When does the fraudulent medical establishment collapse in on itself? How much further can the guilty and complicit sink?

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I'm listening to Dissolving Illusions (Suzanne Humphries) on Audible and they've been at it successfully for over a century.

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The Disinformation Industrial Complex, likely funded by corrupt corporate money, continues to be hard at work to try to destroy our ability to understand how we are under attack. That people would work for and support this endeavor, which only increases the likelihood that they, their family, and their friends will be victimized by the government-run bioweapons industry show shocking stupidity or lack of ethics.

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Very astute Dr McCullough. Follow the $

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Without this covid debacle it is unlikely Dr McC or any of the other medical freedom doctors would have even recognized this was happening.

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Don’t believe your lying eyes. Nothing to see here, move along. (sarcasm)

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"diagnosed within 14 days of vaccination," would eliminate a lot of vaccine-damaged folks, like all those athletes that drop in the middle of a game months after taking their shots.

Anyway, let them go ahead and try to stack the deck in the favor of vaccines. Some of them know what they are doing, and you have to wonder what they will do when the next mRNA vaccine rolls out. Will they try to find a way around taking it themselves? Or will they risk THEIR OWN HEALTH, by taking it? Will be interesting to see.

And at some point, there will be whistle blowers from within these foundations that will speak out. The rotten foundation they are building on will crumble...sooner or later.

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This is infuriating. My niece who is 25 is involved in "Covid research" and has demonstrated often how poorly educated she is and how captured she is to ideology instead of knowledge. It's so clear when I speak to her that she has taken a bachelor's degree knowledge of biology and chemistry and combined it with glaring uncuriosity to become a dangerous spreader of bad information. There are surely thousands like her, all leftist, misogynistic, and angry but with a bloated sense of their own knowledge. If atheism has done anything, it's taught people to be captivated by their own brilliance. This overweening pride comes at the expense of humanity.

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There is seemingly no end to the gas-lighting.

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If approximately 64% of fully vaccinated patients were hospitalized with Covid, using the given ICD code does not account for this. Also Aim 1 and Aim 2 should not have different time intervals. 14 days was the original time frame for which they would not accept reporting of adverse events because, in their words, it took 14 days for "immunity" to happen. Immunity has nothing to do with adverse events. By doing this, they very conveniently ignored strokes, myocardial infarction, other serious complications, and deaths that mostly occurred in the first 72 hours post jab.. Also the symptoms of myocarditis can be subtle especially in young male athletes who have conditioned hearts. So, the study is completely flawed.

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The MFers designing and funding these fraudulent studies to promote poisonous product deserve hard time in prison!

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Doctor...There never was a pandemic.

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