harder-core into sampling the thoughts of those who do not fit into this pattern, I suggest https://www.unz.com. I have not agreed with Robert Unz but I found his writing interesting. I have agreed with pretty much everything I read there by Steve Sailer - who I think is a very thoughtful fellow. At this site there is a strong stream of criticism of Zionism and more generally of Jewish influence and Jews in general. Some of this is outright antisemitism. Anything which uses the terms "the Jews", is broad-brush antisemitism. Likewise the racism of any material which uses the terms "whites" or "blacks" as if they were a group of people who can usefully be regarded in the same way, for any positive or negative assessment.

There used to be - and may still be - a belief that the tonsils helped the immune system by facilitating the growth of pathogens where they could be examined. I think of the Unz Review like this. I can easily tell it is not closely censored by the amount of outright BS which I find there. However, for those with a strong stomach, I think it might be a good place to discover valuable perspectives which are an important counterpoint to the now mainstream woke.

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A solid analysis. In this new world we are seeing elements to the destruction of any society. When young men decide not to engage with young women which denies the fundamental human sex drive we are at an impasse. Perhaps because of social media they don't know how and after being told M=bad, they decide that porn is easier. That must perplex young women who wonder why they are not found desirable.

Then we layer on politics oppressor/oppressed, left/right in the larger arena - all to gain some advantage. No wonder our children are in a confused state. The adults have abandoned them.

In the larger world, the US has managed to export this nonsense to the EU. There they are even becoming angry at the trend which is altering their culture. Aside from the invasion of the EU by cultures which denigrate women, they are in another shift as well.

And all of this seems to have happened so quickly. Perhaps the huge PsyOps of the pandemic has created an instability that may take years to resolve.

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Could the rise of transgenderism be traced back to the rise in childhood vaccines?

This study shows as much as a 12 fold increase in gender dysphoria among autistic children.

Other studies have found that the tremendous rise in autism temporally coincided with the rise in vaccines added to the childhood vaccine schedule.

Rise in vaccinations followed by rise in autism followed by rise in gender dysphoria, it’s not proof but it’s enough to demand further study.

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Peter and all,

THANK YOU for encouraging the common sense approach to all this medical transgender discussion! Medical persons around me have been saying this!

THANK YOU for not just talking about this serious transgender PROBLEM, but offering the common sense SOLUTION! Why would any surgeon take a knife to a young person FIRST?

Your piece ties nicely into the questions I am asking EVERYWHERE today…

Why is everyone still talking about serious problems?

Why is there NO focus on real solutions YET?

What does it take to win?


Mother/Grandmother of 7 and counting

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A very interesting observation the likes of which should have this awareness topic be broadcasted.

The planet humanity is in some type of discourse. This is obvious to the folks that actually take the hours needed to research what I would say is the bombardment of over reaching .GOVs pHARMA.

With the never before seen amounts of profits that has enriched those corporate bank accounts in just the past 3 yrs is the "FORCE" that emboldens them to experiment a system of de-population.

This COV Plandemic not only provided the finance resource for our demise, but new DATA files.

Seems to me we are in a discovery period about surgical medical abuse and who pays for it.

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Parents need to be educated about this, somehow. These poor, poor children.

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This is becoming increasingly clearer as time goes on. There is a needs for counselling and help rather than poisons and surgery.

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