“An educated citizenry is a vital requisite for our survival as a free people.”

- Thomas Jefferson

We fund public education, university studies, invested billions and billions, hundreds of billions of dollars, trillions of dollars actually, at institution after institution after institution of education, kindergarten through higher learning over the years to protect freedom. That quote of Jefferson's is the actual basis of public education funding in this country. Those words used to justify the establishment of public education at every level in this nation, in every jurisdiction, and the taxation to fund it - for that reason, our survival as a free people. Not to make expert workers to fill each cog in the wheels of production and business enterprise, deferring every area outside our expertise to the hands of other "experts." Which is what public education has been hijacked and repurposed to produce.

Public education is to teach and learn, to learn how to learn and reason within our own common sense. So we don't believe absurdities as spun by a King's court of chosen "experts." And become subjects of a ruler again. Jefferson's vision was to have us immunized to absurdities by teaching us how to learn and think for ourselves, become our own experts in any discipline. It's why we are taught core basics no matter what we specialize in. To learn the basics of other fields so we may learn more about them if others claiming to know more in their specialization tell us we must follow their commands. So we have the tools available to validate or discredit their commands.

We tax and spend all of the money for education to prevent what's happened and is continuing to happen. Today those who seek to rule over subjects spend our tax monies on public education to learn how to rule us, not to ensure we remain free; the opposite of Jefferson's vision.

The "experts" applying their expertise are manufacturing the consent of once-free people to "follow the science" into servitude under totalitarianism. A "soft tyranny" is the goal of would-be kings wielding their chosen "experts" the people are supposed to trust as a means to their power. Against everything that Jefferson and those who shared the same understanding envisioned when he made the case for funding public education.

So it falls upon us to do our best to educate. Freedom has called us to be the educators. Thomas Jefferson knew and told us. We forgot. Happy Birthday, Thomas Jefferson! The best gift we can give him is to apply his wisdom and teach others.

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Check out Hillsdale College. They have a free online course on the Constitution. By the way, if possible, consider donating to the college as I do and support their efforts to assist charter schools. https://online.hillsdale.edu/?_gl=1*1irwepe*_ga*MjU0ODU5OTI3LjE2ODEyMTk3MDI.*_ga_FBJP6CFLDM*MTY4MTQwNDUwMy4zLjAuMTY4MTQwNDUxMi41MS4wLjA.#home

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Signed. Thanks for sharing! Don’t let rubenstein and the GAE continue to desecrate our founding fathers: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/presidentsday

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The link to the petition is not currently working. I get the "Forbidden 403" message.

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Read "Thomas Paine: Author of the Declaration of Independence" by Joseph Lewis and/or listen to https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/peacerevolution/episodes/2014-11-21T06_02_35-08_00 and jump to 1:50:00 timestamp to listen to the lecture by Andrew Galambos explaining Paine's authorship of the Declaration of Independence.

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Apparently, “Water the Tree of Liberty” is forbidden on sites, as in “the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants”....

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I want to point out that our Supreme Court refused to uphold the Constitution. Presented with a petition from many states regarding the swing states that illegally changed their election laws for the 2020 election, to benefit one party, to make cheating easier, and to throw the election, the Supreme Court said, "No Standing". They refused to even hear the case, even though every state and American did have standing, since everyone was effected by the election. The proper remedy that the Supreme Court could have offered, was the nullification of those states certification of the election and require new elections, with rules that are Constitutional. An excellent examination of this was done by Mark Levin, a Constitutional scholar.

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Signed and shared. Thank you.

Lost my ability to comment on yt, again.


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Your hero's are people who enslaved people and tortured and raped people. It speaks volumes on your inner character. These are not my hero's - these are mass murderers.

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Thank you for posting this. I just read through the DOI Project website.

My critique is this... "Independence from What?" If you read the original DOI in full, you find that there are the principles of independence on one hand, and there is the historical context within which those principles were applied on the other. In the case of 1776, my understanding of history is that the signatories to the DOI were declaring independence from a political tyranny and an economic empire.

It is not clear from reading the DOI Project what exactly we are declaring independence from. If there is no clear analysis of what we are declaring independence from and specific actions that should follow, then all you have is empty political sloganeering that any grifting politician or cause can get behind and say "Yes! I'm for good things and against bad things!" And the grift continues.

Delivering a statement to politicians about how we're for good things and against bad things is not the move. They already know we think they are corrupt. Most of them know they are corrupt. We can do better.

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Went to Military School just on the other side of the mountain.

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He was, I believe a Freemason.

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Don't be so fatalistic; "the state becomes too powerful, unchecked, secretive, and unmoored from vigilant oversight." "If" is irrelevant when an indicative statement follow it.

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