I wrote this note to a journalist who’s good & in the alt media. They wanted detailed replies to a few questions. I’m always tired, yet in declining the request, I began by explaining the bigger picture & it became a mini essay.

I’m sharing because it contains highly relevant information.

Best wishes


Dear X,

I no longer waste any time on details, even important ones.

Why not?

Well, because we’ve established beyond ANY doubt that:

1. *Every single thing we were told is a lie.

2. The “vaccines” not only don’t work to protect people, but they are injurious and have killed millions.

Personally I no longer believe there was any novel respiratory virus.

See Denis Rancourt’s articles & interviews.

So arguing details just wears us out.

I stick with big picture, because this is the heart of it.

If we can’t persuade people of that, humanity is going down.

Best wishes


Ps: Wodarg & I were absolutely correct to warn of these toxins in December 2020. Specifically in relation to pregnant women, we NEVER ever give experimental medical interventions to pregnant women. Not even in cases where she might benefit. Prior to even contemplating that act, we demand full reproductive toxicology reports, in two species. Also, a huge amount of anecdotal evidence from non-pregnant patients and usually some from inadvertently dosed pregnant women. Only then. So blasting all pregnant women using lies to back it up? Censorship & smearing of those simply reminding people what we have done since thalidomide (60 years+) is appropriate? No. It’s more evidence of malign acts of unconscionable evil.

*pps: by which I’m referring to (1) extent of population health threat; (2) who is at special risk (it’s not kids); (3) that lockdown worked; (4) that masking reduces transmission & is harmless; (5) that transmission from people without symptoms was a major driver; (6) that mass testing was useful and necessary; (7) that business & school closures were necessary; (8) that border restrictions were necessary (they’re STILL in force in USA, over three years since the start of this alleged “pandemic”); (9) that vaccination could EVER have been an appropriate response; (10) that early treatment of sick people, uniquely those declared as having COVID, was inappropriate, denying decades of off-label prescribing; (11) that EVERYONE needs to be jabbed, even those not at any risk, or having recovered & thus being immune, or being pregnant); (12) that certification of having been jabbed was necessary when it obviously isn’t.

The lies have not stopped. Anyone STILL believing the narrative is being paid to take that stance, or is frightened of their mental state if they accept the above or is really pretty dense, intellectually.

I point out in this rhetorical question: “What’s the right number of times your health officials & government should lie to you about matters that affect your health, life & liberty?” Obviously it’s ZERO. I don’t mean mistakes or ignorance. I mean knowingly telling untruthful things.

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Dr. Mike, your "mini-essay" is exactly what I think about this whole ordeal. I am thinking about translating it to Spanish (especially the "pps") and sharing with my Spanish-speaking contacts, obviously with due credit to you. But I would do that only if you agree.

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You’re most welcome to use with or without assigning it to me.

My name is not always helpful because those still hypnotised know me as that conspiracy theorist:)

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Thank you! None of the people with whom I will share it considers you a conspiracy theorist. I tend to "preach to the choir"; I got tired a long time ago of trying to awaken the hypnotized. They seem to be into a very bad trip. Therefore, I will be sharing it with people who - like me - have a lot of respect for you and your ideas.

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Fell in love with you in 2020 and since then more & more & thankful of you on team truth! <3

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This is outrageous; 78% of women receiving the "vaccine" reporting menstrual changes. But... and I do not get tired of repeating this... the authors always minimize their findings when they formulate their conclusions. They say that the majority of women experience "mild" menstrual changes, and simply say that this should help "mitigate" the fears... This is disgusting. In the past, any sane medical doctor would find this enough to just discourage the patient from getting a shot.

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Like mild heart damage. A permanent scar. We all get them from time to time but there are limits, why add to that?

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Thank You, Dr McCullough, for being a voice for TRUTH in medicine and public health. You and your 'courageous compatriots' are keeping us informed of the terrible ramifications of this vax- bioweapon... Let all who have ears to hear, listen!

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What about doubling of the menstrual cycle? That has been relayed to me by more than a couple of woman I know well.

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Biweekly cycle instead of monthly is what I mean by doubling.

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How about post-menopausal women as well?

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If you are not intimate with a vaxxed person. And are not a child of a vaxed person...

Can you catch the vax?

Is the vax contagious?

Are all the UNvaxxed people unknowingly getting vaxxed from being around vaxxed people?

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NOTHING TO DO WITH DEPOPULATION, do move along, baaaack to sleeep, la la laaaa

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Dear Dr. McCullough, are any scientists doing studies on those who received the Jansen vaccine? I don’t hear much or anything about it. Lastly, I’ve read other things you listed which I thought states that the mRNA is in the body for at least 90 days...why do you say 28 days in this post?

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I have to say - I trust NOTHING about this shot but so far my daughter's friends are getting pregnant with no complications. Perhaps this is not long term and depends on how many shots and how close to conception they were administered?

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See the site HowBadIsMyBatch. Some batches are less toxic than others. That just adds to the confusion. No idea if planned that way. Batches are shipped to different locations as well. Males tracing the damage harder.

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Has anyone been able to open that last linked study?

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No. The link seems to have some problem. Texas Polyglot, below posted one that works.


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Thank you. I just want to question one thing: the adenoviral shots (J&J and AZ) did not use lipid nanoparticles, as I understand it. They were just viral vector shots.

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EVA stands for what please ? Anyone ?

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Did not find an explanation anywhere reading the study. Most of the authors are from Spain or have Spanish names. Eva is Spanish for Eve; my guess is that if they are studying women, they named their project EVA; but it is only my guess.

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Dr. McCullough,

Please swap in a working link to the study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35833668/

Best, T

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