Just the idea that they are talking 'countermeasures' not treatments, is alarming. Countermeasures is a defense term related to bioweapons - not a medical term.

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And "lockdown" was a prison term.

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Still is.

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RemovedMay 10
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It does not open. Maybe you can restate the point made in it.

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I was just getting ready to post the exact same thing about using the word counter measures. We’re at war. They’ve created the weapon and the countermeasure once again. Time to cull the herd some more.😖

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We can organize better and should practice now.

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Time for “Oh, NO, you don’t…just try it!”

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They want people to mindlessly accomodate themselves to this language so they'll feel they aren't directly hiding their war-footing depop agenda.

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It's not working...

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As “The Office” meme goes: If they can suspend your rights because there is an emergency, they will continue to manufacture emergencies.

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That would be the actual intent of the impending WHO debacle euphemistically called a "treaty"

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At this point, anyone who takes any advice or direction from anyone connected to this government or federal health agencies is beyond help. Even having their heads examined would be of no benefit, as the brainwashing is complete.

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Yep, it already shrank and rolled right out the ear!

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Fear mongering garbage.

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I am wondering what objective evidence confirms that people died because the drug hydroxychloriquine was “disallowed” for early treatment of ambulatory patients?

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Most of the deaths were not from the Wu-Flu (which had an over 99.7% recovery rate), but from the medical and hospital protocols used, as well as not allowing ivermectin to be prescribed.

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Or any of the other proven early therapies!

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Dr. Lee, just look at the trials of HCQ available @ flccc.net; you can search the web site with the tool that they provide. There is evidence of effectiveness & simple deduction will lead to the author’s conclusions.

Not going to do the rest of your homework.

Who is paying you to post here anyway?

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This profile of J Lee MD PhD is very similar to those of other CISA trolls. Just sayin’

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Who are you or your fellow travelers to deny a standard schedule medicine from a dying patient who requests/pleads/demands it?

Think on that philosophy and then see if you can graduate to your question. Odds are, you’d admit living in a totalitarian society first, then realize your question is moot thereafter.

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Look for yourself professor, don't be so lazy. Yor're part of the problem. Don't "wonder". You should have shown a little intellectual curiosity and not hide behind your vaulted md phd cred. The facts are out there. Find the truth. Ya just gotta look. It's so sad you don't realize the reputational hit your profession took over the past four yrs. And it truly pains me to say it.

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Can’t hear you, Lee. Speak up.

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Denial is deadly doc. We thought you learned that in all those years of degrees. You do know the world of reason go way beyond your degrees that do not exclude you from being propagandized or propagandizing yourself and associates with plausible deniability, right? Denial will get the entire platoon killed in combat. At home in your well organized socialist utopia it may destroy your entire family, if you know what either of those are?

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We never should've tolerated what they did in 2020. But too many people were bribed with "free" money. Now, here we are. They will shut us down again and the people will let them.

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May 9·edited May 9

Nobody is going to tolerate any lockdowns again. I suppose business owners might be intimidated but most of the public is going to ignore them. They won't have enough LEOs to enforce it. Last time, people just obeyed.

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Mimi, I hope you're right. But I don't feel like we have enough people in this country to fight back. I am not intimidated but I know a lot of people are. And they concede easily when money is involved.

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May 9·edited May 9

In California, after a couple of months, people jumped into their cars and drove out to AZ just to get away from Newsom's prison camp. In at least half the states in this country, people will certainly ignore this. They aren't going to be writing checks to the public to stay home.....and if they do, people will stay home, but that doesn't mean people will take the vax.

They tried this crap with monkeypox and everyone except naive gay boys ignored them.

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I remember the "emergency" of monkey pox, that was a hilarious little blip there.

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I’m wondering how many doctors, hospitals & colleges will go along again. These are the people who should have stood up for humanity… but no, they raked in the money! They are such a disappointment.

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Hospitals get paid to promote the newest plandemic, plandemic drug, plandemic shot, and so hospitals will follow the money. Now some hospital employees may walk if they are told to take more shots, but the propaganda in the hospitals will indeed go on.

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Those who run these organizations are either brainwashed or part of the kabal.

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I will go with part of the jabalí.

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And the public complies when fear is involved. Some people are still getting covid boosters.

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You see, chaos breeds fear. Fear breeds panic, and panic breeds desperation, and there's always profit to be made from desperation. You make a big enough mess, has to get cleaned up.

– Eldon Styne, 10.21 Dark Dynasty, Supernatural

That's from the TV series Supernatural. When I heard it for the first time, it really hit me and has stayed with me ever since.

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I agree. Last time, apart from a tiny minority, most people were caught by surprise by the lockdowns and all the other nonsense. Such things were a novelty, it was all so sudden, so strange, it didn't make sense. But some years have gone by now, and many are wiser. If there's a next time they try this shale, while I do not doubt that there are many people who will go along with whatever nonsense their TV sells them, there are now many, many, many more people who will not, absolutely will not comply. And to the degree that they do comply (I, for example, would wear a mask to visit a sick relative in the hospital, if the alternatives were not being allowed in at all, or arrest-- otherwise, forget it) they will do it only with seething anger. The authorities are going to get a lot more pushback from a lot more people, in short. But as to what this would look like if they try this again, I do not have a crystal ball, but common sense and a reading of history tells me it looks like dangerous waters.

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I'm more concerned that they will use this to cut back on the meat supply.

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May 9·edited May 9

"will"? Did! Butter and eggs, too. I guess with the help of the USDA and the USPHS, Ancel Keys and the American Heart Association won.

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Not everywhere.....yet.

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I think you're right.

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Organic Consumers has a farm map you can search by zip code to connect to small and local chemical free, regenerative farmers. Food Co-ops and CSA programs are also fantastic & may take some hunting to find those but every dollar is a vote & when it stays local it turns over seven times every ten days if it goes to a big box chain that dollar leaves forever for some C Suite yacht. :~)


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Also, some of this is a play for funding. The FDA knows that people hate them. Congress could defund them and even the drug companies who provide most of the money for FDA could cut back if they don't get enough advertising for their dollars.

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Unfortunately, there are very few R House reps with the stones to use their only weapon, the power of the purse. It's a sorry state of affairs.

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Mimi - Congress has clearly demonstrated that we can’t rely on them to do ANYTHING.

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Exacrly. Do not comply.

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I think “trusted” might be a better word.

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Like blind sheep…

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Why Trumpenstein blew up the deficit, as RFJ, Jr. put it.

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Once again, as a vet, this is so suspicious. They fact that, COINCIDENTALLY, they have a flu that suddenly goes through cows after all this time when cows NEVER get influenza A and B.....REALLY?

It's either all a lie or it's lab tinkering.

Had they wanted to make it believable, they should have done dogs or horses....there are documented incidences of passage through dogs, especially, but to make it look like it's suddenly attacking cattle?

Can't help but wonder if some genius at a gov agency said, 'Hey guys....we can take out beef, milk AND the election AND make a bunch of money all at once....hear me out.'

It's THAT unbelievable from a veterinary standpoint.

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They can let me know after they find $43 trillion missing in Pentagon spending. Until then the public health & drug Mafia that produced the fattest, sickest population in human history w foodish diets made of scientific marvels & drugs treating exploding illness anything these folks said should be seen as a lie and once announced as threat or remedy run like Hell from liars!!

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Actually the opposite should be happening. Society has been organized around clean water, heating, and cooling when needed, adequate food, etc The suburban layout of society practically guarantees no epidemics will occur. That we have two in a row “ jumping to humans,” suddenly, is way beyond suspicious.

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And they are likely to use this as an excuse to justify the WHO Pandemic Treaty.

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And use it as an excuse to agree to the WHO Pandemic Treaty and the IHR Amendments.

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Do not comply with the PCR test. They need the PCR test to generate cases before declaring the next PHEIC. The best step is to exit the WHO. The World Council for Health, Dr. Tess Lawrie, announced today that they have filed a lawsuit against Tedros and his cronies. Great news!

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Actually they don't need the PCR at all because all the dashboard reporting was totally modeled predictions. Jonathan Engler & Martin Neil did phenomenal work & reporting.

What all the PCR sampling is good for is sold as "medical waste" for DNA research collections.. just like your online activity generates fortunes for Googlish folks collecting your metadata & getting DNA much harder until an emergency drove collection efforts & added greatly to spreading fear.. fun fact spit is a better sample than swabs but not submissive!

oops almost forgot the modeling link.. brilliant folks!! <3


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Election year pandemic syndrome.

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Fearmongering garbage twice💕💕

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Yes, listen to what Dr. Jane Ruby has to say on Rumble.

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May 9·edited May 9

I call b..sh.. on the whole agenda.

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May 10·edited May 10

Especially that the virus does not exist! https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7173052/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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They realized they can make money off maiming and killing us so they'll never stop until we stop them.

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I think the real problem now is we are slowly creeping, bit by bit, slowly to a cashless society. It's happening. Look in your stores. How many cashiers are there now versus pre covid times? How many machines are there that just take your card while you check your own items out? In the end it is a slow drip toward what the few hundred that control the world want. No one is stopping it. No one seems to notice.

In the end when we go cashless, and all transactions depend on people complying to China social score system is when the real trouble begins for us all.

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We should be also prepping for this and any other problem they create. The answer is to create high trust systems of groups of people . We cannot let these people solve problems anymore form the top down. We need to be part of the solutions. We make new high trust decentralized and transparent problem solving systems and we use collective intelligence to come up with solutions, like what they are doing at SwarmAcademy.ai

We can decentralize medicine and science and pandemics (and government) by simply making better systems and migrating there. We can harness wisdom from crowds. It’s testable and provable. Ivermectin was wisdom from crowds. So was HCQ and iodine rinse protocols.

There are systems that can help us. We need to build them. Help us at Swarm Academy.

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Tricky Dicky used Durham-Humphrey (Did Milhous really run against Hubert?) to make "early treatment" drugs unavailable.

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It's obvious that our government is killing its own people. Combined with letting illegals in, the conclusion is that they must be trying to destroy the country. The only reason to do that is... regime change? Make us communist? Rough times are ahead.

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Deficit doubled ever decade then every 2-3 years since the outbreak. They are speeding up the collapse of USD before angry mobs realize the ponzi scheme of fiat leaves them no social security or savings. Cull the herd, dumb down their kids, kill their unity to rule over the ashes. They need to stay in power by any means necessary.

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And Trumpenstein exceeded "Obama"'s (the Indonesian Soetoro's) deficits. Of course, O'Biden carried it still further beyond.

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I hadn't noticed before but Robert Califf looks a lot like Peter Hotez to me... Hmmm!

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Good catch!

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This virus has been around forever and now we suddenly need to worry about it making the jump to humans. In some sort of evolutionarily impossible way that will include a few furin cleavage sites, I'm sure.

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