You can't vaccinate against a coronavirus. It mutates too fast and too much. Doctors used to know that, but they're too stupid now.

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I have been saying since the outset, that trying to create a vaccine for a corona virus, is akin to chasing the wind. And that would be true, even if these were actually vaccines, which they are clearly not. Further, there is overwhelming evidence that the mRNA injections are dangerous & deadly to an unprecedented degree. That our federal health agencies both ignore this trend & continue to double down on their promotion & administration speaks to their deliberate malfeasance. Since they now dictate to the corporate medical community, with serious reprisals for those who do not follow their guidelines, what we have is a combination of democide & iatrogenicide. For a stark look at how corporate administrators control their medical staff, I highly recommend the book, "If I Betray These Words", by Wendy Dean, MD.

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No one should be listening to these so called health agencies anymore- it’s obvious that their agenda is no longer health.

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Good grief! Just make cheap, safe, common therapeutics available to everyone at a nominal cost, treat them until we get herd immunity to this strain, and be done with it!

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Up until recently, I have always heard that you don’t vaccinate during a viral epidemic because you will cause the rapid spread of variants. I think we are seeing the wisdom of that now as the variants are appearing faster than new jabs to address them can be made.

Unfortunately, the profits of Pfizer and other vaccine manufacturers have taken precedence over common sense and caution!

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The ones who should 'get' the vaccine should be every one of these foul souls on the vaccine approval board. And their children should be protected from such reckless parenting.

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I wonder about the safety of any mRNA platform product. Are the lipids used behaving as they should? - Suggestions say the lipids may affect fertility. Can the manufacturing be done repeatedly and reliably with no DNA precursors or trash leaking through? Can quality be maintain to point of use?

We rattle on about effectiveness, yet I'm not sure we actually know what we are making with the platform.

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Can't wait to see what they come up with for the 2024 presidential.

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Isn’t it too bad that Eco Alliance wasn’t able to ‘predict’ (or manufacture) the weakened Omicron strain, so that they were able to product the vaccine of it becoming the dominant strain? I’m being sarcastic here….this is apparently the entire protocol behind these biologically manipulated viruses….to be able to manufacture something that may (or accidentally may not be) dangerous to humans, and then devise the antidote before the virus is released to the public. Planning ahead!!

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