Do you know if Retinal vein thrombosis can be a result of covid Vax and multiple boosters? My brother in law is a cardiologists and astonishingly still believes in getting more boosters. He came down with this condition and I think it has to do with all the toxic spike protein which can cause thrombosis. Also doesn’t the LPN pass through the retinal barrier? Can you please explain a possible mechanism for this? Thank you

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Oct 22, 2023·edited Oct 22, 2023

My wife and her BFF figured out the vaxes were no good in the early spring of 2021. They said we are not taking that Sh_t! So early on most of the peoples of two Asian countries were also smarter than the sheep of western culture. My wife and her BFF are in good company.

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(No one knows what the sociological or political repercussions will be from these revelations.)??

How about a total lack of modern medical trust along with an even greater skeptic view of the nonsense that continues, to assure that we in fact had it right....and they were wrong to insist it

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The refusal to take the vaccine due to safety issues, by the ‘sophisticated’, might lead one to believe that the purpose of these unsafe vaccines was for unsophisticated peasants. It would be interesting to see some kind of analysis of vaccine injury in accordance with income……

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The 900 lb gorilla... hiding in plain sight:

"The point of this analysis is not to be distracted by political views or other factors, it is that the people of these two sophisticated cities knew early the vaccines were unsafe. Therefore, later mandates forced people to take shots they knew could harm them. No one knows what the sociological or political repercussions will be from these revelations.” Dr. M

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Excellent analysis. Thanks for sharing. There must be some kind of punishment for those that forced their own people to harm themselves.

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They must be conspiracy theorists.

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Has anybody heard anything about side effects of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine? I know several people who had that one and have had problems. I hear a lot about Pfizer and Moderno vaccine injuries and deaths but crickets on J&J. Does anybody have any information or can anyone tell me where to look?

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