God bless you Hero Whistleblower Dr. McCullough for risking everything to bring us the truth.

You & a few other Hero Whistleblowers saved me & most of my family & friends from taking the Covid depopulation injections❣️

I know you have been demonized by the Big Pharma/Medical Cabal for speaking the truth & saving many lives & please know millions of us are so grateful to you.

We pray that Fauci, Gates, Big Pharma & the Medical Cartel are held accountable, but if not in this life then God will judge them in the next!

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Yes Dr. Mc.Cullough is a hero a true Doctor most Doctors should learn from him . At the start of the Whyruss terror I did not wait for someone to wake me up or advise me ,I used commonsense and critical thinking ,to not become a victim of lies ,injury and death ,like so many victims later found out ,the hard way and still do . So please forget watching the T.V., instead inform yourself ,get educated ,don't be medically illiterate ,the information is out there ,you just have to look in the right place .

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Amen Joe!

Now that people are finally waking up about corruption in Big Pharma & evil Fauci & Gates & how corrupt our Medical Cartel really are & only care about their wealth & NOT our health!

Highly recommend everyone research natural remedies from professionals in that field first before going to a doctor.

I am not a doctor but I will NEVER take another flu or “vaccine” injections.

I will do major research on any medication before I take it.

Heard bad things about “Paxlovid”.

I have stocked up Ivermectin because it works for many illnesses/viruses.

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Hasn't done a DAMN bit of good in my family....no one in Massachusetts has woken up. They still believe all the lies. Lost my 24 year marriage over it. I'm a traumatized mess.

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Yep. living in Germany i know how brain washed people are. if anyone sends me anything to read I just assume whatever the headline is the opposite is real.

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It is the same in Britain .. utterly heartbreaking l am watching people die and become significantly disabled all around me - l dodged the bullet but tragically so many millions didn’t!

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The British people wanted a tender, loving state which is powerful enough to be their surrogate parent from the cradle to the grave—or they were willing to tolerate such a relationship. They obtained a state which is powerful enough to push them into their graves and is enthusiastic about doing so, too, like a farmer who is eager for his animals to be sent to market. This turn of events is a good occasion to write a few new fables, like Aesop's, for the benefit of the replacements and their descendants who will inherit Britannia from degenerates.

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I speak German ,so I will read and listen what they have to say , Joe

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Take away pharma’s rights to call it a “vaccine”, and then they can be held liable. It is NOT a vaccine, in any way, and that can be proven by cases after the series

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I hadn’t thought of that. Great idea! And true. Somehow, get this out there.

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Who will take that ''right '' away from them if most in a position of authority are payed off and corrupt .??

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And that is the problem!

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This reminds me of one specific question in the litany of questions my employer asked on their religious exemption form. “If you do not have a religious objection to the use of all vaccines, please explain why your objection is limited to particular vaccines.” 🙄

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The point is, we’re all seeing now how much this “particular vaccine” is so different. For one, it’s not a vaccine at all, and secondly, it uses completely different mechanism than all previous vaccines.

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Thank you for continuing to shine a light on the global crime of the century. One perpetrated by governments, around the world, in concert with each other.

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Just FYI.

A link to Andrew Bridgen’s speech in U.K. Parliament.


See how MPs scuttle away. They just don’t want to hear or debate.

The government spokesman just replied with ‘safe and effective’. Don’t they realise that by ignoring it all they make matters worse? Loss of trust in Public Health, politicians and vaccines.

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This is an historically important speech. Your link is to Dr. John Campbell's YT show, which has his commentary, plus the actual speech. I am somewhat amazed that YT has not yet taken it down. Here goes:

Vaccination Problems, UK Parliament

Dr. John Campbell, March 17, 2023


TRANSCRIPT by Transcriber B

DR. JOHN CAMPBELL: A warm welcome to today's talk Friday the 17th of March. Now today in the British Parliament Mr. Andrew Bridgen gave an incredibly well thought-out, well-researched speech because he's concerned about potential adverse events following covid vaccination. Now as soon as he started to speak everyone from the Houses of Parliament left. It was like a walk-out protest, just a national disgrace. There was two conservative employees left apart from Mr. Bridgen, there was three on the front bench who had to be there. There was no one from Labor, no one from the Liberal Democrats, zero MPs from the Scottish nationalists. Just a complete disgrace. I can only assume they're under orders not to attend because it really was quite incredible. And you can just see the empty benches for yourself. Um. Anyway I'm going to play it. It takes about 10-15 minutes. Um, um. Obviously Mr. Bridgen is privileged and can say things I'm not allowed to say. So let's give him our attention now because it is a remarkably good speech and it does cover a lot of the points that we have talked about ourselves recently on this on this channel. So over to Mr. Bridgen now.

DEPUTY SPEAKER: [inaudible] Bridgen.

[several MPs stand up and start walking out]

ANDREW BRIDGEN: Mr. Deputy Speaker, on the 13th of December last year I was kindly granted an adjournment debate on the potential harms that emergency use experimental mRNA covid-19 vaccines cause. It's fair to say that, that night my life changed. During that speech, in the evidenced data I presented to the House, which no one has effectively rebutted, I highlighted to the Minister the scale of harms the experimental vaccines have caused and continue to cause. In giving that speech to an almost empty chamber, on this most important of issues — quite literally life and death — two things happened to me immediately. First, I was canceled by the mainstream media. Despite sending a data sheet in the wake of the debate, scientifically evidencing every point that I made, no, not one media organization wanted to talk about the issue of serious harms or death occurring as a result of the mRNA vaccines.

Mr. Deputy Speaker, I fully expect that they will show the same level of disinterest in today's debate. It's what we've come to expect from a media more interested in navel gazing at the pontifications of Britain's foremost football pundit instead of the horror and tragedy of excess deaths taking place before their very eyes. Some three months on from that speech, and a scattering of reports are now appearing in the mainstream media. Sadly the number of people affected in the UK and across the world cannot be ignored or hidden indefinitely.


ANDREW BRIDGEN: I will on that point.

SIR CHRISTOPHER CHOPE: Will he accept that there is a bit of a light on the horizon in that, this week alone, The Daily Express has had four full pages on the subject?

ANDREW BRIDGEN: I thank my right honorable friend, he's a stalwart supporter of those who have been vaccine-harmed. And I do hope that we can see some light at the end of the tunnel and hopefully this speech today will bring more light into the darkness.

In truth I care little about being canceled by the media because in the wake of that speech something far more important has happened. I was contacted by thousands of people offering their support and received many hundreds and hundreds of emails from all over the globe recounting to me their own stories of the harms caused in the wake of their or their loved one's covid vaccination.

I have been contacted by parents in my own and surrounding constituencies thanking me for questioning why we're giving these experimental vaccinations to healthy children and young people that patently do not need them and gain no protection from them. I was contacted by far too many relatives who had lost loved ones suddenly after having the Moderna, Pfizer or AstraZeneca experimental gene therapy treatments shot into their arms. Many of them asked in their emails why this vitally important issue was not being taken more seriously by many of my honorable and right honorable colleagues. That, Mr. Deputy Speaker, is a question for my colleagues to answer.


A lot more questioned why, as evidence continues to emerge almost on a daily basis, the fourth estate was so remiss in its coverage. That, Mr. Deputy Speaker, is a question for the lobby to answer. But every one of those who contacted me asked me to keep up the fight to continue to raise awareness of vaccine harms and vaccine deaths.

Mr. Deputy Speaker that is the question I am here to answer today. Despite the media's silence there is huge, enormous and growing interest in this topic. So today I once again asked the Minister why more is not being done both in the United Kingdom and globally to investigate and publicize the clear and well-documented adverse effects of covid-19 vaccines, vaccines, Mr. Deputy Speaker, that have made Big Pharma billions, but also vaccines that have resulted in completely unprecedented levels of yellow card reports.


Mr. Deputy Speaker the government's own data in this respect is damning.


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It is interesting that only this week the MHRA, the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency, have announced that they will no longer be publicly reporting the yellow card updates from the reported harms of these experimental treatments. Can the Minister explain the reasoning behind this decision, especially given that the number of yellow card reports of adverse events are far higher for the experimental covid-19 vaccine than the total yellow card reports of all conventional vaccines administered for the last 50 years?

Mr. Deputy Speaker, if you'll grant me a little leeway, let me start by looking at data from the U.S. state of Florida and the reported level of vaccine harms there. Prior to the covid pandemic there were never more than 2,500 incidents per year of harms reported to the state Surgeon General as a direct result* of vaccination. In 2021 that number shot up to over 41,000 cases, a surge of more than 1,600%. Of course some will understandably point out that the increasing cases was inevitable as more vaccines were being administered. The answer to that, Mr. Deputy Speaker, in the State of Florida there was a 400% increase in vaccine administration in 2021, not 1,600%. Mr. Deputy Speaker, in the State of Florida and in the rest of the world, 1,600 doesn't go into 400, it never has and it never will.

The real world data from Florida shows the mRNA vaccines are resulting in vaccine harms disproportionate to the number of vaccines being administered when compared to all previous vaccinations. And this backs up the clear warning signal from our own yellow card system in the UK. Data held by the U.S Government's National Library of Medicine was used for research by Dr. Joseph Fraiman which details the frequency of serious adverse events following vaccination with both Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines. For clarity, Mr. Deputy Speaker, a serious adverse event is defined as anything that results in death, is life-threatening at the time of the event, results in in-patient hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization, persistent or significant disability or incapacity, a congenital anomaly or birth defect, or something considered as medically important based on medical judgment.

Using that definition the study confirms that there are 10.1 serious adverse events for every 10,000 Pfizer vaccinations administered. Mr. Deputy Speaker, that means that one in every 990 people vaccinated with the Pfizer booster will have a serious adverse event. The risk with the Moderna vaccine is even greater. There are 15.1 serious adverse events for every 10,000 Moderna jabs. That means one in 662 people vaccinated with the Moderna booster will have a serious adverse event. Combining the data for Pfizer and Modern mRNA vaccines or boosters we can see that there are an average of 1,250 serious adverse events for every 1 million vaccine boosters administered. In other words an average of one in 800 chance of a serious adverse event every time someone is boosted.

So let's move on now to the UK government data. On the 25th of January of this year the Department of Health and Social Care published data from a presentation given to the UK, given by the UK Health Security Agency to the JCVI, The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization. The data published split the population into groups by age, and further divided those age groups into those considered healthy and at risk. The numbers needed to vaccinate, or the NNV, for each of those subgroups were calculated to firstly, prevent a single hospitalization, and secondly, a single serious hospitalization requiring, requiring oxygen or intubation, effectively intensive care.

The figures are stark, Mr. Deputy speaker. What I'm quoting from is the government's own published data. To prevent just one healthy adult aged between 50 and 59 from being hospitalized due to covid, the government's own data states that 43,600 people had to be given an autumn booster jab with a serious adverse event rate of one in 800, that means that in the healthy 50 to 59-year-old group, as a result of using the mRNA boosters, 55 people would die or be put into hospital with side effects to prevent one single case presenting of covid preventing in hospital.

The same data shows that for the healthy younger people, the number needed to be boosted to prevent a single hospital admission with covid-19 is far higher. 92,500 booster jabs were required to be administered to prevent one hospitalization due to covid in the healthy 40 to 49-year-old group which would simultaneously have put 116 people at probability of death or serious adverse reaction into hospital from the jab.

The healthy 30 to 39-year-old age group required 210,400 booster jabs to prevent a single covid hospitalization, so 263 of this group will have been into hospital or sadly died as a result of the booster side effects just to keep one covid case out of hospital.

But the data gets worse because hospitalization doesn't necessarily mean a serious medical intervention such as intubation or oxygen. To prevent severe hospitalization from covid-19 the numbers needed to be boosted become astronomical. I would suggest that this is the real benchmark for comparison with the risks of death or serious adverse events from the boosters themselves.

So the government's own data shows that in healthy adults aged 50 to 59 it was necessary to give 256,400 booster jabs to prevent just one severe hospitalization, putting 321 people into hospital with a serious a side-effect from the booster which includes obviously risk of death.

For 40 to 49 year olds that number increases to 932,500 who need to be boosted to keep one covid patient out of ITU [intensive therapy unit] putting potentially 1,165 people into hospital with serious harms, death or disability.

And for the healthy 30 to 39-year-olds no one knows the answer to the number needed to be boosted to prevent a serious hospitalization because the government's own data says that there's never been such a case of this age group being put into intensive care due to the current variant of covid-19. But many, indeed on average, one in 800 of them of this group that's been boosted will have died or been disabled or seriously harmed by the booster itself.


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Let me focus now on the most vulnerable group for which the government data is available, the over-70s with comorbidities, the most vulnerable group in our society. According to the government's own data it would be necessary to administer 800 vaccine boosters to prevent just one hospitalization for a patient over the age of 70 in this highest risk group. Mr. Deputy Speaker, that means that all the most vulnerable group in our society are doing by being boosted is swapping one risk from covid of hospitalization for exactly the same risk from the booster itself. But of course in the process Big Pharma is making huge profits.

Mr. Deputy Speaker we've looked at the health implications of the vaccine program. Now I want to look at some of the costs implications of the booster program in the UK. Total funding of covid-19 vaccination program in the UK up to the end of March this year is budgeted at 8.3 billion pounds. In February 2022 the GP online website championing general practice professionals published that GPs and community pharmacies were being paid 24 pounds per dose for administering vaccines. That figure increased to 34 pounds per dose at dedicated vaccine centers. These costs of course do not include the cost of the experimental vaccines themselves. For ease of calculation I will count those at 20 pound per dose across the board. I will be generous and use the lower of the two figures for administering the vaccine, giving a total cost of 44 pound per dose, but even when I do, we see from the government's own data using boosters it cost over 1.9 million pounds to prevent just one hospitalization among healthy 50 to 59-year-olds, and over 11 million pounds to prevent one serious hospitalization due to covid-19 in this age group. The cost to the taxpayer of preventing a hospitalization of one healthy 40 to 49-year-old is over 4 million pounds using boosters, and for healthy 30 to 39 year olds the cost of preventing just one hospitalization is over nine million pounds, Mr, Deputy speaker. Of course to prevent serious hospitalization in all these groups the cost is far, far higher.

It is of course worth noting that in setting up the vaccine program the government indemnified vaccine manufacturers which gave them total cover against all future claims of the adverse effects of their products. Given what I've already explained about the incidence of serious side effects, that cost may well be extremely significant to the taxpayer on top of the obvious human tragedy and loss which is self-evidently happening.


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The data is clear. For all healthy people and all those considered at risk under 70 the probability of being seriously harmed by covid are seriously outweighed by the risk associated from the experimental vaccines and boosters. Even for the most vulnerable group, the over 70s with health problems, the risks are absolutely identical. The government data comments not only on the efficacy and effectiveness of the autumn booster campaign which I've quoted from, we've already had that, but it also looks forward to this year's booster campaign. Not unsurprisingly it predicts the same level of efficacy from the same boosters put into the same arms. Surely in the light of the data we're not going to continue with this absolute madness.

Mr. Deputy Speaker, if we were to perpetuate it what we'll actually be doing is engaging in very expensive state-sponsored self-harm on a national level.

Mr. Deputy Speaker, in the winter of 2020 the experimental mRNA vaccines were announced to the British public as being safe and effective. That narrative was repeated by the vaccines minister in her response to my speech in this place on the 13th of December. It is interestingly interesting that today the NHS website describes the experimental vaccines as safe and important, and it describes serious side effects as being very rare. But the truth, as we know, is somewhat different. One in 800 is not rare, especially when the public is expected to take multiple doses, exposing themselves again and again to the same risk.

Mr. Deputy Speaker, the government needs to be honest about this just like they need to be honest about the fact that the MHRA is funded 86% by Big Pharma. The experimental mRNA vaccines from the manufacturer's own trial data are not safe, with an average of one in 800 people taking them facing death or serious injury as a result.

Despite the initial and repeated assurances, the experimental mRNA vaccines, from the government's own data, they are not effective at preventing infection transmission or hospitalization from covid 19. The experimental mRNA vaccines are not necessary given the risk benefit of the treatment, and the experimental mRNA vaccines are costing the country a fortune and creating huge pressure on the NHS from the side effects.

I would therefore ask the Minister, given that the data released on the 25th of January by the UK Health Security Agency, was actually presented to the JCVI on the 25th of October 2022, why was the booster roll-out not halted last October given the clear lack of efficacy and the evidence of risks being greater than the benefit to all age groups except possibly the over 70s with underlying health conditions, where the risk was absolutely identical?

Was the data presented to the JCVI passed to the MHRA? If so when? And if not, why not?

Why were the MHRA still asking the government to authorize the experimental vaccines to be administered to children down to the age of six months of age in December 2022, six weeks after the booster efficiency data was received by the JCVI? If the data was not passed to the MHRA, the Medicines and Healthcare Product Regulatory Agency, surely the JCVI should have spoken out against the vaccination of small children last December. I'm sure, Mr. Deputy Speaker, that despite the members of the JCVI having declared an interest of over a billion pounds between them of investments in big Pharma, this would never have influenced their judgment.

Can the minister also confirm the fact that two-thirds of NHS staff refused last autumn's booster?

The simple facts are that in light of the government's own data covid vaccinations and boosters are not effective. And from the evidence of the yellow card system they're not safe, and to the UK taxpayer, they are not value for money. Indeed given the side effects, Mr. Deputy Speaker, if they were free we couldn't afford them. The only ones would really benefit from the booster roll-out are Big Pharma, where they're licensed to print money and indemnification against the harms of their products cause. Once again, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Big Pharma have put profits before people and on this occasion governments across the globe have been their willing marketing agents.

The whole covid-19 narrative is slowly unraveling. As I believe I've demonstrated today, Mr. Deputy Speaker, no one should have been boosted after the efficacy data was received on the 25th of October last year and no one should be boosted in future based on that data. Given the evidence of harms by the boosters I now believe that we have the full explanation of both the continuing excess death we've seen since the pandemic — 63,000 excess deaths in England and Wales in the last 12 months — and also the reason for the huge and unrelenting pressure of demand on the NHS. Mr. Deputy Speaker, it's the vaccines and the boosters and their side effects.


Sadly I am confident that I'll be proved correct. I sincerely wish it was not so. But the longer it takes for our government to accept the truth the more people will be harmed and die. The first step to putting right a problem is always to admit there is a problem. The government narrative of safe and effective is in tatters as evidenced by their own data.

Three months on from my original speech in this House, we have surely now sacrificed enough of our citizens' lives on the altar of ignorance and unfettered corporate agreed to satisfy anyone.

I therefore call on the government to immediately stop the mRNA vaccine booster program and initiate a full public inquiry into not only the vaccine harms but how every agency and institution set up to protect the public interest have failed so abysmally in their duties.

I look forward to the Minister's response. I'm aware that it's neither his area of responsibility or expertise and I will accept that any questions he can't answer at the dispatch box today that he will send to me in writing.

DEPUTY SPEAKER: Minister Wilkins.

WILL QUINCE: Well thank you Mr. Deputy Speaker, and as the honorable gentleman says I'm responding um to the debate on behalf of the honorable member for Lewis. Vaccines have underpinned the government strategy for living with co—


DR. JOHN CAMPBELL: I'll give you the link to that and you can, um, listen to the minister's for, well, no he's not actually a minister, he's a cardboard cutout, the main qualification for what he was doing there is the ability to read. They didn't actually bother sending in a regular government minister. Um. Suffice it to say that he didn't answer any of Mr. Bridgen's specific questions. Does the fact that the MHRA the Medicines and Healthcare Product Regulatory Authority is 86% funded by external industry have any bearing on the matter? Didn't answer that. That the JVCI, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization has got one billion investments in Big Pharma between them, didn't answer that one. And, ah, any of the specific mathematical evidences that Mr. Bridgen gave also weren't answered. So I'll put the link, you can watch it all for yourself and, um, it's, it's, it's great that we've still got this parliamentary democracy in the UK because um, clearly Mr. Bridgen can say things that I'm not at liberty to say, um, so I won't comment further but, um, thank you. Hope you've managed to listen to all that because I think every word of that really was well worth listening to and demands a response. And of course, things that are applicable in the UK are going to be applicable in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, your wherever there's been a similar public, uh, public, um, what's the word I'm looking for, ah, Public Health Initiative. Thank you for watching.



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Andrew Bridgen's webpage is https://www.andrewbridgen.com

His text of this speech with response from the Minister for Health and Secondary Care (Will Quince) is at:


Mr. Quince's response, included there, makes for some rather more than eyebrow-raising reading.

*In the text of the speech on his website Bridgen uses the world "report" rather than "result."

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Thank you Transcriber B for your work. It is valuable to be able to read the written word as well as watch the videos.

The crime of our lifetime continues while the politicians turn a blind eye.....

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KC shills

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They try to genocide us Germans via offshoring jobs, propagandizing German men and women, mass immigration, inflation, poisoning of the environment, vaccines, and what have you.

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It's not much different in the US. It's just a bigger area.

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Same worldwide!😢😡

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Based on WHO data that was published in March 2021 for the first 5 weeks of vaccines enrollment the mortality rate is 1: 10,000 and severe adverse events are 1:500.


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The World pHarma Organisation created the virus in Whuhan, they created the lockdown hysteria, they created the injections that are killing people now.

They are part of the UN and it needs defunding NOW.

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Do you actually believe the claims and statements of known liars like WHO, FDA and the rest? I do not.

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Here I will add that I've heard German doctors yelling on the phone at the people running the hotlines to register adverse reactions. "Do you think we have all day to try to figure out how to do this?!! Did you design it this way to make us not register adverse effects?!!"

Also will add that these side effects were well known by experts in the center of German medicine where German gov health policy institutions have their address. Largest employer in the city. They roll out the vaccine to every employee and student before it hits the public. Massive side effects in healthy young 20-somethings: Sinus Venous Thrombosis, uncontrollable immune reactions, myocarditis hospitalizations, deaths. So they'd put a halt to giving vaccines to people saying there were serious concerns: "Please stop emailing us to ask for your vaccines -- we are not sure if we will start them again and will let everyone know when we know how to proceed." But eventually they'd start again... There is no mystery in Germany, only manipulation from US etc. powers.

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Dear Bird, this is John Leake replying to your comment. To your knowledge, is there any investigative journalist in Germany who is documenting (with witness statements) the reality that you conveyed in your post? Also, do you understand why such a large percentage of Germans appear to be suckers for U.S. COVID-19 and Ukrainian War propaganda?

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I don't know my way around investigative journalism in Germany, so I wouldn't know who to be reading to see that. From an academic medical publication standpoint, the doctors and researchers have been busy in sharing their findings and the doctors talk among themselves.

The key word in your second question is *appear*. The same enormous budgets and agendas controlling US media are also at work in Germany pumping out artificially generated nonsense. Ukr. flag was projected in lights on the Brandenburg Tor at the very beginning and publicized internationally as being "German sentiment." Guess who has their address connected to Brandenburg Tor? Ah, it's the US embassy. They're the type to pull light-show stunts. They're also the type to drag in a wrecked Russian tank and mockingly prop it in front of the Russian embassy: Germans don't have that type of showmanship or conniving. The citizens responded by decorating the tank with hundreds of red roses. The more major the news source, the stronger the bogus claims about "German" sentiment. I suppose if there were extremely rural folks who lived off microwaved food and single-media-outlet statements, maybe they would repeat those opinion claims. Essentially, the US just tries to keep an imagined-Germany as a pocket puppet because it is the strongest European economy and a potential source of informed, cynical resistance. Another important point to mention is the Monsant. merger in 2016 (highy protested in Germany) just a few blocks up the street from the major German health centers, with experts wandering back and forth between these institutes. Some good analysis has connected farming-mecca Ukr. activities digging back to Monsant. interests and various connected entities.

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One more note on investigative journalism in Germany: Laura Poitras was based in Berlin last I heard. She's the one who collaborated with Snwden and Greenwld, as described for instance in one of the documentary films on S. He describes several times that the revelations they published, with a focus on our privacy being violated and the contents of our emails and opinions recorded, those revelations were only a minor fraction and just one topic within the myriad of info that he had. He said the contents of the things he did not publish were even more terrifying but that he chose to withhold those topics for various reasons. Key point here: he brought that info with him to Rus. Given the history of the terrifying Morgellons Disease being spun by the CDC to be 'delusional' after they did clinical investigations with the Air Force and Kaiser Permanente in circa 2006 and then secretly moved all the gain-of-function biolabs abroad to places like Wuhan and Ukraine, where various biolab outbreaks then continued to circulate (including flu versions which contain the same Furin Cleavage sequence inserted into Covid, as pointed out in a publication of coauthors of Christian Drosten, showing that even the official 'proponents' of zoological origin know the exact keys to identifying its lab origin) ..... Given all of this background, it has long been my interest to know if S's papers contained any information that would help Morgellons patients unlock the origin and biological explanation for their disease. As we see in world events, this question now has far wider relevance. Consider this possible source of information with the timing of Rus's decision earlier this year to put their foot down and eliminate the biolabs in Ukr, when international resistance was growing along with a myriad of medical publications outlining the harm of the Spike protein. Charles Wright also just put out a description comparing the timeline leading up to Covid with the timeline of escalated efforts to contain Jul Assnge. (https://charleswright1.substack.com/p/the-most-forbidden-media-narrative)

Bottom line, Poitras would be an interesting person to talk to, and there may be more info available out there via Snwden.

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Peter, a few reasons:

- Historically, vaccines have had a fantastic reputation and symbolize advancements over poverty. Why should this one be different?

- Although all Germans speak school English, it is cumbersome to read scientific articles if you don't command English perfectly. They do not read about the cytotoxicity of the spike protein. They basically only learn details about the Sars-Cov-2 virus that the media has translated and presented. The country still has no clue about the spike protein. The virus is bad but why should the vaccine be bad (disregarding the spike topic)? People who die these days "apparently" must have died because of a previous infection, not the vaccine spike.

- Germany is by a huge margin the largest contributor to the WHO. Helping the world is considered a noble thing. Do good to the world and mellow down history. Christian Drosten, the "German Fauci", had been with the WHO before. He decoded the Sars 1 virus and established himself as one of the world's leading coronavirus researchers. As the FOIA request shows, he has been in close communication with Fauci, Andersen et al from the first moment. He co-initiated and signed the Lancet letter in Feb 2020 disparaging the lab leak although he knew the wet market hypothesis was a lie. The propaganda machine has been in full gear from the beginning.

- If you are hesitant about vaccines, you are a "Nazi". This dead-beat argument has worked for 70 years. Countries have applied the trick against Germany, so did organizations. It works perfectly domestically, too.

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You are an exceptional writer, Mr. Leake, but you have outdone yourself. "neutered lapdogs"...ungewonliche, ausgezeichnet. Due to vax inj, I normally I feel like crap, struggle to tolerate living anothe/r day, and bemoan that I woke up, in contravention of my bedtime prayer. But not today. Today my spirit soars because "Minister Lauterbach acknowledges these injuries, says he is very sorry about them..." Not just sorry, VERY sorry. Well, what more could anyone ask for. This Dumkopf is not only mathematically challenged, as you point out. He insults us with a mindless oxymoron; "health authorities must QUICKLY recognize them as they SLOWLY get a clearer picture." Mein Gott in Himmel. If the 'health authorities' to whom Lauterbach refers are as cognitively impaired as he is, I suggest we airlift a massive shipment of Adderall aus Deutschland, retaining a copious supply fur die Vereinigen Staaten.

My heart breaks for 'Celine'.

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Jawohl, Herr Renaissance Man, ein bedeutsamer Tag in Deutschland. Vielleicht wachen die Deutschen jetzt auf.

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Yes, this awakened the German in me. Ich habe alle mein Deutsch im schule gelernt, vor veilen, veilen Jahre. Ein bischen mitt meine grossmutter sprechen, und nur ein bischen errinere. Danke sehr, Herr Doktor.

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Thanks to John Leake for sharing this video, I am hopeful that more and more vaccine injured will come out and tell their truth. I believe every single story is important, and they will have huge impact.

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Many are unable to speak, they're dead.

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Guardian puff piece to cover up actor’s aggressive blood cancer. No mention of likely cause: mRNA vaccines.


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I believe the ‘safe and effective’ vaccine narrative is over. Gloves are off! We won the argument…we should be done with this nightmare, right?

There is more than enough evidence to convict without ANY reasonable doubt ALL involved of massive Treason which would…

1. STOP ALL Treason since many of these same psychopaths overlap across ALL other Treason theatres.

2. Allow prosecution of Treason to move forward

WHY has this not happened anywhere???

NO victory can happen in America without UNITY of the right people to do things that matter to restore our Constitutional Republic.

Find Gideon’s army of 300 men!

Keep up with serious writer Lex Greene, who writes for those who value Freedom. Lex’s contact info at end of his piece...



A Fierce Mother/grandmother Lion (of 6 and counting!

P.S. Divided…our house is falling!

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Below is what 12 countries knew in 2015 when Hussein OMAMA was negotiating the TPP.

 "The Elites are Planning to Kill Billions of People" -- Prime Minister of Malaysia (2015)

“The Peace of the Graveyard” - Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad


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"As anyone who has seriously studied this disaster knows, the officially published “reported” cases are likely the tip of the iceberg, because our hospital systems have systematically denied that patients are suffering from severe vaccine side effects."

#Diabolical ☣

#AccountabilityNotAmnesty 💉☠💲💔

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I watched the German video; (able to read the translation provided in subtitles). Worth a listen actually.

This Lauterbach kept re-emphasizing that the German Gov't has a group considering "treatments" for BOTH LONG Covid19 and vaccine side effects and that the rate is ONLY 1:10,000. This diversion enable him to underplay of the importance of the signal. He also emphasized the benefit still outweighed the concern for negative side effects. He needs to be confronted with the REALITY on live TV.

It would be great to see that same news anchor get him back while pressing him with the actual rate of side effects(1:500 +, likely. 20x+ higher than he admitted) and to run some therapy and compensation figures past him "Live". . .

"It's going to cost xxx, hundred billion euros over the next 10 yrs . . ."

"that and inflation will bankrupt the German economy. . . yada, yada, . . ."

THAT would be a great interview for this lamphrey eel like creature.

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Thank you Dr McCullough for your continued work I’m praying the truth is revealed & those responsible held accountable. There needs to be a repeal of the 1986 national childhood vaccine injury act & big pharma’s financial influence on the CDC, FDA, NIH. They are all corrupted. Until we Americans speak out loud & in numbers this will all continue

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In case people here don't know it, Karl Lauterbach was a Harvard student in the early 90s. He very likely got into contact with the Rothshild family there via Amartya Kumar Sen (who himself is addtionally connected with Martha Nussbaum and Eva Colorni, the stepdaughter of Altiero Spinelli). Ever since, he had a great career and the media push him hard.

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