Now who was the external forces? We need names, rope and filleting knives.

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The answer is in the question???

Who was the actor = WHO!!!!

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.......'but on the political instructions of an external actor!!'


I wonder WHO, no pun intended, or WHAT was behind the decision making process!!??

Further investigation is required.......

Keep up your valuable and revealing efforts Mr Leake.

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Not surprising. The Koch Institute are Germans. Kock invented germ theory. They also spend $1B/year to fund anti-EV propaganda. Drosden who invented the fake PCR test is also German. Klaus Schwab is German. Ursula of the 4th Reich in the EU is German. Rockefeller is German. Pfizer, Moderna & BioNtech are German owned. www.4thReich.com

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The two who invented the Pfizer jabs are Turks.

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No one invented the Pfizer jabs. Bourla was asked "what's in the vaccines"? He says "I don't know", we source the materials from a plethora of suppliers. No one knows whats in any vaccine.

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What is Borla’s background? German?

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He's Jewish. Who cares. He's a CEO that can be fired in 10 seconds. Read up on Hitler's Jewish doctors. Mass murderers need "front men".

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As can Drosten. Who I believe is not Jewish.

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Ursula von der Leyen "Thanks Bourla for working with us "Fascists" in Germany by fast-tracking the vaccine before it was approved (with an EUA) ... and "50% of the Covid vaccines are manufactured in .... Germany..." E.U. Pres. Ursula Von Der Leyen on Pfizer CEO ft VAXX "Untested" & "Never Approved" https://www.bitchute.com/video/dK9aPUT1fnK8/

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Uncalled for hype.

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what a coincidence, kept yelling the same thing at the tv in 2020.

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I think SaHib’s point was the same as mine. Chief Justice is out of order.

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Rid Countries of the WHO, WEF, UN, CDC, FDA, NIH, DARPA, Gates, Royals, Climate BS, Open Borders, funding wars=Money Laundering, China and every other Communist!

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Main thing is private central banks that control governments so they need to go. Gaddaffi was killed because he wanted to produce a Gold Dinar, trade oil in euros and bypass US$ altogether.

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Full transparency is necessary.

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I completely understand the need to turn over every rock to find the insects hiding. A lot of rocks have been turned over and we have found a lot insects. We know there are a lot of insects, do we need to keep turning over rocks to find more, there may never be an end to finding new insects. At some point, we need to find a way to keep the insects out of our homes and lives.

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I never believed a word of their lies. I never masked, never "social distanced" (except when other people distanced themselves from me), and I never took one covid injection. When I felt ill I took aspirin and drank hot lemonade with honey. The best way to keep the "insects" out is to study and learn how they get in. I cut my teeth on 9/11--I became very suspicious of whatever the idiot boxes were saying. I know how they wormed their way in to our societies. They did it with lies. They did it by infecting the institutions we trust. They did it because we wanted to have "christmas with our families".....so many reasons. So little sense. Once you realized once and for all that Arabs flying passenger planes cannot destroy immense 1000" tall buildings made of cement and steel....you know you can't trust a single word they ever say.

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I learned this from some comments on the day of, or the day after Sept 11, by none other than DJT, who knew the steel and cement construction would not buckle as it did, unless it were "forced" to do so... on many levels, literally. Makes me VOMIT.

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Press ON good men ❤️

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And more will continue to be revealed. It is unfortunate that people with schizophrenia can suffer with delusions that people are conspiring against them, when they are not. It is very sad for them. It also has resulted in the conflation of two separate phenomena in the minds of the public. People engaged in the science of politics, who sense hidden agendas and present such possibilities, which is a good thing, have their frameworks dismissed as though they were farfetched and bordering on the delusional, simply because proof had not yet manifested, but which usually does in time, when the theory is well founded.

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So what are you saying exactly???

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That 'conspiracy theories' are viewed by the public as paranoid theories.

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Yes - and the strange thing is even when those “paranoid” theories become provable fact, those same people continue to deny the link, even though they have been personally affected by the so called paranoid theory. Eg dead relatives directly from Covid shot!!!

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It really is viewed as a pejorative label, but the reality is it is neutral, and we need skeptics to ensure we are not being 'taken.' No one has come out to me and said 'you know I was wrong about the mandates, etc....' I guess they didn't do research, they still don't do research, and are just skimming the surface, so of course no outrage, they remain ignorant.

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Not as many members of the public hold that incorrect view as did prior to the Scamdemic. Many more people now understand that the governments of the US and other western countries deceive the public as a matter of practice.

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Interesting, because our massive lockdown in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia was not engineered by public health, but by an international operator.

The vaccine mandates were also not engineered by public health and no-one local has claimed responsibility for them, and it is to be assumed that they were demanded by an international operator as well - was it a requirement in the Pfizer contract? Whoever this international operator was, they were powerful enough to stop a bill in federal parliament that could've protected all Australians from the mandates. Some politicians appeared insane as they argued for mandates.

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A Mr Rockefeller has been fingered for it. And he’s living local in Melbourne.

But to my mind it’s Dan Andrews fault all the way down.

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Dan is off to Israel with Lowy at the moment isn’t he?

Maybe he should do a tour of Rafah while he is there.

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This "hidden destructive influence" model was ubiquitous. Most disturbing was the willingness of the public to go along with the quite obvious hoax. Many people were more than joyful about their newfound ability to exert tyranny over others. The emergence of petty tyrants was disheartening, but perhaps too easy to predict once the social veneer was stripped off and people were given the green light to go all crazy on others. All too often, I found those who were too willing to demand "put on your mask," were surprised when they were met with an appropriate response. Their borrowed power proved no match for someone willing to go loud and forceful in response. If only more people had responded with normal outrage at the bullying, the hoax would have been over very quickly. As it was, too many enjoyed their moment of illegitimate "power." And their subsequent embarrassment has led to a weak, foot-dragging response to the continued threat posed by "destructive hidden influences." In a same world, the redactions do not last more than thirty seconds.

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We can guess, likely accurately, who that "external actor" is, can't we? It is likely Bill Gates or Klaus Schwab, or some other globalist at their behest, the modern-day equivalent of "Fourth Reich" Nazis who are seeking to lock us all down in an entirely dystopian, repressive society with no true liberty(ies) and freedom(s), and who are well on the way to exterminating most of us under their fascist terrorism; that, of course, isn't called the terrorism IT IS. No, being called such is reserved for real truthtellers and true non-violent freedom fighters, as this is "the new 'normal'", playing-God reality we have entered, where no one is any longer truly free, but instead increasingly stripped of God-given inalienable (can't be taken or withheld from us) rights, and locked down under absolute tyranny.

See John W. Whitehead's excellent latest weekly commentary article at the following link to truth:

The Government Wants to Play God. What Does That Mean for Our Freedoms?

By John & Nisha Whitehead

April 03, 2024



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I believe the secrecy, redactions, obfuscation, hush money, power and control, censorship and debasing of those who question is all led by enormous money, big money investments. These people are psychopaths whose interests are money and power not human beings. How you fight this seems insurmountable. They own too many people by fattening their bank accounts. They control the narratives with propaganda. It’s all so disconcerting.

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John, somehow the PEOPLE must put a stop to "redactions" at the defendants pleasure!

The CIA, FDA, FBI, Koch Institute and on and on all get away with covering their collective asses by claiming national security or some bogus defense . . . We ALL know and they KNOW we know they are covering their culpable asses.

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3 years after...no sign of virus. Remember last August "experts" were trying to resurrect gloom and doom with multiple virus attacking from every possible direction : nothing. US Congress is not interested is finding out exactly what happened and who is responsible. From where I sit it was the biggest fraud in the history of mankind.

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Just drop the "no virus" conspiracy. It avails nothing.

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We were told it will become endemic, like influenza...nope. Look at CDC data

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CDC is no use (except for wasting tax money). Based on personal and friends' experience, it is endemic. RNA viruses mutate wildly, and many of the variants escape immune response, but the spikes remain horridly deleterious.

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I think everybody has been tricked on viruses. It really is time to move on it even permeates the way that we think. It’s a dead end.

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It stops the jabs in their tracks. You can’t have ‘vaccines’ if you don’t have ‘viruse’.

You’ve been tricked by tricksters.

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I don't recall any rabid animals biting me recently. Not getting kennel cough (bordatella bronchiseptica - a bacterium) more likely because of taking lots of vitamin C than a pertussis shot at least 40 years ago.

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Not sure if you made a point in favour of viruses there, if so I can’t see it. I agree with you.

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I don't cheer for viruses, nor for vaccines.

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One of those two things is not a real thing, it’s a virus of the mind.

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No. That just makes the purveyors of that idea look very silly, because most people have experienced a distinctly novel virus.

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Have they Madeleine. That specifice aye?

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Yes. Absolutely specific. You have to remember that in Australia we had covid zero for months due to lockdowns and border closures, despite millions of tests. So none of the rhetoric about false tests actually applies here. When the tests actually tested positive, we had the corresponding novel virus with an infection chain of people who also tested positive on the tests.

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No such thing. Whatever the tests were picking up it wasn’t a virus (because there are none) and it certainly wasn’t the marketing term thought up to better promote it “novel corona virus"

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Why are they allowed redactions if we need transparency in any country, especially ours?

One organization (I forget who but 185 blank pages is what I recall) just turned over a multi page report with nothing on it, totally redacted.

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Pfizer data on heart probs.

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Thank you.

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