I don't understand all the chemistry, but I can figure out why Ivermectin was banned.

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Two of. my family members are in health care and took the first two shots - so when I intentionally stopped my weekly Ivermectin in order to just get Omicron over with, all of us came down with it, but it took five months - we all did the FLCCC protocol and so I'm hoping the Ivermectin got rid of whatever spike my family had in them from those shots. So far, so good.

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I do not think that Ivermectin can get rid of the mRNNA.. that is now imbedded into DNA. People need to learn that the spike protein and the mRNA factory is not the same. Spikes are what the mRNA produce after it has lodged into the DNA and gained access to production capabilities

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So - am I understanding your post? You took Ivermectin prophylactically as a routine and then stopped so you would purposefully get Omicron? And then practically the minute you stopped, you got sick???

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Feb 28, 2023·edited Feb 28, 2023

Covid is endemic which means it’s here to stay. So when the milder variant appeared I decided to stop it which I did in December 2021. I went about my life with high d. Zinc quercetin. Did not get it until May 2022. So I did not get it right away. I either got it in the nail salon or hair salon. Everyone had masks. I gave it to my 6 month old grandson who was treated with a steroid and antibiotics. Everyone else used the FLCcc protocol for early treatment. We were all fine. And I have 2 healthcare professionals in my family but I was the one to give it to them! None of us have gotten it since. Yes I wanted to get it over with. Not going to live our lives in fear.

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and how do you know it was covid? did you use the fraudulent PCR test to diagnose it? I had one hell of a flu before covid hit our shores.. looked just like covid to me

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It was COVID - and my grandson's test showed positive immediately - I'm 68 and I know what the flu is - it was covid. 10 of us got it and there was no chest congestion so I know the Ivermectin did it's job.

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What test did your grandson have?

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it was banned because an emergency medicine cannot not go on the market if there is a known treatment.... ditto for HCQ... they would loose their emergency use status.

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I wrote a Dummy's Guide in this article, if you want an account for the beginner layman explaining it.


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Great to see possibilities. We need modelers to check for possible activity against human proteins, too so we can anticipate further adverse effects. Also, a question I get sometimes: what happens are proteolytic cleavage, is there further activity of the partially digested spike? I don't know the answer because it depends on the specific peptide sequences (cleavage products). Hopefully we'll find an enzyme with specific activity that leaves harmless parts, but chronic production of the spike -> cleavage products in people prone to autoimmunity can be expected to have additional effects, by default, as the cleavage products may take on different tertiary structures or form dimers with other proteins. The idiots who thought this was a good idea are #1 in callous disregard in the history of humanity.

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I have a question, but first some background. My husband is in healthcare (cardiovascular surgery PA) and took the first two doses when the "vaccine" initially rolled out. Since he worked in a hospital and saw people dying of Covid, he thought he was doing the right thing. Anyway, a few days (or possibly a couple of weeks-I can't remember now) after he took the 2nd dose, his blood pressure and heart rate spiked to what he told me was a level almost high enough to dissect his aorta. I took him to the ER. They checked his heart to whatever extent they do in the ER, and it checked out okay. At the time we did not make the connection that it could be related to the "vax". Now, I feel pretty certain that he was injured from it. Over time he improved, but he does now have high blood pressure. So the question is: Would detoxing help him? It seems like the spike protein has already done the damage, so I assume that damage can't be reversed. ?? Also, are the spike proteins still circulating in the body after 2 years?

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I’m seeing lingering damage of various kinds in folks 2 years later that the FLCCC recovery protocols as well as natural detox protocols are helping with. Tissue and nerve damage is often reversible through natural methods and time. So finding a well trained, experienced herbalist or naturopath or DO who practices natural medicine would be my recommendation. Be sure they have kept up with the real progress of understanding what the shots and the spike proteins and the virus do to people. If they aren’t reading these substacks and the papers and articles outside of The Narrative, they will only be able to help from basic tissue damage knowledge and you will need to find out their experience level with even that. But it’s doable in many cases.

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that is because the mRNA is still around imbedded in the DNA if they have had the jab or contacted through shedding https://arrowd.substack.com/p/the-cure-for-genetically-damagedtranscribed

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Good questions! I have a brother in law who has just found out he has a damaged aorta. Of course, he would never see a possible connection...

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I'm hoping your questions are answered. I've been wondering the same about a friend whose BP spikes and heart rate fluctuates between dangerously high and dangerously low. He recently had heart surgery for valve replacement due to a miniscule hole, and the symptoms have not abated. If spike proteins are still circulating, and you already have damage, is it safe to take Natto or other supplements to try to rid your body of it?

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Maybe this doctor can help help him. He has also been looking for physicians to train in this. https://arrowd.substack.com/p/the-cure-for-genetically-damagedtranscribed

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First good news I’ve heard. At this point I’ll try most anything.

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While waiting for a proper solution, egg yolks (and we don’t need government approval for this) seems promising: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33191178/ This, of course, makes it quite curious as to why there is now an egg shortage, and why so many facilities that provide eggs are being destroyed?????

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As the article points out, yes, the first question is whether this protease (or some derivative) will be effective against spike proteins in the viral mutations. But, of course, the second (and more important) question will be, will governments that are beholden to big pharma like Pfizer, ever allow for the approval of such an antidote? While such an antidote may be successful in the lab, the issue will be attempting to get that antidote to the public. Presumably it will not come from big pharma. But perhaps there is hope for labs outside the west (India comes to mind, who has historically gone up against big pharma with regard to generics v patents), to bring this solution to humanity.

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Doc. Grateful for your analysis.

My problem with the solution is that I {and likely many others} have no intention to accept any pharmaceuticals in my body. After what I've observed for the last 3+ years I'd consider myself the biggest fool to believe anything they say or manufacture.

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I wish Dr McCullough would investigate this. This doctor has been looking for interested physicians to train them:


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Is it possible to query one of the new AI programs, which presumably has access to the mountains of scientific literature, for its take on finding a means of neutralizing the rogue spike protein?

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