Our fellow colleagues must wake up

For this tragedy generated by these injections. As an MD, I can’t get used to the lack of humanism and morality of the majority of doctors. How can’t they see the dark reality forming under their eyes? How can’t they fight for their patients? How can they keep on recommending an untested genetic poison? We must have faith, courage and energy to keep on fighting. Thanks for bringing the truth.

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When I asked my surgeon if I could donate my own blood in case I needed a transfusion during a hip replacement, he said, “We don’t do that here,” and he changed the subject and dismissed my concerns. Am I supposed to think he’s totally ignorant to what’s going on with the jab? He wasn’t even willing to discuss it with me in my one and only maybe half-hour first visit to get a major surgery. By the way, when I called to ask to speak to him about questions I had about the surgery, I was told to e-mail the questions. It’s so disheartening, but I’ve decided to postpone my surgery. I was told before I moved to Northern Georgia that the medical care was top notch. That may be the case, but for me, it’s been hell on earth. It feels like socialized medicine has arrived, too. I’m still waiting to meet a doctor like the ones I read about and listen to online who cares, who prescribes therapeutics like HCQ and Ivermectin, who believes in the Hippocratic Oath. If only they knew. Scared Americans just trying to survive what’s been unleashed on us by tyrants, getting scammed online, paying outrageous amounts of money for therapeutics they can find online, not knowing who to trust, and waiting, waiting, waiting for someone, anyone to stop the madness. People are hurting because they or their family members have been injured by the jab - I refuse to call it a vaccine - and they’re desperate for answers, help from anyone, and in many cases, they’re getting nowhere. I just want to survive the injustice of it all.

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It's going on everywhere. I moved to Florida and the corporate hospitals are no-go zones for any sane person. I just read an excellent article this morning in "The Austrian" magazine titled "The Free market Medical Revolution". You can read/download it here:


There is an amazing privately owned hospital (40 doctors) in Oklahoma City ( I know it's not Georgia but please bear with me ) Their web site is: www.surgeryCenterOK.com Due to free market principles, the costs for surgery is much less than you would pay at a corporate hospital. Obama "care" completely destroyed the free-market system; they are using hospitals to overcharge people - totally criminal. For example, a hip replacement there is listed as $ 17, 579. I do not know how that compares to where you are. The magazine's web site is:


I had knee surgery in Texas a few years back, a meniscus tear - I got an MRI for $ 275 and the entire procedure was about $ 5000. Done by the same guys that work on the San Antonio Spurs Pro basketball players.

My answer to your question is yes, your "doctor" is clueless and is part of the group of people in the mass formation, basically hypnotized, who will NEVER associate the gene-therapy trash with death and injury. ( See Matias Desmet's book on Totalitarianism )

A new service has started, doing exactly what you are seeking - blood banks that cater to un-jabbed patients. Here is an article in The Epoch Times:


I hope this info helps! May God bless you and guide you.


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Thanks for the sites! I read the mises.org site just now, and it actually made my head spin. What these doctors are doing is amazing, and I’m going to check into it, call them. I canceled my hip surgery, and it made me feel hopeful. Reading it just made me so sad because it was just another reminder what the political mafia and even presidents have done to us. My head actually feels like it’s going to explode when I see what a pathetic job they’ve done and how broken and corrupt everything is. That part about primary care docs getting bonuses and points for referrals resulting in surgery blew my mind. That Dr. Evil Woman I was telling you about who treated me like crap had this amazing change in attitude when I had my next office visit, and I couldn’t figure out why, why the smiles all of a sudden, actually acted like a human being, and after reading the article, I realized it was the letter she got from my surgeon saying he looked forward to working with her and told her about my surgeries. I’m no longer with her, but the resident I’m seeing realizes what an incompetent doc she is and doesn’t want to get involved. I didn’t say anything, but she knew. I even asked for another Vitamin B-12 test, and she put in the record I requested it. The only reason I went to her in the first place is because I wanted to see a P.A. Or FNP, didn’t care if I saw another doctor, but I think I may have found a P.A. I’m just going to do what I have to do and move on. I want out of their system. I’m looking for better. I look forward to reading the next site you listed re unvaxxed blood, and I can’t thank you enough for sharing. Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

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Thank you. Have a very Merry Christmas! Peace.

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Find a new orthopedic surgeon and blood center to bank your blood. Good surgery will not require blood transfusion unless you have a bleeding/clotting disorder.

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He told me that I most likely wouldn’t need a transfusion, but I didn’t trust him, so I looked it up online, and it’s true, but I still don’t trust him. What if he gives me one anyway to charge more? Hospitals are all about making money. I’m canceling my surgery anyway. Hopefully, things will change, but if not, I’m looking for alternatives.

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I taught a course to first year med students on integrative medicine for a few years. On the first day of each session I asked the students why they were in med school. Approximately 2/3 of them gave money as the predominant reason. Helping people was secondary. That general percentage didn’t change over the 3 years I taught the class. That might be an answer to your quandary.

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Why doesn’t that surprise me? My first experience with my GP was horrible. I’ve never in my life had such a bad doctor, and her mean girl nurses were also no treat. (I was never so stressed out before dealing with a doctor.). She wouldn’t discuss any results of my tests with me. Everything was done through My Chart. I had to make up a stomach problem so I could discuss my blood results that were flagged to try to get more testing because I could tell something wasn’t right. My Neutrophil count was high, but my Vitamin B results were off the chart: Standard Range, 193-986, and my value was 2,000 pg/ML. She wrote in my chart next to result: probably because of B12 injection. I reminded her that my chart states I take a liquid form, so she told me to take it every other day, my blood work, liver and kidneys were fine. She was ready to leave the room, and I said what about my stomach, so she checked my stomach and ordered a CT scan. There was a problem with my kidney and liver, but she never discussed the results w/me, so I looked it up online like I did my B12 results, and what I found about my B12 wasn’t good, cancer a possibility for one. I just got a new doctor - well, a resident - and she can’t be any worse than what I had, and she has a doctor overseeing her work. I didn’t say anything about my previous doctor because that never helps, but she knew. I asked for new bloodwork, and I’m hoping she’ll discuss the results of that and my MRI and Ultra Sound coming up. I read doctors kill 15,000 patients a month because of misdiagnosis and the wrong meds. I don’t know if that’s true, but I wouldn’t doubt it.

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Medical malpractice is the THIRD leading cause of death in the USA - and we spend the most money on "healthcare". Here's a Florida example of what you just described - call it medical or general incompetence. Over 20 years ago, I had melanoma - it was treated by removing a mole from my back via surgery - no subsequent problems. (It was stage 2+) fast forward to a "skin check" appointment in Florida a couple of years ago. The PA who scanned me found something on my back. She immediately said "it's cancer". I said, "you mean, its basil-cell or questionable", knowing that most excisions and subsequent analysis show that the lesion or mole is harmless - she replied "no, it's definitely cancer - we will send it out to verify that it is cancer". I replied saying OK - knowing that she was 100% wrong and was inexperienced - I went home and did not even tell my wife, on purpose, so she would not get upset. 2 weeks later the report comes in - it was a "skin tag" - harmless. 98% of doctors today are "doctors" - they are indoctrinated idiots. Most skin checks are done for monetary reasons - not health. Avoiding the SUN is the WORST thing you can do to avoid skin cancer - these "doctors" are idiots: https://southsidemessenger.com/bonhoeffer-on-stupidity-entire-quote/


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I bet a lot of us have stories to tell. I don’t know what medical school my last GP attended, but I was thinking maybe WalMart School of Medicine. When I was younger, my sister had thyroid cancer, and I developed nodules on both sides of my thyroid, so after surgery, the surgeon said he removed the nodule on the left side, and I said what about the right side? He turned white. Well, I ended up having to get radioactive iodine treatment to supposedly take care of it. Who knows if it did. I’m starting to think it’s mostly the elites who want all of us dead through depopulation who get the best treatment and live to be 100. So many things broken in our country. It’s amazing what a bunch of criminal thugs on The Hill can do to destroy a country.

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Well, this is all why I studied alternative medicine. I had my own run ins. Used the methods to cure myself and get myself on a better lifestyle track. Then reached out to others and into a 30-yr career before retiring. One of the things alternative medicine teaches us is that WE are responsible for our health and not others. A doc really should be someone to consult when whatever you’ve been doing to help yourself doesn’t work or you need to fine tune a diagnosis. Or need help with something mechanical. We need to learn to take responsibility for our health. That means learning how and what to eat; learning about toxins in our food, water and air and what to do to mitigate; learning about other forms of medicine and trying those out until you find a form or 3 that works for you. All of that is YOUR job. And because we have relegated that to someone else who doesn’t have the time or, apparently, the interest to do all of that for you, we are getting sicker and also losing our freedoms of choice. Once you give responsibility for your life away, it’s tough to get it back. I’ve been teaching that bit of philosophy as well for a long time. We must stop elevating authority to some pedastle that we almost worship. Once we take back our responsibilities, authorities will have no hold on us. A doc should be a caring, nurturing person trained in some good foundations of healing and then available for consultation with as educated a patient as possible who contributes to their own healing and wellbeing. They won’t make the obscene amounts of money that way but the proper healers will be attracted to the field for better reasons. Maybe.

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I’m just playing ball and moving on as soon as I can. I have always tried to do healthy things, and it’s certainly an uphill battle. I know most of us have a toxic water supply, contaminated with God knows what if they’re not maintaining them, and let’s talk about why Europe banned fluoride years ago, but we’re still using it, so I don’t drink tap water, but our “good” water comes in plastic bottles that leak toxins, so there you go. Corporations own our Rats, so they turn a blind eye to their poisoning us. I just try and do the best I can. Our food supply seems to have already gone down, and I can’t even eat the meat/chix from Publix and have to go to a butcher now. There are so many things that harm us out there that we all have to do our best for now. That’s all we can do, and I’m sure you’ll agree with that. Hopefully, when we put a stop to the lobbying, things will get better.

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Wow. That's shocking. I don't understand the mindset - I think it's plain old stupidity. Peace.

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Wow. Ugly.

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At the time, to me it was just sad. But “ugly” is not a bad word since ugly is what we have, now, as a result. When your prime motivator is money you will tend to do what you are told in order to keep getting it. Vs what is right.

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I agree. The pursuit of money at all costs is horrible. It's definitely flawed thinking; I don't find a lot of people using critical-thinking skills today. The "colleges" today are indoctrination centers for marxism. Another way to look at it is: https://southsidemessenger.com/bonhoeffer-on-stupidity-entire-quote/


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I haven't had a face to face with my GP since early 2020. Phone appointments only and if she's convinced it's necessary, you can book a second appointment to come to the clinic. Every clinic in my area is still plastered with signs telling you to stay outside, mask, distance, get jabbed, control the spread, etc. I've completely lost what little respect I had for medical personnel. They should have been leading the way through. There is no faith, no courage, and certainly no desire to heal in that industry.

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I was doing telemedicine for the last couple of years or so, but I let my health go because I just wanted my prescriptions filled because I didn’t trust them either. I finally had to take care of some things, but it’s all been very disappointing. I’m longing to have a good doctor. I don’t even know if that’s possible anymore. I got a new doctor after my first nightmare experience, and they all work in the same system, so I feel like they cover for each other’s incompetence. I have to find a doctor and hospital that allow us to donate our own blood if that’s possible. It’s on my list of how to save myself from the medical tyrants. I only respect the doctors I know online who are fighting the good fight.

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There are very good Naturopaths and DOs out there. You might look into those and also see if a parallel medical system is forming in your area. Core Health is one company. I think there is another one as well.

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I can’t tell you what a great feeling it is to have people sharing such important information. I really appreciate it.

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If there had been a substack when I was younger and in practice…….I did my best educating people and reaching out to them. And I have continued to watch the horrors grow - learning waay more than I wanted. I guess when I retired I thought I could rest from my labors and turn to the hobbies I’d always wanted to pursue. Little did I know those hobbies might, now, be needed to survive.

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I’m learning way more than I want to also. So sad...

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"The very high yield of post-vaccination autopsy should spur families and physicians to push for post-mortem exams so we can learn more on how this medical procedure is leading to such a large loss of human life."

With all due respect Dr. McCullough these murders should "spur families" to present themselves to the places where their loved ones were murdered and with murderous rage demand the murderers be charged or else... I've lost six friends and acquaintances to the Poison Prick. A seventh was murdered in a hospital because they refused to give her her inhaler to treat her asthma because they claimed she had COVID.


For the love of God and all that's holy wake up. When people are actively trying to kill you you don't blow them kisses. You can't negotiate with people that want you dead. You raise bloody hell at the pharmacy's and Walmarts and Walgreen's where these people where murdered. These are crime scenes. And should be treated as such.

My good friend Alan has a good friend Dr. Micheal from New York. One evening a few months back Alan set up a call with Dr. Micheal. Alan wanted to hear Dr. Micheal's response to my logical arguments against the Poison Prick. Despite my very convincing and scientifically sound principles regarding natural immunity, having already had the little man made bug and beat it with zinc, quercitin, VD3, aspirin and my budesonide inhaler, Dr. Micheal instead insisted I should take the Poison Prick. Dr. Micheal took a booster a few days after that conversation was dead from a heart attack within two weeks. Last night at my local AA meeting a young man stood at the podium and explained he's having a difficult time because his mother just had a stroke. I hear these types of stories almost daily. This one died unexpectedly. That one is having problems controlling their diabetes. Another one is now seeing an oncologist for breast cancer, in the breast on the side she was forced to take the Poison Prick for her job. Another one lost sight in one eye... On and on it goes.

I try to educate these people and they right me off as a loon. A "conspiracy theorist"". Then they end up in ICU for a week if they're lucky being told they "caught COVID"! They didn't "Catch" anything. It's in the needles!

It kills randomly and intermittently and It's going to go on killing people putting just enough time and space between the murderers and the murdered to create doubt in the minds of the surviving victims. This is what holds the pitch forks at bay. I confronted my pharmacy. I told them point blank if they continue to put this Poison in people's arms then your a murder and can't hide behind I was only following orders. But I'm not a doctor. If doctors en masse presented to these injection sites and raised holy hell, perhaps this would finally stop. What we're doing now, flapping our gums on podcast's and writing pieces on substacks hasn't stopped it. It's only emboldened them to continue by putting this Poison in the childhood vaccine schedule!

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Everyone feels the outrage. Dr. Peter McCullough wields his brain and his words stronger than any pitchfork or martial artists kick, so much so he is banned everywhere and he is the #1 person that Twitter folks keep asking for to be restored as an account among the 11,200 persons suspended for speaking truth to COVID. Since the amnesty vote there to bring them all back 8 days ago, McCullough trends every day with top # of impressions, sometimes hitting 45,000 or so. So he has dared to be dangerous to the status quo. So many more doctors, scientists, families, activists are flooding that space with information long suppressed. It is remarkable to see. That is already making a big difference, especially to backing down the fake captured medical spokesliars, the corrupted journalists and all of the manufactured propaganda machine. It is breaking down.

Keep up the good work with people you know.

Oddly there is treatment for these respiratory diseases, but I am worried there will never be an effective intervention or antidote for the brainwashing.

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I'm one of many suspended. Mine was prior to COVID for questioning what cis meant.

I don't question Dr. McCullough's fortitude or integrity. I question those directly impacted by losses of family members. If they'd killed my wife or son I promise you you be reading about me in the news. I have been able to educate my clan and keep them safe thus far but of friends and acquaintances I've not been as successful. I promise you I won't stop trying to shake these people to action.

It easier to fool someone than to convince them they've been fooled.

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I'm totally with you. Seeing and hearing these things, so much demise in many different forms, nearly daily. In a PCP office and been begging folks to not get jabbed from the beginning. Most have stopped on their own, they 'feel off' or are 'always tired' or 'just keep getting sick' or are 'falling apart' and suspect it at least or 100% blame it sometimes. Am constantly re-wiring ppls info vs disinfo thoughts. It is exhausting sometimes.

I've told many ppl to go to hospital administrators and CFOs and chiefs of medicine.. they are totally guilty or totally blinded and until they are made to face reality they'll keep permitting murderous oblivion. I know of unjabbed hospital employees who were required to wear a yellow star, no kidding. It is history repeating even while being rewritten.

To tell truth, get it out of my brain, and to honor the fallen and harmed I wrote Gasoline -Observations After New Covid Inoculations on amazon books here:


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I'm a combat veteran. When we in a veteran setting, have an organized dinner of any kind but especially a holiday dinner we set a place for a soldier no longer with us.

Thank you for that recommendation. I think it's a good one.

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Thank you. Thank you in so many ways. Thank you.

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Dec 4, 2022
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I think a lot of people are going about their lives, don’t spend any time online or on social media, and some - not so many now - are watching fake news. I had no idea what was going on even in 2015 like many others. All I knew was nothing ever got better under Hussein. Housing prices stayed the same, no raises, 401(k)s just kept getting worse and worse. What bothers me is, when I did realize what was happening to our country in 2016 - the beginning of my redpill journey - I told my best friend that she better fight for her children because we’re about to lose our country, and she said she was scared to even watch the news and didn’t ask me to explain it any further, so if saving your children from a life of communism isn’t enough to make you do anything, go on living your happy life without a care in the world. That’s okay. Let the rest of us take care of it. There will always be those kinds of people. I find that worse than people who were deceived by the media and the Rats on The Hill, who just trusted the wrong people like I did most of my life.

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Dec 4, 2022
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Good advice! You’re a positive soul. She knows I was involved in attending peaceful protests, and I think that scared her. She’s thinking if she lays low, she’ll be safe, but I’ve got news. After they come for me, they’re coming for her. None of us will be safe. There are people out there taking the slings and arrows for us, and they will always have my unconditional love and loyalty. The storm is upon us, and I’m ready. I love my country, and “I’d rather live on my feet than die on my knees.” I’m with you 100%! If people want to feel joy, they need to attend rallies, anywhere they can be around like-minded people. The energy is electric, and there’s so much excitement, and you’ll see friends everywhere. There’s no other feeling like it.

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Dec 4, 2022
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That’s all the Rats on The Hill care about - numbers. Pro-life marches are massive, so they really pay attention to those. Earlier on, our crowds weren’t that great. I think Antifa did their job and intimidated a lot of people. I was at a March - that turned out to b a rally on the Capitol steps in PA, and An-ti-fa was there, but luckily they were across the street, and there were barricades and police between us, and the bikers showed up to guard a side street, so they couldn’t get to us, and they had to make the news, so one witch used a stick w/a nail in it at the end of the rally to hit a horse a policeman was riding. Their goal was to keep Patriots from attending anything they were opposed to. Every event I ever attended, we had security of some kind, and they were all peaceful, except for the stray person walking by here and there to tell us to “F” off. They didn’t usually show up when there was security. I attended the Walkaway march in D.C. to support those who walked away from their party, and there were about 5k there. The 4th of July when POTUS45 was in office was amazing. The crowd was massive. The J6 crowd was the biggest I’d ever seen. I’m digressing, but I have to say this. Contrary to the Deep State and fake news media narrative - basically trying to replace POTUS45 with DeSantis - there was a Red Wave! Why isn’t anyone showing us it didn’t happen? Why is everyone failing to bring up the massive election fraud and cheating? Oh, it was different this time - honest and fair primaries. Tommy Tuberville, RINO Senator from Alabama: “The Republicans voted for the Dems.” Yeah, and I eat rocks for breakfast. Do you think Fetterman won because we didn’t show up? Why did Oz concede so fast? Oh, that’s right. We don’t want anyone looking into this stolen election. People, please remember who showed you who they are. Believe them. Don’t fall so quickly for DeSantis. I was always worried he could be Deep State Plan F, and when the likes of Paul Ryan and other Rats started backing him, the flags went up. Why are no other governors doing what he’s doing if he’s such a shining example? Instead of shipping invaders up north to disperse them in other parts of the country, try E-Verify, Voter I.D. Short and pithy, that’s me!😁. I better stop. I could go on and on...

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100%. Money, power and riches are false idols. If you put anything in your life before God, you are sinning and worshiping false idols. It's the first commandment.

“Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

“This is the first and great commandment.

“And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

“On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets” (Matt. 22:37–40; see also Gal. 5:14).


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I agree. I tell you what I wish they would have done with our money instead of stealing it for themselves is better hospitals, schools, infrastructure, care for veterans, elderly, and the poor. This should be the best country in the world, and no one should have to suffer unnecessarily. The streets should be clean, no homeless living on the streets, mental healthcare facilities, the elderly and veterans, or no one for that matter, should have to live in squalor, and we need programs to help people better themselves in life, give them a fighting chance. Just think of what we could have done with the trillions that were stolen from us. We live in what’s becoming more and more every day a communist country, and we don’t have a choice about what they do with our money. There’s no transparency or accountability. Things have got to change!

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Currently I have a cold. (Unja**ed). It’s been five days now. Last Dec when I had Omicron it was over in five days and moderate. Now the worst congestion has occurred tonight when stuffiness and drainage interrupted sleep persistently. I am 64 yo with no health issues & normal weight. What I am really wondering about is the govt sent free 4 tests w/swabs earlier this year. Not recalling the word out was don't use them bc of the “hydrogel” which is not good stuff and can go to the brain, I forgot and used one the night before out of curiosity if I had Covid. I’m wondering if that is why my cold symptoms are worse today? Also, wondering if there is a way to reverse the possible side effects from the hydrogel? Or even if it’s really true the hydrogel is dangerous? Really, I thought my cold was about over prior to using the test and now it seems worse.

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If you got it from the Govt I would not put it past them to put the virus into it to spread it...there is a total desire on the Govt to keep the spreading of ill health and keeping this “emergency going”....they never will give up this designation.

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My first visit to my primary care, I was asked if I’d had any type of symptoms before my visit, and I said my allergies, sneezing, runny, itchy eyes, occasional cough - the ragweed was out of control - and after waiting three months for the appointment, I was told to go out to the parking lot and speak to the doctor by phone. She wanted me to take a COVID test and recommended Paxlovid - which, if I remember correctly, Dr. Fakie recommended - if it was positive. First of all, I’m not taking a test because I have allergies, and I like you have heard and read the same. I made the mistake of taking a COVID test too that I ordered online, and I worry about whether it could have caused problems. If you’ve exhausted all your resources, I know Dr. McCullough’s has a site, twc.health, and you can check it out to see if it’s affordable to you, because I’m sure all the doctors there on on the side of good, and, also, Dr. Jane Ruby has a show on stewpeters.com you can subscribe to, and I believe you may be able to contact her, and I think she does Q&A sessions.

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Dec 4, 2022
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Dec 4, 2022
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Great idea! I will try again using sputum or actually blowing my nose and using that on the swabs. (Sorry for the grossness). Though wondering does it matter bc if the tests are based on PCR tech, its more or less useless anyways? I do think I recall hearing that PCR wasn’t being used since Jan. 2022 bc they finally admitted its flaws, but don’t know what they are using now instead?

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I did try. Both times negative result. What was strange about this bout of cold was very little outward symptoms for first 4 days. It was mostly a feeling of head conjection, sore throat (moreso at first), some nausea and fatigue. Finally, more nasal & drainage by the 4-6 days. And now I have a persistent sort of dry cough or feeling I need to often cough to clear my dry throat. Strange I talked to a guy and he experienced his cold the same with a delay in the drainage occurring. Meanwhile a friend said today who works in a Pediatric clinic is overwhelmingly busy. Lots of children are being sent to the hospital too! 😢

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Dec 6, 2022
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Dec 6, 2022
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Dec 6, 2022
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What I did is blow my nose into a tissue. Wiped the fluid into the receptacle. Now it’s possible there was contamination from the tissue I suppose and got a false positive?? But I’m unj@**ed so guessing it wasn’t covid. Though, like were not most covid false positive anyhow due to the cycles being increased so high crazy high that almost anything that showed could be falsely called covid🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️. My head is still spinning from all this!!

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nothing to see right. just a coincidence. When will they wake up? Unfortunately many are but are afraid to say anything

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There is little question that if the Eds/CDC had the least interest in trying to understand these vaccine deaths they would have a fund to do forensic autopsy on these victims...BUT THEY DON’T. There is ZERO interest to explain these vaccine deaths...they do not want to know why kids and adults expire in front of our eyes or simply do not wake up!

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It would be interesting to know how many people in the area were vaccinated in this period, resulting in 25 deaths, and also how many other serious injuries, short of death, occurred.

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I’m so sorry about the loss of your friends. It’s difficult when you live in a communist country to defend and fix all the wrongs. Some people are trying, but it’s like trying to pull teeth. Until we have leadership interested in saving our country and fixing everything that’s broken, it’s going to be an uphill climb. I don’t like the fact that Ch-eye-na is producing our meds, first of all, because they are a communist country whose leaders have admitted their goal of ruling the world, and their quality control is worse than ours, and when I told the pharmacist I didn’t want any meds from China, I was basically dismissed and told they have no control, they get their meds from different manufacturers. Most of us don’t know what do do. Should I email my reps who are in bed with them? I don’t have the answers. In the meantime, we should keep fighting the good fight, never give up, and never surrender. Justice is coming, just not as quickly as we’d like.

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I ordered the test I got because I misread it and thought it was made in America - like that’s safer - and when I got it, I found out it was processed in CA but manufactured in Ch-eye-na, but our government, Ch-eye-na, what’s the difference. I feel like they’re working together. I am not trusting much when it comes to COVID, the jab, the testing, the swabs. Just read the N95 masks didn’t work, and I was so humiliated when I went to the doctors and had to wear a worthless Kleenex mask??? Very few were even wearing them in public anymore. Does the PCR test work or not? Better to be safe than sorry until we have the honest facts. We really have to be in it to win it since there’s so much fake info out there. We’ve all become master researchers. I love it! I do believe I missed my calling!

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The magnitude of this lie and deception is monumental!I would have never imagined that physicians would be complicit with the murdering and maiming of an untold number of Americans of all ages .Is the country totally lost???? Why isn't a leader organizing walks in every town demanding the government stop the public vaccination? Why have we become sheep going to the slaughter house?

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I am unclear from this report if the 15 cases who had another cause of death on the autopsy were studied for histological changes of myocarditis.

That would be important to know.

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It seems the good Dr. isn't aware that states enacted legislation just prior to the covidiot push that setup a state database of all individuals who got the vaccine so that they could perform "well checks" if they didn't respond in timely fashion.

Texas's version of that is here. Read it and weep. Its all engineered.




Sec.A418.301.AADEFINITIONS. In this subchapter:

(1)AA"Commission" means the Health and Human Services


(2)AA"Department" means the Department of State Health


(3)AA"Emergency assistance registry" means the

registry maintained by the division that provides local emergency

planners and emergency responders with additional information on

the needs of certain individuals in their communities.

(4)AA"First responder" means any federal, state, or

local personnel who may respond to a disaster, including:

(A)AApublic health and public safety personnel;

(B)AAcommissioned law enforcement personnel;

(C)AAfire protection personnel, including

volunteer firefighters;

(D)AAemergency medical services personnel,

including hospital emergency facility staff;

(E)AAa member of the National Guard; or

(F)AAa member of the Texas State Guard.

(5)AA"Medically fragile individual" means any

individual who, during a time of disaster or emergency, would be

particularly vulnerable because of a medical condition, including


(A)AAwith Alzheimer ’s disease and other related


(B)AAreceiving dialysis services;

(C)AAwho are diagnosed with a debilitating chronic


(D)AAwho are dependent on oxygen treatment; and

(E)AAwho have medical conditions that require

24-hour supervision from a skilled nurse.


The division shall develop a process for designating individuals

who are included in the emergency assistance registry as medically

fragile for the purposes of this chapter."

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Now I worry. The first Moderna shot was OK, just out of sorts for ~ 2 weeks. The second shot my arm was quite hot. Ah, the vaccine is working, I was told. Just to think in the process my heart might have been compromised. So far, so good a year later. YMMV?

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He said Freeman lobotomized 5,000 and it was done regularly and with little thought. I don’t doubt he feathers his cap, you can now even see a bit of that ego, but on the other hand, it was a barbaric treatment and his work to stop is very worthy of credit in my mind. Since I have family members with mental illness, it would be very sad to see them lobotomized even though they can be extremely difficult to deal with🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️!

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He will not give you a transfusion unless indicted, very unethical behavior.

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It feels weird 'liking'/'loving' this post. I love that you shared it. I hate that you, and we, have to.

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