In March 2021 I came under attack for being unvaccinated. It was a hysterical pile on all at once mid month all bunched up for about three days by 'friends neighbors and family'. My daughter in law said she was witnessing the same thing happening to teachers at her school at the very same time. After that the demonization went full boar on media and everywhere. I felt like I was wearing a yellow star but if you said that, you were silenced and told there was NO comparison, etc. It was HORRIBLE. It went on and on and on, then suddenly there was silence because the break through infections of the vaccinated were so obvious. Still the mandates continued and the craziness continued with no apologies. Even today covidiate friends/relatives keep repeating the craziness that the shots are safe and effective. Beyond the shaddow of a doubt when the perpetrators decide to release a new pathogen this will all happen again.

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Reading Aya Velazquez reportage: "At the end of the hearing, the judge left the courtroom wearing an FFP2 mask." --- No further comment ---

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Mar 22·edited Mar 22

Nothing says “we are not totalitarians” like jailing someone for writing a book with a cover you don’t like.

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The atrocities waned but not for long. Nobody will be safe.

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Well isn’t this the pot calling the kettle black. .. Being of German heritage I am more than fed up with the hypocrisy and lies that the US continues to spew about the German people. The US and it’s tyrannical government needs to look in the mirror for the mind it has lost.

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“Double jeopardy” is allowed there?!!!!

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An Australian here. Pride comes before a fall, and so often just when we think our home, family, job, untouchability is at its best, that is the time to watch out, the fall is just there, waiting. When we think we could not be fooled, that's when we are. I'm Victorian, moved here by choice, and less than 1 yr later Dictator Dan Andrews took over as Premier. I am still asking myself how did we become a page in the history books of bad political decisions?

We're unvaxxed, and it wasn't easy, conversations had to be very careful, trusted friends could not be trusted, careful with information to family, my husband and I were only genuinely free to talk at home by ourselves. People seemed to read only half the story, ignored details about shedding, side effects, etc and concentrated only on the thought of avoiding death. I heard of some who were so concerned even when someone touched their tools, they cleaned them and put them in isolation in the cupboard for 2 weeks. this has been one of the most successful pshyops the world has ever been through.

What has been learned from this of how to terrorise, retrain, manipulate coerce people is incalculable. What we even thought we knew about human nature will need to be rethought. None of us may have the liberty in future to watch from the sidelines. A commitment will be required, up to and including life or death.

At a time like 2020 to 2023, what a country has been through probably means little, because ultimately when the question is about death and dying, it is an individual question, what we've learned from national history means nothing, we can only answer it alone for ourselves. At least we can anticipate the question now and consider our response.

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It is happening everywhere..

: (

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Mar 22·edited Mar 22

Thank you for the great interview. My common sense friends and I noticed from the start that people were not dropping dead in droves. Once the mandates were on, officials treated us like children. I never felt compelled to get a treatment, it was not on my radar. I feel a sadness, the things that happened. The people who led these initiatives are not yet mature.

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Mar 22·edited Mar 22

They did not have vaccine mandates outside hospital settings unlike the US. Nobody in Germany lost their job because they did not get vaccinated. Compare this to all people in New York, who got fired from their jobs for not taking the jab.

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I was having a discussion just two hours ago using the exact same analogy you are paying so dearly for using. It was so peculiarly satisfying to hear this interview! I just ordered your book. I will be proud for my grandchildren to see it on my bookshelf! Can't wait to read it. Thanks for your courage. Best wishes in your legal struggles.

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May we stop this madness

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"Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe."

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Mar 22·edited Mar 22

My new custom golf balls arrived, three years in a row now with "Natural IMMUNITY for the WIN" on the side. There is certainly a 'contagion of stupidity' about. It's rampant in the House of Commons in the great white north. As they say, the fish rots from the head down.

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"It's happening everywhere." What force or forces are driving it? The Covid hoax was masterfully crafted and coordinated. By whom or what? I have yet to read a satisfactory answer to that question.

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Incredible and poignant interview exposing the acceptance by the masses of totalitarianism.

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