The saddest thing with this insanity is the doctors involved. What ethical physician would knowingly and willfully mutilate a human body? One would have to be completely devoid of any moral compass. Sadly, the COVID Era has amply demonstrated that the ranks of medicine are full of such anti-Human automatons. Existing technology does NOT enable one to be transformed from one gender into another. Period. Be hetero-, be homo-, be bi-, be trans-, be pan-, be poly- sexual, but for the love of Humankind and yourself do not mutilate your body and do not try and impose your proclivities on others without their consent. Accept yourself as you are. Live, love, laugh. Life is short and precious and not to be wasted trying to virtue signal one's way past the pearly gates. Universe always wins in the end...

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Indeed, Mother Nature always bats last.

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Sick women. Sicker surgeons.

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This is VERY SICK MEDICAL MALPRACTICE! Any so called “doctor” who would even consider this as an affirming treatment option for patients with obviously serious mental illness should lose their medical license permanently and go to prison! This is not medical care! This is ABUSE! These doctors are monsters of the worst kind and this is an abomination to humankind! Shame shame shame on any person or institution allowing this to happen! What has happened to medicine that has allowed this to happen! I am so sad for these patients!

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Watch Matt Walsh's recent documentary "What is a Woman?" - Some of the so-called professionals & academicians he speaks with are obviously demented.

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It is horrific that gender mutilation has been mainstreamed and is being treated as a legitimate medical intervention. It would seem that the same mindset and destructive ideology that encourages gender mutilation with euphemisms like "gender affirmation” also is behind a myriad of destructive ideas ranging from so-called wokeness to the worldwide push to inject people with profoundly toxic spike proteins allegedly to prevent what for most people amounts to no more than a cold or mild flu. The whole system has run off the rails and taken the medical profession with it.

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Watch Matt Walsh's recent documentary "What is a Woman?" - Some of the so-called professionals & academicians he speaks with are obviously demented.

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I dare say that what these individuals need is psychiatric help, not surgery. They are addressing the wrong area of the body.

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But -- how can psychiatry be helpful?

Man-made philosophies treat symptoms, a little drug here, there, a pat on the arm; they ignore the cause of man's deepest yearning: God's forgiveness.

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Urine big trouble if you try to make a penis out of your arm!

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Indeed, it's the ultimate phallusy to think otherwise.

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Based on your introduction I was expecting to see worse "satisfaction" scores than what was actually reported. The 20.29 versus 21.97 for men isn't bad (although you don't report how high the scale goes). That said, the surgical patients likely have lower expectations and there's a lot of cognitive dissonance going on, i.e., "Well I've done this crazy thing so I'd better like it." Also, a better article might've been one that outlines the complications in detail. Some of them, like hair growing inside the urethra, are truly horrific. In the old days of "sex change", it was typically older people making the decision after a lifetime of thought. Many already had marriages and children. For them it was a well understood tradeoff. With youngsters whose surgeries are paid for by *our* tax & insurance dollars, the landscape is vastly different and a moratorium should be placed until it's all better understood.

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This is savagery.

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To paraphrase Ronald Reagan: when the government comes on the scene to help you, run, run, run -- like your life depends on it.

Because it does.

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Whays amazing is people don't get it, the powers that be never step up for the little guy. A normal person would ask why the most powerful entities in the world care about this.

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Jun 13, 2023·edited Jun 13, 2023

Informed consent principles should dictate that people who want this surgery or abortions, should have to see actual footage of what happens.

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I'm so glad I'm not a doctor or nurse. This stuff is disgusting!

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I appreciate the information about the likelihood of severe complications for this horrific “gender affirming care” but made the mistake of viewing your article after breakfast.

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And how many of those followed in the study are still alive today Dr. McCullough?

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What is the point of such surgical experimentations? Is it so an insured patient can be enrolled into yet another real life crash test dummy Data expose' for the Medical Mafia to take some new profit endeavors from a discourse of a young person beliefs dysfunctions? Look what we can you for You!

The more they do this.....the more we learn they should not!! WTF? We are not GD Test Animals!

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Pitiful and pathetic. The problems is in the mind of these unfortunate mixed up people. Gene editing may improve the situation before it gets to this mutilation of body stage.

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Was even one of 129 surgeries successful?

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Jun 13, 2023·edited Jun 14, 2023

Why not try leeches for transition?

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