A big percentage of U.S. citizens buy into identity politics, and they're over-represented in the influential professions like media and academia. Identity politics is about as dead as when it was declared "God is dead", and when "the end of history" was declared. It suffered a major setback, but isn't dead. Its adherents are still there, still have great influence. The struggle for hearts and minds continues.
Just as Claudine Gay lives on, not fired for her plagiarism, just back at her old job as Wilbur A. Cowett Professor of Government and African and African-American Studies at "prestigious" Harvard.
P.S. Mr. Cowett was a wealthy white investment banker and donor to Harvard noted for "financial transactions of great complexity" that were "years in advance of the state of the art." How embarrassing for Dr. Gay.
To excise this intellectual rot amongst the professional class, we really need to have a exorcism of the “studies and “theories” in academia and advance the critique in popular culture. The anti intellectual and incoherent woke nonsense is just so easy to peddle.
we are experiencing how freedom of conscience morphs into the freedom from owning a conscience. As it was in the days of Noah. This is about morality and its disappearance. When it goes? accountability and consequence become meaningless words for those that have been indoctrinated.
yep. There are many things over the years since the sixties that point to this and prove that immorality is in fact stupidity. Amazing how one can keep hitting themselves over the head with the hammer of immoral lies and ignore the pain.. such is brought to bear by government and fiat economics. There is only one thing that can and will stop it and that thing is both prophetic and will be the ultimate sterilization that comes with making bad decisions.. but then there is no longer good and bad, true and false. Its ALL good!
Agreed. I hope getting rid of the Department of Education will also affect universities with spoiled professors who ate mostly bored and agree to anything that will give them more book publications.
scary to consider though.. considering just how attached to the fiat opulence we all are. Taking the DoE will cause chaos much as trying to send the illegals back will as well. Frankly? I believe we are looking a civil unrest the likes we have never seen. Trying to put the moral toothpaste back in the tube will.. well, is it possible? Apparently the Lord did not think so and thus he simply wiped the slate clean of humanity - all but 8.
Anytime you base something in victimhood, you will no doubt find plenty of gullible people looking to take advantage of their so called ‘oppressors’ because it’s easier to take than to give.
True Rokko! Quit being a victim! Grow up and work like the rest of us did. Closer to 80 than 70! They may have an agenda but we don’t have to buy it! We the people proved it this election.
“Tell a child he’s a victim and he will be”. So true John. My eldest son born in 1960 with cerebral palsy and other disabilities was never told he was a victim. On the contrary he was told by me and the family “you can do it” …even with seemingly impossible tasks. Eg he wanted to climb trees like his brothers. Ok. You can do it. He was positioned at the foot of the tree and his brothers and friends assisted him up bit by bit , until he sat on the branches with them. Laughing and joking all of them at the sheer silliness of it all. (Won’t tell you how many times he slipped or they lost grip on him. He didn’t care about the cuts and bruises. Tough as old boots as we say here in England ) He had his arm held up in a victory salute. He’s 64 now and people say he’s an inspiration because in spite of EVERYTHING that’s ever happened to him (I was asked to write a book but never had time and no one would believe the things he’s gone through and survived anyway ) he NEVER gives up, never complains. Always laughing … one day last year I asked him if I did the right thing and he said “yes of course you did “ and the next day I received a lovely gift that he’d gone to the shop by himself and carefully chosen something he knew I’d like. So I’m glad I took that route with him…glad I lived at that time period …nowadays I would have been arrested and put in jail for child cruelty I suppose …elf’n’safety you know …lol
And NY just codified the imaginary noncept of 'gender identity' into their constitution. I wish it were true that 'woke' is dead, but in fact there is a long way to go. Let's "do the work" and put wokeness six feet under.
I just sent some large packets of books to people who should have known better but took "the JAB" anyway---because they were afraid....
These packages included: THE COURAGE TO FACE COVID 19; THE GLOBAL PREDATORS; WE ARE THE PREY--CORONA FALSE ALARM[bhakdi et al]--CAUSE UNKNOWN(ed dowd]-- ON LIBERTY (rfk book/essay} and more....
These books were sent to "highly educated" people--so I know they read a lot. I will probably be "unfriended"...but I don't care anymore.
Yep, my own wife is one of them (don’t ask), but at least I convinced her that we should not take any of the clot shots. But friendships be damned if they want to end it over woke nonsense
I agree Sharon. Only two states went MORE blue this election cycle. WA and Utah. Sadly not surprising. WA prob allowed more illegals to vote and there are a few more wealthy thinking being "woke" is a sad way to protect their wealth. Not to mention GATES is holding many institutions hostage. Maybe we can change that when they realize Trumps not an authoritarian/dictator. As for Utah (of which I'm very familiar) is saturated with CA/illegal migration. It's destroying their culture! But the dominant religion is doing a fine job of that by themselves.
I'm pretty hopeful. The election voting maps showed Texas and Florida - where many Latinos live swelled for Trump. Benny Johnson's live returns coverage also indicated zero black urban support for Harris. I saw many man on the street interviews and in black barbershops with guys talking about being better off under Trump, voting for Trump, and ex-cons praising Trump for signing the First Steps act, and trashing Harris the Top Cop. It's only liberal whites and Hollywood that I can see left.
Horseshit. People who criticize Israeli POLICY are criticizing Israeli POLICY. Which anyone not fond of genocidal, industrial scale slaughter, has every right to do, and should always have the right to do. Before you reach for the worn-out "anti-semite" canard, know that I'm Jewish. It is the nutcase Zionists who will increase actual hatred against Jews, by equating this supremacist slaughter with being Jewish. Say that enough times, and the rest of the world will believe you.
I agree 100%. Please note that my comment was sarcastic, but I can see how it could be taken as serious. I'm Jewish on my dad's side, so technically not Jewish, but I identify as part Jew, and I am opposed to Zionism.
No, it misses the mark. Marx analyzed the functioning of capitalism, and defined the proletariat as a class by its relationship to the means of production. Wage labor versus Capital. This is not at all the same as identity politics. In a way, it is John (and others, like James Lindsay) who are "grafting" Marxism onto something completely different.
Pointless talking about the fires in our failed society without exposing the arsonists.
The left-right paradigm has long since been hijacked and used to sow the seeds of animosity and division through identity politics. The corruption is so rampant that Americans have long been justified in acting upon the Second Amendment, as the scenario we have been living through for the past 25 years is exactly why the Founding Fathers created it.
We need to rise up, expose the arsonists, overthrow, and revamp the entire system. Any deviation from this simply means we watch our grandchildren suffer horrifically for our cowardice and willful ignorance. There is no compromise.
They will never let us vote our way out of these problems and the majority of Americans, authors and self-proclaimed political intellects, are either oblivious, or afraid to name the unnamable who are truly in power. “If you want to know who is in charge, simply look at who it is illegal to criticize” because as long as ((they)) operate under the veil of anonymity, they will continue to orchestrate our collective demise with impunity and no amount of elections or activism will make a dent in our collective suffering.
"Pointless talking about the fires in our failed society without exposing the arsonists."
Yes you are quite right....figuratively and literally...Do you think PARADISE VALLEY and MAUI were natural fires?....Weather warfare researcher Dane Wigington has done extensive research and has posted it his copiously documented website. Weather is being used against helpless civilians to murder and to plunder. Who will defend us from this?
The arsonists I’m referring to is an analogy for the ruling establishment that owns the banks, Media, HollyWood, immigration, big Pharma, and holds sway over the judiciary.
The fires I am referring to is the destruction of our culture and replacement of multi generational north Americans with a Weaponized immigration system, but also a Weaponized economy.
Warning this is frightening material....especially if you have spent the last 2O years or so pretending nothing is happening with all those white trails laid in criss-cross patterns on your sky....
It will fizzle out with the lack of money, and no longer has a propagating vehicle in the young.
The young men, getting a boost of testosterone and hope from Elon's rockets, were only looking for the smallest excuse to re-find their power. The young women will quickly say they love rocket politics far more than abortion politics.
Unfortunately it leaves behind some very confused and rudderless young people who bought into it. How do we save them? The cruel leaders who fed them this garbage will not suffer, nor will they care. They simply move on. We must reach out to the young who are mired in this ideology of victimhood and help them to realize the joy in life of self reliance, good character and setting and reaching goals. I pray we can be successful.
A big percentage of U.S. citizens buy into identity politics, and they're over-represented in the influential professions like media and academia. Identity politics is about as dead as when it was declared "God is dead", and when "the end of history" was declared. It suffered a major setback, but isn't dead. Its adherents are still there, still have great influence. The struggle for hearts and minds continues.
Just as Claudine Gay lives on, not fired for her plagiarism, just back at her old job as Wilbur A. Cowett Professor of Government and African and African-American Studies at "prestigious" Harvard.
P.S. Mr. Cowett was a wealthy white investment banker and donor to Harvard noted for "financial transactions of great complexity" that were "years in advance of the state of the art." How embarrassing for Dr. Gay.
Suburban, upper middle class white women finally opened their eyes.
Identity politics is alive(undead) and well amongst Canada’s PMC.
To excise this intellectual rot amongst the professional class, we really need to have a exorcism of the “studies and “theories” in academia and advance the critique in popular culture. The anti intellectual and incoherent woke nonsense is just so easy to peddle.
we are experiencing how freedom of conscience morphs into the freedom from owning a conscience. As it was in the days of Noah. This is about morality and its disappearance. When it goes? accountability and consequence become meaningless words for those that have been indoctrinated.
As per Hannah Arendt. Truth is irrelevant to these people and means nothing. They live among us.
yep. There are many things over the years since the sixties that point to this and prove that immorality is in fact stupidity. Amazing how one can keep hitting themselves over the head with the hammer of immoral lies and ignore the pain.. such is brought to bear by government and fiat economics. There is only one thing that can and will stop it and that thing is both prophetic and will be the ultimate sterilization that comes with making bad decisions.. but then there is no longer good and bad, true and false. Its ALL good!
Yes, it's naive to think the pushers of this sickness have gone away.
Agreed. I hope getting rid of the Department of Education will also affect universities with spoiled professors who ate mostly bored and agree to anything that will give them more book publications.
scary to consider though.. considering just how attached to the fiat opulence we all are. Taking the DoE will cause chaos much as trying to send the illegals back will as well. Frankly? I believe we are looking a civil unrest the likes we have never seen. Trying to put the moral toothpaste back in the tube will.. well, is it possible? Apparently the Lord did not think so and thus he simply wiped the slate clean of humanity - all but 8.
referring to the flood and the Bible statement that as it was in the days of Noah so shall the end times be. Only 8 humans were on the ark.
Last I heard...every "vaccine" your child receives will be mRNA....
Anytime you base something in victimhood, you will no doubt find plenty of gullible people looking to take advantage of their so called ‘oppressors’ because it’s easier to take than to give.
True Rokko! Quit being a victim! Grow up and work like the rest of us did. Closer to 80 than 70! They may have an agenda but we don’t have to buy it! We the people proved it this election.
Of course. Its about choice. A good work ethic and reciprocal attitudes is conscious effort.
Bury DEI deep in an un-Marxed plot.
“Tell a child he’s a victim and he will be”. So true John. My eldest son born in 1960 with cerebral palsy and other disabilities was never told he was a victim. On the contrary he was told by me and the family “you can do it” …even with seemingly impossible tasks. Eg he wanted to climb trees like his brothers. Ok. You can do it. He was positioned at the foot of the tree and his brothers and friends assisted him up bit by bit , until he sat on the branches with them. Laughing and joking all of them at the sheer silliness of it all. (Won’t tell you how many times he slipped or they lost grip on him. He didn’t care about the cuts and bruises. Tough as old boots as we say here in England ) He had his arm held up in a victory salute. He’s 64 now and people say he’s an inspiration because in spite of EVERYTHING that’s ever happened to him (I was asked to write a book but never had time and no one would believe the things he’s gone through and survived anyway ) he NEVER gives up, never complains. Always laughing … one day last year I asked him if I did the right thing and he said “yes of course you did “ and the next day I received a lovely gift that he’d gone to the shop by himself and carefully chosen something he knew I’d like. So I’m glad I took that route with him…glad I lived at that time period …nowadays I would have been arrested and put in jail for child cruelty I suppose …elf’n’safety you know …lol
not where I live (MA)
the crazies plan to do everything they can to destroy Trump
good luck...he/we are not playing their games anymore. buckle up.
Massachusetts is at least the armpit of New England, when it comes to woke ideology.
And NY just codified the imaginary noncept of 'gender identity' into their constitution. I wish it were true that 'woke' is dead, but in fact there is a long way to go. Let's "do the work" and put wokeness six feet under.
I just sent some large packets of books to people who should have known better but took "the JAB" anyway---because they were afraid....
These packages included: THE COURAGE TO FACE COVID 19; THE GLOBAL PREDATORS; WE ARE THE PREY--CORONA FALSE ALARM[bhakdi et al]--CAUSE UNKNOWN(ed dowd]-- ON LIBERTY (rfk book/essay} and more....
These books were sent to "highly educated" people--so I know they read a lot. I will probably be "unfriended"...but I don't care anymore.
Yep, my own wife is one of them (don’t ask), but at least I convinced her that we should not take any of the clot shots. But friendships be damned if they want to end it over woke nonsense
Yes, I'm in WA state. Here, I think, though, since the crazies are far removed from DC, they may just settle for abusing WA state's Middle Class.
If you let them...I'm in WA too. Don't let them.
I am in WA too, feeling swamped. I wish there was some way to eliminate our mail in ballots, which make everything suspect.
I agree Sharon. Only two states went MORE blue this election cycle. WA and Utah. Sadly not surprising. WA prob allowed more illegals to vote and there are a few more wealthy thinking being "woke" is a sad way to protect their wealth. Not to mention GATES is holding many institutions hostage. Maybe we can change that when they realize Trumps not an authoritarian/dictator. As for Utah (of which I'm very familiar) is saturated with CA/illegal migration. It's destroying their culture! But the dominant religion is doing a fine job of that by themselves.
Glenn Morgan gives me a little bit of hope:
Great video
I didn't know WA went more blue.
It always seemed phoney and contrived because it is. It benefits the Top "Preisthood".
True. I wouldn't refer to it in the past tense though.
DEI will not die a silent death, especially if the root of the problem- communist & divisive acedemia- aren’t thoroughly plowed through.
I'm pretty hopeful. The election voting maps showed Texas and Florida - where many Latinos live swelled for Trump. Benny Johnson's live returns coverage also indicated zero black urban support for Harris. I saw many man on the street interviews and in black barbershops with guys talking about being better off under Trump, voting for Trump, and ex-cons praising Trump for signing the First Steps act, and trashing Harris the Top Cop. It's only liberal whites and Hollywood that I can see left.
Except for people who criticize Israeli policy. They should obviously still be called anti-semites and Jew haters. LOL
Horseshit. People who criticize Israeli POLICY are criticizing Israeli POLICY. Which anyone not fond of genocidal, industrial scale slaughter, has every right to do, and should always have the right to do. Before you reach for the worn-out "anti-semite" canard, know that I'm Jewish. It is the nutcase Zionists who will increase actual hatred against Jews, by equating this supremacist slaughter with being Jewish. Say that enough times, and the rest of the world will believe you.
I agree 100%. Please note that my comment was sarcastic, but I can see how it could be taken as serious. I'm Jewish on my dad's side, so technically not Jewish, but I identify as part Jew, and I am opposed to Zionism.
This is the best fast summary of the new Marxism I have read.
No, it misses the mark. Marx analyzed the functioning of capitalism, and defined the proletariat as a class by its relationship to the means of production. Wage labor versus Capital. This is not at all the same as identity politics. In a way, it is John (and others, like James Lindsay) who are "grafting" Marxism onto something completely different.
It sure is. John distilled it for us.
Pointless talking about the fires in our failed society without exposing the arsonists.
The left-right paradigm has long since been hijacked and used to sow the seeds of animosity and division through identity politics. The corruption is so rampant that Americans have long been justified in acting upon the Second Amendment, as the scenario we have been living through for the past 25 years is exactly why the Founding Fathers created it.
We need to rise up, expose the arsonists, overthrow, and revamp the entire system. Any deviation from this simply means we watch our grandchildren suffer horrifically for our cowardice and willful ignorance. There is no compromise.
They will never let us vote our way out of these problems and the majority of Americans, authors and self-proclaimed political intellects, are either oblivious, or afraid to name the unnamable who are truly in power. “If you want to know who is in charge, simply look at who it is illegal to criticize” because as long as ((they)) operate under the veil of anonymity, they will continue to orchestrate our collective demise with impunity and no amount of elections or activism will make a dent in our collective suffering.
"Pointless talking about the fires in our failed society without exposing the arsonists."
Yes you are quite right....figuratively and literally...Do you think PARADISE VALLEY and MAUI were natural fires?....Weather warfare researcher Dane Wigington has done extensive research and has posted it his copiously documented website. Weather is being used against helpless civilians to murder and to plunder. Who will defend us from this?
The arsonists I’m referring to is an analogy for the ruling establishment that owns the banks, Media, HollyWood, immigration, big Pharma, and holds sway over the judiciary.
The fires I am referring to is the destruction of our culture and replacement of multi generational north Americans with a Weaponized immigration system, but also a Weaponized economy.
Here is Dane's website: https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org
Warning this is frightening material....especially if you have spent the last 2O years or so pretending nothing is happening with all those white trails laid in criss-cross patterns on your sky....
I hope you are right!
Affirmative Action ended in court!
DEI is Affirmative Action reborn.
Public or private, merit should always be the standard.
I disagree with you. Identity politics are alive for the many millions who voted for V. P. Harris to be President.
It will fizzle out with the lack of money, and no longer has a propagating vehicle in the young.
The young men, getting a boost of testosterone and hope from Elon's rockets, were only looking for the smallest excuse to re-find their power. The young women will quickly say they love rocket politics far more than abortion politics.
Yes, that's the thing, the money behind it. The ol' gravy train isn't getting out of the station without fuel.
Unfortunately it leaves behind some very confused and rudderless young people who bought into it. How do we save them? The cruel leaders who fed them this garbage will not suffer, nor will they care. They simply move on. We must reach out to the young who are mired in this ideology of victimhood and help them to realize the joy in life of self reliance, good character and setting and reaching goals. I pray we can be successful.
Tell them to watch Elon's rocket booster parallel park, and hear the massive cheers in so many vids.