Dr. Fauci clearly has no fear of Senate investigations, or any other type of investigation. This does not seem rationale given the evidence that Dr. Fauci was deeply involved in the funding of the gain of function research associated with SARS COV-2 virus. No matter the amount of evidence or potential consequences to him, it does not phase in the least. So he is either a complete idiot, delusional or he knows something we do not. Could it be he is protected at the highest levels and knows he has nothing to fear?

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he is the money man, what does he have to fear? he gave money to lots of folks, they will keep him happy and safe and effective to commit more murder

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It's like MengelFauxi already knows somehow that he is too big to jail.

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What about "too big to lead (Pb)" :P?

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Must add the obligatory "after a fair trial" caveat.


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As in the mineral?

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The metal - of course :)...

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He's protected in this life. The price? He'd rather not know.

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I have no faith in their investigations. I feel it’s all grandstanding and theatrics.

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In fact like the whole show and their fake word vaxxxine

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I feel more comfortable using the title "Dr." for Mengele than for Fauci...

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Mr. Anthony "gain-of-function" Mengele Fauxi.

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He actually puts Dr. Mengele to shame... he just didn't get the title yet!

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I would think Fauxi's body count is going to be much higher than Mengele's and the Third Reich's body count, if it isn't already at that level.

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After all the carnage from COVID and now the vaccines...that this topic is 1 million times less pertinent to the blinded masses than a ticket to a Taylor Swift concert, is beyond dystopian.

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Is more 1 trillion!

The herds of modern moron slaves are conditioned since birth to behave in that manner... No chance to avoid it!

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I doubt any of those involved fear they will be held accountable. Many have pointed out that these "experiments" were instigated (and apparently still on going) for the military. When it became too challenging to continue stateside they simply offshored it to China and the various black site hosting countries.

Without some International Tribunal (and we already know how screwed up those groups are), no US, deep state compromised, court would find any of these sociopaths guilty, without turning over far too many putrid swamp bogs.

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Why do you think China allowed such research on its shores? Was it maybe because they could keep a tab on what the US was doing?

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no humie rights in glorious communist motherland, kommrade

also 5th generation warfare is calling...

ringgg rinnggg rinnNNNNGNGGGGGGG!

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Because the price was right...?

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It could be that, although this is beyond money alone, I feel. We are talking about geopolitics here not just the bottom line of a balance sheet. The pandemic was planned and carried out for a reason so they would have also planned smoke screens.

The bottom line is we are being run by mega corporations who have control of our governments. The mega corporations are no doubt owned by a small number of very rich people. They control the central banks and the WEF etc are the front.

Neil Oliver nails it in this video.


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Dec 4, 2022·edited Dec 4, 2022

Corporate buy-out and corruption has been happening since WW2, or really earlier, behind the scenes, for sure. Neil Oliver has caught up with what has been happening for a long time. Maybe enough of us will not comply--that is yet to be seen. It needs to happen faster if we are to save ourselves.

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What makes you think China and the US are enemies?

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The enemy of their enemy is their friend - for now at least. They’re on my list of people and countries who would take our country from us in a heartbeat or see it destroyed completely. China’s Belt and Road Initiative is a little bothersome (I’m not buying it’s just for trade), not to mention the police stations located in U.S. cities in our country and other countries around the world, seeding their citizens everywhere around the world, including here. Infiltrating our government institutions and universities, and interfering in our elections. They’ve got big plans for us, and we’re not included in them. It will all come out in the future. We have everything. They need our present admin in place to accomplish their goals. Biden, his family, and corrupt, sick Rats are compromised, and they have no choice but to play ball with them.

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Could it be they’re working together?

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I agree. See the covid kill box at Bailiwicks News Substack. Our "leaders" are ALL traitors.

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I agree before I even see it - which I’ll do, thanks. It’s not logical to think otherwise. Why aren’t our supposed reps screaming at the top of their lungs about the invasion of approximately 137 countries’ citizens entering our country, not being vetted - no need to get the jab here, folks; that’s just for Americans - endangering Americans’ lives, our National security? Why are J6 prisoner still sitting in prison with no due process and abusive treatment? Crickets! The few that did try or acted like they cared disappeared into the woodwork real quick. Why are so many Rats from the bottom up in bed with Ch-eye-na? Why in two years have they done nothing but blame the Dems? We’re not buying it anymore. The jig is up. The majority of them want the same thing. I heard that many who haven’t done something really egregious will be given a choice to do the right thing; otherwise, there’d be no one left.

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It’s got to be tribunals, and I hope they don’t turn out like the Nuremberg trials where far too many got away with their crimes and escaped and lived in luxury in Argentina. No civilian courts, please.

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I agree. 100%.

Too many of the nazi "scientists" were brought here - which makes sense since we taught them the principles of eugenics ("War Against The Weak", by Edwin Black )

There is an interesting case that the SCOTUS just picked up:


The strange thing about the case is that the DOJ decided not to represent the government, the solicitor general stepped in and made no comment and did not try to get the case thrown out. The premise is that EVERY congressman and senator, along with biden and harris, violated their sworn oath by NOT investigating the 2020 election results. So SCOTUS, at its discretion, if they grant full remedy to Brunson, could shitcan and lock up every single traitor in DC - house, senate, P and VP.

I'm an optimist; they should do it and lock the traitors up like Jan 6 prisoners - they have betrayed us and our nation.

Finally, look at the state level - I'm in Florida - why doesn't the governor and the surgeon general stop the killings? Both via the gene-therapy trash and the hospital kill protocols? Weak-ass cowards.

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I did read something about the case with SCOTUS. I’m not jumping up and down yet. Governor Kemp of GA is a RINO, in bed with Ch-eye-na - and their ways of cheating never ceases to amaze me. He ran against Abrahams in the primaries, and she ran unopposed, so Dems were able to vote in the Republican primary. Dave Perdue was a nothing doll doing nothing. They voted for Kemp. We had no choice but to vote for him, or it would have been Abrahams, and they talk about the overwhelming win like that’s what Georgians wanted. Dems being allowed to vote in Republican primaries is just like the cheating ranking system in Alaska. If there’s a way to cheat, they’ll find it. Also, I’ve been warning people not to jump so quickly for DeSantis. He’s like any other Rat. There are certain things that he won’t touch with a ten-foot pole. People dying - need I say anymore? If people have learned anything, I hope it’s to trust but verify. We’ve been fooled and disappointed many times.

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100% None of the current politicians are honest people. None. My position is the same as Anne Barnhardts:

Q: What politicians do you support?

None. They are all psychopaths and whores. ALL OF THEM. The culture has degraded such that seeking and/or holding office, especially national-level office, is, in and of itself, proof that a given person is psychologically and morally unfit to hold public office.


See the FAQ

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It’s hard to argue with that. Look at the state of our country. I give them all an “F.” Failures! We should be living the life of Riley, but they’ve only secured that life for themselves. We’re just the piggy bank. Very good conversation today, my friend. Have a great evening!

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Believe I have a paper with the genetic sequence from 2013. Will share.

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These sequences were published by 2005:There are two addresses here. Hope links work.



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So where in that paper do you see any evidence of a virus?

The paper documents taking patient samples and culturing them with numerous different human and animal cell cultures, and then amplifying the DNA in the resulting slurry using 40 cycles of PCR. The resulting DNA sequence, which contains massively-amplified DNA fragments from innumerable sources, is then compared to genetic sequences from GenBank, looking for similarities to previously cataloged sequences.

According to the inventor of the PCR process, Dr. Kary Mullis, at 40 cycles we could find virtually any DNA fragments we're looking for in any sample.

And where did the GenBank sequences come from that they're comparing to? Is there a sequence from a real isolated virus anywhere? Or are those sequences what virologists call 'in-silico', meaning computer-generated simulations? Is that not worth investigating, as I've done?

Whatever the source of the DNA fragments that were found in the culltures produced including the patient samples, where is there any evidence that such DNA has anything to do with causing the patient's illness? Other than the suggestion that, since they can't find any microbial cause, it must be a 'virus'...

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I don't see evidence of a virus here. I argued with the individual who sent me this as to the absence of Koch's postulates, the absence of a reliable test to establish such virus and no direct evidence it causes this disease or any disease.

Where I have talked about a virus is in discussing the views of those who believe there is an actual weaponized virus. This remains a dilemma in my humble view.

I don't believe the main thing of importance here is a virus. The most important thing is the amount of deception used worldwide to stage an epidemic without the basic requirements for having an epidemic in place. It has been a fake epidemic used to control people and also to kill them with "vaccinations", aggressive harmful medical care, electromagnetic radiation & graphene oxide and other toxic materials in their "vaccines." For me the existence of or role of a virus remains a dilemma.

I believe viruses and virology are still an important part of biological sciences. If that makes me wrong in the eyes of some well so be it. I agree with most of your points. Without a test and Koch's postulates an epidemic is dead in the water. I have argued this since early 2020. The WEF and Davos country club types have staged an epidemic of mass murder however we slice and dice it.

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I don't see it as a matter of "wrong". I see it as a matter of how much consciousness and truth we choose, or reject.

You say you're not sure if viruses exist, but then profess faith and promote establishment pseudo-scientific papers to influence others to believe. How does that help the cause of seeking truth? I'm not intending to pressure you personally; the observations and questions are for everyone.

How does anything significant change if people won't even look at their irrational beliefs? Do you think those beliefs aren't creative? When virtually all of humanity believes that nature is constantly attacking them, and the only way to fight it off is poisons everywhere, then it's only due to the evil deeds of those at the top of society that people are being poisoned?

You don't see why nothing will change unless the foundational deceptions and beliefs are brought into the light? What if the mass beliefs are what actually creates the deception just as much as the reverse?

It is the war against nature, epitomized by how we perceive our own body, that's created this present reality, and almost everyone is adding their creative intention to it.

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Oh I agree 100%. This paper was posted not to convince anyone of a spooky virus to be afraid of. It was posted to support host early in this game certain entities had distilled the pseudo-scientific totalitarian Kool Aid we now swim in. There’s simply more too this. It is not about virus or viruses or science (except destroying the truth about them). It is about engendering fear. They used a “virus” or virus to rule the world population by fear. Many people are still stuck at fear. The big job is to convince them fear is not the answer.

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1. The Nun Luger (Act) Obama visit Ukraine in 2004… Earth ChangesPrepare For Emergency

US Defense documents (2010): Biolab opens in Ukraine – Plans for the facility began in 2005 with Senator Obama who acknowledges seeing tubes containing anthrax and other dangerous bioweapons in presidential speech https://strangesounds.org/2022/03/us-defense-documents-2010-biolab-opens-in-ukraine-plans-for-the-facility-began-in-2005-with-senator-obama-who-acknowledges-seing-tubes-containing-anthrax-and-other-dangerous-bioweapons-in-preside.html - • - 2. Becker News

President Obama played a key role spearheading the United States’ securing of former Soviet-era bioweapons facilities and their conversion into biological threat reduction laboratories.

Newly uncovered reports and documents obtained by the National Pulse show that Obama played a role building a Ukraine-based biolab to handle ‘especially dangerous pathogens.’ One of the now-deleted reports shows that a laboratory was opened in Odessa, Ukraine under the Nunn-Lugar framework. The facility’s planning started in 2005 in coordination with then-senators Dick Lugar and Barack Obama.

“U.S. Sen. Dick Lugar applauded the opening of the Interim Central Reference Laboratory in Odessa, Ukraine, this week, announcing that it will be instrumental in researching dangerous pathogens used by bioterrorists,” BioPrep watch reported in the now-deleted post.

“The level-3 bio-safety lab, which is the first built under the expanded authority of the Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction program, will be used to study anthrax, tularemia and Q fever as well as other dangerous pathogens,” the report added. https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/exposed-obama-played-key-role-in-taking-over-soviet-era-bioweapons-labs-in-ukraine/

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Anyone still wondering why all our US tax dollars are being funneled/laundered through Ukraine?

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How to steal more money from the useless Americans?🤔. Launder money through foreign countries - IRAN - or political foundations. Better yet, insider trading, anyone? Let’s sell Uranium 1 to the Russians and pocket the proceeds. Let’s act like we’re helping third-world countries and steal the money and make more from “traf-fick-ing.

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I do not like Obama!

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He doesn’t like us either. Either does Michelle.

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Obama was and is a simple-minded criminal. He's the idiot who legalized using propaganda against US citizens. All the thugs in DC launder money through Ukraine - it's what criminals do.

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Both sides. Obama-d, 2004 first arrived in Ukraine with Nun, Luger both r. The Iraqi bush Cheney Rumsfeld condelisa powell, the Money funnel decimated country now sports many uS oil companies, with murder and displacement of many other countries in the region, world wide… the puppets Oval Office residence

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100%. It's a uni-party of pure stupidity, in the Bonhoeffer sense: https://southsidemessenger.com/bonhoeffer-on-stupidity-entire-quote/


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I never doubted it when the news first broke.

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Thank you for the info. Now let’s see if anything comes of it, such as indictments and prosecutions of those involved and those who lied about it under oath. #NoAmnesty #NeverForget

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Yes. It is ludicrous that the topic is even still being debated.

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Would you please point out specifically in the paper where you see evidence of a virus?

As with all of the other modern papers, it simply states that "Wild-type SARS-CoV (Urbani), mouse-adapted SARS-CoV (MA15) and chimeric SARS-like CoVs" were added to the cell cultures. By omitting the most important detail of the entire project, the actual nature and source of the 'viruses' used, the paper is rendered meaningless.

Did they really use samples of isolated viruses, or were they simply ground up lung tissue from dead mice that were used in previous experiments? I'll wager it is the latter, as it always is.

Following the MA15 'virus' back to the referenced paper from 2006, the game is revealed.


Again in this paper, no mention of where the 'virus' comes from at the beginning, but what's clear is that what's called the 'virus' throughout the lab experiments is actually processed lung tissue from dead mice. No virus is isolated anywhere in this research either. And the dead mice lung tissue at the end of this paper becomes the MA15 sample to start the 2015 paper.

Regarding the "Construction of SARS-like chimeric viruses", again if you pay attention to the lab methods, what they're doing is creating franken-DNA in plasmids (using plasmids of unidentified nature and origin), putting the franken-plasmids in their designed-to-produce-exosomes cell culture, and the resulting exosomes are called a 'chimeric virus'. No virus is isolated and sequenced at any step of the experiments; only sequencing of blender juice from the entire contents of the cell cultures with myriad sources of DNA within.

And are you aware that EcoHealth Alliance is a CIA/DOD front, and Huff is US Army? So Huff wouldn't be telling you what you want to hear, after you've been taking the Wuhan bait for the past 3 years, right?

Maybe you missed it, but on January 28, 2020, the FBI held a big press conference with all of the corporate media reporting, where they publicized the link between Harvard and the Wuhan virology lab, via Dr. Leiber, painting a huge red sign saying "look at the Wuhan virology lab everyone". It couldn't have been more scripted to give the mob their target. This is the narrative that was planned from the beginning of the operation, because it generates maximum fear, and serves some political objectives as well.

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Dec 4, 2022·edited Dec 4, 2022

The Chinese were in on this then, co-operating with the US? Of course, by this I mean elements within China and the US. The ones who are happy to have a New World Order.

If CV19 is not a virus as such, but a man-made thing, what would you call it? A 'pathogen'? Maybe there was more than one and it was released in several places around the globe late 2019/early 2020.

The US military would have been able to arrange that.

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I would call it a biological weapon used by tyrants to interfere with elections and kill and control millions around the world.

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What would I call it? Well, if we go by this paper and its references, what they're doing is injecting a putrid cell culture containing ground up lung tissue from dead mice along with tissue from other animals and bacteria directly into the lungs of tortured mice, causing tissue damage in the lungs and death of some of the mice. Where in the research do you see any evidence of a 'virus' or any kind of pathogen?

The only "it" I see is a con.

If we did an experiment by putting some humans in cages and in-breeding them for many generations until they became adapted to being tortured in experiments, and then made up a cell culture of ground tissue from their predecessors who were killed in previous experiments, plus some monkey kidney cells, blood serum from cows, some bacteria that's been genetically altered, antibiotics, and innumerable other DNA fragments, and we put a tube down their nose into the lungs and injected this putrid mixture, do you think some of them might get very sick from tissue damage in their lungs? Is it even remotely rational to say "look, some of them are getting tissue damage in their lungs, so we've proven there's a virus attacking them? When no virus is ever shown to be present?

So sure, the Chinese are "cooperating". But what are they cooperating in producing? It appears to me that they have a common goal with the US and other governments in producing a fearful, ignorant, dependent, compliant population, and that's what this is really about. The 'virus' is what infects people's minds, transmitted through the pervasive propaganda we call 'education' and 'media', and the primary symptom is the inability to reason.

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Dec 4, 2022·edited Dec 4, 2022

So what is making people sick? Maybe it is not a virus as such but a pathogen of some sort?

I caught Covid 19 I believe in December 2019 from a Londoner who had a dry cough. Something made me ill. It was more of a circulatory disease than a respiratory one. I even had a rash on my fingers and toes along with a myriad of other symptoms. I recovered in 10 days having walked and run through out as I had to while caring for animals away from home. I was very tired though! I couldn't smell or taste my food either and my throat was sore. Hot head etc.

Of course, I didn't know what it was, then. I think it exists but has been exaggerated. My husband did not have any symptoms at all.

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I believe I had a mild case of COVID in October 2019. I hadn’t gotten bronchitis since I quit smoking in 2008, and this sent up a flag. I was baffled. I really think it was unleashed on us a lot sooner than they’re saying.

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Yes, I agree it was around earlier than they said. For example, I know of athletes who caught it after going to The World Military Games that were held in Wuhan in October 2019.

It's interesting that you used to be a smoker, as smokers seemed to catch it less than most I seem to recall. Maybe the smoke killed it in their throats!

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I hate to admit it but I am a smoker and as far as I know I didn't get covid. Never tested though either. My boyfriend smokes and he didn't get it as far as we know. Everyone he worked with got sick in 2020 but he didn't. My mom and dad kept trying to scare me into getting the vaccine by saying we would die if we caught covid because we smoke lol

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That was about 14 years ago, though, I guess about 11 since 2019. I heard that too, smokers were better off, but I don’t understand why. Time to start smoking again!😁. NOT!

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As you observed, 'covid-19' is not a respiratory illness, but a blood condition, with systemic micro-clotting and impaired ability of the hemoglobin to pick up oxygen in the lung capillaries.

All of the evidence clearly points to a toxin. Although cyanide poisoning has some similarities, obviously 'covid' is different than anything that's been seen before, indicating a toxin that's very recent, and one which could cause global exposure.

Another big clue is that the 'vaccines' are causing almost identical damage to the blood, most notably the systemic clotting. I'm convinced that the same toxin that caused the 'covid-19' outbreak is in the vaccines.

There's one toxin that fits all of that criteria perfectly, and the more you learn about it the more it fits, from the exposure angle, the angle of symptoms and systemic tissue damage, and even the 'shedding'. It's nano-particulate graphene oxide; rGO. It's a very recent material that's suddenly being introduced into our environment everywhere, in all kinds of consumer products, including found in facemasks, and most notably it's being sprayed into the atmosphere as a new cloud seeding/geoengineering material. It's toxic effects have been studied extensively over the past decade, and thus its known that it's highly toxic to every living thing, including plants. The particles are so tiny that they easily migrate through cell membranes, and it distributes to every tissue in the body, including the brain, and fetus. And it's being chemically treated with PEG, which causes it to travel through cell membranes even more readily. This PEG-treated rGO is called "functionalized rGO". Because it's a foreign particle, it causes micro-clotting as the blood cells try to surround and capture each particle (of which there's trillions in an exposed person). And the studies even show that the blood begins producing fibroblasts in an attempt to capture the invasive particles, explaining the huge fibrous clots that embalmers are pulling out of the 'suddenly dead' people. All of this info is available in published research, and a huge propaganda campaign has very effectively planted a fiction in the mass mind so that no one will look for any cause other than the mythical 'virus'.

Interestingly, the lead funder of graphene research and manufacturing is the EU; they've poured billions into it in recent years. And I'll bet Wuhan is where it's being manufactured, as that's the chemical manufacturing capital of the world.

And of course if you've been paying attention, you know that many separate groups who've analyzed the vaccines have all found rGO, and no RNA, in all of the brands.

And I know from experience that most people will disregard all of the evidence, and will not try to reason, because they're emotionally committed to the fiction they've bought into.

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Very interesting. Thank you. I always thought they would do something more dastardly to us. I don’t doubt it at all. My question is: How do the Global Elites and rest of the tyrannical gang expect to avoid these toxins?

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Good question, and I can only speculate. I think very few of them really know the details of what's happening. Even the elites are largely specialists, and most don't know anything about virology, toxins, or the human body. And the elites are highly competitive people who spend a lot of time scheming against each other, because they all want to be higher up on the pyramid. My guess is that the ones responsible for this mass poisoning would be happy to see far few elites, as that's more of the pie for them. Those that are aware of it likely are staying away from the rest of us, and probably have expensive air filtration systems in remote hideaways.

And I also think that some of them probably don't care. A lot of them are transhumanists who despise life and nature, and the idea of their bloodstream full of graphene oxide as an early experiment in cyborg technology might give them an emotional high.

One of the most profound things I learned in my law enforcement career is that diabolical people are also very dense. The idea of the murderous genius is Hollywood fiction. Evil people may be very cunning and clever, but never enlightened or truly intelligent. So they're not going to see the damage to life that they're perpetrating in the same way as a genuine, intelligent person.

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Dec 4, 2022·edited Dec 4, 2022

Well, I suppose they know how to protect themselves eg Vit D and ivermectin and importantly, not to have their injections! Some were caught out eg Boris Johnson nearly died after being left unattended for 10 days early 2020, but he was probably disposable as he doesn't always do as he's told! When he came out of hospital, he did recommend people went out for a daily walk and to lose weight, so he did his bit to hint at a preventative regime.

Basically they knew it was a mild disease for most and prior immunity existed as they went out partying lots and lots without a care in the world!


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How does it spread then? From person to person, I mean. The man I referred to was coughing (a dry cough) so how would I have become infected? From a surface he had coughed on that I touched then touched my face?

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It's possible there were multiple routes of exposure. If he was directly exposed to airborne rGO, he could've had trillions of particles all over, in his lungs, on his skin, in his clothes, etc. Regarding shedding, I can only speculate based on how the body sheds toxins generally. The body will shed toxins into the urine and feces, and through the skin including the internal mucous membranes lining the lungs & airway, and through the skin generally.

So an exposed person whose body is working on clearing the toxins will have it literally coming through their skin, and it will be in the mucous droplets that they're coughing up. And rGO particles are extremely tiny and lightweight, and would likely remain airborne easily. So I think exposure would be through breathing air in an enclosed environment with the contaminated person, as well as through skin contact and even possibly contact with their clothes, bedding, etc.

People everywhere have reported the same symptoms you describe by being in contact with others who were recently vaccinated. Same shedding, same toxin.

And I would be remiss if I didn't mention that people shouldn't go into fear about this. The research does show that the body can eventually break down and clear the rGO particles. This is why 'they' want to coerce everyone into repeated injections. The people who get repeated injections are overwhelming their body's ability to clear the toxins, and the toxins are doing massive physical damage in addition to the body's healing response that's resulting in systemic, fibrous clotting.

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Are you saying Dr. Huff is employed by the Army at this time?

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Malone. Patent Lies & Lawsuits: Controlled Opposition’S: So Robert Kennedy Jr. CHD “Robert Kennedy Jr. Is my Good Friend” Dr. Robert Malone, they have a lawsuit against W. Post slander, Mr. Malone on speaking circuit with CHD. # 1. “Big Pharma and Biotech Can Not 'Elect' to Be Above the Law, Despite What Experts Say”

When we trust someone, we believe what they say because we put our trust in the person and not in evidence or facts.

Karen Kingston

Oct 28

When an individual has a tremendous amount of credibility due to their impressive credentials and a ‘celebrity-like status,’ they automatically earn the public’s trust. Trust is an emotionally based belief, not an intellectually based belief. When we trust someone, we believe what they say because we put our trust in the person and not in evidence or facts.

The level of trust the public has in someone is based on the person’s credibility. The more credentials and celebrity status a person has, the more credibility they have and the more that person is trusted. This means they can say almost anything and not be questioned or criticized.

When we trust someone, not only do we believe what they say, we develop an emotional bond to them. Often, we view a trusted person as someone who is personally defending or protecting us. At a subconscious level, the emotional bond could be similar to the way a child trusts their mom or dad to protect and defend them.

This is (in part) why it is very difficult, if not impossible, for someone with little credibility to question or criticize someone with high credibility without being attacked or annihilated.

On October 27, 2022, Dr. Robert Malone published a Substack article entitled, mRNA Vaccines and EUA. In paragraph three (3) of the article, Dr. Malone claims, “All of the mRNA vaccine doses administered in the United States (to both citizens and military personnel) have been provided under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)…”

Dr. Malone continues to write that, “the firms (PFIZER/BioNTech) have elected to not manufacture, distribute, or market these licensed products in the United States.”

In the context of the pharma industry Dr. Malone’s written statements are considered false claims. In the context of American’s retaliatory legal rights and the EUA immunity that PFIZER/BioNTech want us to believe they still have, Dr. Malone’s written claims are deceptive.“ … https://karenkingston.substack.com/p/big-pharma-and-biotech-can-not-elect -•- # 2. “Robert Malone Sues the Breggins for $25 Million

by Peter Breggin MD & Ginger Breggin”

Originally posted on America Out Loud Nov 27, 2022 | Courts, Global, Media, Politics

At the ages of 71 and 86, Ginger and I are in the fight of our lives. In all our years of doing reform work, no individual and no group has ever been so intensively and persistently attacking us on a personal level as Dr. Robert Malone — starting ever since August 2022 when we criticized his concept of mass formation psychosis in depth without even mentioning his name.1

Dr. Robert W. Malone filed a lawsuit on October 30, 2022, against Peter R. Breggin MD and Ginger Breggin, seeking damages for $25,350,000.00 or $25 million for short.

Why would Dr. Malone make his claim so large — over 25 million dollars? The effect of what he is doing should be obvious. It threatens us with financial ruin and ties up our energies. Does he want to make us too afraid and too exhausted to criticize his public policy theories and his numerous highly destructive attacks on leaders of the health freedom movement?

The defamation suit (meaning libel, and slander) was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Virginia (Charlottesville Division). Service has been discussed between the lawyers for both sides and agreed to, but it has not been completed. The suit, already filed and ready to be unleashed, has had a suppressive impact on our planning and activities over the past two weeks.

Contrary to some rumors, we have never made “personal attacks” against him, and indeed the Complaint that is filed in court focuses on our scientific and public political disagreements with him. However, Malone’s defamation claims focus on our public policy differences. Much of it relates to opinions and analyses we already documented in our book COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey.

We have not defamed Malone. In our entire 110-plus combined years of reform work, no one has ever threatened us with a defamation suit, because we simply do not defame people.

Dr. Malone’s Unprecedented Attacks On Us, Exceeded Only by One, Decades Ago

Except for one occasion, we have never had to endure such personal attacks. Not even from the psychosurgeons in the 1970s whose lobotomy practices my international campaign closed down and whose research institute led by Harvard’s director of neurosurgery lost all its government funding.2 Not even from the electroshock company and their cabal that in 2018 was forced by my medical/legal report in a product case to inform the FDA and the medical world that shock treatment causes brain damage.3 Not even the U.S. government agency director who lost his job and his many other compromised colleagues whose eugenical, racist program Ginger and I forced to shut down. Their huge interagency program was about to be funded by Congress to do eugenical research on “inner-city children” from in the womb to adulthood to find biological and genetic causes for their alleged propensity for violence.

The One More Dangerous Set of Circumstances

The only other time in our lives that we have been so threatened was in the early 1990s. I had been approved as the single medical expert confirmed by a federal judge to review all the discovery from Eli Lilly regarding alleged harms from Prozac for a consortium of attorneys handling approximately 150 cases involving suicide, murder, and psychosis.

Of course, Eli Lilly, tried to discredit me in a myriad of ways, but the federal judge approved my credentials for appointment as the sole scientific expert for reviewing discovery, and the judge for the first trial would do the same. I was qualified to testify not only about psychiatric drugs but also about the corporate and FDA approval process. I was empowered by the courts to have access to all of Eli Lilly’s secret files about the development and marketing of Prozac, including all their clinical trials and all FDA correspondence.

What Near-Disaster Happened Next?

My position as the central scientific expert for all the dozens of lawsuits against Eli Lilly was not merely a threat to that one drug company. Multiple other companies had Prozac-like drugs, such as Zoloft and Paxil coming down the pipeline. Many financial interests had motives to do what happened next. In fact, we had many threats against our lives and contacted the FBI about one of them. We consulted with local police about wearing vests and carrying a gun, both of which we eventually decided not to do.

As we were getting nearer to my initial deposition against Eli Lilly. Everyone in our house became progressively sicker from week to week. I, Ginger and our daughter became chronically ill with exhaustion and with dry nagging upper respiratory infections. Multiple visits to physicians could find no cause. This went on, probably for a couple of months, until a plumber on a routine job was aghast to find that someone had entered our basement and removed the chimneys from the converted oil burner and the gas water heater, spilling fumes and particles into the house.“… https://breggin.com/article-detail/post_detail/Robert-Malone-Sues-the-Breggins-for-25-Million-Dollars

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I am an outsider and not as knowledgeable as all listed in your post. Two things, TRUTH will prevail. Life is all about how we treat people. It is obvious, Dr. Malone feels like he has been slapped in the face and by his own admission suffers from PTSD and has gone to an extreme. He must learn how to be good to himself and others.

We must have Courgeous Discourse. not lawsuits. Be good to yourself and your dear wife.

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Robert Malone is a long term serial medical terrorist.

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You know I shared this many emails and years ago, then Martin sent it to me. I about killed myself trying to get it out.

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Dr David Martin (Totality of Evidense https://totalityofevidence.com/dr-david-martin/ ) is the founder and owner of the company M-CAM International which has provided research and corporate advisory services to over 160 countries and he has personally served as an advisor to the World Bank and many governments. Dr Martin first came to the attention of the world when he featured in the August 2020 documentary by Mikki Willis called Planandemic Indoctornation. More about Dr Martin HERE

Dave wrote his first classified briefing about bio-weapons corruption in 2001, and has been presenting lectures at bio-weapons conferences since then. He has been tracking Dr Anthony Fauci’s spending and notes that Fauci has authorised $191 billion in funds for the bio-weaponisation of viruses against humanity. In April 2021 he published the Fauci Dossier public document, 205 pages, 22 years of research for humanity to use and prosecute, and in November 2021 his presentation SLIDES contained the COVID profiteers. — The Fauci Dossier https://www.davidmartin.world/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/The_Fauci_COVID-19_Dossier.pdf

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This is a concise, sober "reveal" to everyone. I hope they'll read it. Please share it!

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This report is staggering in its content. It is as if someone found evidence that a group of American geographers and map makers gave the locations and essential local details of the military installations in Pearl Harbor, together with the positions of all vessels and gun emplacements, to the Imperial Japanese Navy prior to the attacks of Dec. 7,1941 .

We all know the history of our world after this fictional group of trained traitors did their obscene fictional treachery. After stabilization of our broken fleet and nation,in our fictional story,the Government would have rounded up the traitors,tried them after thoroughly investigating all their connections, and then executed them and their cooperating helpers.

That magnificent Government in

our fictional tale, (worthy of the use of a capital “G”), is, regrettably not that craven group of selfish narcissists and fools that we unfortunately have in our terrible reality, which governs us as if they were secretly cheering for the Japanese in our fictional tale, having taken payments from the Japanese government , in the storyline.

We now, and in the future, must act as did our brave men from 1941 and thereafter ,to a secure victory over diseases both from nature and those from the corrupt hands of evil, soulless men, who would design the death from Hell.And if this were in the fictional tale,the heroic Government would round up all the corrupt reporters and editors who refused to print the news that the Imperial Japanese Fleet was steaming at flank speed toward the Territory of Hawai’i,,due to their acceptance beforehand of gifts and money in abundance. This is in the storyline,of course, not in reality, I’m sure.

Remember December 7th. We have been attacked again, and many more nations in addition,have suffered,this time,not due to the Empire of the Rising Sun, but by the attack of the Chinese Communist Party, aided perhaps and possibly by the accursed soulless scientists who,years ago, began research to enhance death’s terrible course yet further and wider. The political and military threats from China , and Russia, are being “handled “ by the same people who are “handling”the Covid-19,20,...23..,pandemic. May God help us... Remember Pearl Harbor, December 7th.

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I noticed the paper says it was “corrected” two times; I haven’t seen that before and what exactly does that mean? Did they change the data or interpretation of it or what???

I tell people to look up the studies from the NIH itself contradicting what is being said, and they don’t believe me.

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Good simile about the pebbles on a lawn. Our assumption is that anything noteworthy wld be reported in the news so if nothing is being reported, that is taken as proof that there is nothing noteworthy going on. Not reporting the noteworthy phenomena prevents us from detecting the patterns that are there. We then believe that there are no patterns to detect. The big big hurdle is: Holding it thinkable that there could be any other reason for no reporting, than the absence of noteworthy items. That is unthinkable for most people. Due to a significant lack in knowledge about a host of things that one would need to be 'literate' on in our time: Knowledge about corporate structures. About economic structures and mechanisms. About human nature and psychological mechanisms. About the factual existence and the significant prevalence (lobbying bordering on and blending into) organized crime. About the factual existence and significant prevalence of crimes related to certain 'religions' and their structures such as Satan worship. About the fact that such crimes are not only condoned but called for by such 'religions'. About how such cults and certain personality structures interact. Not to mention basic biology and immunology so as to be able to assess the quality of arguments made by public health exponents. To be able to assess their disingenuousness or outright mendacity. Today, all of these competencies are required. But too few have them. And too few have the time, energy and resources to quickly get up to speed. They need assistance. The McCullough/Leake newsletter is one very useful tool. It has a very professional, moderate and constructive tone to it that makes it easily readable also for people who have so far been in very little contact with the disturbing facts that are discussed outside the legacy media (for the "skilled TV watchers"). The newsletter does not deter or frighten. That is very helpful. Thank you both!

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