Ivermectin has already been proven safe by the fact that it has been used for so long by so many people. The new drug is new and does not have a track record.

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May God continue to bless and protect you Dr. McCullough! We are keeping you and your efforts to save lives in our prayers.

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Nirmatrelvir sounds too much like Remdesivir to me. It killed 3 of my relatives. Am I wrong or is this drug related?

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Thank you for this current messaging. I would love your opinion on the hypothetical use of MCG multifocal cardiograph also known as 3DMP to screen for myo/pericarditis as a easier simpler less costly tool to screen to vax injured patients at risk for sudden cardiac death ?

We have a large sample of vax injured to screen and contrast to non vaccinated patients.

Easy inexpensive study would provide beneficial data to the AI data base utilized by the data driven digital validated reference employed by MCG.

Dom Costabile DO MS FAAFP RMSK IFMCP dipACLM preserving-wellness.com

we deeply appreciate your work, scholarship, and MOST of all courage to stand up!!

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I said, at the very beginning, to stop holding up the FDA as the "gold standard" of safety approval. They were always going to "approve" these poisons, since they have the job of satisfying their paymasters.

Why would you trust government/alphabet agencies/journalists? They've transitioned from poisoning your mind to poisoning your blood.

And you are going to ever trust them again?

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Paxlovid's package insert warns that it is necessary to use the medication within five days of infection by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, whereas ivermectin is effective in helping a patient improve indefinitely. Do the readers here recall that Dr. Fauci had a relapse of his COVID-19 symptoms after taking his five day course of Paxlovid?

This benefits of ivermectin even in patients prolonged illness with COVID-19 disease was demonstrated in a retrospective U.S. hospital study published in the esteemed medical journal: Chest in the January 2021 issue.

The Journal of Antibiotics published a review article demonstrating 20 levels of action, which ivermectin took in human cell cultures against this virus. We were repeatedly told in the news it was just an anti-parasitic drug and because of this label, that this somehow proved it would not have any additional capabilities. Ivermectin was found to be effective also against the Zika virus.

I propose that a head to head study be performed comparing ivermectin and Paxlovid in the ability to protect bats from illness from the native bat coronavirus from which SARS-CoV-2 was created.

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I would like to know the dangers of taking Nirmatrelvir (Paxlovid); the serious side affects. MSM pushes this ‘drug’ so I know to avoid it, but I can’t find warnings from the doctors I trust to alert family and friends. Where would I find this information?

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Phuck Pfizer!

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The Greatest "Achievement" Of The Internet

Is To Disconnect Us From One Another

And To Keep Us Tethered To It [ IT ]

"Injected Code" Serves The Same End.

Congratulations To You If You Knew Not To Be Injected.

And Thank You For That.

You Have Made Many Friends. As Is Your Due.

Find Them Where You Are.


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Dr. McCullough, QUESTION please? ⚠️

I learned about a young man , under 30, recently diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia. I’m finding out if he’s vaccinated.

I ran across this study & it sounds like Myocarditis can cause AML. ( I’m also finding out if by chance he was diagnosed with this prior to AML diagnosis)

Are you seeing this in your increased myocarditis patients? If so, wouldn’t chemo. be dangerous with myocarditis? This study seems to lean toward AML causing the heart issues. ( of course.🙈)

I’m just a friend trying to give this kid the best chance to survive and thrive through all this. Also, want his dr. to be aware of vaccine ( possibly) causing the AML. Are you available for consults via zoom? You’re my hero & want him to have the best.

Thank you for any advice. I know details are limited. I apologize. I’d assume he’s vaccinated, college student at Univ. of Wa. , currently.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Here’s the study I found.


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C'mon Guys ...

The People That Thought

That Taking The Vaccine

Was A Good Idea

- Couldn't Be Responsible For Their Own Health.

Given What We Know Of Them

How Could They Be ?


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How can a lay person get possession of Ivermectin if one’s doctor is opposed?

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FLCCC.net has protocols as well as lists of providers and pharmacies. I’ve used them more than once.

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