I am a single mother of two girls 9 and 11 that have followed naturopathic medicine their entire lives. Recently their father wants not only for them to have the covid vaccine but all other vaccines! The so-called “catch up” scheduled is insane. I am looking for a great lawyer and expert witnesses. I live in Tucson AZ. These two girls are part of the control group. I am in shock that this is happening to us. Any assistance would be immensely appreciated.

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For additional information on childhood vaccines read "Turtles All the Way Down". Ask your husband to read the book as well, this may help get both of you more aligned on the benefits and risks of vaccines. The first chapter provides details on how these vaccines have been tested, not with true placebos.


You can find the first chapter online for free. Try this linkhttps://tinyurl.com/TurtlesBookEngRef

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I own several copies of the book. My X is extremely irrational at the moment. This probably sums up his stance https://youtu.be/Maq3uA4AcKU

What I really need is a lawyer willing to dive into this legal cesspool. I have discovered a fair amount of collusion so far.

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Aaron Siri

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Dont Do it. Protect your girls from this health assault.

Be Very selective if you do decide to vaccinate...tetanus, polio maybe.

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We have strongly held beliefs in natural immunity and are against injecting ANY chemicals.

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You should look into tetanus.

Its a hideous disease caused by the bacteria Clostridium Tetani and the toxin kills people.

The simple old vaccine prevents death. Its worth it.

Youll have a TON more chemicals in the body trying to treat the infection and usually its too late and death occurs.

Please consider this vax.for your kids.

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Please stop. You are not helping.

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I have not seen in my practice or heard in my community of a single case of tetanus in 40 years. Tetanus is another infection related disease whose incidence and mortality has been historically very low and was already falling dramatically before the introduction of prophylactic immunization with tetanus toxoid. https://www.cdc.gov/tetanus/images/tetanus-chart-1947-2019.png?_=67034 The extremely low incidence of clinical tetanus may be due to improvements in wound care and antimicrobial prophylaxis rather than to Tetanus diphtheria toxoids administered for every trivial abrasion in this country.

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Gets back to the rusty nail scare tactic. Whether the nail is rusty or not is immaterial, but it is thrown in there for effect.

Tetanus is an issue when buried in the tissue and allowed to reproduce. Usually, a wound should flush this out. In rare cases, a deep puncture will not flush out and colonization can occur.

But the idea tetanus is a ubiquitous threat is simple fear mongering. The bacteria is everywhere and the body is constantly exposed to it.

It takes a very raresituation for it to express itself.

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Stop with the fear mongering

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The problem is you can’t even get a tetanus shot by itself! They simply administer a DTAP vaccine. How do I know this? In 2006 I had a burn and my husband suggested I make sure I get a tetanus shot. I did, and ended up having a vaccine reaction!

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Precisely, above poster talking about a "simple Tetanus shot" is being disingenuous to the core.

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I would ask Thomas Renz law firm for Arizona referrals. https://renz-law.com/services

I am praying for you and your girls. May the lord protect you from your ex. I’m so sorry this is happening.

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Thank you!

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Below are some refs, wrt childhood vaccines and covid mRNA pseudo-vaccines, in case your extensive research has not come across them yet. Such solid evidence backs up your position, but sadly many of the MD’s, judges, and medical boards involved are corrupt/incompetent. Will pray you are able to protect your daughters from these evils.

===== Childhood Vaccines -- Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed

* Video = https://yummy.doctor/video-list/lets-compare-the-vaccinated-to-the-unvaccinated/

* Slides = https://www.doctorsandscience.com/uploads/1/3/5/8/135856265/493703325-vx-vs-unvx-graphs.pdf

* Article = https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/htm (retracted by corruption)

* Book = “The Vaccine-Friendly Plan: Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health-from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years” (Thomas, Marguli; 2016) -- See Appendix-E (Autism)

===== mRNA Pseudo-Vaccines (including covid ones)

* The fundamental flaws of all mRNA shots must be highlighted, as tptb plan to move all vaccines to mRNA soon (w/o proper testing), and the grave dangers of doing this are not yet common knowledge.

___* Antibodies, made by the body in response to these jabs, never get to airway surfaces where they must be to prevent respiratory infection.

___* The mRNA in these jabs, cause the cells they infect to make foreign, non-self-proteins, which automatically finger these mRNA-infected cells for violent death by “complement” (killer system #2 of human immune system).

* These mRNA flaws are clearly explained in this “layperson tutorial” by Dr Bhakdi MD, “All mRNA Vaccines will cause harm” ( https://rumble.com/v21ppz6-all-mrna-vaccines-will-cause-harm-prof.-dr.-bhakdi.html ).

* Given the above, MD’s that push mRNA shots have automatically demonstrated that they are guilty of criminal malpractice/incompetence.

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Thank you for taking the time to compile this information. I will add it to my arsenal. I wonder if I can get a class action going with all the other parents in my situation.

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One would hope on "class action" but obviously many obstacles to clear and good legal advice is needed. And, since no luck with attorneys like Aaron Siri directly, suggest trying via ICAN (if you have not already). Del Bigtree has vulnerable kids, like you do, and has arranged for Siri to help other legal teams -- would be surprised if you didn't get at least some response from ICAN (might be a "no", but better than crickets)

ICAN = https://icandecide.org/

Contact Us

Informed Consent Action Network

2025 Guadalupe Street, Suite 260

Austin, Texas 78705

info@icandecide.org = "likely best email to use"




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Yes I have received no’s previously for a domestic family court case. I just want help finding the right lawyer that isn’t in bed with the UoA crowd that lunch at the country club with each other! Thanks for helping and caring...a truly rare trait.

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Can you get him to watch these hearings? Either way, contact attorney Aaron Siri. He speaks in some of these hearings. *************


6.28.21 First Senator Johnson Hearing (1st one on vaccine injured patients) (1 hour)



11.1.21 Second Senator Johnson Hearing (4 hours)



1.24.22 Third Senator Johnson Hearing (A Second Opinion): (5 hours)



12.7.22 Fourth Senator Johnson Hearing on Vaccines & Possible Causes of Injury (including lots of stories of more vaccine injured patients): (3 hours)



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Thank you for taking the time to compile this. I really do appreciate it.

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Ive tried to share this type of info with him including peer reviewed studies. If he’s not outright ignoring me he gets away with telling me to stop sharing pseudo science or my “facebook opinions.” He has a lawyer that has the Judges ear in this manner too.

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Aaron Siri

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Ive tried to get in direct contact but am finding this to be difficult.

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Try info@ican.org. That’s the nonprofit that hires him to argue similar cases, sue the FDA, etc.

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Hi, please make a post for how parents of vaccinated children can best have their children tested for myocarditis. What tests would be good standard for diagnostic purposes? My sister sadly needs to test her children because they were coerced to take these products

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I’m not sure if this is comprehensive but I just went through this with my 19 year old son. I don’t know if he got the shots. He wouldn’t tell us if he did, but he came down in Sept ‘22 with severe chest pain & arrhythmias.

I asked the ER doctors & cardiologists & electrophysiologist who saw him for a





holter monitor test,

cardiac stress/treadmill test,

echocardiogram and

cardiac MRI.

They’ve given him everything but the MRI.

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Peter-why can’t someone hold these Vax companies accountable for at least providing heart scans for every single american who received an mrna vax!!!

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Yes, why hasn’t there been a push for every American to receive a Cardiac MRI and/or echo if the received any of the shots?

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Since 1986, when Reagan signed a bill Congress had passed, people hurt by vaccines have not been able to sue the vaccine makers.

Also we’ve recently seen passed the PREP Act and one other bill that makes everyone responsible for producing/administering/transporting/marketing/mandating the shots immune from punishment or liability related to any harm the vaccines or “Covid countermeasures” do.

In short our lawmakers, regulators & media have all been Pharma-bought & most of us are just now realizing it.

It’s awful.

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The plague upon our kids...known in advance and yet ignored by POLITICS....the FDA/CDC/Faucci,Brix,the NIH knew....they all knew there was great damage coning from this “vaccine” as well as deaths...but SAID NOTHING.... and worse...They knew it would not prevent the illness nor stop the pandemic yet they forced it upon people. If ever there needs to be massive accountability for the damage these folks did to the families and our economy it is now!!!!....before the Dems/Uniparty shield them from view...this was a conscious desire for damage to our Nation and World and they would do it again...they lied and covered up...oh let us not forget the WHO.

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Your are absolutely correct. Td is no longer generally available, only the Tdap. Pertussis and Diphtheria are also of questionable benefit as repeated adult immunizations after every little cut. Side effects are not uncommon.

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Also, I imagine most doctors in California will not be on board with testing kids for myocarditis because they can lose license if they say anything negative about the shots. Please advise best way to circumvent this

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Maybe ask for testing because they had COVID. That may not be against their new regulations

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Unless teenaged males are a separate subspecies it makes common (physiologic) sense to extrapolate from these findings to presume that anyone who behaves (from a cardiovascular standpoint) most similar to teenaged boys to be at elevated risk of myocarditis from the mRNA vaccines. Notably, as a somewhat older adult, but very active in terms of strenuous activity, I specifically avoided the mRNA vaccine due to my own risk profile (regularly engaging in very strenuous sports).

I'm sure that cardiac stress/inflammation from such activities is a key co-factor or catalyst to the myocarditis syndrome from the shots. It just seems the most obvious why-are-these-not-like-the others difference between teen boys and others in terms of myocarditis risk.

That and because I'd had natural immunity prior to any vaccination, and read the long-available studies about memory cell immunity in 95% of those with even mild to moderate infection (that was available early on), from which the only reasonable assumption was that natural immunity was likely robust and long lasting --as for pretty much every other virus that produces a memory cell immunity.

But the current takeaway is that (at a minimum) the very active/athletes should also be regarded as a greatly elevated risk from mRNA shot induced myocarditis, regardless of age, which is the only sensible (and precautionary) interpretation of the data, to the point that it should be considered contraindication to the vax until proven otherwise.

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Am I getting this wrong:

"Importantly, the risk of developing myocarditis after SARS-CoV-2 infection is significantly higher than after COVID-19 mRNA vaccination. The incidence of myocarditis after SARS-CoV-2 infection is higher than after COVID-19 mRNA vaccination (11.0 events per 100 000 persons vs 3.2 events per 100 000 persons).55 Furthermore, compared with cardiac complications associated with COVID-19, our study revealed largely favorable early outcomes of vaccine-associated myopericarditis.56 Accordingly, the benefits of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccination are deemed to outweigh the potential risks." https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapediatrics/fullarticle/2798866.

Does this now acknowledge that the vaccine does not keep a person from becoming ill with Covid? That the vaccine + the illness might be additive? So adding the vaccine risk is unwise?

Still Medpage https://www.medpagetoday.com/special-reports/features/102531 goes after the FL decision to stop vaccinating kids. Apparently his friends want him chastised.

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The comparisons of myocarditis risk from Covid infection, vs risk from the mRNA are very difficult to interpret for some obvious reasons. First, the virus itself has mutated greatly since the early days (when most were unvaccinated). Hence they are likely measuring risk of myocarditis from Alpha, Delta or similar (more damaging) early strains versus risk from Omicron etc which are more contagious but generally milder illnesses, as compared to a vax. So with Omicron, I wouldn't be surprised (and it would make perfect sense) if the rate of myocarditis from infection were much, much less than previously.

Also, you have to control for natural immunity/prior infection. So at this point when e.g. almost every young person has had actual Covid, comparing their risk "of myocarditis from infection" to that from mRNA shots is practically meaningless. If they were lucky enough to have gotten Covid before their immune system was affected by the vaccine, and don't already have myocarditis (almost all of them) then their risk going forward of myocarditis from a disease from which they are almost certainly immune from serious illness perspective is almost nil.

But you won't see studies that stratify these risks, but only meaningless, one-size-fits all (and outdated) cites to broad studies with no such controls, to imply that "myocarditis risk from infection" (as opposed to from the vaccine) is still a major thing.

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Seems with the FDA warnings (as much as I dislike and distrust the FDA) those institutions pushing/demanding the jabs face immense liability exposure, and the parents of underage children could face child abuse charges. Of course, I am taking a very hard line on this. #NoAmnesty #NoQuarter #DoNotComply #Resist

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I cannot get to the article but the press release said the results are re-assuring that no real harm is being done. How to explain these two interpretations of this study?

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Yes, her Covid shots could have caused the clotting that led to the heart attack & crash. My husband and I have had my sorority sister (50) have a heart attack, his high school best friend d have a stroke, his college best friend have to have 18” of bowel removed due to it not working anymore. My mom had to have the same surgery. My brother in law lost a 30 year old friend to a heart attack. My coworker had blood clots in her legs. My best friend’s nephew had a blood clot in his arm that almost killed him. My friend’s daughter had a blood clot in her armpit. Had to have a rib removed to get the clot out & free up space so it wouldn’t clot again...

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Senator Johnson has held numerous multi-hour hearings on side effects, but nobody in corporate media has covered any of them. https://youtu.be/9jMONZMuS2U

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I agree completely. This industry is out of control. Prayers for your friend.

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Exactly my thought. Warnings hidden, yet there just in case of future blame games....

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You won’t find evidence of safety and the effectiveness, early on was presented using a relative risk statistic vs an absolute risk statistic. The former showing 95% and the later showing 1.something%. Vastly different numbers. The shots were never effective and ALL prior trials over the last 20+ years of these things have ended in failure. Those are now hard to find. The FOIA’d reports of the drug company trials are heavily redacted but do show severe adverse events and deaths. Meaning the shots never should have been released. What you want to do is admirable but there aren’t “two sides” to the data. There is the data. And there are the lies that our government, government agencies, drug companies, media and thr medical community have all participated in. I’m a fat-drive person and for the last 3 years I’ve been reading papers and articles and looking for anything showing our government and the drug companies did the right thing. It’s not there. And Dr McCullough, far more versed in this along with all of the other docs out there who wanted to believe in their health agencies and drug company processes have discovered just how corrupt they all are. Your children need to be taught about how it should have been and then how it was and is. Substack folks such as this one, Jennifer Rose, Hedley Reese, Dr Toby Rogers, Steve Kirsch, Dr Robert Malone. The FLCCCdot org website that does list papers in their resource section is founded by and run by doctors who were happily working within the medical system until this all came out. Most have lost their licenses and careers for speaking up about the truth. The “other side” presents no data because there isn’t any to support their claims.

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I too have spent the last three years searching for what was “done right”....ForestDi56 is correct...the “claims by other side” lack supporting data.

The referenced Drs, investigative journalists and other independent researchers are without doubt, reliable and trusted sources of data. Moreover they use the data...not hopes, wishes, marketing or political influence...to guide this laywoman’s understanding.

I am personally grateful for the work of these folks....and many others not specifically mentioned...in pursuing access to the data and making it available to us through their Substack writings!

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I’ve done the same as you. I can’t find anything that tells me the people in charge care about any of us. It’s the so-called “disinformation spreaders” who are telling the truth.

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Sorry. The article is from I Numero on substack.

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Descriptions of the trials:

* ↵Moderna. Clinical study protocol: A phase 3, randomized, stratified, observer-blind, placebo-controlled study to evaluate the efficacy, safety, and immunogenicity of mRNA-1273 SARS-CoV-2 vaccine in adults aged 18 years and older [protocol No mRNA-1273-P301]. 2020. http://web.archive.org/web/20201018173405/https://www.modernatx.com/sites/default/files/mRNA-1273-P301-Protocol.pdf.

* ↵Pfizer. PF-07302048 (BNT162 RNA-Based COVID-19 Vaccines) Protocol C4591001. 2020. https://pfe-pfizercom-d8-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/2020-09/C4591001_Clinical_Protocol.pdf

* ↵Janssen Vaccines & Prevention BV. VAC31518 (JNJ-78436735) clinical protocol VAC31518COV3001 amendment 1. 2020. https://www.jnj.com/coronavirus/covid-19-phase-3-study-clinical-protocol.

Peter Doshi explains in this why the pre EUA clinical trials were never designed to see if the shots blocked transmission.


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It was never a vaccine but the largest experiment in human history-man made.

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