Have you ever heard of Dr. Judy Mikovits? Fauci and the DOJ attempted to destroy her. She was arrested and jailed with no charges. She was under a gag order for 5 years. To this day the DOJ has sealed her case and her lawyers can't even look at it. She exposed fauci and the biggest cover up surrounding HIV. Dr. Robert Redfield was part of it. Millions of our tax dollars paid for silence. Unbelievable...I'm not surprised, after everything I have learned about this evil and corrupt system.

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Read her book "Plaque of Corruption" which unfolds the Pharma fraud regarding vaccines from a long time ago. I first read this book when the pandemic got started and it tells you all you need to know to realize this pandemic was just more fraud on a much larger scale. She is a brilliant scientist that uncovered the truth and then the government ruined her life because of it.

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With an excellent foreword by RFKjr!

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If you remain a believer in vaccine orthodoxy, I suggest you read Turtles All The Way Down by Anonymous. The subtitle of the book is ‘Vaccine Science and Myth’. Interestingly the book was published in 2019, before the topic became a hotbed for obvious reasons. The author(s), possibly and apparently more than one, remain well cloaked in public circles and are known to be Israeli science/medical professionals. The book traces the history of vaccines(prior to Covid), adeptly tees up the science behind them and, with a cool head and lots of investigative capital and facts, razes the edifice. Chapter 2 alone is worth the price of the book. If you were a dog and could read, the hair on the back of your neck would be sticking straight up well before you put the book down.

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A must read

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I accidentally bought the novel on Amazon… make sure it’s by Anonymous.

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I hate Amazon, wish you could buy it somewhere else.

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Saw it last night at the Angelika - very well done! I didn't know the story so it was very enlightening. Peter did a great job during Q&A - especially in regards to "vaccines as a form of religous orthodoxy". John - we met at the Brugge's way back when your/peter's book came out. A delightful evening.

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Glad to see DeNiro didn’t have it banned!

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Planning to see this July 10th at our local Regal Cinema in Boise.

Thank you for the link to check for film availability!

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I juist emailed by son who has 6 and 3 years old. I suggested if he and his wife are looking for a movie to see this is one not to miss.

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Good luck Fred.

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Andrew Wakefield, along with a ton of articles which were photocopied and shipped to me by a friend who knew I was pregnant, my chiropractor, and the book by Dr. Ghislaine Lanctot, saved my unborn (only) child from "childhood vaccines".

Unfortunately: he is now 27, and is vaccine injured, thanks to Dr. Bonnie Henry (BC's Covid Czarina) Justin Turd-Eau's "mandates", and peer pressure.

He simply refused to read anything I sent, or listen to anything I was saying. (And am still saying.)

He wanted his "liberty" to go to the gym, see a movie, go to a concert, or pub, or restaurant, and board a plane, train or ship, "restored" to him...

My son no longer goes to the gym. He takes 5 drugs. Doesn't have the energy to do much at all except sit alone, at home

playing video games, online, with friends he rarely communicates with, in person.

He sometimes cannot go to work. He is losing his vision. He is a Support Worker for extremely mentally and physically disabled individuals.

He is losing his ability to earn an income.

He is disabled.

My heart breaks for my formerly healthy young man who got bad advice from people.


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I’m so sad for you and your son. It broke my heart and you both are not alone in this horrid evil thing that was foisted on the populations of the world. I hope those working on trying to figure out if there is a way to reverse the injuries they find one.

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Thanks for your comment.

Am working on it too. Researching day and night.

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I know FLCC has some protocol that’s pretty recent for getting spike protein out of system. I didn’t read the whole protocol so no real opinion. Dr. McCullough is working on some stuff too, I think.

I try to follow for my injured friends and to stay up to date as much as possible. For myself and hubby we didn’t take it. I do daily prophylaxis since shedding is real. My kids and grands got jabbed. So far they seem OK. It’s the future that’s the take take test. Like I said, I’m sad for you and everyone injured.

I got banned from a couple professional journals due to my oppositional stance in 2021. If I had not retired in 2018 m sure I would have been fired from the Hospital I worked for 37 years.

Keep the faith though I know it’s hard and I’m putting your son on my prayer list.

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I hear you Charlene.

I walked away from it all in September of '21 when Trudeau and my province's jab czarina brought the hammer down.

No regrets about that though...





PS: Thank you. Keep the faith and hold the line.

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Dr Wakefield is a gastroenterologist who recognized the correlation between gut issues and MMR shots in children and then the autism correlation (see the documentary movie Vaxxed). The book Dissolving Illusions by Suzanne Humphries and Roman Bystrianyk) examines the possibility of misinterpretation that vaccines reduce transmission of disease vs other factors, cleanliness for example. These sources as well as many others point towards questioning all vaccines for safety and “effectiveness”. Recently, the 9th Circuit in California decided that teachers in the California school system are allowed to bring forward their suit against the covid jab mandate. It was decided that the covid shot was not proven to reduce transmission and therefore the mandate does not stand under the protection of Jacobson v Massachusetts in the 1900s (the Supreme Court decided then that Jacobson had to pay the $5 fine for not complying with the small pox vaccine), ie the covid jab is NOT A VACCINE!

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GATHR is the movie screening company that we used to set up local screenings of VAXXED. They have "Protocol 7" on their list so anyone can set up a screening in your local theaters. It's pretty easy to set up. You have to get a quota (35 or so I think) of tickets sold before the show date to complete the deal. If you fall short of the quota, everybody gets their ticket money refunded. It's a great way to be of service and Lord knows the planet needs the appointment.

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They won’t give up: Moderna Combination Shot Outperforms Standalone Flu, Covid-19 Jabshttps://www.barrons.com/articles/moderna-combination-covid-vaccine-931f37a9?st=cs3cbbilpwidcsc

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It outperforms in "non-inferiority." "By definition, a non-inferiority trial aims to demonstrate that the test product is not worse than the comparator by more than a small pre-specified amount. This amount is known as the non-inferiority margin, or delta."

Fool us once, MurdeRNA,,shame on you; fool us twice? Nah. That would be a shame we will not endure again. Do Not Comply.

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I would include the utter destruction of Peter Duesberg in that constellation of truth tellers. A movie

of him would be one for the ages too.

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Thank you John, just when I think there isn't hope. I will be seeing this movie. It will be the first going to the movies will be worth the money.

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I''l have to see it, when it comes out on non-pay-per-view TV/

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Thank you John. I'll be looking forward to seeing this movie.

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I was an expert advisor on the Opiod case. I am a physical chemist but have ageneral interest in scientific dishonesty. The lawyers I worked for obtained a big settlement. The reason was Purdue knew long before it became published in 2010 or so that the pills caused congenital malformation in offspring. But they supplied rabbit and rat data to the FDA that showed no effects in offspring. However, when i looked at the studies, there were indeed no congenital effects. But that was inpossible, since in those species, I discovered, there was always a background rate (as there is in humans) of congenital effects like the usual, in particular heart defects. So the report that there were no effects could be shown statistically to be impossible. Check Mate. It is what I do: I go after the false science. In fact nowadays it is all false science. Scientists are paid to find what the polluters and big companies need to continue making money at the expense of dead babies. I have had enough of this.

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Unfortunately, pediatric practices stand to lose MILLIONS if they don't push the "vaccines" on their young, innocent patients... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/millions-for-murder-inside-the-lucrative?r=8ypo0&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true&triedRedirect=true

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Can't these pediatricians earn money a legitimate way?

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The trailer looks superb. There are some great acting skills on display. The plot looks tantalising

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