Agree 100% with you. The authors include as part of their purpose to determine the value of screening these adolescents with ECGs. But the solution is not screening... just do not "vaccinate" these kids. I go further and say do not "vaccinate" anyone; discontinue this inocculation... but the study is about HS kids.

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Is there any reliable cardiac screening available for young athletes prior to the coming intense sports season ? We did not get jabbed, we only had COVID in the house. One 14 year old had significant inflammatory response to the virus for sure.

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How are we going to handle the issue with all of those people that took the shot? Won’t screening these people for cardiac damage save many lives? There are way more people that have taken the shot and regret it than there are people who have not taken the shot and will get it at this point.

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One way to solidify these findings would be a study connecting the number of doses of the COVID injection to D-dimer concentration. Dr. Colleen Huber has such a data set, for which I performed a statistical analysis. There is a strong positive trend associating dosage and D-dimer concentration, but her data set is small: n = 5. Dr. McCullough, I would appreciate it if you could assist us by directing us to a larger data set of patients, injected and non-injected, for whom we know the number of injections, the date of last injection, and their D-dimer concentration. Thank you!

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I like to share new knowledge. This is from The Cleveland Clinic.

A D-dimer test is a blood test that measures D-dimer, which is a protein fragment that your body makes when a blood clot dissolves in your body. D-dimer is normally undetectable or only detectable at a very low level unless your body is forming and breaking down significant blood clots.

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But this ER doctor, who sounds reasonable to me, thinks D-dimer tests are not particularly helpful and a Cat Scan is better. This is from 2010.


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Day by reckoning day, the shroud is dispersing, the siren song of reality of the COV-hoax growing.

Without your continuum of the finest information Peter, the wretched Dark Days ahead, stated by global leaderships, would go un-challenged. This was nonsense hope for those on team "Assholes!"

We are not on the inscrutable road to oblivion, much to their dismay. We see the traffic light as green not red. To those wishing to stay living in fear, Stay off our roads, and out of our way!

"They came to bury us...never once realizing we were the good seeds!" GDam right we are!

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Dr. McCullough - President Trump is constantly saying he has been told “his warp speed’vaccines’” saved millions of lives. Is there any data to support that conclusion. Do you agree with the statement ?

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Given the fact that it takes years to develop safe and effective vaccines is there any proof that the rushed, experimental gene “therapy” has saved even one life?

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Lot of iatrogenic disease running rampant in this country.... 🤬

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Everyone should follow the Florida Plan, no one under 40 gets it, and few of the others get it either.

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I want to get the email access I paid for. Substack useless. Email me on bondjobond@gmail.com.

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I am a paid subscriber. How do I email you? Substack is useless (illegal?) Not giving info on what I have paid for

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