Mar 12·edited Mar 12

Better drag former Gov. Wolf of Pennsylvania in also.

He did the same. Sent covid positive patients back to the nursing homes to die.

But, hey, we had "Rachel" Levine as our Secretary of Health in PA at that time.

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There is a lot of noise covering the intent of evil.

With all the ink spilled about the "virus pandemic", man-invoked policies leading to deaths, and the count of people now dead, I am MORE disturbed about the immaculate deception of it all.

-- It was NOT a pandemic and I am not convinced that people died from a virus named "SARS COV2" but rather from mal-treatment and non-treatment of some(or various) corona virus never to be named or known, while counting as both diagnosed and dead with false instrument called a PCR test.

-- It was a pandemic of diagnosed "counts" not truly dead as a result of a Wuhan virus.

-- The deaths logged were and still are a ruse. A ruse to infect with FEAR the entire population with one intent: Control.

-- The control gained resulted in mass uptake of the saviour-- mRNA vaccines.

-- There is now documented counts of 17 million people around the world dead from mRNA vaccines and untold injured.

-- These mRNA vaccines are phase I of a war on human life as we know it.

-- Phase II was planned but not yet engaged.

Warning signs: fear porn about "disease X", monkey pox, and ebola over the last year.

The question to ask is not about the depth of Cuomo's guilt (he was) but rather when will phase II actually start? What will be the final signal?

Let us not be distracted.

and Dr Robert Malone basically offers all the details here:


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Corrupt government pretends to investigate itself. Consider this a choose your own adventure story. Will they :

a) exonerate Cuomo

b) slap him on the wrist

c) write a strongly worded letter to his mother

d) have one half of the uniparty damn his actions while the other half celebrates them

Please note that all endings leads to no action taken, while Cuomo is soon to be hired by a WEF corporation at maximum pay for destructing our republic to the maximum extent he was able

Zappa once spoke about a brick wall at the back of the theater. They're now dropping all pretense and pulling back those curtains. The tables and chairs are being jettisoned through the drywall on either side of the charade at lightning speed.

What will you do to protect your liberty?

Here's some food for thought: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/apathy-is-the-fire-in-which-we-burn

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This is the House investigating him. The Senate will toss it out. The problem is no one in NY investigated him or ever will. Too busy obsessing over the assessed amount of some real estate that no bank questioned and finding new ways to try and keep Trump from the Presidency. And allowing illegal aliens to destroy NYC. I was raised a Democrat and everyone I knew was, but this is nothing like what I remember. These people are sociopaths.

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Where is the rest of the story? What about the other 5 states that forced Covid positive patients into nursing homes. Whitner in MI, Newsome in CA, Murphy in NJ, Wolf in PA, Baker in MA.

All of these Governors forced these patients back into nursing homes. These six states were responsible for 50 % of the deaths at the beginning of the hype needed to push the hysteria.

It’s not just Cuomo, go back and look at the articles.

They not only passed immunity laws so the owners of these homes wouldn’t be held liable, they also financially incentivized them to take them in.

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Cuomo oversaw the mass extermination of elderly people for the sake of creating hysteria around the dangers posed by covid. The end goal was to sell vaccines, a needle in every arm. Why do I have the audacity to make such an allegation? Because the same happened in the UK, and of course in US hospitals (also globally) patients were ended using midazolam and ventilators. It was a coordinated strategy. The man, with his thin, irritating, girly voice that did not become more manly as he consumed muscle growth stimulants over the years while building muscle mass, is nothing but a psychopath. The only way in which you can kill so many people is if you feel nothing while doing it.

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And there was the hospital ship that president Trump sent, that was ignored. Hydroxychloriquine was widely available til it showed that it helped ppl, then they just had to restrict it .. like they didn't want ppl to get better. The most telling part is that they were super worried about Trump having it as a "political football" so it was war on the ppl.

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it will be a waste of time. He will never answer any questions of consequences. He will answer in the classical Not to my recollection I do not recall this. Just see what Fauci did.

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If only those 40,000 people had each just one person who cared about their murder. My mother wants to go into a home one day, she thinks they are great. She will probably cry elder abuse when I make her move in with me instead. I just can't believe how much they bill to give out substandard treatment. My sister's grandmother-in-law was a diabetic and once presented my sister with an entire shopping bag of plastic jam singles they'd been giving her every day. My grandfather had repeated ear infections from people not knowing how to wash hair. My sister had to take him an extra blanket because they try to take them out with pneumonia. Still got him in the end. This is before covid. I am unsurprised the homes went along with this mass homicide.

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Governor Whitmer of Michigan implemented the same horrifying policies. The nursing home fatalities have been reported at 40% from COVID. I sent the governor a message as soon as I heard about the policy explaining why it was a bad idea(I’m a retired RN). I received a form letter as a response with no mention of my concerns. Her next briefing, however, mentioned her concern for the high numbers of blacks who were dying from COVID. Something like 30%. That focused the discussion from then on. Both numbers were horrifying but we never heard about the nursing home deaths. I followed the deaths in our county and I remember, of the first 28 deaths, 27 were from nursing homes.

By the way, John, I thought the book was terrific . You and Dr. McCollough did a great service by writing it. Thank you.

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And let us not forget that the majority of these nursing home patients had DNR orders on their charts, which also provided immunity for failure to treat them.

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This all needs to be reported on the Main Stream News or all the brain conditioned sheep will continue bleating his praises

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I have always suspected that this may have been a way to "legally" kill off a lot of old people who are getting SS checks. Reducing the number or people would make more money available for other things that politicians may desire. And if this were done with such malicious intent it would really be the perfect mass murder insofar as it would be difficult to prove intent.

When someone enters a nursing home it is understood that they will only leave in a box. Upon entry all residents MUST provide an Advanced Directive. It is part of the routine paper work. Such ADs have instructions in a stepwise fashion beginning with instructions to treat infections with antibiotics or to treat diabetes and other chronic conditions. The resident is allowed to say that thet do not want ANYTHING treated but most opt for simple treatment with oral and parenteral meds, inhalers, administration of O2 and other simply noninvasive maneuvers. Then there is the discussion about more invasive things such as pacemakers, intubation and use of mechanical ventilation. Most people indicate that they do not desire such "heroic" measures and that they prefer to die. WITH SUCH LIMITATIONS ON TREATMENT IS IT A WONDER WHY SO MANY DIED?

With the Covid Circus we saw a number of things that should raise our suspicions:

1. Politicians were dictating medical care by illegally forbidding doctors to use Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermection, Zinc, Vitamin C etc. This was illegal as 1) no one has authority to tell any MD how to practice medicine and 2) no doctor is forbidden from using any drug for any reason. This is called "off label perscribing" and is very legal. Drugs are approved for a given disease but once approved MDs are not bound to only use it for that condition. Politicians by interfering with the practice of medicine were de facto Practicing Medicine without a License.

2. A big issue in survival in NHs is the frequency of visitors. Elderly patients without visitors die faster - probably because no one observes problems to keep the nurses on their toes. And of course visitors were kept out so there was no one to see what was going on behind closed doors.

3. Respiratory diseases spread faster when air does not circulate and people are kept indoors. They were not allowed outdoors and all the windows were shut.

4. The biggest bonus of all was that the majority of these people fill out the AD by specifying DO NOT RESUSCITATE (DNR). HOW CONVENIENT!

5. Even if the 4 above are ignored, the NHs have no fear because no one files suit on behalf of these people as jury awards are based upon loss income and life expectancy.


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"Defenseless" American citizens...HEARTWRENCHING and INFURIATING TRUTH!

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There are 5 governors total who did the same thing and they need to be held accountable. The deaths in those care homes represented the majority of deaths in 2020 until they started killing people in the hospitals by the denial of effective early treatments and the deadly "standard of care" once in the hospital.

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