Dr. McCullough

Thanks for shining your light on this horrendous practice. Your wording gives me a good sigh of relief to see you are calling these doctors out, even though you are a doctor yourself.

My strongest shame on these organ transplant doctors! After all that these patients and their families have already gone through, and now this!

I am so angry. It's bad enough that people with comorbidities have to deal with these vaccine and control issues, but people who will die without a new organ?

They have waited and waited for their name to rise to the top of that transplant list; some have waited for YEARS.

How dare these doctors take their LIFE away from them. They are murdering them. That's one way to decrease the population. Sorry to say that, but then again, no, I'm not. The proof of the vaccine harm is OVERWHELMING and UBIQUITOUS. We need lots of light on this.

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Reports already exist of acute corneal transplant rejection after Covid shots, so we know the shots make transplant outcomes worse (at least for some corneal transplants), not better:

* https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34620770/

* https://www.aao.org/editors-choice/two-cases-of-corneal-transplant-rejection-after-co

* https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34690266/

A search for "cornea transplant rejection after vaccination" in DuckDuckGo will reveal more.

Medical murder is happening everywhere. Sadly, most doctors -- NOT Dr. McCullough and other brave truth-tellers, of course -- deny it, are willfully blind to it, are financially and/or ethically compromised, or don't care.

Unfortunately, the answers to your excellent questions are obvious:

1) how long will COVID-19 vaccination remain in organ transplant programs? [Indefinitely]

2) will ISHLT - ... analyze the loss of life BEFORE and AFTER transplantation attributable to COVID-19 vaccination? [NO]

3) will transplant directors ever reverse course and admit vaccination was a mistake? [NO]

4) will doctors and pious ethicists who gave no consideration to safety, efficacy, transplant outcomes ever apologize to the community of transplant patients? [NO]

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It is almost as if the pious ethicists would rather have transplant patients die than give up on the push for a needle in every arm.

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I suspect that all kinds of surgery's are affected by previous transfections. 3 people I know have had heart surgeries just this year and all three had complications. My uncle had a stroke right after the surgery and he stopped eating and died. My neighbor, had a stroke which he is mostly recovered from. My other neighbor had a complication in her lung.

Then, my nephew, 40 years old, had a huge seizure. He almost died but his sister found him and got her finger in his throat. He broke both his legs at the hips and tore up his left shoulder.

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Nov 19, 2022·edited Nov 19, 2022

I don't think I could be any more disgusted. Sick to my stomach disgusted. I will not be donating any organs or blood for the foreseable future.

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We came to the same conclusion, especially after listening to this discussion on America Out Loud between Dr. Marilyn Singleton and Dr. Heidi Klessig: https://www.americaoutloud.com/ethical-considerations-in-organ-donation-with-heidi-klessig-md/

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We have a year of transplant outcomes after forced vaccination. Let’s compare them to outcomes in the past.

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Dr. McC... I have seen this in patients within my own practice. The Transplantists (and, Oncologists, who manifest a similar god complex). are pushing more and more of the eventually fatal COV-vaxxx derivatives on their patients. Very sad...

As to:

"1) how long will COVID-19 vaccination remain in organ transplant programs? 2) will ISHLT - International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation analyze the loss of life BEFORE and AFTER transplantation attributable to COVID-19 vaccination? 3) will transplant directors ever reverse course and admit vaccination was a mistake? 4) will doctors and pious ethicists who gave no consideration to safety, efficacy, transplant outcomes ever apologize to the community of transplant patients?"

Answer key: 1) Until the Ruling Psychopathy tells them to stop or never - whichever comes first; 2) After. Probably 55+ years out; 3) No, but they will conspire how to escape all accountability (blame the un-vaxxxed is my bet); 4) Never. Even when Hell finally becomes a skating rink...

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Is there data comparing successful organ transplants prior to 2020 to 2022? Thats the number we need. If that number is noticeably lower now than it was before, thats the bullet.

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When I read about this criminal decision to deny transplants to the unjabbed, I decided to remove my name from the Organ Donor registry on my driver's license. I will NOT be part of an industry that so shamelessly holds people HOSTAGE by withholding much-needed organs from patients already on the list for transplants. My family also knows my wishes. I did send an email to the registry letting them know the reason for my decision.

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The timing of this post is perfect, and will forward to the Premier of Alberta (Canada). Alberta Health Services has decided to sentence a transplant patient to death due to her vaccination status.


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Dear Dr McCullough God bless you and your new [to me] TheWellnessCenter!! You remain so faithful, clear and academic/articulate in challenging these devils who continue to demand the jabs for people needing organ transplants and literally 'every arm' they can get a jab into. May Jesus provide healing for these patients despite the bioweapons.

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