Pictures just like this one were all over Europe during the Plandemic, but our MSM did not show them.

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I was part of a march of thousands in Toronto in January 2022. Estimates were 10-12,000 participants. Not a peep from the media.

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Canada seems more fascist than anywhere nearly under Trudeau there is NO questioning permitted.

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I’m not sure where you live but I must tell you….I live in Canada and we nail that pathetic Marxist dictator 24/7. Everything that passes from his mouth is a blatant lie. Majority of Canadians detest his very name and everyone is very open about saying so! He travels with an entourage of security wrapped around him and is booed and yelled at every time he shows his pedophile face. Don’t know where you got the idea otherwise. MSM perhaps??

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So glad to hear it. Watching from Australia, that guy is such a creep! And things were bad enough here.

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Great to hear from you there in Australia! Word certainly travels when a great country like Canada is being turned into a Marxist society mirrored on Beijing!!

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Thank you for sharing that. I am in Canada as well. Surrounded by people that don’t see what’s really going on …who turn on “global TV “and get their worldview….stare blankly ahead when truths are mentioned. Lately I am not optimistic.

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It’s like Adern in NZ- she pulled out but is still working on her evil swab agenda…she can no longer walk down the street here!!

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I just don’t understand what makes people want to ruin their country? What on earth do they get in the end? Anyone I know has no difficulty recognizing what the end game is for WEF, UN, WHO etc. Wealth and total control. Do people like Trudeau, Adern actually think they’re going to win somehow?? Beats me, and many other people as well!!

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I think they must be part of the ones who will be part of the management and get paid millions for it! They will remain safe while we are controlled and they love the power! Just like over and over in history, they are physcopaths! No wonder there are still so many asleep!

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This is so true, every word.

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Aug 3Edited

Fuhrer Klaus Schwab says Turdeau is his "model young leader," and that Schwab also controls more than half Turdeau's cabinet ("ve haf penetrated ze kaabinet").

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For Canadians who have not yet read this book, I highly recommend “FISMAN’S FRAUD: The Rise of Canadian Hate Science” by R.N. Watteel, PhD Statistics. Fisman was a medical friend of Trudeau who planned how to run the Covid plandemic and scapegoat the unvaccinated.

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Hitler was Austrian born. His ghost still inhabits many people.

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I would say his demons - fallen angels.

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Censorship at work.

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I went to many " marches" against the mandates in Vancouver, B.C. and without fail, the media would downplay the numbers. " A fringe minority".

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Yes, that is the sad truth, and it underlines that nowadays it is still sufficient for those who govern us to invent an enemy, create panic, and 75 % of the population will abandon using their own brain, and follow the most abject orders. One must not be German or Austrian to behave like the people in the 3d Reich, it has and will function also in France and everywhere else in Europe.

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Italy underwent profound military & police enforced lockdowns.

Following that government chicanery: "green pass" mandates.

Not a peep was reported by any of my relatives, who ALL went along to get along.

Several elders have since died. One, who was healthy but suffered with dementia, was locked down in a "Casa di Riposo" ("Rest Home") for a year. Her daughters were not permitted inside in order to comfort her, and to tend to her daily needs, as they previously did.

My aunt passed very suddenly and unexpectedly, "in her sleep", in late January of 2021. This happened shortly after receiving her 1st miracle mRNA injection. No connection. Of course not! How dare I even suggest a link... (ok. Rest in Peace Zia.)

Another previously healthy, elderly but vaxxed to the max uncle died after "complications" from post-exploratory stomach surgery. (Sepsis).

His doctor received permission from his worried children, who were all standing vigil in the hospital hallway, (only one visitor allowed. Covid protocols...) to "alleviate his pain".

Of course they readily granted it. (His loving wife was at home, cooking lunch, when this occurred...)

Thus: it took only minutes to remove my uncle permanently from Italian health benefits and pension rolls.

He was quickly "alleviated" of his suffering with an unknown (but I have my suspicions) drug cocktail which stopped him from breathing and ended his life in 22 minutes flat.

Only his very distraught youngest daughter was permitted to be by her father's side. She witnessed the quick euthanizing of my uncle by his attending nurse. (December 23, 2022. RIP Zio)

Another elderly relative died, very unexpectedly as well, a few months after slipping off her kitchen chair. (How did THAT happen? Zero clues were provided to me by family. "No one knows.")

My aunt still lived independently in the spotlessly clean apartment she and her late husband had raised their 2 sons in. Did she pass out? If so: Why? In any event: that fall broke her femur.

After recovering in hospital, and spending a month in rehab, her 2 sons bought her a brand new wardrobe and she was moved into a "Casa di Riposo".

Alas, she never got the opportunity to wear any of her new clothes.

She "lived" in that facility, in bed, in a nightgown. Drugged to the gills. Didn't move from that bed. She wasn't helped to walk around. (Was she even properly fed and hydrated? Who knows...)

Who really knows what happens in these facilities which care for Italy's aging population?

At 22%, Italy had the highest elderly population in Europe. Pre-Covid. Assuredly: These types of stats confirm what Italy's broke (and broken) government won't admit, which is: Old people drain coffers.

Ain't nobody got time for investigating sudden deaths of pensioners! Not even her 2 sons bothered to inquire about her death, apparently. Of course not.

"She was just old..."

Her Casa di Riposo "caregivers", I very strongly suspect, do know what happened to my aunt.

So, after a very short stay: she too "died in her sleep".

Clean this room. Chop chop! Prepare to welcome the next client.

("Rest" home indeed. Rest in Peace Zia.)

No autopsy.

A Canadian coroner explained why "no autopsy" to my BIL recently. His father suddenly dropped dead on a downtown street while walking to his vehicle:

"Our morgue is full. Full in the next town too. I'm on my way to another incident. Someone dropped dead at a Starbucks. Can we transport him to a funeral home if they have room in their cooler?"

2 days later, the coroner finally got around to signing the death certificate. (Very busy. People dropping like flies around here.)

Coroner: "It's expensive and time consuming to perform an autopsy. He was *old. (*He wasn't that old... 84.) Witnesses say no foul play. You good with me signing this off as a heart attack?"

BIL: "Sure."

Heard this ALL from my brother-in-law. Completely unperturbed... (And there's more I can say about his "cause of death" not being a heart attack but an aortic dissection... imo...) however this is already a chapter length comment.)

Bottom line: All my relatives both here in Canada and in Italy are vaxxed to the max. Every single one of them.

They were compliant. Followed every government order throughout this pandemonium. (I mean, what would neighbors and friends think, or whisper amongst themselves but never say to their faces, if they DIDN'T comply?)

"Che brutta figura!" (Bad impression...) In Italy: Life is ALL about keeping up "appearances" and it always has been. (Ask me how I know...)

No one in my family ever talks about any of this shyte so I've bowed out of trying to have conversations with any of them at all nowadays. I'm done.

Pointless. Frustrating. (I'm the unvaxxed elephant in the room everyone wishes they could ignore. So? I now decline all invitations.)

Anyway, yep. Italy (like Canada) is one hot mess folks. Even under her new Savior Giorgia Meloni.

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Sounds like many places in the world… if the (state) wants to cut pensions and medical care programs for the elderly it’s tactical to snuff the elderly out which of course eliminates the financial burden.

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True dat.

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Heck we had grim reaper Cuomo on the job! He killed so many elderly just to increase death toll- what a guy! Now his brother claiming to be injured by jab- he’s a liar so how could we believe him- cried wolf one too many times- they can all go to hell

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Those two brothers are quite a pair. Chris Cuomo’s attempted ‘comeback’ is nauseating. I don’t know why anyone agrees to be interviewed by him. Someone like that does indeed deserve to be shunned. You made your bed, now lie in it, you shill.

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No country is safe- seems to me Hungary and El Salvador might be close- but who knows they could be bought off in some way. Its a global take over- only way to fight is in our little towns- by a joke vote but keep voting- to show them what you think, non compliance, buy local often, and buy a gun

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Have thought about those 2 countries often of late.

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Nor OURS in Canada. If they did, they portrayed a PEACEFUL protest as violent. Right. Canadians had their children and bouncy castles there. Get SMART when voting. This might be the World’s LAST CHANCE!!!!!!!

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I was born in Austria and being in my “golden years” I wanted to go back and see where I was born. However, the Covid madness caused me to put off that journey until last year. Bravo to the Austrian people who said No.

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If such a demonstration were to occur in the US, expect to see flash bombs fired into the crowd to agitate the previously peaceful people and expect provocateurs to rile up the crowd. Expect the FBI to hunt down everyone present in the crowd or anyone even near the city and then send a swat team to their home to arrest them. Perhaps an innocent woman would be bludgeoned to death by a LEO and another unarmed woman to be shot dead. And others fatally wounded by those flash bombs. Oh, wait… I think this already happened on Jan 6th 2021.

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Yes it did yet even attempting to point out the weakness of the J6 hunting party gets nowhere. The masses if haters and go along to get along either dumped critical thinking (demonstrated by colleges if mine still working in Hospital medicine) or they never learned to question and research. I to applaud this Austrians who refused the vaccine.

Now we see excess deaths worldwide wide except in the groups who perpetrated this evil on the entire world. It mortifies me that the underwriter was an American bureaucrat who now gets tax payer protection due to threats. What’s next I sense something coming maybe even more despicable .

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Yes. You are right. They are getting the MRNA shots ready as we speak. Can you even believe they could push or mandate these type of shots again ??? Unreal.

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My mother who was 9 years old when the war came to Denmark remarked the other day that "We used to ask how on earth a cultured and well educated people could fall prey to nazism and its leader. Now I do not ask that question anymore". Indeed, my wife and I discussed during 2021 whether and when it would be up to us to house fugitives from the opressive Austrian and German covid regimes.

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The same here, my husband and I, both of german descent, always questioned how this nazism was possible, now we know.

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Actually I shouldn’t push like ..I should post AGREE. Which I do !

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Bravo! The divergents must form support groups, work together underground to prepare for, and survive the approaching storm.

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I don't question that anymore, either.

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I well remember being moved and horrified by a desperate video of a man from Austria pleading for the world to pay attention to what was happening there. In those times it felt like what was happening to one of us somewhere in the world, was happening to all of us. Very dark and scary period.

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I read this Substack article from Dr. McCullough a few days ago, "Vaccine Cheerleader, Dr. Peter Hotez with Texas Children’s Hospital, Calls for Deploying Police and Military to Beat Back “Anti-Vaccine Aggression”. When I read this, I see this country is on the precipice of more ugliness fed and fueled by those who are in or affiliated with organizations like the WHO, WEF, UN, NATO, as well as politicians of this country. I believe we are headed for the fight for our very lives over the next year or so.

Pray Big!!!

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Same here in Canada. BRACE! As my Dad used to say.

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Agree totally

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Proof right there that freedom of speech/ public demonstration does foment results! Power to the People ♥️

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Politicians are afraid of the people. Same as Kings were. So they subjugate them. We are numbered in the millions in countries and billions worldwide. When we move as one, they are afraid. As they should be. That is why politicians hate and are trying to control social media. They do not want the millions and billions to communicate.

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What a beautiful story, and thanks for the picture! I completely understood the pandemic when I learned that the bankers of the world are behind it all. Follow the narrative and get your loan, so many companies marched into the world of more debt as they put up pictures of Satan and that sort. And like you said in the end "If they DID work, we would experience a new respiratory virus coming out of a lab somewhere in the world every year or so, because the money—paid by the state—is just too good for the vaccine cartel to pass up.” Everything is about $$$

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This is what is planned though. Bird flu up next.

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Yes, unfortunately they will announce a pandemic every five years instead due to the many sheeple who didn’t question and asked their wolves, “Please bring me your poison.” Lined up in droves.

I was playing in a Bunco group for 20 years. We were 12 smart women. Eleven rushed to get their two shots and boasted about it. I who did not get any shots and wouldn’t wear a mask was dropped from the group like a burning hot potatoe. No one asked me my reasons for not taking the shots and I haven’t seen or spoken to any of them since.

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Smart woman, Gabriella -- Like the sun is shining but no one sees it (it's a curious kind of blindness, spiritual, not physical).

And it's the hand of God on your heart keeping you from undo harm.

Stay the course.

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Aug 5Edited

Thank you for sharing that you are strong. My sister wasn’t able to watch her boys play hockey. She stood firm as well. 👍

What still baffles me is that there was no ingredient list and the mode of action of the shots was not known by the people who lined up. Even scientific people blind faith. Crazy times.

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For certain groups it is importantly about getting rid of worthless eaters.

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Me too.

Fired October 2021, after treating COVID with ivermectin-based-therapy, and refusing the "vaccine" on the principle of "standing with the untermenschen".

This changed and clarified my path in life.

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Thank you, John Day, MD. Most physicians did not have the courage or conviction to do this. Which has been a huge disappointment, to say the least. They could have made such a major impact on everything. I’m sick and tired of all their excuses and ‘reasons’ for doing so.

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Thanks Cathleen, but I was in a position of being out of debt, with some savings, a wife who is a school librarian (employed) and a long plan to eventually build a modest house of my own design, which occupied much of my time for a year and a half.

Others were unprepared for sudden change, which I had long anticipated, though the way it manifested surprised me as much as it surprised everybody else.

I saw the de-personing of people, had taught the kids history, and knew I had to stand openly with the underclass.

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They may not have been prepared, but they still have to make the stand, and I'm thinking here of the XX women boxers at the olympics taking the punches of their XY competitor. People got punched with those vaccines instead of taking a stand.

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"Sucker"-punched, unfortunately...


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The most ironic & evil part is that even though the mRNA gene-altering injections did not work & were downright dangerous & often lethal, is that they are building mRNA factories by the dozens - especially in Canada & Japan. They have no intention of stopping this platform. They intend to make nearly all of the upcoming "vaccines" mRNA, including the new EUA Bird Flu "vaccine". They obviously do not care how many people they injure or kill. Simply put, the body was not supposed to produce foreign proteins (as Dr. Ryan Cole has so astutely pointed out) & the lipid nano-particles are themselves, dangerous. They are highly inflammatory & cationic & cross the blood brain barrier, as well as the placental barrier. They are a recipe for disaster. Keep in mind too, that inflammation is a driver of cancer.

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Wow! You nailed it. The modRNA platform is now the gold standard for the future of injectable vaccines. NO ONE in a position of authority is stopping this anti-health paradigm. The only hope is that individuals will refuse to be bamboozled by fear, coercion, mandates, and baleful medicine.

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Best way to start is to correctly identify them as mRNA TRANSFECTIONS decades old failed replacement for chemo that has less than 1% of toxins delivered to the desired location & inventor of LNP Pieter Cullis explained w commentary @ 43 or 53 going by memory lol.. Nobel speech deconstructed to real people biology lessons by brilliant teacher Jay Couey last year Study Hall session <3


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Re "the body was not supposed to produce foreign proteins"

Indeed, and the same applies to plants. GM crops are those that have been genetic engineered to produce one or a few (generally bacterial-origin) proteins. No GM plant is better than its parents, typically shorter, more prone to disease.

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True but why let a lifetime of failure derail a perfect privatizing scheme & expanded population wide GMO trials that began with Monsanto believes & morphed to Rockefeller Gates WHO know better than we lab rats how their gene experiments benefit us and manifest cash cows for the visionaries!


Biotechnology Consultation Memorandum of Conference BNF No. 000001

September 19, 1994

Wholesomeness Studies

Monsanto described the results of wholesomeness studies they carried out in rats, chickens, catfish, dairy cattle, and bobwhite quail. On the basis of their consideration of the totality of these studies, Monsanto has concluded that there is no significant difference in the wholesomeness of glyphosate-tolerant and traditional soybean varieties, as expected from their compositional analysis. These data are summarized on page 49 of Monsanto's September 2 submission.


Monsanto has concluded, in essence, that the glyphosate-tolerant soybean variety they have developed is not significantly altered within the meaning of 21 CFR 170.30(f)(2) when compared to soybean varieties with a history of safe use. At this time, based on Monsanto's description of its data and analysis, the agency considers Monsanto's consultation on this product to be complete.

F. Owen Fields, Ph.D.

Page Last Updated: 06/18/2009

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Regulation? "According to Monsanto".

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This quote should be plastered everywhere:

“Thank God this new generation of mRNA vaccines don’t work against respiratory viruses. If they DID work, we would experience a new respiratory virus coming out of a lab somewhere in the world every year or so, because the money—paid by the state—is just too good for the vaccine cartel to pass up.”

Thank you for sharing.

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It’s hard not to be in constant state of fear with a daily diet of “dissonance” reading lays out the plans of the globalists. no more can america come to the rescue as america has been compromised.

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One must understand that saving our miserable skins is not the most important thing, rather following our conscience irregardless of the personal consequences.

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Thank you and glad you had a fruitful visit to good old Vienna. In March 2020, my best friend in Vienna (where I lived 11 years in the '70's and '80's) sent me a video of Wolfgang Wodarg calling foul on the burgeoning Covid mass hysteria, which I immensely appreciated. Meantime, sadly most of my other Viennese friends had drunk the kool-aid and succumbed to the fear-mongering. But those massive demonstrations in 2022 were powerful, and I was able to travel to Vienna in the summer of that year 'ohne Impfung' (without vax). Props to those who had the guts to speak out against the insanity!

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No need for redundancy.

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Nothing to do with Austria, but the bishops and religious leaders never should have allowed politicians to shut down our churches. The religious leaders should have insisted on doing the closures on their own. Cardinal Dolan in NYC should have told Andrew Cuomo to butt out and that he would make his own rules. Little doubt that the cardinal would have closed the churches also

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Not a peep outta the pope on that home town lil Italian girl being assaulted at the Paris Olympics. I am more repulsed by the world’s religious leaders responses during the plandemic than the politicians. Perhaps one expects a modicum of strength and integrity more from those who are supposed to protect humanity’s souls. 🤷‍♀️

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There were this religious leaders who did resist, on particular in Canada was arrested and fined and jailed. There were some in US who refused to comply but that was censored by media. Seems to me we have to stay together and not comply even if the sanctuaries are closed.

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When the government controls the media we have fascism

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I gather the new-techno-totalitarians have a lot of data on the 'religious leaders'. Nothing is private. Trump's supposed shooter's phone has been sent to Israel to be decrypted.

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American, and Californian, Pastor John MacArthur stood firm with his associates and the congregation and refused to close his large church north-east of Los Angeles; tense moments ensued but they prevailed.

Court battles, closing off the parking lot, you get the drill.

I remain very proud of him and his church for the stance they took.

I can, while on the topic, refer you to a recently (2023) published book titled Resisting the Dragon's Beast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_85JQkfwPmo&t=56s

I followed along with the Podcast of this book last fall and winter; and at that time my searches on you YT came up with many "hits." Not so much today; something weird is underfoot. I wouldn't tarry in accessing the book as a Podcast if that is your interest.

JSYK -- just so you know, I purchase from non-Amazon distributors, B&N for example, Thriftbooks also

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No doubt, NO doubt, their tax exempt status was threatened. And rhetorically threatened as anti-community as well, eg, "the [name] church is spreading covid".

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Fear and loathing of unvaccinated was used much like anti-semitism had been used in 1938, to curtail and coerce the population. Finally raw courage and the obvious fallacy of these rushed to production vaccines lead to an overturn of government corruption. I applaud this well written article and thank the author.

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"No Green Pass" no entry.

Not only in Austria though...

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"In an atmosphere of fear and propaganda, the majority of people instantly become astonishingly unquestioning and compliant. " - Totally predictable. The Substack author "bad catitude" put up this VENN diagram and I've added the explanations.


I doubt human nature will change much so they will try this again and again until they are stopped. They are stopped by people saying "NO" and standing their ground come hell or high water. Even after the last 4+ years the majority will still go along with it.

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Terrible! Thank you for the hugely useful venn diagram.

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big time favorite el gato <3

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