Immediately started comparing shark bite chances to vaxxine injuries! Sorry, it's not going away until we REVAMP the entire pfarma/medical system. The Jaws Soundtrack should start EVERY time someone gets the vaxx. Preferably in the parking lot before they even get near a needle.
It’s honestly just like playing Russian roulette. Thankfully my husband and I work from home and we’re not pressured into getting vaxed. We had a dear cousin who died an absolutely horrific death within 2 weeks of the J&J - and that was March of 2021 - so very early on. There was no way in hell we were getting that based on that traumatic death in our family 😥
I’m so sorry to hear about your sister in law. I’m very close to mine - and she’s vaxed and boosted so two shots. Her daughter was supposed to get married 10/20 - but that wasn’t happening so they postponed it a year. By then the shots were rolling out and if you remember they were calling out families for having “super spreader” wedding events. And that your selfishness for not getting vaxed will potentially wipe out all the elders of the family. So she felt extreme pressure to get the first two, although she absolutely did NOT want it... they got her with the “super spreader wedding” verbiage. I worry about her. And she knows - she wanted to see Died Suddenly and End Times. I don’t even feel comfortable watching those documentaries around people who have been vaxed bc wow - that would be quite disconcerting. ☠️ All you can do is pray that maybe they got the saline version. 😐
It’s absolutely heartbreaking! It’s all so surreal. Like this IS the depopulation plan - it’s happening right now. And in this way. Mass murder - and it’s unfathomable that so many are not connecting the dots. It’s SO OBVIOUS! It’s this mass Covid-induced psychosis.
Thank you for your kind words. Our cousin Debi was one who did everything “by the book” - so of course she would be one to get vaccinated. Her 21 year old son awoke to the sound of her vomiting, and then found her completely out of it and not making sense. He called 911, and they rushed her to a local hospital. That hospital quickly realized she was way too critical for them, and she was life-flighted to a trauma hospital. They rushed her into open heart surgery, to evacuate the clot storm that was happening inside of her. They couldn’t keep up with the clots that were forming - in the brain, in the carotids, in the great vessels. She ended up having a couple of strokes, and was placed on life support. By the next morning she suffered another stroke, and they opened the skull to relieve the pressure. But the clots just kept coming. Eventually her son and husband had to make the decision to take her off life support and let her go. And that was that. There was basically nothing that could be done for her, although they certainly tried. This was so early on - the data that exists now wasn’t really there yet at that time - esp thanks to the censorship campaign. But that was all the data we needed. After going through that, there was no way in hell, no matter what... 🙁
Thank you. This happened in PA, and we live in FL. It was absolutely traumatizing for everyone in the family - holding vigil for her while she and her immediate family members suffered unimaginably. Totally helpless to do anything to change the course of what had been set in motion. And how many countless families have gone through this already - or who have it looming in the future. We lost our only daughter back in 2017. So we’ve already been shattered. I cannot even imagine being the parent of a child or teen having to face this bizarre new world we live in. And I’m guessing that any of the young adults attending college now are vaxxed - right? Isn’t it mandatory at most colleges? The amount of pain yet to be experienced is unfathomable.
Just horrendous Elizabeth.! I am so sorry to hear you lost your daughter in 2017. Shattered is putting it mildly I'm sure. It has to be the most horrible tragedy for a parent. I have friends who have gone through this and they are never truly the same again. I so agree with you about being a parent of young children and teens now. Between the horror of the vaccines, there's all the digital technology that literally stops many of them of just using their imagination and playing. I can't imagine how addicted I would be to my own digital phone as a child/teen. I have a hard enough time as an older person. I am in Canada and it has been really bad here. We were locked down for almost 2 years if you were unvaccinated. Five of our eight grandkids got the jabs and all 4 kids and spouses too. I tried to warn them in writing with Dr. Bridle's revelation of the biodistribution study from Pfizer. One daughter had severe neurological effects for over a year, but she is better, but not the same as before. I worry and pray for them and everyone everyday. Two hopeful events by Canadians was the Trucking Convoy which did get the mandates stopped. The government had no intention of stopping the mandates until the Convoy. Then a group of Canadians held a National Citizens Inquiry this year for 3 days each in 8 cities across Canada. It included experts and lay people. I was in tears many days, but it changed me on an even deeper level to hear what had happened to so many Canadians. All the testimonies can be seen on Rumble or on the National Citizens Inquiry website. You would recognize some of the witnesses. Happy New Year Elizabeth. We have to stick together and stand strong.
My husband had been talking about Alex Jones’ (now 100% accurate) predictions about a global plandemic, mass “vaccination” with bio weapons, etc... This was back in 2008/09, and he had to stop listening to it bc it was freaking him out (understandably). He would bring it up from time to time. And it’s not that I didn’t believe it would ever happen, but I certainly didn’t think it would be within my own lifetime. Yet here we are. Brutally naive is an understatement! 😳
It’s very interesting that you posted this article. I just had a conversation with a good friend who lives in Australia. We were discussing the frequency of shark attacks over the past couple of years. Not only shark attacks, but attacked from other animals as well. Not to come off as “crazy” - but in these current times, it seems like “anything goes”. So here goes: I wonder if there is a correlation with vaccinated individuals and these shark (or other animals - gators, etc) attacks. In the second documentary produced by Stew Peters - “End of Days” or “End Times” (the exact name escapes me but it’s easy to find in Rumble) - great detail is spent on talking about the blue tooth codes that are being emitted by vaccinated individuals. Even in the cemetery the computer was picking up blue tooth codes - which were then traced to the gravesite of a person who died around 11/21. Anyway - I wonder if there’s something to that, regarding animals who are sensitive to these signals - maybe in an aggressive way such as with their typical prey animals. Has anyone talked about this as of yet? It’s on my mind every time I hear of yet another attack.
I wonder if it's because all the animals are being exposed to more emf's? We are being attacked from everybpossible angle. The deranged psychopaths have left no stone unturned!
So true! It’s such a complicated situation with so many layers of toxic destruction of what was once Divine. What kind of massive ego trip is that - that mankind can improve upon God’s handiwork. Shake my damn head 🤦♀️
Or is it "The Great Poisoning" as Catherine Austin Fitts calls it -- intended to reduce population by shortening people's lifespans? (And, I think, impairing human reproduction.)
I don't really know how these two factors "balance out" re the solvency of the Social Security system, but I'm guessing that the deaths and disability of young earners will far outweigh any "benefit" to Social Security solvency by shortened life spans *and* COVID deaths among the elderly. I'm particularly thinking about the number of pre-retirement-age workers whose COVID-19 clotshot injuries have moved them out of the "productive worker paying into the Social Security system" column and into the "disabled worker collecting Social Security Disability payments" column.
But I did read (a long time ago and I don't remember where) that the culling of elderly people using COVID-19 was intentional, with the goal of reducing the number of people drawing pensions -- partly so that politicians wouldn't have to face the embarrassing prospect of having to tell pensioners "Uh, sorry, we've run out of funds."
I think this statement was originally about Cuomo's ordering hospitals to send senior patients with COVID right back to nursing homes (with the result that COVID ravaged the nursing home population), when a U.S. military hospital ship, sent specifically to handle COVID patients, sat in the NYC harbor unused. But I've also read that culling of the elderly and the disabled appears to have been a major goal in the UK (a goal achieved with DNR orders, midazolam overuse, and suppression of effective treatments for COVID).
My husband keeps saying that at least one main reason is bc the SS is broken and broke beyond repair, and cannot sustain all the Boomers plus my generation approaching this age. They can’t pay for it anymore (bc of their ridiculous spending with endless wars, etc - our eyes are open to their treacherous spending habits - totally unsustainable) so it was time for a “soft culling”. I would imagine there’s more reasons than this - but I certainly do t have any footing if I wanted to argue against that... seems totally feasible in this day and age 🧐
As I understand it, Social Security's funds are kept entirely separate from the general federal budget which includes "defense" spending. Before COVID, I read that there was an easy solution to Social Security solvency, which was to eliminate the cap. Currently, people pay a certain percentage of their taxable income into Social Security, but just up to a certain income where the amount paid in is capped. I think the cap used to be at $250,000 per year. With this cap, someone who earned $500,000 per year would pay the same as someone who earned $250,000 per year. What I read was that if the cap was removed, and the wealthier people paid the same percentage as the "ordinary folks", Social Security would have no problem paying the expected amount to the Boomers, the generation after them, etc.
I think Cuomo's problem was that pensions for government employees are underfunded.
No, just an educated guess. With species protected and hunting down, numbers of protected animals are increasing in general and human encounters are increasing. So, I think it's logical to assume that shark numbers have increased.
If anybody knows the numbers, I'd appreciate them commenting.
It is very possible that the jabbed are shedding spike protein and modRNA. If dogs can be taught to sniff out cancer in people, perhaps they and other animals with a sensitive sense of smell can sniff out who is jabbed.
But if a shark or other animal could sniff out which people are jabbed, wouldn't the animal say "Oh, ick! I'm not eating this thing! It smells some weird kind of awful! I don't want to even bite into it to kill it!"
Apparently there's a smartphone app that can detect Bluetooth signals. Some people were using this app to read signals from people who were vaxxed. If I remember right, only some vaxxed people emitted signals, not all. And then someone (a small team of people, I think) invented a device which appeared to disable the Bluetooth-emitting device in people who'd been vaxed.
I also saw a video where a medico used a scalpel and did a little digging in the surface of someone's deltoid muscle, and found a tiny black microchip. As small as the microchip was, I could never figure out how something that size could be injected without an unusually big syringe. And unless single-dose vials were used, how could exactly one microchip be injected per person? If self-assembling nanotech Bluetooth emitters were used, again, the question is how could exactly one microchip's materials be injected per person unless there were single-dose vials. As far as I know, once past the clinical trials, only multiple-dose vials were used in the U.S. I think the videos I saw (of Bluetooth signal detection and disabling, and the microchip removal with scalpel) were from Europe, so perhaps the microchips were used only there, and they were delivered in single-use vials with unusually large needles?
Could it have been the “graphene” that they talked about in Stew Peter’s documentary? They showed all kinds of floaters in there of varying consistency and shapes. Under microscope, it almost appeared as if these little floaters had magnetic properties and were pulling other particles towards it and connecting together. Perhaps this is the “self assembling” lipid nano particles that can and do operate independently of bodily functions. I don’t know if one could see grapheme with the naked eye though.
I don't think the microchip was self-assembling graphene or lipid nano particles.
You know, there's been a lot of conflicting information about what's in the clotshots aka spikeshots. Different researchers collecting vials of the pseudovaccine and analyzing the contents have found very different things, combinations of things, concentrations of things. I think this variation was created deliberately in order to sow confusion. If I remember right, Ryan Cole examined the contents of at least one vial and had interesting things to say about what he found; some things that other people thought were evil turned out to be harmless contaminants.
I’ll have to re-watch that documentary to see how it was explained. I’m new to dystopian societies 😅. I also read somewhere (I’ve read so much that it’s difficult to remember what/where/when) - but the article talked about how there were SO MANY instant deaths - like around 1300 right off the bat - either that very same day or within days - that they hurried up and used vials with only saline in them to not make people realize how deadly these clot shots are. Maybe they just mixed it all up - it’s like a box of chocolates you never know what ya gonna get. At least some people got only saline! I also remember a doctor (I think in Germany?) who got caught giving all his patients saline shots - and he was imprisoned. Idk how he got caught - but somehow he did. I wonder if he’s still in prison...
I know right?? Exactly that one is chilling. You should check out that documentary! Morbidly fascinating and horrifying at the same time. We don’t need horror movies anymore! 🤦♀️
There was a team researching various energy waves generation in the Ocean with Sharks in South Africa and it appeared in the initial observation that they were confused and/or repulsed by such waves beneath the surface.
Conversation I had with a lefty. Lefty: ‘Trans women are women. 100%. That is a fact.’ Me: ‘You date women, right? You’re not gay.’ ‘Yeah. I’m straight.’ ‘Would you date a trans woman? With or without a penis. Either way?’ Long hesitation. ‘No.’ Me: ‘NO! That makes no sense. Trans women are women. You date women. Ergo you would date a trans woman. What am I missing here?’
I am extremely sorry to hear that someone has lost their life due to a shark attack .. l used to be a keen water skier and know the perils ... BUT please can someone TELL THE WORLD what is actually happening after the horrific tragedy suffered in Maui? NO NEWS! Really want to know how these poor folks are doing! Anyone?
Thanks for sharing this, John. Sorry for the victim. Some might say that surfer died doing what he loved. Really? I don’t think he loved getting chomped by a monster and bleeding out.
Takes me back to surfing days. Never had a bad encounter in CA, but had a few when living in Central Florida. Worst one was at Playlinda Beach as a smoking swell was hitting. My buds were ripping in solitude due to the restricted location off Cape Canaveral. I was taking pics of them, far offshore with a yellow waterproof Kodak 110 - remember them? I was wearing fins and getting some sweet shots when suddenly I got bumped so hard I was propelled a couple of feet out of the water. Realizing my life was in imminent danger, I churned like Mark Spitz on speed to the shore. We all watched a huge boil (feeding frenzy) in the water in the proximity of where I’d been positioned. Of course we waited awhile then paddled back out. No blood no foul. I’d lost the camera during my frantic escape. There were also gnarly horseflies out in the lineup with us that day. Good times!
makes me think of the *serious* cyclists around here who call out or use a bell to alert pedestrians in their path that they risk being flung or flattened. I have neighbours who've spent time in hospitals and rehabs for lack of this courtesy (in a human).
I had a cyclist get irate with me for leaving my driver’s side door open on the shoulder of the coast highway. He was absolutely right - could’ve been mangled.
My eldest was about 4 and somehow he saw it. He and I were at the beach. Long long tidal area punctuated by a number of 4” deep tidal pools. Charles was crying and trying to climb up my leg. I asked what was wrong and he said ‘sarks eat my feet’.
Not to sound heartless, but these “shark attacks” and their frequency just don’t interest me or concern me that much. Humans are frolicking in the ocean home of animals who must eat to survive. If you are going to frequent in the area where these animals live, you are taking a risk. These are not “our” oceans; they belong to the animals that live there. And have these events increased? I’m not sure but the media sure likes to present it that way. Again, I have great empathy for anyone injured by sharks but I think it’s an obvious risk.
Mr. Leake - this shark attack story has certainly elicited some, uh, strange comments. Surfing in the ocean always involves some risk, of course. I guess it’s nice of you to give a couple of tips (though the number of surfers is, to be sure, minuscule). I admit to being more focused on what to do with my brother’s ashes, after he was murdered via the mRNA injections (turbo cancer). But, hey, that’s just me.
rosalee martin- Thank you. Yes, so many people affected in so many ways, to varying degrees. None of which can be proven, of course (such evil!). My mom and aunt (both 81) - their very mild dementia suddenly and severely worsened after their mRNA boosters, but hey, it’s normal because they’re old, right? On and on. My surgical RN daughter managed to obtain a religious exemption at work , but the harassment she has endured always angers me. I’m very proud of her. One of my big frustrations is what I call The Sound of Silence - no one I know (other than my sister, who was also there with me at my brother’s passing) even talks about the shots; as if it never happened. Yes, I’m aware of the reasons why folks do this - but it still irritates and disappoints me. My brother was slender, active, healthy, and had just turned 68. I know he would’ve lived much longer, had he not been brainwashed into getting those two evil injections.
I have a dear friend over in Hawaii ( on the Big Island) and just posted of the many sea turtles on black sand beach . Praying for the surfers family.🙏🏻😢
Immediately started comparing shark bite chances to vaxxine injuries! Sorry, it's not going away until we REVAMP the entire pfarma/medical system. The Jaws Soundtrack should start EVERY time someone gets the vaxx. Preferably in the parking lot before they even get near a needle.
It’s honestly just like playing Russian roulette. Thankfully my husband and I work from home and we’re not pressured into getting vaxed. We had a dear cousin who died an absolutely horrific death within 2 weeks of the J&J - and that was March of 2021 - so very early on. There was no way in hell we were getting that based on that traumatic death in our family 😥
My heart aches for your family. My sister-in-law died as the result of a sudden decline 2 weeks after her 3rd shot (booster).
I’m so sorry to hear about your sister in law. I’m very close to mine - and she’s vaxed and boosted so two shots. Her daughter was supposed to get married 10/20 - but that wasn’t happening so they postponed it a year. By then the shots were rolling out and if you remember they were calling out families for having “super spreader” wedding events. And that your selfishness for not getting vaxed will potentially wipe out all the elders of the family. So she felt extreme pressure to get the first two, although she absolutely did NOT want it... they got her with the “super spreader wedding” verbiage. I worry about her. And she knows - she wanted to see Died Suddenly and End Times. I don’t even feel comfortable watching those documentaries around people who have been vaxed bc wow - that would be quite disconcerting. ☠️ All you can do is pray that maybe they got the saline version. 😐
It’s absolutely heartbreaking! It’s all so surreal. Like this IS the depopulation plan - it’s happening right now. And in this way. Mass murder - and it’s unfathomable that so many are not connecting the dots. It’s SO OBVIOUS! It’s this mass Covid-induced psychosis.
Thank you for your kind words. Our cousin Debi was one who did everything “by the book” - so of course she would be one to get vaccinated. Her 21 year old son awoke to the sound of her vomiting, and then found her completely out of it and not making sense. He called 911, and they rushed her to a local hospital. That hospital quickly realized she was way too critical for them, and she was life-flighted to a trauma hospital. They rushed her into open heart surgery, to evacuate the clot storm that was happening inside of her. They couldn’t keep up with the clots that were forming - in the brain, in the carotids, in the great vessels. She ended up having a couple of strokes, and was placed on life support. By the next morning she suffered another stroke, and they opened the skull to relieve the pressure. But the clots just kept coming. Eventually her son and husband had to make the decision to take her off life support and let her go. And that was that. There was basically nothing that could be done for her, although they certainly tried. This was so early on - the data that exists now wasn’t really there yet at that time - esp thanks to the censorship campaign. But that was all the data we needed. After going through that, there was no way in hell, no matter what... 🙁
Tragedy, tragedy. And crime. Thank you for sharing your experience. Peace and justice to you and your family ~ <3<3<3<3<3
Thank you Friend in Truth! 🙌🏼
How absolutely horrifying. I am so sorry for your family's unnecessary loss.
Thank you. This happened in PA, and we live in FL. It was absolutely traumatizing for everyone in the family - holding vigil for her while she and her immediate family members suffered unimaginably. Totally helpless to do anything to change the course of what had been set in motion. And how many countless families have gone through this already - or who have it looming in the future. We lost our only daughter back in 2017. So we’ve already been shattered. I cannot even imagine being the parent of a child or teen having to face this bizarre new world we live in. And I’m guessing that any of the young adults attending college now are vaxxed - right? Isn’t it mandatory at most colleges? The amount of pain yet to be experienced is unfathomable.
Just horrendous Elizabeth.! I am so sorry to hear you lost your daughter in 2017. Shattered is putting it mildly I'm sure. It has to be the most horrible tragedy for a parent. I have friends who have gone through this and they are never truly the same again. I so agree with you about being a parent of young children and teens now. Between the horror of the vaccines, there's all the digital technology that literally stops many of them of just using their imagination and playing. I can't imagine how addicted I would be to my own digital phone as a child/teen. I have a hard enough time as an older person. I am in Canada and it has been really bad here. We were locked down for almost 2 years if you were unvaccinated. Five of our eight grandkids got the jabs and all 4 kids and spouses too. I tried to warn them in writing with Dr. Bridle's revelation of the biodistribution study from Pfizer. One daughter had severe neurological effects for over a year, but she is better, but not the same as before. I worry and pray for them and everyone everyday. Two hopeful events by Canadians was the Trucking Convoy which did get the mandates stopped. The government had no intention of stopping the mandates until the Convoy. Then a group of Canadians held a National Citizens Inquiry this year for 3 days each in 8 cities across Canada. It included experts and lay people. I was in tears many days, but it changed me on an even deeper level to hear what had happened to so many Canadians. All the testimonies can be seen on Rumble or on the National Citizens Inquiry website. You would recognize some of the witnesses. Happy New Year Elizabeth. We have to stick together and stand strong.
My husband had been talking about Alex Jones’ (now 100% accurate) predictions about a global plandemic, mass “vaccination” with bio weapons, etc... This was back in 2008/09, and he had to stop listening to it bc it was freaking him out (understandably). He would bring it up from time to time. And it’s not that I didn’t believe it would ever happen, but I certainly didn’t think it would be within my own lifetime. Yet here we are. Brutally naive is an understatement! 😳
I would choose to go ocean swimming off Maui or even off the Australian coast before I would EVER allow any smackzeen to be injected into my body!!
It’s very interesting that you posted this article. I just had a conversation with a good friend who lives in Australia. We were discussing the frequency of shark attacks over the past couple of years. Not only shark attacks, but attacked from other animals as well. Not to come off as “crazy” - but in these current times, it seems like “anything goes”. So here goes: I wonder if there is a correlation with vaccinated individuals and these shark (or other animals - gators, etc) attacks. In the second documentary produced by Stew Peters - “End of Days” or “End Times” (the exact name escapes me but it’s easy to find in Rumble) - great detail is spent on talking about the blue tooth codes that are being emitted by vaccinated individuals. Even in the cemetery the computer was picking up blue tooth codes - which were then traced to the gravesite of a person who died around 11/21. Anyway - I wonder if there’s something to that, regarding animals who are sensitive to these signals - maybe in an aggressive way such as with their typical prey animals. Has anyone talked about this as of yet? It’s on my mind every time I hear of yet another attack.
I wonder if it's because all the animals are being exposed to more emf's? We are being attacked from everybpossible angle. The deranged psychopaths have left no stone unturned!
So true! It’s such a complicated situation with so many layers of toxic destruction of what was once Divine. What kind of massive ego trip is that - that mankind can improve upon God’s handiwork. Shake my damn head 🤦♀️
Or is it "The Great Poisoning" as Catherine Austin Fitts calls it -- intended to reduce population by shortening people's lifespans? (And, I think, impairing human reproduction.)
Absolutely. All one has to do is look at the results to know what their intentions are...
I don't really know how these two factors "balance out" re the solvency of the Social Security system, but I'm guessing that the deaths and disability of young earners will far outweigh any "benefit" to Social Security solvency by shortened life spans *and* COVID deaths among the elderly. I'm particularly thinking about the number of pre-retirement-age workers whose COVID-19 clotshot injuries have moved them out of the "productive worker paying into the Social Security system" column and into the "disabled worker collecting Social Security Disability payments" column.
But I did read (a long time ago and I don't remember where) that the culling of elderly people using COVID-19 was intentional, with the goal of reducing the number of people drawing pensions -- partly so that politicians wouldn't have to face the embarrassing prospect of having to tell pensioners "Uh, sorry, we've run out of funds."
I think this statement was originally about Cuomo's ordering hospitals to send senior patients with COVID right back to nursing homes (with the result that COVID ravaged the nursing home population), when a U.S. military hospital ship, sent specifically to handle COVID patients, sat in the NYC harbor unused. But I've also read that culling of the elderly and the disabled appears to have been a major goal in the UK (a goal achieved with DNR orders, midazolam overuse, and suppression of effective treatments for COVID).
I think you nailed it 💯!
My husband keeps saying that at least one main reason is bc the SS is broken and broke beyond repair, and cannot sustain all the Boomers plus my generation approaching this age. They can’t pay for it anymore (bc of their ridiculous spending with endless wars, etc - our eyes are open to their treacherous spending habits - totally unsustainable) so it was time for a “soft culling”. I would imagine there’s more reasons than this - but I certainly do t have any footing if I wanted to argue against that... seems totally feasible in this day and age 🧐
As I understand it, Social Security's funds are kept entirely separate from the general federal budget which includes "defense" spending. Before COVID, I read that there was an easy solution to Social Security solvency, which was to eliminate the cap. Currently, people pay a certain percentage of their taxable income into Social Security, but just up to a certain income where the amount paid in is capped. I think the cap used to be at $250,000 per year. With this cap, someone who earned $500,000 per year would pay the same as someone who earned $250,000 per year. What I read was that if the cap was removed, and the wealthier people paid the same percentage as the "ordinary folks", Social Security would have no problem paying the expected amount to the Boomers, the generation after them, etc.
I think Cuomo's problem was that pensions for government employees are underfunded.
Occam's razor--shark attacks are up because as a protected species, there are more of them.
Do you know of any statistics re: their increased numbers?
No, just an educated guess. With species protected and hunting down, numbers of protected animals are increasing in general and human encounters are increasing. So, I think it's logical to assume that shark numbers have increased.
If anybody knows the numbers, I'd appreciate them commenting.
Good theory!
It is very possible that the jabbed are shedding spike protein and modRNA. If dogs can be taught to sniff out cancer in people, perhaps they and other animals with a sensitive sense of smell can sniff out who is jabbed.
But if a shark or other animal could sniff out which people are jabbed, wouldn't the animal say "Oh, ick! I'm not eating this thing! It smells some weird kind of awful! I don't want to even bite into it to kill it!"
Wow! I’ve not heard about a Bluetooth signal 😳 Nothing surprises me anymore.
Apparently there's a smartphone app that can detect Bluetooth signals. Some people were using this app to read signals from people who were vaxxed. If I remember right, only some vaxxed people emitted signals, not all. And then someone (a small team of people, I think) invented a device which appeared to disable the Bluetooth-emitting device in people who'd been vaxed.
I also saw a video where a medico used a scalpel and did a little digging in the surface of someone's deltoid muscle, and found a tiny black microchip. As small as the microchip was, I could never figure out how something that size could be injected without an unusually big syringe. And unless single-dose vials were used, how could exactly one microchip be injected per person? If self-assembling nanotech Bluetooth emitters were used, again, the question is how could exactly one microchip's materials be injected per person unless there were single-dose vials. As far as I know, once past the clinical trials, only multiple-dose vials were used in the U.S. I think the videos I saw (of Bluetooth signal detection and disabling, and the microchip removal with scalpel) were from Europe, so perhaps the microchips were used only there, and they were delivered in single-use vials with unusually large needles?
Could it have been the “graphene” that they talked about in Stew Peter’s documentary? They showed all kinds of floaters in there of varying consistency and shapes. Under microscope, it almost appeared as if these little floaters had magnetic properties and were pulling other particles towards it and connecting together. Perhaps this is the “self assembling” lipid nano particles that can and do operate independently of bodily functions. I don’t know if one could see grapheme with the naked eye though.
I don't think the microchip was self-assembling graphene or lipid nano particles.
You know, there's been a lot of conflicting information about what's in the clotshots aka spikeshots. Different researchers collecting vials of the pseudovaccine and analyzing the contents have found very different things, combinations of things, concentrations of things. I think this variation was created deliberately in order to sow confusion. If I remember right, Ryan Cole examined the contents of at least one vial and had interesting things to say about what he found; some things that other people thought were evil turned out to be harmless contaminants.
I’ll have to re-watch that documentary to see how it was explained. I’m new to dystopian societies 😅. I also read somewhere (I’ve read so much that it’s difficult to remember what/where/when) - but the article talked about how there were SO MANY instant deaths - like around 1300 right off the bat - either that very same day or within days - that they hurried up and used vials with only saline in them to not make people realize how deadly these clot shots are. Maybe they just mixed it all up - it’s like a box of chocolates you never know what ya gonna get. At least some people got only saline! I also remember a doctor (I think in Germany?) who got caught giving all his patients saline shots - and he was imprisoned. Idk how he got caught - but somehow he did. I wonder if he’s still in prison...
I know right?? Exactly that one is chilling. You should check out that documentary! Morbidly fascinating and horrifying at the same time. We don’t need horror movies anymore! 🤦♀️
There was a team researching various energy waves generation in the Ocean with Sharks in South Africa and it appeared in the initial observation that they were confused and/or repulsed by such waves beneath the surface.
Yours is an interesting question.
Are attacks up?
I’ve heard reports that shark attacks are up. But it’s blamed on climate change causing lack of food. 🙄 Couldn’t possibly be over fishing.
Doesn’t it seem like it? I’ve been hearing of so many attacks lately. Many of them fatal. Once I saw that documentary - I was like wait a minute... 😳.
We can’t rule out racism, xenophobia and climate change though.
trans is the new xeno ...
Conversation I had with a lefty. Lefty: ‘Trans women are women. 100%. That is a fact.’ Me: ‘You date women, right? You’re not gay.’ ‘Yeah. I’m straight.’ ‘Would you date a trans woman? With or without a penis. Either way?’ Long hesitation. ‘No.’ Me: ‘NO! That makes no sense. Trans women are women. You date women. Ergo you would date a trans woman. What am I missing here?’
Don't forget homophobia and transphobia. We mustn't be prejudiced when we list the possible prejudices that a shark might harbor.
come ON! Kayla!
Thoroughly enjoyed everyone's comments on this! 🤣 We gotta laugh through the tears! Love sarcasm! Cracks me up!
People, injected or not, transmitting bluetooth protocol doesn’t pass the smell test.
I am extremely sorry to hear that someone has lost their life due to a shark attack .. l used to be a keen water skier and know the perils ... BUT please can someone TELL THE WORLD what is actually happening after the horrific tragedy suffered in Maui? NO NEWS! Really want to know how these poor folks are doing! Anyone?
Thanks for sharing this, John. Sorry for the victim. Some might say that surfer died doing what he loved. Really? I don’t think he loved getting chomped by a monster and bleeding out.
Takes me back to surfing days. Never had a bad encounter in CA, but had a few when living in Central Florida. Worst one was at Playlinda Beach as a smoking swell was hitting. My buds were ripping in solitude due to the restricted location off Cape Canaveral. I was taking pics of them, far offshore with a yellow waterproof Kodak 110 - remember them? I was wearing fins and getting some sweet shots when suddenly I got bumped so hard I was propelled a couple of feet out of the water. Realizing my life was in imminent danger, I churned like Mark Spitz on speed to the shore. We all watched a huge boil (feeding frenzy) in the water in the proximity of where I’d been positioned. Of course we waited awhile then paddled back out. No blood no foul. I’d lost the camera during my frantic escape. There were also gnarly horseflies out in the lineup with us that day. Good times!
w ~ o ~ w ...
makes me think of the *serious* cyclists around here who call out or use a bell to alert pedestrians in their path that they risk being flung or flattened. I have neighbours who've spent time in hospitals and rehabs for lack of this courtesy (in a human).
I had a cyclist get irate with me for leaving my driver’s side door open on the shoulder of the coast highway. He was absolutely right - could’ve been mangled.
Sorry for the loss of life. I'm confident you diagnosed the situation correctly: murky water in a shark foraging area.
It's been the same off the coast of NC, SC, VA this past year. There were injuries; but nobody has died this year.
enter the water, enter the food chain
No need to enter the water ~ humans feed others on land, too, *when* they're not being mindful.
True!! 🦈
If the guy was vaxxed, the shark will probably die suddenly.
True! 😳
I stopped going more than ankle deep after I saw the movie Jaws.
I saw that as a child and I was afraid of our pool and the bathtub bc I thought that thing could come through the drain 😂
My eldest was about 4 and somehow he saw it. He and I were at the beach. Long long tidal area punctuated by a number of 4” deep tidal pools. Charles was crying and trying to climb up my leg. I asked what was wrong and he said ‘sarks eat my feet’.
Not to sound heartless, but these “shark attacks” and their frequency just don’t interest me or concern me that much. Humans are frolicking in the ocean home of animals who must eat to survive. If you are going to frequent in the area where these animals live, you are taking a risk. These are not “our” oceans; they belong to the animals that live there. And have these events increased? I’m not sure but the media sure likes to present it that way. Again, I have great empathy for anyone injured by sharks but I think it’s an obvious risk.
Mr. Leake - this shark attack story has certainly elicited some, uh, strange comments. Surfing in the ocean always involves some risk, of course. I guess it’s nice of you to give a couple of tips (though the number of surfers is, to be sure, minuscule). I admit to being more focused on what to do with my brother’s ashes, after he was murdered via the mRNA injections (turbo cancer). But, hey, that’s just me.
Sorry about your brother.
Mystic William - thank you.
rosalee martin- Thank you. Yes, so many people affected in so many ways, to varying degrees. None of which can be proven, of course (such evil!). My mom and aunt (both 81) - their very mild dementia suddenly and severely worsened after their mRNA boosters, but hey, it’s normal because they’re old, right? On and on. My surgical RN daughter managed to obtain a religious exemption at work , but the harassment she has endured always angers me. I’m very proud of her. One of my big frustrations is what I call The Sound of Silence - no one I know (other than my sister, who was also there with me at my brother’s passing) even talks about the shots; as if it never happened. Yes, I’m aware of the reasons why folks do this - but it still irritates and disappoints me. My brother was slender, active, healthy, and had just turned 68. I know he would’ve lived much longer, had he not been brainwashed into getting those two evil injections.
Slightly off the subject but is about swimming in murky waters.
How many people are now more scared of tiger sharks on Maui than directed energy weapons on Lahaina?
I have a dear friend over in Hawaii ( on the Big Island) and just posted of the many sea turtles on black sand beach . Praying for the surfers family.🙏🏻😢
I'm allergic to sharks! (lol)
Very sad, however we are part of the food chain.
All things considered, the shark read Zuck was dropping a billion or two on an Air Raid Shelter.
Smelled what he thought was billionaire cologne in the water, reacted like sharks do. Taste test.
Obama's chef drowned in a large pond. No taste test. Just poor taste in some Doctors advice.