Doc McCullough - after 4 years I've still never had covid. Am I really part of a tiny minority - or were a certain proportion of people always somehow immune naturally? I live alone which might also limit exposure - and past 2-3 years I've been using Zelenko style supplements daily with EGCG or quercetin zinc and vit D so maybe that's also a factor. I've also not had a cold or flu in past 4 years which seems a bit weird.

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I would have thought that constant over-work and psychological stress was likely a major factor in your poor health during the Covid years.

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Very interesting article and your comments were informative as well. As a licensed medical doctor since 1975 I’m probably experienced enough to legitimately wonder why you failed to mention your Hectic Schedule and your Hectic Work Pace with so many patients you are seeing and examining in the office every day in Texas as other, probably important, contributors to any “debt in your immune system”. You are burning your candle at both ends and you need a long vacation away from the media, a true vacation in which you do NO lectures, do NO posed photo-ops with buxom blondes, and make NO public “appearances” with prominent politicians or grifters, fraudsters, and seedy evangelists who sell junk online to yokels . Self-promotion has its own downsides Peter, even if it helps thicken the C.V. — and I am not kidding.

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Shedding is another potential cause of the weakened immunity among the unvaxxed. I personally haven't noticed any considerable health changes in the unvaxxed people that I know but I've been witnessing a huge range of minor and major health problems and deaths in those who have been vaxxed - friends, acquaintances etc.

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Flu shots are known to make people more susceptible to upper respiratory infections (in addition to not preventing flu). Many who didn't get the Covid shots did take flu shots. I wonder whether the insult to the immune system caused by the flu shot coupled with a recent Covid infection could help explain being more susceptible to repeated upper respiratory infections.

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I have the utmost respect for Dr McCullough, but I wish he would not conclude articles like this with mention of the Wellness Company emergency medical kit. I have a family member who is a retired internist; still a true believer in FDa& CDC advice, and his response to any medical professional who endorsed neutraceuticals (sp?) has always been...these are quacks trying to enrich themselves. I completely disagree with him...have purchased the emergency kit...but for the sake of credibility, Wish Dr.McCullough would keep medical advice free of commercial messages.

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Do you think it has anything to do with what they are spraying our skies with ? They did it in SANFRANSICO in the 60”s and didn’t tell the public until 1976 after everyone had gotten sick, rashes and or died !!

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I’ve told this story several times but it’s a positive message so I’ll share again: I had Covid (or contracted something from the shedding that I was immersed in at a family wedding where EVERYONE was recently vaxxed or boosted, I’m sticking with the shedding theory) in October 2021. It was pretty severe, very scary for me. Once I recovered, I felt like a million bucks. I actually felt like my immune system was supercharged. I’m 61 now and still feel weirdly immunologically strong, I can’t explain it.

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Doctor McCullough: There are many of us out there spreading your advice. Your incredible dedication to the truth is a road map for many of us in the medical field. I am a pediatrician. Exposed to MANY viruses.I discuss strengthening of the immune system with families. Am on your protocol quercetin/naatokinase/bromelain/D3. Never "vaxxed". Covid 3/2020 . Since then flu 4/22 took ivermectin, better in 2 days . Recently believe I had pertussis. Took ZPACK and Ivermectin/budesonide. Cough gone in 2 weeks Loosened up in 5 days . Always prayers for you and those on the front line fighting this destruction of the medical field.

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I nursed my sister and my husband through what were probably the alpha and delta strains. Never had either. Finally was exposed to omicron and had it very briefly and mildly. I mix with a lot of people, including a lot of hugging and kissing, and have never taken any precautions, other than ordinary hand washing. But I do take a lot of supplements and have done for more than 50 years. The only one added during covid was NAC. So I also was seldom sick before covid and have not had a cold for many years.

BUT. What has happened in more recent years is weird viruses with atypical symptoms. I had plenty of flus and colds as a young person, and two bouts of pneumonia. Those were familiar illnesses, sometimes making me very sick, but always with familiar trajectories. Now, though, the viruses I’m getting are so strange and different that I’m starting to wonder whether scientists doing gain of function research are releasing their concoctions periodically to see what will happen. I proposed my idea to a nurse, who told me, on the basis of what she is seeing in an ordinary doctor’s office, that she wouldn’t be surprised if that were happening. Ten years ago she would have considered the idea lunacy.

Since I believe gain of function research to be evil and the arguments for it to be poor excuses for the experimentation being done, I believe the scientists performing this research to have bought into evil, whatever excuses they make to themselves. Thus I believe them capable of releasing some of their engineered viruses as experiments on an unwitting population. We already know that many, many scientists have displayed no compunction at all about releasing a gene therapy on the world and lying about its safety, so I don’t think my idea is very far fetched.

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2-4 headcolds per year? Is that healthy? My husband and I -both healthcare providers- haven’t had 2-4 between us in a decade! I’ve had other healthcare challenges, but that seems like alot...

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I understand both the virus and the vaccines cull CD8+ and CD4+ t-cells.

I know that after covid-19 (unvaxd, omicron ~Ba2), although it was milder than my usual cold/flu response, though different, I felt susceptible to new infection or reinfection for about 5 weeks. I thought I needed to be very careful. I thought I had taken a hit. As a now 63yo I know I have limited naive T-cells for new illnesses. I feel I must take care.

I hear a great deal about many people having multiple infections, though mostly in the vaccinated cohort. A very close relative, who has had only one or two days off sick in his whole working life, has uncharacteristically had two bad colds since having two covids.

On the HIV, I have seen studies comparing people living with HIV and people who had covid. With HIV it's mostly the CD4+ cells that get hit, but with serious covid it's CD8 & CD4 and more. Chinese patients who've had serious original covid have taken 9 months+ to recover their t-cell levels - more or less as far as the studies went - I haven't looked lately.

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I'm a serious asthmatic. I can't even walk more than a few yards without getting an asthma attack. I say that to let you see how any illness can cause me great harm. Well, the winter of 2018-19 my grandson, who is my care giver, and I got a flu at the same time. It went into pneumonia, at the same time. I nearly died but wouldn't go to the hospital. There was no talk of covid. No hospitals were over run. It was a flu season only. So, I told my doctor to treat me at home. She did and I recovered. But, that was a horrible illness. I never get flues or colds. Well, then in 2020 we get Covid going around. My other grandson and his wife visited us. We were sitting on the sofa together, me in the middle of the two of them. The next morning he calls to tell me he went to work, they took his temp and said he had a low fever so they tested him and said he had covid. He went home and did get sick and so did his wife. Now, remember, I was within a few inches of them the night before. I NEVER got sick nor did my other grandson. We never got covid even though we went to the stores, unmasked and didn't care about all the other stupid restrictions. We never got so much as a sniffle. I still haven't had any illness except this asthma I've had all my life. So, I can't respond to your question with anything other than what I've said. I believe with all my heart, that the flu we had the winter of 2018-19 might have actually been covid. We were then protected. I never got a cold or flu afterward. More importantly, I believe Ps. 91:3 was the main reason I didn't get covid. The Lord told me in 2016 this was coming and he told me Ps. 91:3. So, he kept his promise to me.

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Dr. McCollough,

I have noticed many times that you appear unwell in your videos, with a hoarse voice, coughing or pale coloring of skin. I’m sorry to hear of your many bouts of illness. I know you schedule is Herculean and can’t be helpful for your health. However, you wonder if you could be a victim of the “shedding” that Dr. Pierre Kory has spoken of. It appears to be real and it’s possible you have been exposed to patients at a critical point. Just a thought. Please take care of yourself. Your voice is important to a lot of people!

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Good morning Dr. McCullough. I wonder if you have any thoughts about Methylene Blue as any sort of therapy for those who've taken the shots? Friends are talking about it, and the internet contains much information about it.

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I Remer reading early on that there was a HIV sequence in the SARS-COV2 genome.

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