Lost an opportunity to describe the true cause of the "Cuban missile crisis" -- that we had initially started it by placing nuclear-capable missiles in Turkey, pointed at the USSR. Their threat to place missiles in Cuba was a response to our provocation (sound familiar?).

Fast forward to today -- no Russian missiles in Cuba, but guess who again has nuclear-capable missiles based in Turkey, pointing at Russia...?

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MM - spot on!!

Thanks for reminding us that the Cuban Missile Crisis did not start with the Soviets installing missiles in Cuba. Strange that so few understand the background that precipitated that crisis. We certainly were not the innocent bystanders as we like to believe of ourselves.

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But at least JFK communicated with Mr K. I suppose the Post, NYT etc applaud the US's apparent ban on diplomacy these days.

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And if there were a proxy for Russia building up just over the Mexican border the United States wouldn't invade - oh no! Nor would it leave its usual thumbprint ie death, destruction, mayhem - the United States never does that. The United States doesn't even sit down with their opposite numbers these days - there's "nothing to discuss".

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easy : they embraced social Darwinism . . . and we are all paying the price has they lash out before the big leap into the void .

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Those military subs on both sides of the skirmish....are by far....

The most stealthy/Deadly/Accurate/fastest target hitting/tools in the Doomsday Button Box

When the Reds decide to push the button down, It won't be land/air/ICBMs. No way!

Hidden deep in some nearby ocean trench, Is minutes away from the Mushroom clouds.

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Anyone who thinks they can survive a limited nuclear exchange is either a fool or totally nuts. There is no such thing. Once the nukes are launched you have 72 minutes to get your affairs in order. Pax

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I was a naive teen during the Cuban Missile Crisis. As I sat listening to the radio, attempting to discern our fate, I asked my father, who was a nuclear physicist, if perhaps it was time for us to consider investing in a bomb shelter. His immediate laughter made the point you have posted above. That was one uncomfortable evening that I shall never forget.

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Yeah I remember the BS pamphlets on how to survive a nuclear blast .... ludicrous

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I'm old enough to remember drills in school where we were told to cower under our desks in the event of a nuclear attack.

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Meanwhile, my Dad DID build a fallout shelter. After the crisis passed, it became a wine cellar (my Dad and several of his work buddies were hobbyist winemakers) . And we kids enjoyed going down there when Dad unlocked it and let us enjoy that cool musty-winey air.

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All very well observed. The Times readers and their ilk are blinded by hate and their own sanctimonious self righteousness. Utter fools. Sadly though even though the masses are simply too stupid, too gullible and definitely too brainwashed to be able to vote… those aren’t who I blame.

The evil ones in media? The ones who write and broadcast in bite sized pieces for the ignorant masses to lap up and believe? Yeah, they are massively culpable. They control the people and therefore the vote. I blame them, sure, but they are just puppets, doing what they’re told.

But let’s get to the real root cause here. The same tribe of people behind both the goings on in Ukraine and in the ME - those people are actual totalitarian supremacists in the deadliest way ever. What we are seeing isn’t just stupid recklessness from those at the very top. (And I’m not talking about our DC govt either as they too are mere puppets.)

The people at the top of the pyramid are a people ready to choose the Samson option. They are as evil as Satan himself. These are people who, if they can’t have their way… if they can’t have world dominance over every living human and control ALL the money and all food, land, water and resources, then no one will live. This is the Samson option. This is what we are faced with.

I hate them. And yeah, IMHO, THAT hate is righteous and warranted.

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I think these insane, self-loving, elite-in-their-own-minds, doers of Satan’s evil work, do not want to die because of their failure at taking total global domination. They would rather we who are less than they, we who are incapable of understanding why they should be our masters, should die. Get rid of us or the largest portion, and it becomes easier for these global elites to carry out their sick and evil ideas.

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Oct 3·edited Oct 3

Lately I ponder movies like Dr Strangelove more paradoxically now that my overly conspiracy ridden brain registers false flags were ere it apprehends propaganda. Consider how it totally mocked concerns about fluoride by placing them in the words of an outrageous character. All these years later, I sense that there may be something to this concern.

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Since detonation of relatively small yield fission bombs in 1945, many people may have become accustomed to thinking that holding nuclear weapons provide deterrence and safety. Yet Russia and Communist China both have some very advanced military technologies. And these two Asian neighbors (the second and fourth largest economies) are conducting some joint exercises, possibly signaling they may be allies in the event of war with NATO or over Taiwan. There are many potential reasons for prudent de-escalation.

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On that note, maybe more removal of penises might be the answer to quell a nuke war.

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Don't think so.

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The penise's of war mongers

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I agree that most of our leaders, of both parties, as well as most media and academics, are much like Peter Seller's character in Dr, Strangelove. The only difference is his was funny and ours are insane lethal.

Danny Huckabee

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John, would you consider revisiting the original context for the Ukraine conflict, specifically how the White House and Pentagon provoked Putin and the Kremlin to invade the Ukraine? Aside from NATO's eastward expansion (despite promises made in the 1990s to not move “one inch eastward"), I recall a NY Times piece some months ago stating that the CIA had assassinated a number of pro-Russia political figures in Ukraine, which would seem to be signaling to Moscow that Ukraine was shifting decisively away from Russia’s influence and toward the West. Then of course we saw the Biden administration's inflammatory rhetoric toward Putin, goading him constantly and calling him "a killer", all seemingly calculated to provoke him to go on the offensive. I think this kind of piece could be very helpful in terms of understanding how the U.S. war machine has not only fomented conflicts in the Middle East, but also in Ukraine. Otherwise, are you aware of an article that summarizes these issues?

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Look up/follow Mike Benz on twitter for a detailed education on the US/state department role on all foreign policy for the past 10 years.

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Will do, thanks!

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And the media, constantly bombarding Americans w every pregnant widow and hospital wreckage - including that montage for congress. Idiots all got on board.

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Clever to use comedy, as the 'Court Jester,' speaking truth to power


Another instance of 'Art matching Reality' hiding in the mists.

Just LOVE your writing lately.


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The government is illegitimate

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I don't get the hysteria about Putin : He's "in the business" of leading Russia for the quarter of a century now. (And no: Russia is not only a local power, as the Obama-administration once put it in a long line of insults.)

Given the developements concerning the ever expanding ambitions of NATO, the Russians have stayed remarkably calm - especially in contrast to what we know about the Cuba crisis.

Not that one could really judge someone else (let alone foreign politicians) on the basis of media appearances alone:

But I remember Putin's speech in our parliament almost 25 years ago, when the shitty little dumbhead Baerbock - a sorry excuse for a foreign minister, who declared last year :"We're at war with Russia" (What a bad joke) - was still attending school: His speech that he delivered in perfect german made me instantly think : He is not our enemy.

I had the same impression still, when I watched his conversation with T. Carlson. (Not to be seen or heard in the legacy media of course.)

In the meantime -more often than not- I see the US as a dangerous threat for us (Germany): Not the people of course, but the current administration ... Those who have "friends" like these, don't need enemies anymore ... (Or according to Kissinger: "To be an enemy of america is dangerous - to be a friend is deadly.")

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Tiger got to hunt, bird got to fly, man got to sit and wonder why, why, why.

Tiger got to eat, bird got to land, man got to tell himself he understands.

- Kurt Vonnegut, Cats Cradle.

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Read the new book, "Nuclear War," by Annie Jabobsen. Most likely scenario that's about to occur now. Ironically, now a New York Times "Bestseller."

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So glad you read "Coffee and Covid" John! My husband reads it aloud to me each day especially so he can read ahead a little and anticipate my response to Jeff's snark, which is my favorite kind of humor. Yes, we are living in insane world. My only comfort is that God is still in control.

TDS has paved the way for a lot of things, not the least of which was the plandemic.

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My brother is an angry, pretend atheist who has a most severe case of TDS. He has estranged himself from me (sad, but beneficial to my mental health) but I sometimes see his rantings on our small-town newspaper's website. He spouts the Demoncrats' talking points perfectly. The saddest part to me is that he is a very intelligent person, but seems to have driven himself crazy. There's no getting through to him.

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It's really sad, isn't it? But I come across people who are still all in for the jabs and I think, "If you're not awake after four years, I cannot wake you up" and I move on. Just keep letting it go!

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On the other hand, I have been surprised recently to learn that some vaccinated friends are waking up. Just yesterday my husband and I saw his cousin at a doctor's office. She has awakened enough to have purchased ivermectin!

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That's certainly hopeful. Unfortunately not my experience or that of other awake friends. 🙁

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Let's not forget one of the most obvious points in this hypocrisy: this is the same group of people that claimed every day on TV in early 2017 to 2018 that Trump was dangerously putting the US at great risk of a nuclear war with N Korea. Because he called Kim Jong Un Rocket Man and sent a clear message to him. That's it. The hyper coverage of this was insane and was borderline hysteric.

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Perhaps because I never saw the movie, I hadn't realized Dr. Strangelove was born "Merkwürdigliebe". That word is synonymous with what "Semite" seems to mean; "boasting of one's fame". (Semite proper just means famous.)

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