
Many readers of my two posts on the Lahaina fire have expressed puzzlement about why the fire seemed to spread so fast with such intensity, and a number have wondered if a malevolent actor caused the fire with a Directed Energy Weapon. To understand precisely what happened, we will need a thorough and transparent investigation. The state may be reluctant to perform and publish a thorough and transparent investigation because it will almost certainly raise questions about why more wasn't done to prevent the fire. It's a plausible hypothesis that there were multiple points of ignition caused by downed power lines that arced onto vegetation. However, this raises the question of why power wasn't quickly turned off. One thing that many people struggle to comprehend is how FAST fire can move in a high wind, with embers blowing over 40 MPH into fresh sources of fuel such as kiawe and ironwood pine trees, which will burn with tremendous heat. There was also a tremendous amount of gasoline in the hundreds of cars parked in Lahaina and boats moored in the marina. Norman Maclean wrote a book titled "Young Men and Fire" in which he documents how some young fire-fighters in Montana were killed by a fire that moved against them with shocking speed. Rising heat creates a low pressure, which draws in more air. As I mentioned in my original post, I've been visiting Lahaina for many years, and I've often gotten the impression that there were few safeguards in place to protect the town if a fire broke out during the dry and WINDY season. WIND creates a bellows effect, which greatly increases the rate of combustion. Many thanks for reading. JOHN LEAKE

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It wasn’t a “natural” disaster. It was a planned attack to gain prime real estate and move us towards a global reset. #dew

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"they spent billions on senseless lockdown measures during the COVID-19 pandemic..."

Let us not forget the hundreds of billions sent to Ukrainian Nazis and our own beloved MIC and Big Pharma.

Sadly, the looting and killing continue unchallenged...

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So needless and very, very sad. I lived in Kauai during "covid". Kauai was the last county in America to drop MASK mandates. Pure ignorance. I emailed then Lt-Gov Green and presented evidence that HCQ worked ( I followed Dr. Zelenko and Dr. McCullough and had HCQ in my medicine cabinet ) - he actually replied and told me I was wrong. The "leadership" of Hawaii are 100% incompetent and "woke". We escaped the madness and relocated to Florida. May God bless the innocent people of Lahaina who were killed or harmed by the fires. Peace.

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It’s yet another example of how our critical infrastructure and land management duties are completely ignored while we spend vast sums of money we do not have on wars we do not need, or viruses we cannot contain with medical solutions we do not need. How many more straws can this camel carry? I’m afraid we’ll all find out sooner than we’d like.

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Just a fraction of what was sent to Ukraine would have mitigated the worst problems and saved lives! The deep state aka crime syndicate has blood on its hands.

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Methinks we are closing in on the summit of the Tower of Babel.

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Go to UTube and listen to Peggy Hall under title The Healthy American.

The WEF has been controlling weather at different times.,It is believed by some and I that they started this fire with microwaves. That is why a steel ship was able to ignite and other examples. The WEF wishes to blame this on their now Climate Change agenda to induce fear. It is evil. No different from starting Covid Agenda Agenda. Canada fire, thousands of cattle die at one time due to heat. Strange ways buildings are destroyed in storms. This woman has really researched it. The WEF and Central World Bank and Pharma are out to destroy us all. Wake up. Research while you can

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One question needs to be answered as I've not been able to find any news on where the fire actually started. Did it start in one building in Lahaina and then spread? If so, how did it spread to the entire town so fast before any firefighters could stop the fire at the point of ignition? Some social media comments from people who live there seem to indicate the fire appeared to have ignited in numerous places and if that is true, what set those fires off?

It's all well and good to say that officials have been warning about wild fires for many years, but that's true of any place where summers are hot and dry. Lahaina is on the dry side of the island), and where hurricane and Trade winds blow, much like the Santa Ana winds in Southern California which often whip up large conflagrations. However, my question is how did the entire town become seemingly engulfed in flames in what appears to be a short time? Where did the fire START? Wile fires do not start by spontaneous combustion out in the middle of nowhere. Supposedly there was no lightning, at least to some who have commented on social media. It was an extremely hot fire -- much hotter than one would expect for wooden buildings -- that melted aluminum in vehicles. One commenter to the first Goodbye, Lahaina essay theorized that the plastic in vehicles caused the fire to burn hot -- not true. Plastic (I'm a 35-year science/trade journalist for the plastics industry) melts at extremely high temperatures, but does not "burn" -- just melts at temperatures above 400+ degrees.

There is something very strange about this whole thing, as many commenters to these two essays have mentioned. Italy just solved one of its forest fire problems by arresting a man who was setting fires to blame it on "climate change" who they caught using a drone camera.

Let's get to the point of ignition: where and when?

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This is a heart & gut wrenching article. I’ve followed the Zelenko protocol and Dr. McCullough for years now. Never fell victim to the propaganda spread by Fauci, the CDC and the other politically puppets. I’m angry with the deliberate negligence of how our tax dollars are being spent by these politicians and bureaucrats, even at the state and local level. They are culpable of this tragedy and should be removed from office. The State of Hawaii should be ashamed of themselves.

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So very very sad. Almost like it was a plan..fire on the mountain not as close to town contained and another fire closer to town suddenly starts at just the right time..just like the "wildfires" on a Greek island, in Australia and in Canada..it's called arson..and government sponsored disaster

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We've been getting warnings about the whole planet from a great many sources. But... we're spending our allowance on Ukraine and updating the" newkular" arsenal.

See JONATHAN COOK's latest substack "Why action on the climate crisis is all hot air"


Yet we get such nonsense as:

"Scientist Admits to Spreading Alarm About Climate Change: “It's a Manufactured Consensus”

"Climate scientist Judith Curry, once the darling of environmental advocacy groups, says the doomsday consensus around climate change is "manufactured”. In a bombshell interview with John Stossel, she speaks openly about being part of the government-funded climate alarmism complex."

I'm (more than) beginning to suspect that what is government-finded is an effort to keep the public as calm as possible while we rapidly approach an irreversible tipping point. Read James Hansen, "Storms of my Grandchildren" - still the best analysis of all the relevant data, mechanisms, models, facts, opinions... Arguing climate change without the benefit of his analysis would be like arguing general relativity while ignoring Einstein.

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Insane or just stupid? Spending billions on the Wuhan virus scam but ignore real potential disastrous problems with their infrastructure, which was an easy fix.

Danny Huckabee

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did they say it was going to be a fire encircling the city?


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Aug 13, 2023·edited Aug 13, 2023

Read something this morning that the government officials NEVER activated any of the alarms all around the island. Too many suspicious things going on. It’s these democrats operating style to ignore what needs done. They don’t care how many people died in these fires or drowned in the ocean. I normally don’t trust NBC, but it does report the findings correctly that they were not activated. Plus look at what they used instead. That was as negligent as you can get. Never trust a government to do the right thing, especially since they are following the plan for the Great Reset. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/hawaiis-emergency-warning-sirens-werent-activated-alert-residents-agen-rcna99475.

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Same was true of Paradise, a known fire hazard for decades. Decades.

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