Great Texas COVID-19 Tragedy
Hospitalizations and Deaths Occurred due to Lack of Early Therapeutics Not COVID-19 Vaccination Rates
By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
Recently a tweet popped up implying that lower Texas vaccination rates were responsible for deaths with COVID-19 through 2021 and mid 2022. I live in Texas and have been treating patients with high risk COVID-19 from the very start of the crisis.
Despite all the hopes and aspirations for those pushing vaccine ideology, prospective, randomized, double-blind placebo controlled trials in 2020 never demonstrated reductions in hospitalization and death. As a result, no therapeutic claim of survival can be made by anyone. Reduction in the risk of death is listed in the “benefit” section of vaccine consent form. COVID-19 vaccines have never saved lives.
Of the ~90,000 deaths through September 1, 2022, and ~40,000 after May 1, 2022 when vaccines had been widely deployed for five months, none of them were prevented by COVID-19 vaccination. By December, 2021, failure of COVID-19 vaccines was very obvious with the Omicron outbreak which was largely among the fully vaccinated.

The real tragedy in Texas and all over the world was the absolute or relative lack of early combination therapeutics at home in high risk COVID-19. Gkioulekas et al concluded that by December of 2020, we had clear and convincing evidence (P<0.01) that early treatment was effective in reducing hospitalization death, a claim that could never be made for COVID-19 vaccines. Verkerk et al demonstrated the vast majority of hospitalizations and deaths occurred as a result of little or no access to early combination therapy. Failure to treat resulting in avoidable death is always a tragedy.
In conclusion, readers of the peer-reviewed literature and social media should be wary of vaccine ideology as promoted by those with a vested interest in developing vaccines, NIH funding, or close ties to the biopharmaceutical complex. Early therapeutics has been a bright spot in the pandemic. High-risk index cases among the vaccinated and unvaccinated benefitted from compassionate care which was the best chance to survive the illness and avoid hospitalization and death.
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This can be replicated across the world. In my country there have been an access of deaths after a supposed 94% vaccination rate which no one will investigate. Only one brave politician will mention it in parliament.
I’ve been down this rabbit hole from the beginning. This is what I believe.
The greatest lie told to us by far is that a coronavirus can escape from a single point of origin either zoonotically or from a lab, then circle the globe within several weeks.
Most biologists, virologists and epidemiologists are ignoring the fact that coronaviruses are very bad at replication.
That's one reason why you can be in the same room with a sick family member and not get sick. Or get a milder case.
If coronaviruses were as efficient at replicating as they've tried to tell us then whomever is around a sick person is guaranteed to get sick until everyone gets sick. But that's not how coronaviruses work at all.
If anything at best a fraction of someone's viral swarm is contagious. And, of that fraction not all the viral genomes are identically virulent. Mostly coronaviruses make imperfect copies of themselves.
They've got everyone worried about gain of function and "the next pandemic" so that we give up our rights to a global authority. The monster in the Petri dish is a lie.
Coronaviruses are RNA viruses which whether created by nature or a lab still exhibit weak fidelity. So in order to study them they clone existing viral pathogens with DNA which stabilizes them for research.
To be clear cloning is not GOF, it's just a standard research methodology. However, even with DNA clones their replication is short lived.
Therefore It is entirely plausible the pandemic was caused by the deliberate release of strategically placed DNA virus clones in key places throughout the world.
They would be temporarily stable enough to illicit an aha! moment and make unsuspecting researchers around the globe believe they were dealing with a worldwide spread of a novel virus.
They'd initially sicken the vulnerable with somewhat unusual symptoms then gain long-term traction through media fear mongering and ongoing PCR testing at cycle thresholds far beyond what was appropriate.
The more cycles the more sensitive the test until an insignificant positive result is found.
Factor in federal monetary incentives for testing, positive results, and treatment.
Another avenue to malfeasance that nobody seems to be questioning is, where did the flu go? Do we really believe masking and distancing instantly ended the flu? Immediately, world-wide? That's utterly nonsensical.
Bottom line: we are never going to find what we're not looking for. Don’t look for influenza and there won’t be any influenza. Looking for the single origin from Wuhan or North Carolina is misdirection. We should be asking how such a low fidelity virus was spread? Who spread it? And, why?
I believe global citizens are being feared into submission by nihilists deluded into believing their total global control is necessary for the greater good.