The perpetrators of this human cull must be brought to trial immediately.

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Aren't cardiac damages permanent by definition, since cardiac tissues don't regenerate?

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Thank you for the warning. I would like to know exactly which medical tests should be performed for my young nephew and niece to evaluate the situation. They have both been chronically exhausted since getting their jabs.

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Certainly Dr. McCullough would know best which tests are needed, but I believe a cardiac MRI would be one of them. Also, a d-dimer, which would show any abnormal clotting, which could lead to a heart attack or stroke. Ideally, according to Dr. Charles Hoffe, of British Columbia, Canada, this test should be done within the first 4-days after receiving one of these covid injections. Troponin levels, which measure cardiac enzymes, are typically elevated following a heart attack. Some heart attacks are silent, meaning you would not necessarily be aware that you suffered one, but would show up on an EKG, Beyond this basic information, you would need to consult with a cardiologist.

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One additional test you may want to consider is a c-reactive protein, which measures inflammation in your body. A high level of inflammation could lead to a heart attack. The mRNA injections are known to cause a body-wide inflammation, particularly endotheliitis, which is an inflammation of the lining of your blood vessels. Here is one lab that performs a variety of blood tests....https://www.walkinlab.com/products/view/d-dimer-blood-test

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RSgva -

The Wellness Company - Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Harvey Risch, Dr. Richard Amerling, and Dr. Heather Gessling joined forces to form the Chief Medical Board of The Wellness Company, which is driven by Foster Coulson who is a business leader and innovator. It is a virtual healthcare company that reaches all corners of the United States offering telemedicine technology, innovative healthcare products, and online learning access. They also provide help for patients suffering with long-haul COVID-19 symptoms, and/or COVID-19 shot injury symptoms.

The Wellness Company

TWC2022, Inc




Dr. Pierre Kory has started a new telehealth business to treat patients with long-haul COVID-19 or injuries from the shots:


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Thank you, but I was initially interested in what tests need to be performed in order to diagnose myocarditis injury. Ie during their annual physicals. After that, of course would turn to the wellness company etc.

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I understand but I was not sure you can get the answers to those questions from the majority of doctors since MOST REFUSE to even discuss the possibility of the shots causing injuries and as far as I am aware, Dr. McCullough RARELY has a chance to reply to substack questions due to treating patients, researching, writing his substack/podcast daily and traveling our nation to sound the alarms. 🙏

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Well, maybe you have a way to ask? Or others know? We can always try to get a doctor overseas to do whatever test will show it.

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Bravo to the courageous outliers sounding the alarm.

Shame on the faceless, soulless, medical bureaucracies aiding and abetting this CRIME.

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In keeping with this substack article by Dr. McCullough is another substack article. Dr. Colleen Huber, a naturopathic physician, has this morning provided an article entitled, "Botanical Medicine for a Covid-Vaccine Injured Heart". For those who do not subscribe to Dr. Huber's substack, you can find it by going to: colleenhuber@substack.com. The article is on the left side of the home page. I have read the article & think it is worthwhile.

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This is how China conquers our military. Destroy a generation of teenage boys.

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The Make Or Break For This Movement

Is Whether Just One Of The Notable Doctors

That We So Carefully Follow, Will Dismantle The Core Credibility/Foundation Of The Very Same Medical Institutions That They Themselves Depend Upon So Dearly

- For Their Own Credibility.

Their Own Readership And Followers, In The Hundreds Of Thousands, Are Further Along Than Many Of The Doctors Who Have Yet To "Unlearn" The Lies.

Consequently The Longer Each Of Them Takes

- The Less Credibility They Are Each Left With.

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