This is very concerning. This isn't ignorance but a quest for tyrannical control. The fact that these globalists fear the truth more than anything, because they can not survive the truth, should propel us to push it further and wider. Cheerios:)
Exactly. Information (a lack of thereof) is the most powerful weapon that ever existed.
Doesn't leave (bullet's) bloodstains behind its back, while controlling everything through perception management, i.e. euphemism for mind control MK Ultra style.
He who controls the information, controls your mind.
Therefore - censorship, shadow banning, lowering visibilities on search engines through 'algorithms', erasing articles from the internet (old and new), spinning and twisting statements, "debunking" and "fact checking", changing definitions and meaning behind terms, openly deleting comments.
I hesitate to refer to this letter as being stupid. To me, it is simply another form of tyranny. Too many, in their positions of power & authority, want to control everyone & everything. I see this as a direct result & outgrowth of the WEF's Young Global Leaders who have infiltrated governments everywhere. It's even happening in the Philippines.....
Yes. The new King of Denmark as well as the crown prince of Norway and crown princess of Sweden are all graduates of that program. The future Queens of Spain and Belgium attended globalist indoctrination colleges. This is the news for the Netherland's crown princess "She participated in the student council and attended both the Model United Nations of the International School of The Hague and The Hague International Model United Nations conferences." and her sister"Her Royal Highness Princess Alexia of the Netherlands will start a bachelor's degree in Science and Engineering for Social Change at the Faculty of Engineering, University College London (UCL) at the end of September." And let's not forget England. These snakes have slithered into every country and entity.
Dr Kory and Dr Marik just had their medical licenses revoked. I am outraged to the point of action. Why can citizens not by Class Action sue these corrupt medical licensing boards for the damage they have caused to the public by threatening competent life saving physicians when they are using effective cheap protocols. I feel so damaged during CoVid for not having easy access to IVM and HCQ. These boards must pay for their corruption and the damage they have done to the medical profession and to the public.
I thought that too, but it reads that their board certification was revoked, not their medical license, still awful what the ABIM did to those outstanding doctors and fighters for medical freedom!
absolutely! As far as I m concerned these folks have collectively committed and so far gotten by with more murders than anyone in history and undermined life saving economic structures that are going to take even more lives.
Class Actions do absolutely nothing except enrich lawyers. People kept screaming for "CLASS ACTION LAWSUITS" 3 years ago. Let's don't start with it again. Let's say one did go foward (and the lawyers collect almost all of the money) you honestly think a judge is going to allow it. CA's have to be certified by a Judge. Look around the court systems around the world. Look at the governments around the world. Only thing going to set this right is when Jesus returns. We may never see justice in our lifetimes, but must be prepared for very tough times ahead. I've said for 3 years that what we are going through are going to seem like a cake walk. Find friends that can support each other. Find a church where the BIBLE is taught and not DEI (stay away from the denominations. they are gone). Form a group to support each other.
??? denominations gone? interesting. I see nondenominational as an indistinct distinction where one person's truth is as good as the next which is political correctness at its very core. If its all good.. nothing is ..
RFK, Jr has filed Class Action lawsuits and has been successful. Monsanto case in point. Class Action lawsuits have removed thousands of harmful pharmaceuticals and chemicals. This isn’t about money. It’s about getting access to cheap, effective, lifesaving drugs and punishing criminals who suppress and censor good medicine in order to enrich themselves.
ELOQUENTLY stated and explains SO MUCH, John: "...under the pressure of ideology and propaganda, many people—including those blessed with high native intelligence—may be seized by stupidity. Literally, they find themselves doing incredibly stupid things and participating in incredibly stupid enterprises that make no sense to people of ordinary prudence who have, for whatever reasons, remained immune to the stupidity contagion."
I keep sharing with my son that GOD-INFUSED WISDOM outweighs INTELLIGENCE 100% of the time....
Many doctors have revealed themselves to be in this category and have minds totally closed by their egos. Many. Its hard to believe the influence they have had during this whole thing.
I was going to say this. No accountability as well as a serious case of " delusions of grandeur." He believes he is more important than he really is. He needs to take some more boosters.
By what authority does he presume to be acting and what is his recourse if his petulant little “demands” are not met to his satisfaction? I hope Elon tells him to go F himself like he told the advertisers who tried to blackmail him.
He posted on X that he wanted to say what the meme that said that said but "To be honest, I really wanted to respond with this Tropic Thunder meme, but I would NEVER do something so rude & irresponsible!" So he responded without technically saying that, but he actually did post the meme that said that. If that makes any sense...
Political correctness is the death of truth and has removed the very meaning of the words discipline accountability and consequence. Its frightening to see just how many in Christianity have bought into this.
…under the pressure of ideology and propaganda, many people—including those blessed with high native intelligence—may be seized by stupidity. Literally, they find themselves doing incredibly stupid things and participating in incredibly stupid enterprises that make no sense to people of ordinary prudence who have, for whatever reasons, remained immune to the stupidity contagion.
"stupidity contagion" I see it as a deception that is prophesied and will bring on the eschaton. What is SO amazing to me is how they have harnessed the medical community to further the destruction brought about by political correctness - which is nothing more than man's intelligence(deception) superseding God's. Political correctness = Government correctness. Of course if you do not have a medical degree you are not listened to and are simply unable to know the science. Excuse me? The science has become nothing more than a commodity ! They used it and the pharmaceutical industry to access at least a trillion in fiat money.
No joke. Breton (and von der Leyen) are literal, actual Nazi's by bloodline and thoughtline. Not the throwaway slur/smear tactic often used to discredit and impugn the motives of one's political adversaries. Actual, literal Nazi's. Gonna Nazi.
The world has gone completely insane, almost to the point that I feel like it can't really be happening and they must be joking just to try and wake people up. Sadly, it's probably no joke. Who the hell even knows anymore?
The Bible said in the last days people would be given over to their delusions. It is just astounding how fast that has happened. Think about our country and world just 10 years ago.
I'm in the UK and just over 10 years ago (2013) they passed the evil Same Sex Couples Act. It was bitterly cold in the UK that winter, the coldest I have ever known. My wife and I went to a rally in February against the bill then in parliament. That was the coldest day to me and the rally was interupted by a small anachist mob and others, a Stonewall type crowd trying to push in.
Now you know who the Left are. All forms of Marxist born Communism that collaborate and collude with Fascists to do their deathly and chaotic dirty deeds. Currently in America their extended tentacles sprouting from the EU’s master planners, the WEF (circa 1971), are within the One Democratic Party banner. The WEF loving Communists have bragged openly:
1)You will have nothing and be happy.
2)They have top level Representatives in all Western governments, especially Canada with 60% of Parliment.
3)Their combined value exceeds $100 Trillion thanks to Black Rock, Vanguard, Disney, Coke, Pepsi, (sugar water) Kraft (modified foods), Unilever, NFL, NBA, Mars (candy) and a hundred born and nurtured in America now have 540 million customers in the EU and 1.4 Billion mandatory customers in China. They really don’t need you anymore.
4) There will be no need for elections going forward as AI will already predict outcome.
5) Asked what will happen to upper middle to lower socioeconomic classes while the EU/WEF implements their 2030 reset, a regression of 500 years back to Kings (their Hands), Queens, Princes, Princesses, Dukes, Duchesses, Knights, Counts (financiers), and of course Nobles (stake holders) to watch over the serf’s, Mr, Harari said with a shoulder shrug and a wry smile, “I dunno, maybe video games and drugs”.
So all you Democrat union workers, listen up. Keep paying that union dues (homage) to your mafia types that sent it to Democrat campaign coffers, and add a little extra to your retirement that they are working diligently to steal after 2030 by the digital dollar.
It would be helpful for all middle America to understand to reduce stress the Left (8% of American and European Boomers post WWII and now their offspring that went global three decades ago, suggest you simply realize they are the hierarchy, it’s not hypocrisy, they have the power and you don’t.
Again this will be implemented under the One Democrat Party banner. The 2008 Trojan horse of Medicaid, initially for 30 million illegals, will homoginize the middle as the mass serfdom share not only your vote but healthcare once most Boomers are gone by 2030 and Medicare and Social Security is expunged. Do not be alarmed, everyone will receive an “equitable” stipend initially based on total assets, minus social credit score infractions costs and eventually total “equity”, for the good of all, of course.
Laugh it up folks, what a dummy’s they are to think they can destroy American hubris the Left has taught you to focus on.
That could never happen to America, right?
If that damn Trump would just go away everything will be fine, right?
There isn’t an arrogant citizen in America that will admit they have been propagandized.
Gee, was that letter an opportunity to use the new 'in' word 'amplify' and its derivatives. He used it about four times. There is a show streaming with Benedict Cumberpatch called The Last Enemy made in 2008, location London, it is ahead of its time. We are now witnessing the totalitarian control and surveillance that is the theme of the series. This commissioner is talking like he is the head of the CCP, is there a difference now between where the EU is headed? The WEF/EU/WHO etc... are threatened obviously by the Constitution of the U.S, at least what is left of it. As an aside, wouldn't the Inclusive ideology mean no more marginalization of out groups, such as those who refused the experimental jabs? Shouldn't they be viewed with understanding and compassion and welcomed wherever they go, particularly in light of the scientific fact that not only do they pose no health risk to society, but they also confer the benefits of natural immunity. Breton has exposed his hand prematurely. Not a good move. The letter is drawing deep lines in the sand and makes no bones that we are in a very real war, with utilitarian ideology pitched against the Greek democratic ideal of free speech. The move toward a one world government of unelected officials is rooted in utilitarian ideology that has historically proven to be unsustainable.
Love this article - I just wonder if the essay On Stupidity is more of an apology for the coming Orwellian Ministry of Truth. Anyway, another thought comes to mind after reading that Garbage letter from the EU member/commissioner, that is the Biblical Proverb of Removing the Plank from one's own eye's before telling others about the sins, faults, chip of wood in the other person's eyes.
The EU is doing what the corrupt, bellicose Deep State has told them to do. The majority of Europe is made up of nutless assholes. The European people must be proud.
This is very concerning. This isn't ignorance but a quest for tyrannical control. The fact that these globalists fear the truth more than anything, because they can not survive the truth, should propel us to push it further and wider. Cheerios:)
The reality GLOBAL CONSPIRACY of CORRUPTION is NOT NORMALIZED except among the delusional minority 'weird' supporting them.
They wanted to see what the response would be and now they did. So they threw Lil Thierry under the bus and back tracked.
Exactly. Information (a lack of thereof) is the most powerful weapon that ever existed.
Doesn't leave (bullet's) bloodstains behind its back, while controlling everything through perception management, i.e. euphemism for mind control MK Ultra style.
He who controls the information, controls your mind.
Therefore - censorship, shadow banning, lowering visibilities on search engines through 'algorithms', erasing articles from the internet (old and new), spinning and twisting statements, "debunking" and "fact checking", changing definitions and meaning behind terms, openly deleting comments.
So, share info like fire and everywhere we can!!
It's working!
“His letter to Elon Musk may be the stupidest thing I’ve read all year. “
Just wait. November is approaching.
I hesitate to refer to this letter as being stupid. To me, it is simply another form of tyranny. Too many, in their positions of power & authority, want to control everyone & everything. I see this as a direct result & outgrowth of the WEF's Young Global Leaders who have infiltrated governments everywhere. It's even happening in the Philippines.....
Tyranny requires a stupid or just ignorant population to maintain.
Yes. The new King of Denmark as well as the crown prince of Norway and crown princess of Sweden are all graduates of that program. The future Queens of Spain and Belgium attended globalist indoctrination colleges. This is the news for the Netherland's crown princess "She participated in the student council and attended both the Model United Nations of the International School of The Hague and The Hague International Model United Nations conferences." and her sister"Her Royal Highness Princess Alexia of the Netherlands will start a bachelor's degree in Science and Engineering for Social Change at the Faculty of Engineering, University College London (UCL) at the end of September." And let's not forget England. These snakes have slithered into every country and entity.
Dr Kory and Dr Marik just had their medical licenses revoked. I am outraged to the point of action. Why can citizens not by Class Action sue these corrupt medical licensing boards for the damage they have caused to the public by threatening competent life saving physicians when they are using effective cheap protocols. I feel so damaged during CoVid for not having easy access to IVM and HCQ. These boards must pay for their corruption and the damage they have done to the medical profession and to the public.
I thought that too, but it reads that their board certification was revoked, not their medical license, still awful what the ABIM did to those outstanding doctors and fighters for medical freedom!
THANK YOU for that clarification!
Dr. Kory and Dr. Marik are COURAGEOUS, SACRIFICIAL Heroes!
absolutely! As far as I m concerned these folks have collectively committed and so far gotten by with more murders than anyone in history and undermined life saving economic structures that are going to take even more lives.
Equally outraged, Nora.
Ivermectin prophylaxis fan. Widely available in Brasil as an OTC med w/o prescription.
From the beach...
Class Actions do absolutely nothing except enrich lawyers. People kept screaming for "CLASS ACTION LAWSUITS" 3 years ago. Let's don't start with it again. Let's say one did go foward (and the lawyers collect almost all of the money) you honestly think a judge is going to allow it. CA's have to be certified by a Judge. Look around the court systems around the world. Look at the governments around the world. Only thing going to set this right is when Jesus returns. We may never see justice in our lifetimes, but must be prepared for very tough times ahead. I've said for 3 years that what we are going through are going to seem like a cake walk. Find friends that can support each other. Find a church where the BIBLE is taught and not DEI (stay away from the denominations. they are gone). Form a group to support each other.
??? denominations gone? interesting. I see nondenominational as an indistinct distinction where one person's truth is as good as the next which is political correctness at its very core. If its all good.. nothing is ..
RFK, Jr has filed Class Action lawsuits and has been successful. Monsanto case in point. Class Action lawsuits have removed thousands of harmful pharmaceuticals and chemicals. This isn’t about money. It’s about getting access to cheap, effective, lifesaving drugs and punishing criminals who suppress and censor good medicine in order to enrich themselves.
ELOQUENTLY stated and explains SO MUCH, John: "...under the pressure of ideology and propaganda, many people—including those blessed with high native intelligence—may be seized by stupidity. Literally, they find themselves doing incredibly stupid things and participating in incredibly stupid enterprises that make no sense to people of ordinary prudence who have, for whatever reasons, remained immune to the stupidity contagion."
I keep sharing with my son that GOD-INFUSED WISDOM outweighs INTELLIGENCE 100% of the time....
I love your comment! Wish I could copy it. Know soooo many that are in that category!!!
Thank you!
I know so many too and it is heart-breaking and DANGEROUS to all of us.
Agree 💯
Many doctors have revealed themselves to be in this category and have minds totally closed by their egos. Many. Its hard to believe the influence they have had during this whole thing.
I have been STUNNED and DISGUSTED by my primary care physician's robotic adherence to the corporate protocols to this day!
No doubt un-elected too.
I was going to say this. No accountability as well as a serious case of " delusions of grandeur." He believes he is more important than he really is. He needs to take some more boosters.
By what authority does he presume to be acting and what is his recourse if his petulant little “demands” are not met to his satisfaction? I hope Elon tells him to go F himself like he told the advertisers who tried to blackmail him.
Elon told him to "f your own face."
I know. I loved Elon's response! 😍 Set the tone.
Probably threatened to ban X in EU nations if Elon failed to comply.
If I remember correctly, Elon did reply in that manner.
He posted on X that he wanted to say what the meme that said that said but "To be honest, I really wanted to respond with this Tropic Thunder meme, but I would NEVER do something so rude & irresponsible!" So he responded without technically saying that, but he actually did post the meme that said that. If that makes any sense...
It makes complete sense.
Political correctness is the death of truth and has removed the very meaning of the words discipline accountability and consequence. Its frightening to see just how many in Christianity have bought into this.
…under the pressure of ideology and propaganda, many people—including those blessed with high native intelligence—may be seized by stupidity. Literally, they find themselves doing incredibly stupid things and participating in incredibly stupid enterprises that make no sense to people of ordinary prudence who have, for whatever reasons, remained immune to the stupidity contagion.
"stupidity contagion" I see it as a deception that is prophesied and will bring on the eschaton. What is SO amazing to me is how they have harnessed the medical community to further the destruction brought about by political correctness - which is nothing more than man's intelligence(deception) superseding God's. Political correctness = Government correctness. Of course if you do not have a medical degree you are not listened to and are simply unable to know the science. Excuse me? The science has become nothing more than a commodity ! They used it and the pharmaceutical industry to access at least a trillion in fiat money.
Ironically enough, in the UK we're doomed to hear for eternity from a vocal minority "if only we hadn't left the EU".
At least you left. It could have been a good union, but Klaus destroyed it.
As Margaret Thatcher said (paraphrase): we fought a war to avoid a EU.
Nazi's are gonna Nazi.
No joke. Breton (and von der Leyen) are literal, actual Nazi's by bloodline and thoughtline. Not the throwaway slur/smear tactic often used to discredit and impugn the motives of one's political adversaries. Actual, literal Nazi's. Gonna Nazi.
The world has gone completely insane, almost to the point that I feel like it can't really be happening and they must be joking just to try and wake people up. Sadly, it's probably no joke. Who the hell even knows anymore?
The Bible said in the last days people would be given over to their delusions. It is just astounding how fast that has happened. Think about our country and world just 10 years ago.
AMEN! I am ETERNALLY GRATEFUL to my Lord and Savior that He is my REFUGE, STRENGTH and PROTECTION from this INSANITY!
Satan. Spirit of the Antichrist. It is so obvious but people can't see it.
I'm in the UK and just over 10 years ago (2013) they passed the evil Same Sex Couples Act. It was bitterly cold in the UK that winter, the coldest I have ever known. My wife and I went to a rally in February against the bill then in parliament. That was the coldest day to me and the rally was interupted by a small anachist mob and others, a Stonewall type crowd trying to push in.
It is a joke to wake people up and at the same time see what they can get away with. That's the dark angels for you, mad as hatters they are.
Breton = total piece of shit human
Not sure about the human part.
Now you know who the Left are. All forms of Marxist born Communism that collaborate and collude with Fascists to do their deathly and chaotic dirty deeds. Currently in America their extended tentacles sprouting from the EU’s master planners, the WEF (circa 1971), are within the One Democratic Party banner. The WEF loving Communists have bragged openly:
1)You will have nothing and be happy.
2)They have top level Representatives in all Western governments, especially Canada with 60% of Parliment.
3)Their combined value exceeds $100 Trillion thanks to Black Rock, Vanguard, Disney, Coke, Pepsi, (sugar water) Kraft (modified foods), Unilever, NFL, NBA, Mars (candy) and a hundred born and nurtured in America now have 540 million customers in the EU and 1.4 Billion mandatory customers in China. They really don’t need you anymore.
4) There will be no need for elections going forward as AI will already predict outcome.
5) Asked what will happen to upper middle to lower socioeconomic classes while the EU/WEF implements their 2030 reset, a regression of 500 years back to Kings (their Hands), Queens, Princes, Princesses, Dukes, Duchesses, Knights, Counts (financiers), and of course Nobles (stake holders) to watch over the serf’s, Mr, Harari said with a shoulder shrug and a wry smile, “I dunno, maybe video games and drugs”.
So all you Democrat union workers, listen up. Keep paying that union dues (homage) to your mafia types that sent it to Democrat campaign coffers, and add a little extra to your retirement that they are working diligently to steal after 2030 by the digital dollar.
It would be helpful for all middle America to understand to reduce stress the Left (8% of American and European Boomers post WWII and now their offspring that went global three decades ago, suggest you simply realize they are the hierarchy, it’s not hypocrisy, they have the power and you don’t.
Again this will be implemented under the One Democrat Party banner. The 2008 Trojan horse of Medicaid, initially for 30 million illegals, will homoginize the middle as the mass serfdom share not only your vote but healthcare once most Boomers are gone by 2030 and Medicare and Social Security is expunged. Do not be alarmed, everyone will receive an “equitable” stipend initially based on total assets, minus social credit score infractions costs and eventually total “equity”, for the good of all, of course.
Laugh it up folks, what a dummy’s they are to think they can destroy American hubris the Left has taught you to focus on.
That could never happen to America, right?
If that damn Trump would just go away everything will be fine, right?
There isn’t an arrogant citizen in America that will admit they have been propagandized.
Gee, was that letter an opportunity to use the new 'in' word 'amplify' and its derivatives. He used it about four times. There is a show streaming with Benedict Cumberpatch called The Last Enemy made in 2008, location London, it is ahead of its time. We are now witnessing the totalitarian control and surveillance that is the theme of the series. This commissioner is talking like he is the head of the CCP, is there a difference now between where the EU is headed? The WEF/EU/WHO etc... are threatened obviously by the Constitution of the U.S, at least what is left of it. As an aside, wouldn't the Inclusive ideology mean no more marginalization of out groups, such as those who refused the experimental jabs? Shouldn't they be viewed with understanding and compassion and welcomed wherever they go, particularly in light of the scientific fact that not only do they pose no health risk to society, but they also confer the benefits of natural immunity. Breton has exposed his hand prematurely. Not a good move. The letter is drawing deep lines in the sand and makes no bones that we are in a very real war, with utilitarian ideology pitched against the Greek democratic ideal of free speech. The move toward a one world government of unelected officials is rooted in utilitarian ideology that has historically proven to be unsustainable.
Love this article - I just wonder if the essay On Stupidity is more of an apology for the coming Orwellian Ministry of Truth. Anyway, another thought comes to mind after reading that Garbage letter from the EU member/commissioner, that is the Biblical Proverb of Removing the Plank from one's own eye's before telling others about the sins, faults, chip of wood in the other person's eyes.
The EU is doing what the corrupt, bellicose Deep State has told them to do. The majority of Europe is made up of nutless assholes. The European people must be proud.
This the globalists (i.e. CIA, etc) new angle for suppressing US free speech. Musk's response was glorius, but I guarantee he will pay for it.