There's nothing stupid about the west, this is a controlled demolition of the west by our own treasonous government officials aided by NGOs and the UN. The heart of this madness is blackmail, what is it that you think Epstein was doing?


Anchor: Congressman why do you think that so many democrats are committed to protecting the list of a dead pedophile. What possible national security implications could that have?

Congressman Burchett: What you're seeing so many times, my dear friend Marsha Backburn, I thought she was snubbed, that's why I got involved, but she can handle her own.

But when the democrat controlled senate did that I went to Chairman Comer in the republican controlled house and I said we need to fix this. This is wrong. And too many of my colleagues I'm afraid are compromised, uh, in this area for whatever reason. Somebody's whispered in their ear and said hey, you don't want something to come out on something else you better keep your mouth shut on this. And that's exactly what they've done. And um, it continues to go whether it's the honeypot the Russians used to use or something worse I don't know but but it's clearly, you see that up and down the line - you see good conservatives vote for liberal policies and frankly you see some liberals occasionally that will vote for something else.

So obviously the um, congress has been compromised and this continues on through the White House, through the Justice Department.. it's uh, the trash can is very deep. It uh, it's not a swamp it's an open sewer.

Excerpt from: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/burchett-the-intelligence-agencies


The American way of life as constructed by our founders is the only thing standing in the way total global domination, tyranny, and abject slavery. What you’re witnessing with the world falling into ruin is their global reset plan in action, where one entity will own and control everything on this earth including you.

Stop them at all costs.

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Tim Burchett: You're visiting, you're out of the country, you're out of town or you're in a motel bar in DC and some - whatever you're into, women or men or whatever - comes up and they're very attractive and they're laughing at your jokes, and you're buying a drink. The next thing you know you're in the motel room with 'em naked.

And the next thing you know you're about to make a key vote and what happens: some well dressed person comes up and whispers in your ear: hey man, there's tapes out on you. Were you in a motel room on whatever [date] with whoever?

And then you're like, "uh oh". Then he says, you really ought not be voting for this thing.

Excerpt from: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/burchett-the-intelligence-agencies

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I read about this. That congressmen are blackmailed to keep them in line.

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Further clarification noted.

Thank you.

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Don’t get drunk & naked with a stranger, EVER! That’s how this problem gets truly solved. Geez! Poor guys with no self-control? Grow the F up! 🤦🏻‍♀️

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On an individual level, it's also a controlled demolition of our intelligence and overall health and well-being, via fluoride, mercury and aluminum in vaccines, other pharmaceuticals and pesticides in food, degraded education systems, mainstream media content and the list goes on.

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You got it. We are being attacked on every front: Mentally, spiritually, and physically.

Is it more likely that Germs


Vaccines, Pesticides, Herbicides, Lavricides, Glyphosate, Flouride, EMF, Parasites, Chemicals, nano-metals, micro-plastics, GMOs, Toxins, Carcinogens, Flavorings, Colorings, & Tap Water Contaminated with all of the above

are making you sick?

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The food is all fake, genetically engineered crap and full of chemicals.


I sorta jest, but it’s closer to the truth than most people realize.

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If we get a societal collapse, which seems to be where we're heading, cannibalism will be widespread. Millions of starving people surrounded by only one source of food - each other. And many will be freshly dead, hard to toss all that meat when there's nothing else to eat. At least many will probably succumb to that. And if there are no freshly dead handy, that can be remedied. What did the Donner party do? Other examples aplenty, people don't like to starve to death.

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Or read the book The Road (McMurtry) or watch the movie. Pretty dark movie, but hopeful in the end.

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The author of The Road was Cormac McCarthy, not Larry McMurtry.

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Several Native American tribes have a name for what you become when you partake of the darkness…

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…Josephus’ account of Jerusalem, 70AD

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It's most likely both. All those level 4 biolabs aren't there for show ...

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This is a good article, but I agree, this is not due to stupidity. It is all due to evil doers gaining control and purposely destroying the West on the way to their desired totalitarian one world order.

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But it's enabled by a large cohort of people who are either a) young and manipulable, and therefore 'stupid' in terms of being naive, or b) older and entrenched in their views and so also manipulable (Russiagate/Trump deranged) and rather 'stupid' because of the closing of their minds and loss of critical capacity.

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or c) normal, everyday people going on about their lives but mesmerized / zombified by the MSM propaganda. In other words, exactly what Banhoefer (and John) are proposing. It IS REAL.

There is more than one reason, always is. Rule nothing out.

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I agree, the media is really the crux of all of this, and I do indirectly refer to that in 'b', but I don't think most adults are 'zombified', rather they're emotionally manipulated and are complicit in closing their minds through such manipulation. And for whatever reasons (somewhat generational) they buy into the appeals to authority ("experts") mainly because they're either too lazy or afraid to verify and be sure of what's true.

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Yes, you improved on my point. . . Dead on.

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It's due to the stupidity of the general population. There's no cosmic force mandating we can only have the worst among us in charge. They're elevated to power and followed by the stupid masses. Better options abound, and are ignored.

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There are some stumbling blocks in the way of that "New World Order". Our Betters have way too much Hubris to see them. Just as they invaded The Graveyard of Empires. They are making a classic error: Rule 1, on page I of the book of war, is: "Do not march on Moscow". Various people have tried it, Napoleon and Hitler, and it is no good. That is the first rule. I do not know whether your Lordships will know Rule 2 of war. It is: "Do not go fighting with your land armies in China". It is a vast country, with no clearly defined objectives...

Bernard Law Montgomery

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You can't have a controlled demolition of a moral and educated populace, so yes, the west has become dumbed-down over the last 3-4 generations to the point where this CAN happen. Look at all of the idiotic compliance with paper masks, schools shut down, "social distancing" and hysterical karens out there "reporting" on each other out of manufactured fear of a virus with a .3% mortality. Do you think people who are literate and knowledgeable could be this easily manipulated? Try taking a 100 year old high school math test, which most people with today's advanced degrees would not pass. We have indeed become a sick and largely stupid society. It's been happening gradually, from the 1913 takeover of our monetary system to "Women's Suffrage", which gave the vote to everyone with a pulse with no strings attached, to the pill and third wave feminism, which is teaching girls from childhood that it's better to be a good little tax slave to a corporation than to be married, have children and serve your family first. And it's demeaning to young men by likewise teaching them they are second class citizens with no rights or obligations to their families, including being able and ready to defend them. Then on to gender bending, fake food, the Big Pharma takeover of "health care", and the destruction of the western world is complete. The sad fact is that most people in the west no longer have the intelligence of fortitude to fight back.

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How did such an educated populace of 100 years ago allow all of this to happen:


It's been happening gradually, from the 1913 takeover of our monetary system to "Women's Suffrage", which gave the vote to everyone with a pulse with no strings attached, to the pill and third wave feminism, which is teaching girls from childhood that it's better to be a good little tax slave to a corporation that to be married, have children and serve your family first.


It's never been about how smart you are, it's only ever been about whether you are smart enough to understand one basic premise: that power corrupts nearly everyone who wields it.

If you are smart enough to understand this most fundamental law of mankind you may just overcome your indifference and participant civically in your government in order to prevent all of the above from occurring.

Those geniuses of the past you speak so highly of didn't bother to provide the oversight needed to prevent the Federal Reserve plus everything else you mention, hence, here we are.

Same as it ever was.

"The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men."


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True enough. Also true that this was not a short trip - it happened in many small steps, which is how tyranny prevails. The skill of politicians is in understanding how to manipulate the emotions of those many new voters who lead with their hearts rather than their heads. You can't put that responsibility into the hands of people who are not primary stakeholders and expect them to be wise with it. They respond to promises of care and safety, regardless of how detached from reality those promises are. A good example is "Moms Demand Action" - a useless group of females whose personal and family safety would be at far more risk if they got their way, but politicians lie constantly and use their fear against them. I've run across so many of these white liberal women; it's pathetic how childish they are, yet they can and do influence policy through their actions. And yes, the people of generations past may have been more educated, but as we see with many of the professorial class of today, that does not necessarily translate to wisdom or courage. We now clearly have a scarcity of all three.

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If I may point something out.

Moral degeneracy is stupidity. Using your scenario, is there anything more stupid than to be caught in a compromising position that leaves them open to being blackmailed into voting for something they don't support?

Most of those in Congress work very hard to get elected to their representative positions, and yet they throw it all away in a moment of indiscretion that leaves them open to all kinds of manipulation simply because of their lack of morality and self control. They don't consider the possibility that some other immoral entity might set them up for a fall? How many times have we seen that in history?

That's really really stupid.

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Here's an outline: Corruption is a function of time and after nearly 250 years the deviant culture of Washington is beyond comprehension. In order to attain these positions in the first place you have to sacrifice your morals on the alter of campaign finance and in doing so sell your soul to the highest bidder. By the time you get your seat at the table you've already lost sight of right and wrong. Everything becomes relative. Then you come to the realization that everyone around you is a bunch of lying, backstabbing, loathsome, thieves, so much so, you barely recognize their humanity. Over time they drag you down to their level using various means (not the least of which is drugging you on a junket and getting pictures of you with a child).

Not so much stupidity but a function of a sick malicious system propagating itself over time like a black cancer.

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Mar 3Edited

"There's nothing stupid about the west, this is a controlled demolition of the west by our own treasonous government officials aided by NGOs and the UN. The heart of this madness is blackmail"

You've made a number of plausible assertions in your very thoughtful comment, but I'll suggest that "low cunning" is a category that does not entirely overlap with that we refer to as "intelligence."

Perhaps the vulnerability to extortion speaks to the motivation for seeking an occupation in the public eye. Never forgetting that everyone acts in accordance with what they consider their self-interest always, we can only rely on observation of character over time, to obtain clues leading to discovering what interest is ascendant.

I'm suggesting this after observing quite a few seemingly intelligent people commit one or a few stupidly greedy acts, and then tie themselves in knots doubling-down on attempts to avoid eventual discovery.

Legitimate and lawful indulgence of greed is accompanied by constraints. The "stupid" part comes in when any individual believes their own sophistry. Having their activities discovered is always a matter of percentages. The sophistry lies in conflating random statistical advantage with some imagined special personal attribute conferring immunity.

The result is a form of "omerta," a code of silence and tacit (or overt) agreement to close ranks in the face of inquiry. One should be reluctant to call it conspiracy, because that implies a degree of planning beyond the original compromising act, the behavior creating the vulnerability to extortion.

I don't fundamentally disagree with you, but I do think that the mechanism of action is multivariate.

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Agreed, it is multivarite, but the two biggest contributors are money and blackmail. If you'd like to learn more about my position these two articles are for you:



If not, thanks for your thoughtful comment. We have plenty we agree on.

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Followed your link, and then followed the link to "Root Of All Evil."

Yes, we do have plenty we agree on.

Many have been puzzled as to why I agree with Hobbes' observation that life is "solitary, nasty, brutish and short," making the unwarranted assumption that the plain facts leave no room within such a worldview for the finer sentiments such as love, compassion and generosity.

The late Andrew Vachss wound a thread through the tapestry of his writing, best summed up in his assertion that "behavior is truth."

In this fashion, it is possible to reify the notion of "making one's own truth;" the everyday small interactions that are the foundation of the social order.

During the "pandemic," denial of access to medical treatment left an impending myocardial infarction undiagnosed. The markers were there months before the cardiac arrest and complete respiratory collapse known as "acute cariogenic shock;" the dreaded "widow-maker."

Amidst the impersonal medical regimen of isolation during recovery, a little flower bloomed in the desert of that waking nightmare. The nurses were well aware of what was happening to their patients amidst the entirely needless isolation from friends and family. The hospital administration was inhuman, and many of the doctors reflected that inhumanity, but the nurses were the heart and soul of compassion. They were aware that the only expressions of loving kindness we patients would experience, would come from them, for there were no others in a position to provide that essential office.

They were superb. At one point, two arrived to perform a painful procedure that required only one. The second was there only to hold my hand. They were both masked, but their identification lanyards revealed their comeliness. Their appearance did not belie their humanity. The nurse who held my hand, gazed over her mask and into my eyes, holding my gaze with a look of infinite compassion.

Yes, there are higher-order actions required to prevent the flame of human compassion from flickering out, but the human spirit, mired in its corruption, is also curiously indefatigable in its expression of a better nature.

Thanks for the links. It's tragic that you needed to write that essay, and hopefully this latest generation will take heed. The connections have been no secret for those paying attention, but people such as yourself are required if the congenitally incurious are to understand the various influences and elements at work.

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Ted, you were blessed to have good nurses during the dangerous times of muderous hospital protocol. Most ‘covid’ deaths were a result of early treatment being withheld leading to hospitalization leading to death. In the past there was always a pneumonia treatment protocol- until the medical establishment decided to call it covid pneumonia then lied that no treatment existed except for ventilators & remdesevir.

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Mar 4Edited

Truer words were never spoken, Dena; I was indeed blessed, after being cursed by the local health department and corporate medical regime's denial of access to early care.

Your comment induced me to a sort of gestalt, a sudden intuition regarding the similarities and differences of a cardiac patient and a Covid patient.

It is not axiomatic that the stenosis would have been detected in time to prevent the onset of cardiogenic shock. I base my assessment on the very high quality of care that was available to me before the lockdowns, but there's no certainty.

Now I'm wondering to what degree those wonderful nurses might have been compensating for the crimes and tragedies they were compelled to witness in the Covid protocols, by channeling their compassion toward those they were allowed to help.

It's a peculiar thing. A "widow maker" often (perhaps usually) precipitates a cascade of downstream medical problems, generally resulting from interruption of oxygenated blood flow to other organs such as the kidneys, and the one to which I refer was no exception.

The second hospitalization was not in the cardiac specialty ward, and the care reflected that. The nurse staffing levels were lower, but those who were there, were also wonderful. The staff doctors (non-specialists) not so much.

One doctor, when discussing post-discharge instructions, touched on exercise. After discussing the setting, which consisted of mostly-empty streets with no near approach to others, she sternly ordered me to be sure to wear a mask when walking outside.

I proceeded to "light her up" (in a very civil fashion) by citing published research, and she backed down, saying "most patients are not so well-informed."

Now I'm just rambling with anecdotes and speculation, but I will say that everything about my experience supports your assessment that I was blessed, beginning with being four minutes away from a major trauma center and having the cath lab unoccupied at the moment of cardiac arrest. There is no way to know, but I strongly suspect that if I'd been a Covid patient, they would have simply killed me as they did so many others.

The cardiac surgeon that resuscitated me is a genius, but many genius doctors were actively prevented from saving the lives of their Covid patients.

That cardiologist; when I awakened dazed and confused on a darkened ward and asked what had happened to me, concluded his explanation with "God has sent you back for me to look after for a while longer."

One final reminiscence; when I was discharged from the second hospital stay, over a dozen nurses lined the hallways as the orderly wheeled me toward the exit, calling me by name and wishing me well, the head nurse leaning over the wheelchair, giving me a hug and telling me she only wanted to see me again if it were out and about around town, but assuring me that she and all the others would be right there for me on the ward if I needed them again.

As we passed through the final exit door, the orderly said he'd never seen anything like it.

I am a nobody, just another everyday person of no particular distinction, certainly not anyone to merit any sort of "VIP treatment."

The memory of that farewell moves me to tears.

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“God has sent you back for me to look after for a while longer." Now that’s a special doc!

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Beautiful ! And true.

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Of course those orchestrating the destruction are anything but stupid. Leake's right that the west collectively is very, very stupid to go along with it as if everything is a-ok.

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I agree with you, TriTorch, but there is something stupid about the man I saw in a restaurant today at lunch. He was seemingly enjoying his meal with his face uncovered, but when he got ready to leave, he put a mask on in order to walk safely through the restaurant. I can't believe people still (ever?) believe that the restaurant table is a magic safe space.

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The massive, unrelenting, psychology driven, propaganda bombardment from every conceivable angle was a smashing success, unfortunately. The lasting damage it has caused is incalculable.

New Normal ● Alone Together ● Build Back Better ● Flatten the Curve

Stay Home Save Lives ● Protect/Save the NHS ● We’re all in this together

Test, Trace, Treat ● Stay smart, Stay Safe, Stay Open ● We Stay Home!

Don’t Panic, Don’t Rush, Don’t Overstock ● Only You Can Prevent the Spread

Stay Home, Your Home is Your Lifeline ● Stay Home, Save Lives, Avoid Stage 5

NHS: We Stay At Work for You – You Stay At Home For Us ● COVID Ends With You

Follow The Science ● Trust The Science ● Believe In The Science

Be Informed, Be Prepared, Be Smart, Be Safe: Be Ready to Fight COVID-19

The vaccine will save us ● The booster will save us ● The 4th dose is the answer

Your freedom ends where your contagion begins ● Self Isolate!

I wear my mask to protect you and you wear your mask to protect me

There is no evidence of harm ● This is a pandemic of the un-vaccinated

Out of an abundance of caution ● No one is safe until everyone is safe

This is for the greater good ● It is Safe and Effective ● The science is settled


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No one is safe until we are all safe.

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It's for the greater good: https://bitchute.com/video/xGGBg93NUPXQ [1:52mins]

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Reading Whitney Webbs " One Nation Under Blackmail " .

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Very true my friend. And very sad.

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Just a quick note to say my observation in the last 30 yrs has been the Dumbing of America,

Is real. It's intentional. it's obvious. It's maniacally depressing as it seeps into kids minds.

If the admin can't poison their Brains, let's try poisoning their Veins. What A waste.

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Those who are really calling the shots know they need to burn down what currently exists in order to rebuild their Utopia.

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Seems time for all to grow up and bring all the errors and mistakes to the open...


Multiplying errors with bigger errors and even sedition or treason is most


There is a God of forgiveness and through him all people can forgive, grow and go on with life. GOD WAS VIEWED NECESSARY FOR OUR GOVT. TO SURVIVE AND WE SEE WHAT'S HAPPENED WHEN WE DON'T LIFE AS THOUGH GOD IS WITH US, DON'T WE?

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You are correct. Thank you.

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"There's nothing stupid about the west, this is a controlled demolition of the west by our own treasonous government officials aided by NGOs and the UN."

But the populace stupidly allows it.

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While I agree completely about the debt illusion, (one of most important things I learned on Wall Street was "Debt will kill you"), all paper money systems throughout history have failed because of human weakness.

I think the current level of stupidity is unique in human history. It is unique because so many people have never lived so well before. As a result, they are removed from the ugliness and truth of reality. During college speeches I often ask "how long could you live if the power gird goes out?" In a modest percentage of the audience, it starts an interesting conversation of how do you survive without food, water, toilets, lights, heat, gasoline, medicine, transportation, etc. Most of this group has never seriously contemplated those thoughts. They have lived their whole lives without every thing about it because it has always been there.

The reaction of the great bulk of audiences is pure stupidity. They look at me as if that is the most ridiculous question ever asked. Of course there is always electricity. Food comes from the grocery store, water from the tap, gasoline from the pump, take drugs or doctors make you well, and electricity comes from the wall plug. Everybody knows that.

When I ask if they have ever cleaned a fish or gutted an animal to eat, they think I am mad.

I would add to Bonhoeffer's Stupidity, that without reality, there is no apparent cost in our society to being stupid. You will still survive. If nothing forces you to deal with physical reality and there is no real costs for not doing so, it is easy to believe in any other alternative reality. Just assume you will survive and you can believe anything.

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Good points I lived through WW2 as a little kid here in Uk I remember one freezing day, snow five foot high, and my mum gave my older sister and I a big bucket We had to walk four miles to the local coal tip where one was allowed to take the shale coal piled there for free She needed it to keep the fire going, not just to try to keep warm, but to be able to cook on it etc We only had thin shoes and no socks and I didn’t want to go out ...I was cold After a small altercation my mum looked at me and said “fine Don’t get the coal but tell me how you will keep warm or eat once the fire goes out?”

My sister and I went to get the coal

Nowadays my mum would have been locked up for “child cruelty” or something similar , but I thanked her for those lessons she taught us , even when I grew comparatively prosperous She taught me those first survival skills over 80yrs ago and I’m still here ..surviving because I know how to , even if my conveniences disappeared tomorrow Most of todays kids will be ‘traumatised’ when the electric goes and they haven’t got their cell phones to play games on let alone how to find something to eat...but where does the blame ultimately lie? My heart bleeds for them...

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Most everyone looks at me stupid when I say it's really easy to fix the problem. Just stop, do by choice what they did to you a few years ago, lockdown, don't do anything until you see consequence applied to the playmakers. They thrive because you use their fuel, buy their food, work for then, use their electricity. Just stop demanding a soft, comfortable life. Do it hard for a bit, show your kids what it's like to go without, eat cheap. Move to a rural town and live on savings for a year. The people have to change because it is our choices that enable the evil to thrive.

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Yes too many don’t seem to get it that all the corrupt systems we continue to use, only exist and are perpetuated thru mass participation and cooperation … they could never have come into existence and could not continue without us.

We can create, develop and perpetuate anything by our choices, where we direct our energy, participation, cooperation, support.

The faulty beliefs about necessity of, even desire for, majorities and so called democracy also need to be shifted.

We CAN create a world that works for everyone!

IF we decide that is what we want to do.

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Yes. 100%

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What's happening today could be summarized with that old axiom: Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create hard times. We're nearing the end of that cycle.

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Read the last chapter of "I.T. WARS: Managing the Business-Technology Weave in the New Millennium." I self-published that book in '06 and it became an MBA-text at a dozen universities. That chapter ("What's At Stake") is still, in my mind, the best description for what would happen in the event of a coast-to-coast grid failure, as well as loss of all communications, batteries, refrigeration, etc. - due to EMP or solar flare. The book is still available on Amazon. To find it, you have to include a portion of the subtitle in your search. I included grid-failure in an I.T.-biz management guide because discussion of data management/backups, project management, personnel, etc., is meaningless in the event of catastrophic power and data loss.

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We are experiencing a gigantic storm which will destroy everything that constitutes the foundation of the United States. This article provides one interesting perspective. But there are definitely other valid explanations and perspectives that help us understand why and how to correct the situation.

I have one fundamental question that nobody else seems to be interested in asking:

Why suddenly can Democrats get away with treasons and major crimes without any consequences?

I know the “apparent”answer is that the Department of Justice, the FBI and the law enforcement agencies have been captured.

If this is all we can say, then the United States is nothing but a Banana’s Republic.

I am appalled by the facts that even the city and local police who “stood down” during the BLM and Antifa riots, looting and burning didn’t have any consequences or accountability as a result. BLM criminals simply have zero worries and still roam free to commit more crimes in the next waves of violence called upon by Biden and Pelosi.

Forget about the November election. Trump will lose his shirt and pants if the election frauds are not resolved way before the election.

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Yang, I also am appalled by the actions of law enforcement officials who just follow orders. I thought about the two who were leading a handcuffed Blaze journalist, Steve Baker, to a car in order to transport him to court. His crime was being a journalist with the wrong views on January 6. Or how about the ones who knock down the doors of a pro-life dad and terrorize his family? How do they have any self-respect?

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@Anne Clifton Those traitors and bad cops who “just follow the orders” must be severely punished. I remain a strong supporter of Trump, but I don’t see anything wrong to point out his major blunders (not many):

One is to show reconciliation with the Clintons immediately after his surprising victory over the witch in November, 2016. By telling Hillary Clinton that she has nothing to worry about, Trump clearly ate his promises that he will lock her up. Imagine if Clinton was immediately prosecuted in January of 2017, all the Democrats and RINOs would not be so bold in their treasonous plots, including Mike Judas Pence and Jim Comey.

Enough speculations, but I think you know my point.

Evil guys are almost always cowards too. They are selfish and greedy as well. If they see their ring leaders like Hillary and Obama are arrested for their crimes, they will poop in their pants.

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Spot on, except I think we must have Trump. He’s a bulldozer.

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The disconnect with reality in this country probably could be dated to the post WWII economic boom, but the 60s brought in a clash of realities and brought us back to earth, but the powers that be learned a couple of lessons from that period in order to keep the reality disconnect propped up. 1. They learned their lesson from the Vietnam war never to allow direct war reporting as well as footage of all the caskets with American flags when dead soldiers were transported back to be buried. We got embedded 'journalists' with the Gulf war and now we barely get coverage of anything- just nonstop propaganda. 2) This connects with the inflation point, but life had to be made economically tougher for the working & middle classes because the 60s never would've happened if young kids couldn't flood to SF (or live wherever they wanted to migrate) and pack 10-12 people into large (and beautiful) 3BR houses in Haight/Ashbury and pay like $50 a month rent per person in order to live and then sit in the street and play a guitar and make some bucks and be given food and drugs, etc... Those are multimillion dollar homes now and even by 2000 the rent was probably 10x the amount as it was 30 years prior. Make college expensive and create debt, etc.... Clearly measures to make a youthful rebellion much much harder and nearly impossible today.

And, of course, the media went from pretty bad to downright Pravda level straight-up propaganda that a disturbing amount of people (mostly older) still cannot see through or fathom.

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A highly organised, well funded (mostly by YOU the taxpayer!) and purposeful destruction of the idea and ideals of America (and west in general) by elitists and their deep state, corporate, and media (propaganda) partners, in the presence of "—a perfect storm of emotional dysregulation, lack of perspective, truculence, and gullibility" (WILFULL IGNORANCE) on the part of the masses.!

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If you want to know who is in charge, simply look at who it is illegal to criticize.

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George Soros is in charge. "Destroying America will be the culmination of my life's work." is attributed to him, everything he does is towards that goal. The Nov . election is really Soros vs Trump. And the youngsters will still vote only to make abortion legal again. Under Communism abortion can be mandatory.

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I don't look at those who fall for propaganda as being gullible when there is no other source of information. Many people I talk to only listen to MSN so it is the authors of the news who are misleading the people. Once the people finally get suspicious and investigate the questionable news they hopefully find the truth, however some will find Jimmy Jones instead. There needs to be a way to rate the truthfulness of each news agency that is easy to find on the internet. I don't see that happening anytime soon. The reverse is happening in Canada where the online harms bill can easily be used to silence people the government disagrees with. I read recently that 1/3 of Canadian government employees earn in excess of $100,000 per year. Sounds like that is much higher than industry rates. I read into this statistic that people earning high wages are unlikely to jeopardize their jobs for something as silly as morals.

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No other source of information? Anyone who is curious and has ANY critical thinking skills can find info via the internet and there is absolutely no need for some arbitrary "truth" rating system. That's the whole "fact-checking" scam and there are big NGOs claiming to do that but it's just completely biased b.s. and will always prop up the establishment.

I could agree with the lack of gullibility in the younger generations to a large degree because of the intense indoctrination they receive through our dumbed-down educational system so those without family resources will be increasingly prey to propaganda even if they're inherently intelligent because they never get exposed to alternative views and lose out on being encouraged to think for themselves, which is practically taboo nowadays.

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There IS a way to rate the truthfulness of any news source and it does not require an authority outside of oneself … it requires ongoing investigation and questioning … censorship and denial are dead give aways, as is constant repetition of the exact same words, with little or no questioning.

There is also MUCH need for MORE people to ACT on the dishonesty they are/become aware of, in whatever ways they can, first on an individual basis, and then extending to family, friends, community. That is where ALL change comes from … not from the corrupt current systems … political, government, financial, healthcare, etc.

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"How could the directors of Anheuser-Busch be so disconnected from their customer base and the wellbeing of their company and its distributors? "

Because the directors of a large company like Anheuser-Busch don't hang out with the peasants. So they have no idea what a peasant's life is like, what the peasants like, what they don't like, what the peasants are thinking. This is our society today: We have a wealthy elite which includes corporate exec's of the large multinational corporations and it also includes the political class in DC, and we have the rest of us. The wealthy elite have no clue about what the lives of the rest of us are like, so they are out of touch regarding an advertising campaign for their company and they are out of touch with the voters. As a result, the political class in DC enacts policy that is often completely at odds with the will of the voters!

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Good overview!

I wonder why so many continue to perpetuate such corruption and upside down backwardness, via their participation and cooperation in such a system?

To expect solutions to come from political system?

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so true. people are freaking out about Trump possibly winning, saying we'll have a dictatorship and Putin will take over Europe!! Blame the MSM for this complete and utter BS, but also blame the people who are stupid enough to watch MSM these days! We have the Uniparty in Washington that encourages and supports endless war, mass murder, untold suffering. POTUS makes little difference. CIA and US Military run our foreign policy no matter who is POTUS. Big banks and multinational corporations run everything else. I have no idea how we will ever get out of this mess, but I do continue to have hope. Is that stupid? Maybe. But without hope what is there? Gloom and despair.

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@pimaCanyon All true All been foretold to happen Forget all politics in EVERY country on earth ...it will never be the solution However, There IS a sure hope for the earth ...God did not create it for nothing...His will WILL be done...examine the evidence of how it will come about with an open enquiring humility as I did 60yrs ago ...? All the answers to eternal questions are set out logically for lovers of truth Go to jw.org then sleep soundly with inner peace as I do! Meanwhile, from a former atheist, I send Agape love to ALL on earth who are sighing & crying in despair , your prayers will be answered but maybe not in the way you think!

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Excellent article!

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The problem is the self anointed ruling ((establishment)) that owns the banks, 94% of all forms of media, Hollywood, big Pharma, immigration, search engines, and the judiciary.

Naming and removing them is literally the only topic of any importance on earth because until this happens, no amount of activism, well-meaning articles, or elections will make a dent in our collective suffering!

Most people except that their intellect is at a low level, and they simply follow suit because the television told them so.

If they were removed, and preferably punished, we would literally solve 90% of our problems in a matter of weeks.

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They are NOT self-anointed … seems they have convinced enough of us that they ARE, and to participate and cooperate in the systems that perpetuate that faulty belief … so we in fact ‘make it so’.

We need to recognise our responsibility (ability to respond), and make choices that create a different ‘reality’.

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This is not stupidity per say. The issue is that the left's worldview is built upon a foundation of lies, Lies that can not tolerate exposure to reality and facts. This is why the censorship is always coming from the left. All of the Elites and power centers of our society reside on the left. The so called Republicans in DC buy into the lies because as human beings we all want to get along so they abandon their principles early on once they are exposed to the Swamp in DC and they will never do what it would take to fundamentally change the culture/mindset of the DC Swamp.

The problem is the fact that the wave of reality always comes ashore and hits the lefts worldview built upon their lies and washes it back out in the sea of facts and truth with the debris being the deaths of the untold thousands/millions of the poor and deplorables who have to suffer because of the lies of the elites and the powerful who never suffer as a result of their failed policies.

We are now learning that the DC Swamp has enlisted the intelligence agencies and the DOJ who are actively engaged is subverting any possibility of the masses being able to actually vote for real change in DC. We are at a tipping point will we be pushed over the edge by the corruption in DC and reelect the Senile old man or will we step back from the edge for a brief 4 years with Trump. Or maybe will we look for real change and Vote for RFK Jr.

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Food, school, media, music, lack of God/morals.

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Stupid squared.

We're now supporting a genocide.

By supporting a genocidal racist apartheid state called israel.

And so many people rationalize this as acceptable.

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Just to get to the core, it's the fluoride, that atrophies the pineal, so any 'higher' guidance is lost. Like loosing your conscience which then leads to all the other shenanigans.

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“…debt financing of EVERYTHING has enabled us to become detached from reality…”

This is a brilliant remark.

However, it does not apply to common people. We still have to go out to work and slave-spend over 40% of our lifetime being very much connected to the reality of daily absence of purpose in life courtesy of our leaders.

But it certainly applies to all high-stake players. Where is the origin of this fiction? The stock exchange. Not the financial system. The stock exchange offers the benefit of “earning” undue revenues based only on the manufactured perception. Or destroying the competition based only on the manufactured perception. Remove the stock exchange from the equation and the economy will self-regulate.

“…we are now seeing is a reversion to the intellectual and emotional life of a 7th grader…”

No way. 7th graders are in a far better position and are far wiser than we, “adults”. Their minds have not been fully fixed, there is still some flexibility and openness - which are absent in adults, especially those who are prominent figures. These have invested their lifetime of choices, cash, fame, they won’t give up even if you show them 100% obvious proof that they are wrong.

As for the “reality” of money. All money is real, fiat or not. The particular amount of money - in exchange for service or product - is always real. The destruction of real (financial) life comes from what is aptly called intangibles. Patents, copyrights, licenses, royalties, goodwill, consulting, advisory services and marketing, the king of fiction. These are the areas where the price tag is completely disconnected from reality. Not because a patent for a drug is indeed so “expensive” - only because when the “intellectual property” is priced at absurd figures, tax reductions may be equally absurd, thus filling pockets of a few greedy “stakeholders” with more undue money. “Undue” meaning not earned, not produced, not created, not generated, simply grabbed off the table.

Remove intangibles from the commerce, and the economic life will self-regulate.

By the way, the so called open source/access and anti-social media are two grand measures whose purpose is to remove copyright and a lot of intellectual property. Someone should do something similar to patents and licensing, and we are starting a journey to stable life on the Earth.

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'Stupid' is a MAJOR UNDERSTATEMENT!!! Individuals are SO STUPID, they are beyond delusional, 'BELIEVING' (as opposed to THINKING) that they are not! At NO OTHER TIME in *cough* 'human' History, have individuals been SO PHUCKING STUPID! MOST have dipped BELOW the 'retarded' line!

NO ONE knows anything about ANYTHING!! I often say, 'I'm surprised that individuals still know how to WIPE THEIR OWN ASS!'!

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